
Defines functions rd_query_method_return rd_query_method_param rd_query_is_facets now eval_with_bang vb to_title_case trim_ws unlst

# a little bit faster
unlst <- function(x) unlist(x, FALSE, FALSE)

trim_ws <- function(x) sub("\\s*$", "", sub("^\\s*", "", x))

to_title_case <- function(x) {
    sub("(.)", "\\U\\1", gsub("_", " ", x, fixed = TRUE), perl = TRUE)

verbose <- function (..., sep = "") {
    if (getOption("epwshiftr.verbose", FALSE)) {
        cat(..., "\n", sep = sep)

vb <- function(expr) {
    if (!getOption("epwshiftr.verbose", FALSE)) return()

eval_with_bang <- function(..., .env = parent.frame()) {
    l <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
    assert_list(l, .var.name = "Input", min.len = 1L)
    lapply(l, function(elem) {
        if (!is.symbol(elem) && !is.null(elem) && elem[[1L]] == "!") {
            negate <- TRUE
            elem[[1L]] <- as.name("c")
        } else {
            negate <- FALSE

        list(value = eval(elem, .env), negate = negate)

now <- function() {
    t <- Sys.time()
    attr(t, "tzone") <- Sys.timezone()

# nocov start
rd_query_is_facets <- function(x) {
    x %in% c("facets", "fields", "shards", "replica", "latest", "type", "limit", "offset", "distrib")

rd_query_method_param <- function(method, type, negate, default, nullable = TRUE) {
    val_quote <- if (grepl("character|string", type)) '"' else ""
    def_quote <- if (!missing(default) && is.null(default)) "" else val_quote
    rd <- c(
            paste("The", if (rd_query_is_facets(method)) "facet" else "", "parameter value."),
            if (!missing(default)) {
                sprintf("Default: \\code{%s%s%s}.", def_quote, if (is.null(default)) "NULL" else default, def_quote)

        "There are two options:",
        "\\item If \\code{value} is not given, current value is returned.",
            sprintf("\\item %s %s%s.", if (type == "integer") "An" else "A", type, if (nullable) " or \\code{NULL}" else ""),
        if (method %in% c("fields", "facets")) {
                    "The special notation \\code{\"*\"} can be used to indicate that",
                    "all available %s should be considered."
        if (!missing(negate)) {
                    "Note that you can put a preceding \\code{!} to negate the facet constraints.",
                    "For example, \\code{$%s(!c(%s))} searches for all \\code{%s}s except for",
                method, paste0(val_quote, negate, val_quote, collapse = ", "),
                method, paste0("\\code{", negate, "}", collapse = " and ")

    paste(rd, collapse = "\n")

rd_query_method_return <- function() {
        "\\item If \\code{value} is given, the modified \\code{EsgfQuery} object.",
            "\\item Otherwise, an \\code{EsgfQueryParam} object which is essentially a list of three elements:",
                "\\item \\code{value}: input values.",
                "\\item \\code{negate}: Whether there is a preceding \\code{!}.",
                "\\item \\code{name}: Parameter name.",
# nocov end

#' Get the package data storage directory
#' If option `epwshiftr.dir` is set, use it. Otherwise, get package data storage
#' directory using [rappdirs::user_data_dir()].
#' @param init If TRUE, the directory will be created if not exists.
#' @param force If TRUE, issue an error if the directory does not exist.
#' @return A single string indicating the directory location.
#' @importFrom rappdirs user_data_dir
#' @importFrom checkmate test_directory_exists
#' @noRd
.data_dir <- function (init = FALSE, force = TRUE) {

    d <- getOption("epwshiftr.dir", NULL)
    if (is.null(d)) {
        # nocov start
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
            d <- normalizePath(rappdirs::user_data_dir(appauthor = "epwshiftr"), mustWork = FALSE)
        } else {
            d <- normalizePath(rappdirs::user_data_dir(appname = "epwshiftr"), mustWork = FALSE)
        # nocov end

        if (init && !dir.exists(d)) {
            verbose(sprintf("Creating %s package data storage directory '%s'", "epwshiftr", d))
            dir.create(d, recursive = TRUE)
    } else {
        # make sure user specified directory exists
        d <- normalizePath(d, mustWork = FALSE)
        init <- FALSE
        force <- TRUE

    if ((init || force) && !test_directory_exists(d, "rw")) {
        stop(sprintf("%s package data storage directory '%s' does not exists or is not writable.",
            "epwshiftr", d


# get rid of R CMD check NOTEs on global variables
    ".BY", ".I", ".N", ".SD", "J", ".GRP", "activity_drs", "alpha", "attribute",
    "country", "data_node", "datetime", "datetime_end", "datetime_start",
    "day_of_year", "degree_Celsius", "delta", "dew_point_temperature",
    "diffuse_horizontal_radiation", "direct_normal_radiation", "dl_percent",
    "dry_bulb_temperature", "epw_max", "epw_mean", "epw_min", "experiment_id",
    "file_id", "file_path", "file_realsize", "file_size",
    "horizontal_infrared_radiation_intensity_from_sky", "hour",
    "i.datetime_end", "i.datetime_start", "i.diffuse_horizontal_radiation",
    "i.opaque_sky_cover", "i.relative_humidity", "i.val_max", "i.val_mean",
    "i.val_min", "i.value", "id", "index", "index_case", "institution_id",
    "lat", "latitude", "location", "lon", "longitude", "member_id", "name",
    "natts", "opaque_sky_cover", "ping", "relative_humidity", "source_id",
    "source_type", "state_province", "table_id", "title", "total_sky_cover",
    "val_max", "val_mean", "val_min", "value", "value_max", "value_min",
    "variable", "wmo_number", "file_mtime", "i.file_path", "i.interval",
    "interval", "time_calendar", "time_units", "overlap", "frequency",
    "ind_lon", "ind_lat", "ord_lon", "ord_lat", "dist", "num_years", "type",
    "year", "status"
hongyuanjia/epwshiftr documentation built on March 14, 2024, 9:17 a.m.