`rformulate.mstate` <- function (formula, data = parent.frame(), ratetable, na.action,
rmap, int, centered, cause)
# Function rformulate taken from relsurv and adapted for use in mstate.
call <- match.call()
m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- m[c(1, match(c("formula", "data", "cause"), names(m),
nomatch = 0))]
m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
Terms <- if (missing(data))
terms(formula, specials = c("strata", "ratetable"))
else terms(formula, specials = c("strata", "ratetable"),
data = data)
Term2 <- Terms
rate <- attr(Terms, "specials")$ratetable
if (length(rate) > 1)
stop("Can have only 1 ratetable() call in a formula")
if (!missing(rmap)) {
if (length(rate) > 0)
stop("cannot have both ratetable() in the formula and a rmap argument")
rcall <- rmap
if (!is.call(rcall) || rcall[[1]] != as.name("list"))
stop("Invalid rcall argument")
else if (length(rate) > 0) {
stemp <- untangle.specials(Terms, "ratetable")
rcall <- as.call(parse(text = stemp$var)[[1]])
rcall[[1]] <- as.name("list")
Term2 <- Term2[-stemp$terms]
else rcall <- NULL
if (is.ratetable(ratetable)) {
israte <- TRUE
dimid <- names(dimnames(ratetable))
if (is.null(dimid))
dimid <- attr(ratetable, "dimid")
else attr(ratetable, "dimid") <- dimid
temp <- match(names(rcall)[-1], dimid)
if (any(is.na(temp)))
stop("Variable not found in the ratetable:", (names(rcall))[is.na(temp)])
if (any(!(dimid %in% names(rcall)))) {
to.add <- dimid[!(dimid %in% names(rcall))]
temp1 <- paste(text = paste(to.add, to.add, sep = "="),
collapse = ",")
if (is.null(rcall))
rcall <- parse(text = paste("list(", temp1,
else {
temp2 <- deparse(rcall)
rcall <- parse(text = paste("c(", temp2, ",list(",
temp1, "))"))[[1]]
else stop("invalid ratetable")
newvar <- all.vars(rcall)
if (length(newvar) > 0) {
tform <- paste(paste(deparse(Term2), collapse = ""),
paste(newvar, collapse = "+"), sep = "+")
m$formula <- as.formula(tform, environment(Terms))
m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
n <- nrow(m)
if (n == 0)
stop("data set has 0 rows")
Y <- stats::model.extract(m, "response")
offset <- model.offset(m)
if (length(offset) == 0)
offset <- rep(0, n)
if (!is.Surv(Y))
stop("Response must be a survival object")
Y.surv <- Y
if (attr(Y, "type") == "right") {
type <- attr(Y, "type")
status <- Y[, 2]
Y <- Y[, 1]
start <- rep(0, n)
ncol0 <- 2
else if (attr(Y, "type") == "counting") {
type <- attr(Y, "type")
status <- Y[, 3]
start <- Y[, 1]
Y <- Y[, 2]
ncol0 <- 3
else stop("Illegal response value")
if (any(c(Y, start) < 0))
stop("Negative follow up time")
if (max(Y) < 30)
warning("The event times must be expressed in days! (Your max time in the data is less than 30 days) \n")
rdata <- data.frame(eval(rcall, m), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
rtemp <- match.ratetable.mstate(rdata, ratetable)
R <- rtemp$R
cutpoints <- rtemp$cutpoints
if (is.null(attr(ratetable, "factor")))
attr(ratetable, "factor") <- (attr(ratetable, "type") ==
attr(ratetable, "dimid") <- dimid
rtorig <- attributes(ratetable)
nrt <- length(rtorig$dimid)
wh.age <- which(dimid == "age")
wh.year <- which(dimid == "year")
if (length(wh.age) > 0) {
if (max(R[, wh.age]) < 150 & stats::median(diff(cutpoints[[wh.age]])) >
warning("Age in the ratetable part of the formula must be expressed in days! \n (Your max age is less than 150 days) \n")
if (length(wh.year) > 0) {
if (min(R[, wh.year]) > 1850 & max(R[, wh.year]) < 2020 &
inherits(cutpoints[[wh.year]], "rtdate"))
warning("The calendar year must be one of the date classes (Date, date, POSIXt)\n (Your variable seems to be expressed in years) \n")
if (nrt != ncol(R)) {
nonex <- which(is.na(match(rtorig$dimid, attributes(ratetable)$dimid)))
for (it in nonex) {
if (rtorig$type[it] != 1)
warning(paste("Variable ", rtorig$dimid[it],
" is held fixed even though it changes in time in the population tables. \n (You may wish to set a value for each individual and not just one value for all)",
sep = ""))
strats <- attr(Term2, "specials")$strata
if (length(strats)) {
temp_str <- untangle.specials(Term2, "strata", 1)
if (length(temp_str$vars) == 1)
strata.keep <- m[[temp_str$vars]]
else strata.keep <- strata(m[, temp_str$vars], shortlabel = TRUE,
sep = ",")
Term2 <- Term2[-temp_str$terms]
else strata.keep <- factor(rep(1, n))
if (!missing(cause))
strata.keep <- factor(rep(1, n))
attr(Term2, "intercept") <- 1
X <- model.matrix(Term2, m)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
mm <- ncol(X)
if (mm > 0 && !missing(centered) && centered) {
mvalue <- colMeans(X)
X <- X - rep(mvalue, each = nrow(X))
else mvalue <- double(mm)
cause <- stats::model.extract(m, "cause")
if (is.null(cause))
cause <- rep(2, nrow(m))
keep <- Y > start
if (!missing(int)) {
int <- max(int)
status[Y > int * 365.241] <- 0
Y <- pmin(Y, int * 365.241)
keep <- keep & (start < int * 365.241)
if (any(start > Y) | any(Y < 0))
stop("Negative follow-up times")
if (!all(keep)) {
X <- X[keep, , drop = FALSE]
Y <- Y[keep]
start <- start[keep]
status <- status[keep]
R <- R[keep, , drop = FALSE]
strata.keep <- strata.keep[keep]
offset <- offset[keep]
Y.surv <- Y.surv[keep, , drop = FALSE]
cause <- cause[keep]
n <- sum(keep)
rdata <- rdata[keep, ]
temp <- R
names(temp) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(temp))
data <- data.frame(start = start, Y = Y, stat = status,
if (mm != 0)
data <- cbind(data, X)
attr(ratetable, "cutpoints") <- lapply(cutpoints, function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "rtabledate"))
class(x) <- "date"
out <- list(data = data, R = R, status = status, start = start,
Y = Y, X = as.data.frame(X), m = mm, n = n, type = type,
Y.surv = Y.surv, Terms = Terms, ratetable = ratetable,
offset = offset, formula = formula, cause = cause, mvalue = mvalue,
strata.keep = strata.keep)
na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
if (length(na.action))
out$na.action <- na.action
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