
Defines functions corrMatInv estParaGamma estParaQ estParaWBayesian

Documented in corrMatInv estParaGamma estParaQ estParaWBayesian

#' @title Generate an inversed correlation matrix between expression profiles of species
#' @name corrMatInv
#' @description Generate an inversed correlation matrix between expression profiles of species
#' @param objects a vector of objects of class \code{taxonExp} or an object of class \code{taxaExp}
#' @param taxa one single character or a vector of characters specifying main taxa to generate
#' an inversed correlation matrix.
#' If one single character "all" is given,
#' all the taxa included in the \code{taxaExp} will be matched and included ("all" by default).
#' @param subtaxa one single character specifying sub taxa to be included in generating
#' an inversed corrlation matrix.
#' @param method specifying which distance method (Spearman or Pearson) to be used
#' to estimate correlations between expression profiles ("spe" by default)
#' @return returns an  inversed correlation matrix
#' @export
corrMatInv = function(objects = NULL, taxa = "all", subtaxa = NULL, method = c("spe", "pea")) {

  method <- match.arg(method)

  dis.mat <- expdist(objects, taxa = taxa,subtaxa = subtaxa, method = method)
  corr.mat <- as.matrix(1 - as.dist(dis.mat))
  diag(corr.mat) <- 1


#' @title Estimation of parameters of selection strength Gamma Distribution
#' @name estParaGamma
#' @description Estimation of parameters of selection strength Gamma Distribution
#' @param exptable an expression level table: column corresponds to median expression value of all biological samples
#' within one taxa_subtaxa group; row corresponds to othologous genes
#' @param corrmatinv an inversed correlation matrix between specie
#' @return returns a vector of parameters estimated from gamma distribution
#' @export
estParaGamma = function(exptable = NULL, corrmatinv = NULL) {

  species_mean_exp_levels <- apply(exptable, 1, mean) # mean expression value of orthologous genes

  species_num <- ncol(exptable)
  gene_num <- nrow(exptable)

  if (ncol(corrmatinv) != species_num) {

    stop(paste0(date(),": species number in expression table and matrix do not match!"))


  Q_gene <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = gene_num)

  for (k in 1:gene_num) { # for each orthologous gene

    for (i in 1:species_num) { # for each species

      for (j in 1:species_num) {

        Q_gene[k] = Q_gene[k] + corrmatinv[i,j] *
          (exptable[k,i] - species_mean_exp_levels[k]) *
          (exptable[k,j] - species_mean_exp_levels[k])


  Q_fstm_est <- mean(Q_gene)
  Q_sndm_est <- mean(Q_gene^2)
  H_est <- Q_sndm_est / Q_fstm_est^2

  alpha_est <- 2 + (1 + 2/species_num) / (H_est - (1 + 2/species_num))
  W_est <- alpha_est / (alpha_est - 1) * species_num / Q_fstm_est

  para_vec <- c(alpha_est, W_est, Q_fstm_est, Q_sndm_est, H_est, species_num, gene_num)

  names(para_vec) <- c("alpha", "W", "Q", "Qnd", "H", "speNum", "geneNum")


#' @title Estimation of parameter Q from expression table
#' @name estParaQ
#' @description Estimation of parameter Q from expression table
#' @param exptable an exprssion level table: column corresponds to median expression value of all biological samples
#' within one taxa_subtaxa group; row corresponds to othologous genes
#' @param corrmatinv an inversed correlation matrix between species
#' @return returns a vector of parameter Qs from given expression table
#' @export
estParaQ = function(exptable = NULL, corrmatinv = NULL) {

  species_mean_exp_levels <- apply(exptable, 1, mean) # mean expression value of orthologous genes

  species_num <- ncol(exptable)
  gene_num <- nrow(exptable)

  if (ncol(corrmatinv) != species_num) {

    stop(paste0(date(),": species number in expression table and matrix do not match!"))


  Q_gene <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = gene_num)

  for (k in 1:gene_num) { # for each orthologous gene

    for (i in 1:species_num) { # for each species

      for (j in 1:species_num) {

        Q_gene[k] = Q_gene[k] + corrmatinv[i,j] *
          (exptable[k,i] - species_mean_exp_levels[k]) *
          (exptable[k,j] - species_mean_exp_levels[k])




#' @title Bayesian estimation of expression conservation from previous data set
#' @name  estParaWBayesian
#' @description Bayesian estimation of expression conservation from previous data set
#' @param qgene a vector specifying parameter Q estimated from \code{estParaQ}
#' @param gammaparas a vector specifying parameters estimated from \code{estParaGamma}
#' @return returns a vector of exptations and confidence intervals of parameter Ws estimated from previous Q estimation
#' @export
estParaWBayesian = function(Q_gene = NULL, gammaparas = NULL) {

  W_gene_exp <- numeric(length = length(Q_gene))

  alpha_est <- gammaparas[[1]]
  W_est <- gammaparas[[2]]
  species_num <- gammaparas[[6]]

  for (i in 1:length(Q_gene)) {

    W_gene_exp[i] <- (alpha_est + species_num / 2) /
      (alpha_est + Q_gene[i] * W_est) * W_est


  W_gene_var <- (W_est ^ 2) / (alpha_est + species_num / 2) * W_gene_exp ^ 2

  tmp <- sqrt(W_gene_var) * qgamma(0.025, alpha_est)
  W_gene_ci95 <- cbind(W_gene_exp - tmp, W_gene_exp + tmp)

  list(exp=W_gene_exp, ci95=W_gene_ci95)
hr1912/phyExp documentation built on July 13, 2019, 5:18 p.m.