#' Get predictions
#' This function is a convenience wrapper around the `get_final_models()` and `compute_predictions()` functions.
#' @param REGIONS `character`, the `task.id` identifiers and the list of area of study
#' @param LRN_IDS `character`, the `learner.id` identifiers and the list of learners
#' @param mod.dir `character`, the path to the directory of the model, usually set to `PATH`
#' @param TARGET `logical`, default to `TRUE`, toggle the target or training datasets
#' @param TUNE_FS `logical`, toggle the behaviour for the feature selection
#' @return a named list of predictions
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
get_predictions <- function(REGIONS, LRN_IDS, mod.dir, TARGET = TRUE, REDUCED, TUNE_FS){
mods <- get_final_models(mod.dir, REGIONS, TUNE_FS)
preds <- compute_predictions(REGIONS, mods, TARGET, TUNE_FS)
#' Retrieve the final (optimal) models
#' @param mod.dir `character`, the path to the directory of the model, usually set to `PATH`
#' @param REGIONS `character`, the `task.id` identifiers and the list of area of study
#' @param TUNE_FS `logical`, toggle the behaviour for the feature selection
#' @return a named list of models
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
get_final_models <- function(mod.dir, REGIONS, TUNE_FS){
if (!TUNE_FS){
mods <- lapply(REGIONS, function(reg) readRDS(file.path(mod.dir, paste0(reg, "_final.Rds"))))
} else {
dirList <- list.dirs(PATH, recursive = FALSE)
pattern <- "_FS_"
dirList <- dirList[grepl(pattern, dirList)]
fileList <- lapply(dirList, function(dir) list.files(dir, pattern = "_final.Rds"))
dirList <- dirList[which(sapply(fileList, length) != 0)]
FS_NUM_LIST <- sapply(dirList, function(dir) unlist(strsplit(dir, pattern))[2])
FS_NUM_LIST <- as.numeric(FS_NUM_LIST)
# bestFeatureSets <- readRDS("./data/FS/bestFeatureSets_MLR_Predict.Rds")
mods <- list()
for (i in seq_along(REGIONS)){
reg <- REGIONS[i]
lrn_ids <- (bestFeatureSets %>% dplyr::filter(task.id == reg))$learner.id
mods[[i]] <- lapply(lrn_ids, function(lrn){
dir <- dirList[FS_NUM_LIST == (bestFeatureSets %>% dplyr::filter(task.id == reg, learner.id == lrn))$min]
mod <- readRDS(file.path(dir, paste0(reg, "_final.Rds")))
mod$mods[names(mod$mods) != lrn] <- NULL
names(mods[[i]]) <- lrn_ids
names(mods) <- REGIONS
#' Retrieve the final (optimal) models
#' @param REGIONS `character`, the `task.id` identifiers and the list of area of study
#' @param mods a named list of models returned by `get_final_models()`
#' @param TARGET `logical`, default to `TRUE`, toggle the target or training datasets
#' @param TUNE_FS `logical`, toggle the behaviour for the feature selection
#' @return a named list with predictions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import progress
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
compute_predictions <- function(REGIONS, mods, TARGET, TUNE_FS){
pb <- progress_bar$new(format = "[:bar] :current/:total - :percent in :elapsed/:eta \n", total = length(REGIONS), show_after = 0)
preds <- list()
for (i in seq_along(REGIONS)){
region <- REGIONS[i]
if (!TUNE_FS){
training_data <- mods[[region]]$training_data
target_data <- training_data$data
labels <- training_data$labels
} else {
labels <- NULL
target_data <- get_target_data(region)
raw_target_data <- sanitize_data(target_data)
target_data <- preproc_data(raw_target_data, mods[[region]]$ppc, labels)
l.pred <- lapply(LRN_IDS, function(lrn){
predict(mods[[region]]$mods[[lrn]], newdata = target_data)
names(l.pred) <- LRN_IDS
preds[[i]] <- list(pred = l.pred, labels = labels)
} else {
l.pred <- lapply(LRN_IDS, function(lrn){
training_data <- mods[[region]][[lrn]]$training_data
target_data <- training_data$data
labels <- training_data$labels
} else {
labels <- NULL
target_data <- get_target_data(region)
raw_target_data <- sanitize_data(target_data)
selectedFeatures <- colnames(mods[[region]][[lrn]]$training_data$data)
raw_target_data <- raw_target_data[, colnames(raw_target_data) %in% selectedFeatures]
target_data <- preproc_data(raw_target_data, mods[[region]][[lrn]]$ppc, labels)
target_data <- target_data$data
predict(mods[[region]][[lrn]]$mods[[lrn]], newdata = target_data)
names(l.pred) <- LRN_IDS
labels <- mods[[region]][[1]]$training_data$labels
} else {
labels <- NULL
preds[[i]] <- list(pred = l.pred, labels = labels)
names(preds) <- REGIONS
#' Performs a posterior multinomial calibration of machine learning predictions
#' @param REGIONS `character`, the `task.id` identifiers and the list of area of study
#' @param LRN_IDS `character`, the `learner.id` identifiers and the list of learners
#' @param preds `list`, output from `get_predictions()`
#' @param plot `logical`, if `TRUE` displays a calibration plot
#' @return the calibration models
#' @import glmnet
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
get_calibrations <- function(REGIONS, LRN_IDS, preds, plot = FALSE){
calibrations <- lapply(REGIONS, function(hydro_class){
labels <- preds[[hydro_class]]$labels
if (min(table(labels)) < 2){
minority_label <- which(labels == names(which.min(table(labels))))
labels[length(labels) + 1] <- labels[minority_label]
labels[length(labels) + 1] <- labels[minority_label]
labels[length(labels) + 1] <- labels[minority_label]
cals <- lapply(LRN_IDS, function(lrn){
predictions <- preds[[hydro_class]]$pred[[lrn]]$data %>% dplyr::select(- "response")
if (min(table(preds[[hydro_class]]$labels)) < 2){
predictions <- rbind(predictions, predictions[minority_label, ])
predictions <- rbind(predictions, predictions[minority_label, ])
predictions <- rbind(predictions, predictions[minority_label, ])
predictions <- predictions[, order(colnames(predictions))]
colnames(predictions) <- gsub("prob.", "", colnames(predictions))
sigmoidalCal <- cv.glmnet(model.matrix(~., data = predictions), labels, family = "multinomial")
if (plot){
calibrated_predictions <- predict(sigmoidalCal, newx = model.matrix(~., data = predictions), type = "response")
dim(calibrated_predictions) <- dim(predictions)
colnames(calibrated_predictions) <- colnames(predictions)
lvls <- colnames(calibrated_predictions)
class.predictions <- apply(predictions, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(row){
par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
if (hydro_class == "ALLSAC") hydro_class <- "SAC"
uncalibrated_prob <- predictions[, order(as.numeric(gsub(hydro_class, "", colnames(calibrated_predictions))))]
uncalibrated_prob <- uncalibrated_prob[order(as.numeric(gsub(hydro_class, "", class.predictions))), ]
oce::imagep(t(uncalibrated_prob), col = oce::oce.colorsViridis(), decimate = FALSE, xlab = "Predicted posterior probabilities for each classes", ylab = "Training data ordered \n by observed classes", main = "Uncalibrated posterior probabilities", cex = 1)
calibrated_prob <- calibrated_predictions[, order(as.numeric(gsub(hydro_class, "", colnames(calibrated_predictions))))]
calibrated_prob <- calibrated_prob[order(as.numeric(gsub(hydro_class, "", class.predictions))), ]
oce::imagep(t(calibrated_prob), col = oce::oce.colorsViridis(), decimate = FALSE, xlab = "Predicted posterior probabilities for each classes", ylab = "Training data ordered \n by observed classes", main = "Calibrated posterior probabilities", cex = 1)
oce::imagep(t(calibrated_prob) - t(uncalibrated_prob), col = oce::oce.colors9B(), decimate = FALSE, xlab = "Predicted posterior probabilities for each classes", ylab = "Training data ordered \n by observed classes", main = "Absolute difference between uncalibrated and calibrated posterior probabilities", cex = 1)
names(cals) <- LRN_IDS
names(calibrations) <- REGIONS
#' Calibrate machine learning predictions
#' @param REGIONS `character`, the `task.id` identifiers and the list of area of study
#' @param LRN_IDS `character`, the `learner.id` identifiers and the list of learners
#' @param preds `list`, output from `get_predictions()`
#' @param preds `list`, output from `get_calibrations()`
#' @return a list of calibrated predictions
#' @import glmnet
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
calibrated_predictions <- function(REGIONS, LRN_IDS, preds, calibrations){
calibrated_predictions <- lapply(REGIONS, function(hydro_class){
cal_preds <- lapply(LRN_IDS, function(lrn){
predictions <- preds[[hydro_class]]$pred[[lrn]]$data %>% select(- "response")
predictions <- predictions[, order(colnames(predictions))]
colnames(predictions) <- gsub("prob.", "", colnames(predictions))
sigmoidalCal <- calibrations[[hydro_class]][[lrn]]
calibrated_predictions <- predict(sigmoidalCal, newx = model.matrix(~., data = predictions), type = "response")
dim(calibrated_predictions) <- dim(predictions)
colnames(calibrated_predictions) <- colnames(predictions)
names(cal_preds) <- LRN_IDS
names(calibrated_predictions) <- REGIONS
#' Calculates Shannon-Weiner entropy
#' @param l a list of values numeric or factor
#' @param .prob_bool if TRUE, l is understood as a list of probabilities, if FALSE l is understood as a factor
#' @param units units of the logarithm in the calculation of entropy
#' @return Shannon-Weiner entropy
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
shannon_weiner <- function(l, .prob_bool = FALSE, units = exp(1)){
if (.prob_bool){
relative_prob <- l
} else {
lvls <- levels(l)
relative_prob <- sapply(lvls, function(lvl) length(which(l == lvl))/length(l))
shannon_weiner_value <- sapply(relative_prob, function(prob) prob*log(prob, base = units))
shannon_weiner_value <- - sum(na.omit(shannon_weiner_value))
#' Calculate the richness (number of different species)
#' @param l a list of values numeric or factor
#' @return the richness
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
richness <- function(l){
rich <- length(unique(l))
#' Calculate Simpson's evenness
#' @param l a list of values numeric or factor
#' @param .prob_bool if TRUE, l is understood as a list of probabilities, if FALSE l is understood as a factor
#' @return Simpson's evenness
#' @keywords ml-predictions
#' @export
simpson_evenness <- function(l, .prob_bool = FALSE){
if (.prob_bool){
relative_prob <- l
} else {
lvls <- levels(l)
relative_prob <- sapply(lvls, function(lvl) length(which(l == lvl))/length(l))
D <- relative_prob^2
D <- 1 / sum(na.omit(D))
D_max <- richness(l)
evenness <- D / D_max
#' Formats entropy rate results
#' @param entropy_rate a list of list
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @return a formatted `data.frame`
#' @keywords ml-predictions
get_entropy_df <- function(entropy_rate){
entropy_rate_df <- reshape2::melt(t(as.data.frame(entropy_rate))) %>%
dplyr::rename(region = Var1, learner.id = Var2, entropy_rate = value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(region = gsub("ALLSAC", "SAC", region)) %>%
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