
Defines functions detectP.filter rm.absent expValue.filter getMtr check.pl.unique print.datatable print.meta getMeta rm.na1 impute.na ilumin.soft.proc soft2exp soft2exp.pval probeID2symbol geoSupp.fetch grepGPLtable geo.agilent44k.prep geo.agilent80k.prep getSYMBLgpl

Documented in geo.agilent44k.prep geo.agilent80k.prep getMeta getMtr getSYMBLgpl rm.absent soft2exp soft2exp.pval

detectP.filter <- function(expr, detectP.mtr, p.cutoff=0.05, detectRate=0.2) {
    ##remove probes with >= detectRate missing values according to p.cutoff
    detectP <- matrix(T, nrow=dim(detectP.mtr)[1], ncol=dim(detectP.mtr)[2])
    mode(detectP) <- "logical"
    detectFlag <- apply(detectP, 1, function(x) {(sum(x)/dim(detectP)[2]) >= detectRate})
    expr[detectFlag, ]->res

rm.absent<- function(expr, PA.mtr, detectRate=0.2) {
    ##auxilary function used to remove Absent probes defined by mas5call of affy package, used for affymetrix chip processing
    detectFlag <- apply(PA.mtr, 1, function(x) {(sum(x=="P")/dim(PA.mtr)[2]) >= detectRate})
    expr[detectFlag, ]->res

expValue.filter <- function(expr, val.cutoff=6, percentage=0.2) {
    ##remove probes with >= percentage missing values according to val.cutoff
    index <- matrix(T, nrow=dim(expr)[1], ncol=dim(expr)[2])
    mode(index) <- "logical"
    Flag <- apply(index, 1, function(x) {(sum(x)/dim(index)[2]) >= percentage})
    expr[Flag, ]->res
#' matrix extractor of an geoquery object
#' this fxn extract the expression matrix from an object returned by GEOquery
#' @param gse.obj the geoquery object returned by GEOquery
#' @param col specify the column number of expression value
#' @return expression matrix with each column correponding to a sample, each row to a gene/probe
#' @export
getMtr <- function(gse.obj, col=2) {
    ##this function extract a specified column from a GSMList and combine these columns to form a data matrix
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
    if(length(GPLList(gse.obj)) != 1)
        stop('multiple platforms found in this dataset')
    probesets <- Table(GPLList(gse.obj)[[1]])$ID
    res <- do.call('cbind', lapply(GSMList(gse.obj), function(x) {
        tab <- Table(x)
        pos <- match(probesets, tab$ID_REF)
        return(tab[pos, col])
    } ))
    res <- apply(res, 2 ,function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x) ) )
    rownames(res) <- probesets

check.pl.unique <- function(gse.obj) {
    ##check platform uniqueness
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
    gsmpls=lapply(GSMList(gse.obj), function(x) Meta(x)$platform)
    if(length(unique(unlist(gsmpls) )) != 1){
        cat("multiple platforms detected: \n")
        cat(unique(unlist(gsmpls) ),"\n")
    } else {
        cat(unique(unlist(gsmpls) ),"\n")
        cat("no problem, go ahead...\n")

print.datatable <- function(gse.obj) {
    ##print 5 header lines of an expression table
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")

print.meta <- function(gse.obj) {
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
#' phenotype data extractor of an geoquery object
#' this fxn extract information from an object returned by GEOquery
#' @param gse.obj the geoquery object returned by GEOquery
#' @param phe.num specify the column number of the value
#' @return phenotype information list with each element correponding to a sample
#' @export
getMeta <- function(gse.obj, phe.num) {
    ##this function get Meta information of those samples and return a matrix with each row corespond to a sample
    ##and each column a phenotype
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
    res <- lapply(GSMList(gse.obj), function(x) {
        tmp <- Meta(x)

rm.na1 <- function(expr) {
    ##remove rows filled up with NA
    missing.ind <- which(is.na(expr),2)
    tmp <- table(missing.ind[,2])
    print("missing value information:\n")
    gene.names <- rownames(expr)
    if(length(unique(tmp)) == 1) {
        ##remove these lines
        nline <- unique(missing.ind[,1])
        res <- expr[-nline,]
        rownames(res) <- gene.names[-nline]
    } else {
        print("values are not missed in all samples, rm cancelled\n")
impute.na <- function(expr) {
    ##fill value-missing cells with imputation function
        stop("error loading impute\n")
    res <- impute.knn(expr)$data

ilumin.soft.proc <- function(AccNum,detection.p=0.05,detectionRate = 0.5) {
    ##there are datasets in GEO that encapsulating raw illumina microarray data in GEO soft file format,
    ##parse it with this function
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n" )
    g.dat <- getGEO(GEO=AccNum, destdir=".", GSEMatrix=F,getGPL=F)
    ##gsm to expressionset according to http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/GEOquery/inst/doc/GEOquery.pdf
    gpls <- unlist(lapply(GSMList(g.dat), function(x) Meta(x)$platform))
    if(length(unique(gpls)) != 1)
        stop("multiple platforms in the data\n")

        stop("error loading lumi package\n")
    ##we need to extract expr, se.expr, beadnum, detection, phenodata to initialize a LumiBatch object
    ##TODO: control probe data...
    ##expr first
    ##check the data table dimension
    gsms <- GSMList(g.dat)
    gsms.nrow <- unlist(lapply(gsms, function(x) dim(Table(x))[1]))
    gsms.ncol <- unlist(lapply(gsms, function(x) dim(Table(x))[2]))
    if( (length(unique(gsms.ncol)) != 1) | (length(unique(gsms.nrow)) != 1))
        stop("demensions of the data table of each samples are not the same, we have to stop\n")
    ## get the probeset ordering
    probesets <- Table(gsms[[1]])$ID_REF
    exprs <- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    exprs <- apply(exprs,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    ##the se.expr
    se.exprs <- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    se.exprs <- apply(se.exprs,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    beadNum<- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    beadNum<- apply(beadNum,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    detection<- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    detection<- apply(detection,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    eset <- new("LumiBatch", exprs=exprs, se.exprs=se.exprs, beadNum=beadNum, detection = detection)
    lumiExpresso(eset, bg.correct = TRUE, bgcorrect.param = list(method='bgAdjust'), variance.stabilize = TRUE,
                 varianceStabilize.param = list(), normalize = TRUE, normalize.param = list(method='ssn'), QC.evaluation = TRUE,
                 QC.param = list(), verbose = TRUE)->lumi.N.Q

    expr0 <- exprs(lumi.N.Q)
    featureData0 <- fData(lumi.N.Q)
    detect.count <- detectionCall(lumi.N.Q,Th=detection.p,type="probe")
    detect.rate <- detect.count/ncol(expr0)
    detectP<- detectionCall(lumi.N.Q,Th=detection.p,type="matrix")
    mode(detectP) <- "logical"
    expr0[!detectP] <- NA
    ##we plna to use impute.knn to impute NA values, leave those probes detection p rate >= detectionRate
    featureData <- featureData0[detect.rate >= detectionRate,]
        stop("error loading impute package\n")
    expr.impt <- impute.knn(expr)$data
#' expression matrix generator
#' given an accession number(gseXXXX), this fxn download and extract the expression matrix
#' @param AccNum accession number
#' @param filename read data from the local data instead of the remote server
#' @param exp.col column number of expression value
#' @param symbol.col column number of expression value, for arraymatrix data the GPL header is usually SYMBOL;
#'         for agilent44K it is GENE_SYMBOL(10th column of GPL4134)
#' @param entrezID.col column number of entrez id, for affymetrix data it is named Entrez_Gene_ID, for agilent it is
#'         GENE(9th column of GPL4134)
#' @param phe.col specify the phenotype information want to extract from the gsmlist
#' @param log2 set to T for logrithm transformation
#' @return a list with expmatrix probeID symbols and entrezID
#' @export
soft2exp <- function(AccNum,filename=NULL,exp.col = 2,symbol.col,entrezID.col,phe.col,log2=F) {
    ##GEO soft file processing
    ##use this kind of data is vunerable to data comparison problems(as the data may be lack of data preprocessing)
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n" )
        g.dat <- getGEO(filename=filename, destdir=".", GSEMatrix=F,getGPL=F)
        g.dat <- getGEO(GEO=AccNum, destdir=".", GSEMatrix=F,getGPL=F)
    ##gsm to expressionset according to http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/GEOquery/inst/doc/GEOquery.pdf
    gpls <- unlist(lapply(GSMList(g.dat), function(x) Meta(x)$platform))
    if(length(unique(gpls)) != 1)
        stop("multiple platforms in the data\n")

    gsms <- GSMList(g.dat)
    gsms.nrow <- unlist(lapply(gsms, function(x) dim(Table(x))[1]))
    gsms.ncol <- unlist(lapply(gsms, function(x) dim(Table(x))[2]))
    if( (length(unique(gsms.ncol)) != 1) | (length(unique(gsms.nrow)) != 1))
        stop("demensions of the data table of each samples are not the same, we have to stop\n")

    ## get the probeset ordering
    probesets <- Table(gsms[[1]])$ID_REF
    exprs <- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    exprs <- apply(exprs,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    dat.exp <- as.matrix(exprs )
    mode(dat.exp) <- "numeric"
    gpl.annot <- Table(GPLList(g.dat)[[1]])
    pos <- match(probesets, gpl.annot$ID)
        stop("probesets not annoted in gpl table\n")
    symbols <- gpl.annot[pos,symbol.col]
    entrezIDs <- gpl.annot[pos,entrezID.col]
    meta <- lapply(gsms, function(x) {
        tmp <- Meta(x)
        dat.exp <- log2(dat.exp)
    res <- list(exp=dat.exp, probeID=probesets, symbols=symbols, entrezIDs=entrezIDs,meta = meta)

#' expression matrix generator (with detection pvalue)
#' given an accession number(gseXXXX), this fxn download and extract the expression matrix
#' @param AccNum accession number
#' @param exp.col column number of expression value
#' @param symbol.col column number of expression value, for arraymatrix data the GPL header is usually SYMBOL;
#'         for agilent44K it is GENE_SYMBOL(10th column of GPL4134)
#' @param entrezID.col column number of entrez id, for affymetrix data it is named Entrez_Gene_ID, for agilent it is
#'         GENE(9th column of GPL4134)
#' @param phe.col specify the phenotype information want to extract from the gsmlist
#' @param detectp.col column number of detection p value
#' @param detectionRate threshold of sample detection rate for each gene
#' @param log2 set to T for logrithm transformation
#' @return a list with expmatrix probeID symbols and entrezID
#' @export
soft2exp.pval <- function(AccNum,detectp.col = 3,exp.col = 2,
                          detectp=0.05,detectionRate=0.5,log2=F) {
    ##processing soft files with detection pvalue available(do detection p filtration)
    ##use this kind of data is vunerable to data comparison problems(as the data may be lack of data preprocessing)
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n" )
    g.dat <- getGEO(GEO=AccNum, destdir=".", GSEMatrix=F,getGPL=T)
    ##gsm to expressionset according to http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/GEOquery/inst/doc/GEOquery.pdf
    gpls <- unlist(lapply(GSMList(g.dat), function(x) Meta(x)$platform))
    if(length(unique(gpls)) != 1)
        stop("multiple platforms in the data\n")

    gsms <- GSMList(g.dat)
    gsms.nrow <- unlist(lapply(gsms, function(x) dim(Table(x))[1]))
    gsms.ncol <- unlist(lapply(gsms, function(x) dim(Table(x))[2]))
    if( (length(unique(gsms.ncol)) != 1) | (length(unique(gsms.nrow)) != 1))
        stop("demensions of the data table of each samples are not the same, we have to stop\n")

    ## get the probeset ordering
    probesets <- Table(gsms[[1]])$ID_REF
    exprs <- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    exprs <- apply(exprs,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    detection<- do.call('cbind',lapply(gsms,function(x)
        {tab <- Table(x)
         mymatch <- match(probesets,tab$ID_REF)
    detection<- apply(detection,2,function(x) {as.numeric(as.character(x))})

    dat.exp <- as.matrix(exprs )
    mode(dat.exp) <- "numeric"
    dat.detectp <- as.matrix(detection)
    mode(dat.detectp) <- "numeric"
    dat.detectp1 <- matrix(data=T, nrow=nrow(dat.detectp), ncol=ncol(dat.detectp))
    dat.detectp1[dat.detectp > detectp]=F
    mode(dat.detectp1) <- "logical"
    detect.count <- apply(dat.detectp1, 1, sum)
    detect.rate <- detect.count/ncol(dat.detectp1)
    dat.exp[!dat.detectp1] <- NA
    ##we plan to use impute.knn to impute NA values, leave those probes detection p rate >= detectionRate
    dat.exp[detect.rate>=detectionRate,]-> dat.exp1
    probesets[detect.rate >= detectionRate] ->probesets
    gpl.annot <- Table(GPLList(g.dat)[[1]])
    pos <- match(probesets, gpl.annot$ID)
        stop("probesets not annoted in gpl table\n")
    symbols <- gpl.annot[pos,symbol.col]
    entrezIDs <- gpl.annot[pos,entrezID.col]
        stop("error loading impute package\n")
    expr.impt <- impute.knn(dat.exp1)$data
    meta <- lapply(gsms, function(x) {
        tmp <- Meta(x)
        expr.impt <- log2(expr.impt)
    res <- list(exp=expr.impt, probeID=probesets, symbols=symbols, entrezIDs=entrezIDs,meta = meta)

##probeID to symbol with geoquery
#' @export
probeID2symbol <- function(id_vec, gpl, symbol.col=NULL) {
        stop("error loading GEOquery\n")
    id_vec <- as.character(id_vec)
    gpl.dat <- getGEO(gpl, destdir=".")
    annot.df <- gpl.dat@dataTable@table
    pos <- match(id_vec, as.character(annot.df$ID))
        res <- as.character(annot.df$GENE_SYMBOL)[pos]
        res <- as.character(annot.df[,symbol.col])[pos]
    names(res) <- id_vec

#' @export
geoSupp.fetch <- function(AccNum,
                          destdir = getwd(),local=F,extract=T ) {
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
    if(!local) {
        geo.flist <- getGEOSuppFiles(AccNum,makeDirectory = F)
        ##by default, extrat the first file with name *RAW*
        rawfile <- grep("\\.*RAW\\.*",rownames(geo.flist),value=T)[1]
    } else {
        geo.flist <- list.files()
        rawfile <- grep("\\.*RAW\\.*",geo.flist,value=T)[1]
    if(extract) {
    ##get the file names of the extracted files
    extract.flist <- untar(rawfile, list=T)

#' @export
grepGPLtable <- function(query,gpl) {
    ##this function grep query against gpl table generated by GEOquery Table(gpl)
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
    gpl <- getGEO(gpl, destdir=".")
    tab <- Table(gpl)
    hit.index <- apply(tab, 1, function(x) grepl(query, x) )
    if(sum(hit.index) > 0 & sum(hit.index) <= 10)
        print(tab[hit.index, ])
    else if(sum(hit.index) > 10)
        print("query matches >= 10, try another one\n")
        print("no match found\n")
#' agilent 4*44k microchip preprocessing method
#' @param geo.flist geo file list
#' @export
geo.agilent44k.prep <- function(geo.flist) {
    cat("array data files we will process are shown bellow\n")
#    answer <- dual.choice("sure we go ahead?",value1 = "y",value2="n")
#    if(answer == "n")
#        return(NULL)
    prep.obj <- agilent44k.prep(array.fnames = geo.flist)
#' agilent 4*44k microchip preprocessing method
#' @param geo.flist geo file list
#' @export
geo.agilent80k.prep <- function(geo.flist) {
    res <- geo.agilent44k.prep(geo.flist)

#' get symbol from ncbi geo GPL table
#' @param probeIDs probeId vector to be converted
#' @param gpl GPLxxx
#' @param sym.col as the column number containing symbols is not consistant, it's better to be specified by the user
#' @return a vector of symbols with missing value as NA
#' @export
getSYMBLgpl <- function(probeIDs, gpl, sym.col ) {
    ##same as SymbolAggregate, but use annotation table provided by GEO gpl table,
    ##downloading gpl table may take minites...
    ##set get.symbol.only=T in case if you only want to convert probeID to symbol
        stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
    gpl <- getGEO(gpl, destdir=".")
    tab <- Table(gpl)
    pos <- match(probeIDs, tab$ID)
    symbol <- as.character(tab[pos, sym.col])
htc502/ewrefxn documentation built on Feb. 2, 2020, 9:14 a.m.