
Defines functions anim.curve anim.arrowplot anim.segmentplot anim.arrows anim.segments anim.hist anim.contour.default anim.persp anim.filled.contour.default anim.filled.contour anim.contour anim.points.formula anim.symbols anim.text.default anim.lines.default anim.points.default anim.plot.formula anim.text anim.lines anim.points anim.plot anim.barplot.default anim.barplot .plot.arrows .plot.segments .do.loop

Documented in anim.arrowplot anim.arrows anim.barplot anim.barplot.default anim.contour anim.contour.default anim.curve anim.filled.contour anim.filled.contour.default anim.hist anim.lines anim.lines.default anim.persp anim.plot anim.plot.formula anim.points anim.points.default anim.points.formula anim.segmentplot anim.segments anim.symbols anim.text anim.text.default

#' anim.plots: simple animated plots For R
#' anim.plots provides simple animated versions of basic R plots, using the 'animation'
#' package. It includes animated versions of plot, barplot, persp, contour,
#' filled.contour, hist, curve, points, lines, text, symbols, segments, and
#' arrows.
#' @docType package
#' @details
#' For more information, run \code{vignette('anim.plots-stub')}, or check the vignette out
#' on the web at \url{https://hughjonesd.github.io/anim.plots/anim.plots.html}.
#' Be aware that anim.plots is just a simple wrapper around Yihui Xie's "animation"
#' package. You may want to consider more modern solutions such as 
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=gganimate}{gganimate}.
#' @name anim.plots-package

#' @import animation
#' @import graphics
#' @import grDevices

# density, stars, polygons?
# plot3d - is this possible? persp is done...
# anim.do general public function?

.setup.anim <- function (reset=TRUE, dev.control.enable=TRUE) {
  if (dev.cur()==1) dev.new()
  if (dev.control.enable) dev.control('enable')
  # if (! is.null(interval)) .old.ani.options <<- ani.options(interval=interval)

.do.loop <- function(fn, times, show=TRUE, speed=1, use.times=TRUE, window=t,
      window.process=NULL, slice.args=list(), chunk.args=list(), oth.args=list(), 
      arg.dims=list(), chunkargs.ref.length=NULL) {
  # slice.args we take a slice and drop a dimension
  # chunk.args we cut without dropping
  # oth.args we leave alone
  mydiml <- function(obj) {
    if (is.null(dim(obj))) {
      if (length(obj)==1 || is.null(obj)) 0 else 1
    } else {
  utimes <- unique(times)
  nframes <- length(utimes)
  for (ar in names(slice.args)) {
    if (! ar %in% names(arg.dims)) arg.dims[[ar]] <- 0
    if (arg.dims[[ar]]==0) suppressWarnings(slice.args[[ar]] <- 
          rep(slice.args[[ar]], length=nframes))
  if (! is.null(chunkargs.ref.length)) for (ar in names(chunk.args)) 
        suppressWarnings(chunk.args[[ar]] <- rep(chunk.args[[ar]], 

  for (ca in names(chunk.args)) {
    chunk.args[[ca]] <- chunk.args[[ca]][order(times)]
  times <- sort(times)
  utimes <- unique(times) # redo to make it correctly ordered
  mycalls <- list()
  for (t in 1:nframes) {
    # hack for anim.lines.formula
    win.t <- if (is.character(window)) eval(parse(text=window)) else eval(window)
    win.t <- win.t[win.t %in% 1:nframes]
    args.t <- list()
    for (an in names(slice.args)) {
      aa <- slice.args[[an]]
      dl <- mydiml(aa)
      args.t[[an]] <- if (dl <= arg.dims[[an]]) aa else switch(dl+1, aa, aa[t], 
            aa[,t], aa[,,t])
    idx <- times %in% utimes[win.t]
    for (cn in names(chunk.args)) {
      ca <- chunk.args[[cn]]
      dl <- mydiml(ca)
      args.t[[cn]] <- switch(dl+1, ca, ca[idx], ca[,idx, drop=FALSE])

    if (! is.null(window.process)) args.t <- window.process(args.t, times[idx])
    cl <- as.call(c(fn, args.t, oth.args)) # or match.call?
    mycalls[[t]] <- cl
  class(mycalls) <- "anim.frames"
  attr(mycalls, "speed") <- speed
  attr(mycalls, "times") <- if (use.times) utimes else order(utimes)
  attr(mycalls, "dev.control.enable") <- ! any(sapply(list(points, lines, text,
        symbols, segments, arrows), identical, fn))
  if (show) replay(mycalls)

.plot.segments <- function(..., fn=quote(segments)) {
  mc <- match.call()
  dots <- list(...)
  if (! "xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab <- ""
  if (! "ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylab <- ""
  plot(0,0,xlim=dots$xlim, ylim=dots$ylim, type="n", xlab=dots$xlab,
    ylab=dots$ylab, main=dots$main, sub=dots$sub)
  mc[[1]] <- fn
  mc$fn <- NULL

.plot.arrows <- function(...) .plot.segments(..., fn=quote(arrows))

#' Create an animated barplot.
#' @param height a vector, matrix or array. If a vector it is divided up by 
#'   \code{times} and \code{\link{barplot}} is called on each chunk. If a
#'   matrix, \code{\link{barplot}} is called on each column. If an array, 
#'   \code{\link{barplot}} is called on each matrix of form \code{height[,,i]}.
#' @param times a vector of times. If NULL and \code{height} is a matrix,
#'   the last dimension of \code{height} will be used
#' @param show,speed,use.times,window,window.process see \code{\link{anim.plot}} 
#' @param width,space,beside,names.arg,density,angle,col,border,horiz,xlim,ylim,xlab,ylab,main,sub,offset,legend.text,... arguments passed to \code{\link{barplot}}. 
#' @details
#' Arguments \code{width, names.arg, density, angle, col, border} 
#' and \code{offset} may be either vectors
#' of length \code{length(tbl)} or matrices with one column for each unique 
#' value of \code{times}. Other arguments should be length 1 or vectors.
#' @examples
#' anim.barplot(1:100, times=rep(1:10, each=10), ylim=c(0,100))
#' ## barplot with a matrix
#' ChickWeight$wq <- cut(ChickWeight$weight, 5)
#' tbl <- as.array(xtabs(~ wq + Diet + Time, data=ChickWeight))
#' ptbl <- prop.table(tbl, 2:3)
#' anim.barplot(ptbl, xlab="Diet", ylab="N", xlim=c(0,8), legend.text=paste(
#'      "Quintile", 1:5), col=1:5)
#' anim.barplot(tbl, xlab="Diet", ylab="N", beside=TRUE, ylim=c(0,20),
#'    legend.text=paste("Quintile", 1:5), col=1:5)
#' @export
anim.barplot <- function(...) UseMethod("anim.barplot")

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.barplot
anim.barplot.default <- function(height, times=NULL, 
      show=TRUE, speed=1, use.times=TRUE, window=t, window.process=NULL, 
      width=1, space=NULL, names.arg=NULL, beside=FALSE, density=NULL, 
      angle=NULL, col=NULL, border=NULL, horiz=FALSE, xlim=NULL, 
      ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL, sub=NULL, offset=NULL, 
      legend.text=NULL, ...) {
  # plot data
  slice.args <- list(height=height, space=space, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=main, 
        sub=sub, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, legend.text=legend.text, width=width, 
        names.arg=names.arg, density=density, angle=angle, border=border, 
        offset=offset, col=col)

  args <- list(...)  
  ltdim <- if (is.logical(legend.text)) 0 else 1
  oth.args <- args
  oth.args$beside <- beside
  chunk.args <- list()
  if (is.vector(height)) chunk.args$height=height else slice.args$height=height

  hdim <- if(is.matrix(height)) 1 else 2
  if (is.null(times)) {
    if (is.array(height)) times <- 1:utils::tail(dim(height), 1) else 
          stop("'times' not specified")
  } else if (length(times)==1) {
    lng <- if (is.array(height)) utils::tail(dim(height), 1) else length(height)
    if (lng %% times != 0) warning("'height' length is not an exact multiple of 'times'")
    times <- rep(1:times, each=lng/times)
  crl <- if(is.vector(height)) max(length(height), length(times))

  arg.dims <- list(height=hdim, space=1, xlim=1, ylim=1, main=0, sub=0, xlab=0, 
        ylab=0, space=1, legend.text=ltdim, col=1, density=1, angle=1, names.arg=1,
        border=1, offset=1, width=1)
  .do.loop(barplot, times=times, use.times=use.times, window=substitute(window),
        window.process=window.process, show=show, speed=speed, 
        slice.args=slice.args, chunk.args=chunk.args, 
        oth.args=oth.args, arg.dims=arg.dims, chunkargs.ref.length=crl)

#' Create an animated plot.
#' \code{anim.plot}
#' @param x,y vectors of x and y coordinates. These can be passed in any way 
#'   accepted by \code{\link{xy.coords}}.
#' @param times a vector of times. If \code{times} is length one, there will
#'   be that many frames, equally divided over the length of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @param show if false, do not show plot; just return calls.
#' @param speed animation speed.
#' @param window what window of times to show in each animation. The default,
#'   \code{t}, shows just plots from time t. To draw a plot incrementally,
#'   use \code{window=1:t}. 
#' @param window.process function to call on each window of each times. See details.
#' @param use.times if \code{TRUE}, animation speed is determined by the 
#'   \code{times} argument. If \code{FALSE}, animation speed is constant.
#' @param xlim,ylim,col,pch arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param labels,cex,lty,lwd as above.
#' @param asp,xaxp,yaxp,... as above.
#' @param fn function called to create each frame.
#' @param data a data frame from where the values in \code{formula} should be 
#'    taken.
#' @param formula a \code{\link{formula}} of the form \code{y ~ x + time}.
#' @param subset a vector specifying which rows of \code{data} to use.
#' @details
#' Each unique level of \code{times} will generate a single frame of animation. 
#' The frames will be ordered by \code{times}.
#' In general:
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item Parameters that apply to each point of the plot, such as 
#' \code{xlim, ylim, col, pch, labels} and \code{cex}, can be passed as vectors 
#' which will be recycled to \code{length(times)}. 
#' \item Parameters that apply
#' to the plot as a whole, and always have length 1, such as \code{xlab} and
#' \code{main}, can be passed as vectors and will be recycled to the number of
#' frames. 
#' \item Parameters that apply to the plot as a whole, and can have
#' length > 1, such as \code{xlim} and \code{ylim}, can be passed as vectors or
#' matrices. If vectors, the same vector will be passed to every frame. If
#' matrices, column \code{i} will be passed to the \code{i}'th frame. 
#' }
#' \code{window.process} should be a function which takes
#' two arguments: a list of potential arguments for the underlying
#' call to \code{plot}, and a vector of times. The function should return
#' the list of arguments after modification. This allows e.g. drawing 
#' "trails" of plot points. See the example
#' @examples
#' x <- rep(1:100/10, 10)
#' times <- rep(1:10, each=100)
#' y <- sin(x*times/4)
#' anim.plot(x,y,times, type="l", col="orange", lwd=2)
#' ## changing colours - a per-point parameter
#' anim.plot(x,y,times, ylab="Sine wave", type="p", col=rainbow(100)[x *10])
#' ## changing line width - a whole-plot parameter
#' anim.plot(x, y, times, lwd=1:10, type="l")
#' ## times as a single number
#' anim.plot(1:10, 1:10, times=5)
#' ## incremental plot
#' anim.plot(1:10, 1:10, window=1:t)
#' ## moving window
#' anim.plot(1:10, 1:10, window=(t-2):t)
#' ## Formula interface
#' ChickWeight$chn <- as.numeric(as.factor(ChickWeight$Chick))
#' tmp <- anim.plot(weight ~ chn + Time, data=ChickWeight, col=as.numeric(Diet), 
#'      pch=as.numeric(Diet), speed=3)
#' # adding extra arguments:
#' replay(tmp, after=legend("topleft", legend=paste("Diet", 1:4), pch=1:4, col=1:4))
#'  ## Zooming in:
#'  x <- rnorm(4000); y<- rnorm(4000)
#'  x <- rep(x, 10); y <- rep(y, 10)
#'  xlims <- 4*2^(-(1:10/10))
#'  ylims <- xlims <- rbind(xlims, -xlims) 
#'  anim.plot(x, y, times=10, speed=5, xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims, 
#'        col=rgb(0,0,0,.3), pch=19)
#'  ## window.process to create a faded "trail":
#'  anim.plot(1:50, 1:50, speed=12, window=t:(t+5), 
#'        window.process=function(args, times){
#'          times <- times - min(times) 
#'          alpha <- times/max(times)
#'          alpha[is.na(alpha)] <- 1
#'          args$col <- rgb(0,0,0, alpha)
#'          return(args)
#'        })
#'  ## gapminder plot:
#'  pl <- palette(adjustcolor(rainbow(23), 1, .6, .6, .6, 
#'        offset=c(0,0,0,-0.1)))
#'  anim.plot(lifex ~ GDP + year, data=gm_data, log="x", 
#'       cex=sqrt(pop)*0.0004, pch=19, col=region, xlab="GDP", 
#'       ylab="Life expectancy", speed=10, subset=year > 1850 & !year %% 5)
#'  palette(pl)
#'  \dontrun{
#'  ## Earthquakes this week
#'  if (require('maps')) {
#'    eq = read.table(
#'        file="http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/catalogs/eqs7day-M1.txt", 
#'        fill=TRUE, sep=",", header=TRUE)
#'    eq$time <- as.numeric(strptime(eq$Datetime, "%A, %B %d, %Y %X UTC"))
#'  eq <- eq[-1,]
#'    map('world')
#'    maxdepth <- max(max(eq$Depth), 200)
#'    tmp <- anim.points(Lat ~ Lon + time, data=eq, cex=Magnitude, col=rgb(
#'          1-Depth/maxdepth, 0, Depth/maxdepth,.7), pch=19, speed=3600*12, 
#'          show=FALSE)   
#'    replay(tmp, before=map('world', fill=TRUE, col="wheat"))
#'  }
#'  ## Minard's plot
#'  if (require('maps')) {
#'    map('world', xlim=c(22, 40), ylim=c(52,58))
#'    title("March of the Grande Armee on Moscow")
#'    points(cities$long, cities$lat, pch=18)
#'    text(cities$long, cities$lat, labels=cities$city, pos=4, cex=.7)
#'    with(troops[troops$group==1,], anim.lines(x=long, 
#'          y=lat, window=t:(t+1), speed=3, lwd=survivors/10000))
#' }
#' }
#' @export
anim.plot <- function(...) UseMethod("anim.plot")

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.points <- function(...) UseMethod("anim.points")

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.lines <-function(...) UseMethod("anim.lines")

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.text <-function(...) UseMethod("anim.text")

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.plot.default <- function (x, y=NULL, times=1:length(x), speed=1, show=TRUE,
      use.times=TRUE, window=if (identical(fn, lines)) t:(t+1) else t, window.process=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, 
      col=par("col"), xaxp=NULL, yaxp=NULL, pch=par("pch"), cex=1, labels=NULL, 
      asp=NULL, lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), fn=plot, ...) {  
  args <- list(...)
  if (! "xlab" %in% names(args)) args$xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if (! "ylab" %in% names(args)) args$ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
  xy <- xy.coords(x, y, recycle=TRUE)
  x <- xy$x
  y <- xy$y
  args$xlim <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(x[is.finite(x)]) else xlim
  args$ylim <- if (is.null(ylim)) range(y[is.finite(y)]) else ylim
  if (length(times)==1) {
    lng <- length(x)
    if (lng %% times != 0) warning("'height' length is not an exact multiple of 'times'")
    times <- rep(1:times, each=lng/times)
  chunk.args <- list(x=x, y=y, col=col, pch=pch, cex=cex)
  slice.args <- c(list(asp=asp, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, xaxp=xaxp, yaxp=yaxp), args)
  if (identical(fn, text)) {
    chunk.args$labels <- labels
    slice.args$labels <- NULL
  .do.loop(fn, times=times, speed=speed, show=show, use.times=use.times, 
        window=substitute(window), window.process=window.process, 
        chunk.args=chunk.args, slice.args=slice.args, 
        arg.dims=list(xlab=0, ylab=0, xlim=1, ylim=1, xaxp=1, yaxp=1, lwd=0, 
        lty=0, asp=0, panel.first=1, panel.last=1, x=1, y=1, col=1, pch=1, cex=1, 
        type=0), chunkargs.ref.length=max(length(x), length(y)))

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.plot.formula <- function(formula, data=parent.frame(), subset=NULL, 
      fn=plot, window=t, ...) {
  if (missing(formula) || ! inherits(formula, "formula")) 
    stop("'formula' missing or invalid")
  # cargo-culted from plot.formula
  m <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  eframe <- parent.frame() 
  md <- eval(m$data, eframe)
  dots <- lapply(m$..., eval, md, eframe) 
  mf <- stats::model.frame(formula, data=md)
  subset.expr <- m$subset
  if (!missing(subset)) {
    s <- eval(subset.expr, data, eframe)
    l <- nrow(mf)
    dosub <- function(x) if (length(x) == l) x[s] else x
    dots <- lapply(dots, dosub)
    mf <- mf[s, ]
  # get levels of t. 
  x <- mf[,2]
  y <- mf[,1]
  tm <- if (ncol(mf) >= 3) mf[,3] else 1:length(x)
  # why doesn't ordering happen happen OK in .do.loop?
  ot <- order(tm)
  # we are basically praying here:
  dots <- lapply(dots, function(z) if (length(z)==length(tm)) z[ot] else z) 
  x <- x[ot]
  y <- y[ot]
  tm <- tm[ot]
  if (! "xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab <- all.vars(mf)[2] 
  if (! "ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylab <- all.vars(mf)[1]
  do.call("anim.plot", c(list(x=x, y=y, times=tm, window=substitute(window), fn=fn), dots))

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.points.default <- function(...) anim.plot.default(..., fn=points)

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.lines.default <- function(...) anim.plot.default(..., fn=lines)

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.text.default <- function(...) anim.plot.default(..., fn=text)

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.symbols <- function(...) anim.plot.default(..., fn=symbols)

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.points.formula <- function(formula, ...) {
  m <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
  fn <- as.character(m[[1]])
  fn <- sub("anim.([a-z]+).formula", "\\1", fn)
  fn <- eval(as.name(fn))
  m[[1]] <- quote(anim.plot.formula)
  m[["fn"]] <- fn

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.lines.formula <- anim.points.formula

#' @export 
#' @rdname anim.plot
anim.text.formula <- anim.points.formula

#' Create an animated contour plot or perspective plot
#' Create an animated contour plot or perspective plot of 3D data.
#' @param x,y,z,... arguments passed to \code{\link{contour}} or \code{\link{persp}}
#' @param times,speed,use.times,window,window.process,show see 
#'    \code{\link{anim.plot}} for details.
#' @param fn underlying function to use.
#' @examples
#' tmp <- volcano
#' tmp[] <- 200 - ((row(tmp) - 43)^2 + (col(tmp) - 30)^2)/20
#' cplot <- array(NA, dim=c(87,61,20))
#' cplot[,,1] <- tmp
#' cplot[,,20] <- volcano
#' cplot <- apply(cplot, 1:2, function(x) seq(x[1], x[20], length.out=20))
#' cplot <- aperm(cplot, c(2,3,1))
#' anim.contour(z=cplot, times=1:20, speed=3, levels=80 + 1:12*10, lty=c(1,2,2))
#' anim.filled.contour(z=cplot, times=1:20, speed=3, levels=80 + 1:12*10, 
#'    color.palette=terrain.colors)
#' cplot2 <- apply(cplot, 1:2, function(x) seq(0, x[20], length.out=20))
#' cplot2 <- aperm(cplot2, c(2,3,1))
#' anim.persp(z=cplot2, times=1:20, xlab="", ylab="", zlab="Height", phi=45,
#' theta=30, speed=5, border=NA, r=3, col="yellowgreen", shade=.5, box=FALSE)
#' @export
anim.contour <- function(...) UseMethod("anim.contour")

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.contour
anim.filled.contour <- function(...) UseMethod("anim.filled.contour")

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.contour
anim.filled.contour.default <- function(...) anim.contour.default(..., fn=filled.contour)

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.contour
anim.persp <- function(...) {
  m <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
  m[[1]] <- quote(anim.contour)
  m$fn <- quote(persp)

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.contour
anim.contour.default <- function(x, y, z, times, speed=1, use.times=TRUE, window=t, 
      window.process=NULL, show=TRUE, fn=contour, ...) {
  if (missing(z)) {
    z <- x 
    x <- seq(0,1, length.out=dim(z)[1])
    y <- seq(0,1, length.out=dim(z)[2])
  if (missing(x)) x <- seq(0,1, length.out=dim(z)[1])
  if (missing(y)) y <- seq(0,1, length.out=dim(z)[2])
  dots <- list(...)
  slice.args <- list(z=z)
  slice.args$x <- x
  slice.args$y <- y
  if (! "zlim" %in% names(dots)) dots$zlim <- range(z, finite=TRUE)
  if (! "xlim" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlim <- range(x, finite=TRUE)
  if (! "ylim" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylim <- range(y, finite=TRUE)
  if (length(times)==1) times <- 1:times
  .do.loop(fn, times=times, show=show, use.times=use.times,
        window=substitute(window), window.process=window.process,
        slice.args=c(slice.args, dots), 
        arg.dims=list(z=2, x=1, y=1, nlevels=0, levels=1, 
        labels=1, labcex=0, drawlabels=0, xlim=1, ylim=1, zlim=1, vfont=1,
        axes=0, frame.plot=0, col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, color.palette=1))

#' Draw an animated histogram.
#' @param x,density,angle,col,border,... parameters passed to \code{\link{hist}}.
#' @param times,show,speed,use.times,window,window.process see 
#'    \code{\link{anim.plot}}.
#' @details
#' Parameters \code{x, density, angle, col} and \code{border} are all
#' "chunked", i.e. first recycled to the length of \code{times} or \code{x}
#' (whichever is longer), then split according to the unique values of \code{times}.
#' See \code{\link{anim.plot}} for more details.
#' @examples 
#' anim.hist(rep(rnorm(5000), 7), times=rep(1:7, each=5000), 
#'      breaks=c(5,10,20,50,100,200, 500, 1000))
#' @export
anim.hist <- function(x, times, speed=1, show=TRUE, use.times=TRUE, window=t,
      window.process=NULL, density=NULL, angle=NULL, col=NULL, border=NULL, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (! "breaks" %in% names(dots)) dots$breaks = "Sturges"
  if (! "xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab <- ""
  if (! "main" %in% names(dots)) dots$main <- "Histogram"
  dbr <- if (is.matrix(dots$breaks)) 1 else 0
  .do.loop(hist, times=times, show=show, speed=speed, use.times=use.times, 
        window=substitute(window), window.process=window.process, 
        chunk.args=list(x=x, density=density, angle=angle, col=col, 
        border=border), slice.args=dots, arg.dims=list(breaks=dbr, xlim=1, 
        ylim=1, xlab=1, x=1), chunkargs.ref.length=max(length(x), length(times)))

#' Draw an animation of line segments or arrows.
#' @param x0,y0,x1,y1,col,lty,lwd,length,angle,code,... arguments passed to \code{\link{segments}} or
#'     \code{\link{arrows}}
#' @param times,speed,show,use.times,window,window.process see \code{\link{anim.plot}} for details
#' @param fn underlying function to use
#' @details
#' \code{anim.segments} and \code{anim.arrows} draw lines on to an existing plot.
#' If you want to redraw the plot between each frame, use \code{anim.arrowplot}
#' or \code{anim.segmentplot}.
#' If both \code{x1} and \code{y1} are missing, then segments are plotted
#' from the current time to the following time in each frame. If only \code{x1}
#' is missing it is set equal to \code{x0}, similarly if only \code{y1} is 
#' missing.
#' @examples
#' anim.segments(x0=rep(1:5, 5), y0=rep(1:5, each=5), y1=rep(2:6, each=5), 
#'      times=rep(1:5, each=5) )
#' ## Short version
#' anim.arrowplot(rep(1:5, 5), rep(1:5, each=5), times=5)
#' if (require('maps')) {
#'    hr <- subset(hurricanes, lat > 0 & lat < 50 & lon > -95 & lon < -20 & 
#'          Shour %% 6 == 0)
#'    hr$dlat <- cos(hr$diruv/360*2*pi) * hr$maguv / 8
#'    hr$dlon <- sin(hr$diruv/360*2*pi) * hr$maguv / 8
#'    hr$name <- sub("\\s+$", "", hr$name)
#'    map('world', xlim=c(-95,-20), ylim=c(0,50))
#'    title("Hurricanes, 2009")
#'    with(hr[!duplicated(hr$name),], text(lon, lat, 
#'          labels=paste0(name, "\n", Yr), cex=0.8))
#'    with(hr, anim.arrows(x0=lon, y0=lat, y1=lat+dlat, x1=lon+dlon, 
#'          times=Shour, speed=12, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.8), length=.1, lwd=2)) 
#' }
#' @export
anim.segments <- function(x0, y0, x1=NULL, y1=NULL, times=NULL, speed=1, show=TRUE, 
      use.times=TRUE, window=t, window.process=NULL, fn=segments, 
      col=NULL, lty=NULL, lwd=NULL, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (! "xlim" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlim <- range(c(x0, x1), na.rm=T)
  if (! "ylim" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylim <- range(c(y0, y1), na.rm=T)
  crl <- max(length(x0), length(x1), length(y0), length(y1), na.rm=T)
  if (is.null(times)) times <- 1:crl
  if (length(times)==1) {
    if (crl %% times != 0) warning(
      "length of longest vector is not an exact multiple of 'times'")
    times <- rep(1:times, each=crl/times)
  if (is.null(x1) && is.null(y1)) {
    x1 <- x0[times > min(times)]
    x0 <- x0[times < max(times)]
    y1 <- y0[times > min(times)]
    y0 <- y0[times < max(times)]
    times <- times[times > min(times)]
  } else if (is.null(x1)) x1 <- x0 else if (is.null(y1)) y1 <- y0
  oth.args <- list()
  chunk.args <- list(x0=x0, y0=y0, x1=x1, y1=y1, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
  for (ca in c("length", "angle", "code")) if (ca %in% names(dots)) {
    oth.args[[ca]] <- dots[[ca]]
    dots[[ca]] <- NULL
  .do.loop(fn, times=times, show=show, speed=speed, use.times=use.times, 
        window=substitute(window), window.process=window.process, 
        chunk.args=chunk.args, oth.args = oth.args,  
        slice.args=dots, arg.dims=list(xlim=1, ylim=1), chunkargs.ref.length=crl)

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.segments
anim.arrows <- function(..., length=0.25, angle=30, code=2) anim.segments(...,
      length=length, angle=angle, code=code, fn=arrows)

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.segments
anim.segmentplot <- function(...) anim.segments(..., 

#' @export
#' @rdname anim.segments
anim.arrowplot <- function(...) anim.segments(..., 

#' Draw an animated curve.
#' This function is the animated version of \code{\link{curve}}.
#' @param expr a function which takes two arguments, or an expression involving
#'    \code{x} and \code{t}.
#' @param x values of \code{x} at which the function will be evaluated in each frame.
#'    Alternatively, you may specify \code{from, to} and \code{n}.
#' @param from,to endpoints of \code{x}
#' @param n number of values of \code{x} at which the function will be evaluated
#'   for each frame
#' @param times vector of values of \code{t} at which the function will be 
#'   evaluated. Each unique value creates a single animation frame.
#' @param type,... parameters passed to \code{\link{anim.plot.default}}
#' @details
#' Note that \code{times} is interpreted differently here than elsewhere. In
#' particular, it cannot be a length-1 vector.
#' @examples
#' anim.curve(x^t, times=10:50/10, n=20)
#' anim.curve(sin(x*t), times=1:30, n=100, speed=12, col="darkgreen", from=-1, to=1)
#' ## curve is constant in t, but window moves. 
#' ## NB: 'from' and 'to' control where the expression is evaluated. 
#' ## 'xlim' just controls the window.
#' anim.curve(sin(cos(-x)*exp(x/2)), times=0:100/10, from=-5, to=10, n=500, 
#'      col="red", lwd=2, xlim=rbind(top <- seq(-5, 10, 1/10), top+5))
#' @export
anim.curve <- function(expr, x=NULL, from=0, to=1, n=255, times, type="l", ...) {
  sexpr <- substitute(expr)
  if (is.name(sexpr)) {
    expr <- call(as.character(sexpr), as.name("x"), as.name("t"))
  } else {
    expr <- sexpr
  if (is.null(x)) x <- seq.int(from, to, length.out=n)
  y <- outer(x, times, function (x,t) {
    ll <- list(x=x, t=t)
    eval(expr, envir=ll, enclos=parent.frame())
  y <- as.vector(y)
  times <- rep(times, each=length(x))
  anim.plot(x=x, y=y, times=times, type=type, ...)

#' Troop numbers for the Grande Armee's march on Moscow
#' @name troops

#' Cities near the Grande Armee's march on Moscow
#' @name cities

#' Temperatures for the Grande Armee's march on Moscow
#' @name temps

#' Wind speed data for hurricanes in 2009
#' @name hurricanes
#' @source http://myweb.fsu.edu/jelsner/Data.html

#' Gapminder GDP, life expectancy and population data
#' @name gm_data
#' @source http://gapminder.org

#' Data from 20 rounds of a public goods game with punishment
#' A 2x3x20 array of data from a laboratory public goods game.
#' Dimensions are Picked (was subject picked for punishment?),
#' Contribution (of subject: Non-unique lowest, Not lowest/all same and Unique lowest), and Period. 
#' Provided by the package author.
#' @name PGgame
hughjonesd/anim.plots documentation built on May 5, 2021, 3:07 p.m.