
Defines functions getProportions getAnalysisId getQuantiles processDistribution getDistribution getSurvival diagnostic

Documented in diagnostic

# @file Diagnostics.R
# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of PatientLevelPrediction
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' diagnostic - Investigates the prediction problem settings - use before training a model
#' @description
#' This function runs a set of prediction diagnoses to help pick a suitable T, O, TAR and determine 
#' whether the prediction problem is worth executing.
#' @details
#' Users can define set of Ts, Os, databases and population settings.  A list of data.frames containing details such as
#' follow-up time distribution, time-to-event information, characteriszation details, time from last prior event, 
#' observation time distribution. 
#' @param plpData                      The data object to do the diagnostic on - if NULL you need to specify the connection settings below
#' @param cdmDatabaseName            Name of the database
#' @param connectionDetails            An R object of type\cr\code{connectionDetails} created using the
#'                                     function \code{createConnectionDetails} in the
#'                                     \code{DatabaseConnector} package.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema            The name of the database schema that contains the OMOP CDM
#'                                     instance.  Requires read permissions to this database. On SQL
#'                                     Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema,
#'                                     so for example 'cdm_instance.dbo'.
#' @param oracleTempSchema             For Oracle only: the name of the database schema where you want
#'                                     all temporary tables to be managed. Requires create/insert
#'                                     permissions to this database.
#' @param cohortId                     A unique identifier to define the at risk cohorts. CohortId is
#'                                     used to select the cohort_concept_id in the cohort-like table.
#' @param cohortName                   A string specifying the name of the target cohort                                    
#' @param outcomeIds                   A vector of cohort_definition_ids used to define outcomes.
#' @param outcomeNames                 A vector of names for each outcome.
#' @param cohortDatabaseSchema         The name of the database schema that is the location where the
#'                                     cohort data used to define the at risk cohort is available.
#'                                     If cohortTable = DRUG_ERA, cohortDatabaseSchema is not used
#'                                     by assumed to be cdmSchema.  Requires read permissions to this
#'                                     database.
#' @param cohortTable                  The tablename that contains the at risk cohort.  If
#'                                     cohortTable <> DRUG_ERA, then expectation is cohortTable has
#'                                     format of COHORT table: cohort_concept_id, SUBJECT_ID,
#'                                     COHORT_START_DATE, COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param outcomeDatabaseSchema            The name of the database schema that is the location where
#'                                         the data used to define the outcome cohorts is available. If
#'                                         cohortTable = CONDITION_ERA, exposureDatabaseSchema is not
#'                                         used by assumed to be cdmSchema.  Requires read permissions
#'                                         to this database.
#' @param outcomeTable                     The tablename that contains the outcome cohorts.  If
#'                                         outcomeTable <> CONDITION_OCCURRENCE, then expectation is
#'                                         outcomeTable has format of COHORT table:
#'                                         COHORT_DEFINITION_ID, SUBJECT_ID, COHORT_START_DATE,
#'                                         COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param cdmVersion                   Define the OMOP CDM version used: currently support "4" and "5".
#' @param riskWindowStart        The start of the risk window (in days) relative to the \code{startAnchor}.
#' @param startAnchor	           The anchor point for the start of the risk window. Can be "cohort start" or "cohort end".
#' @param riskWindowEnd          The end of the risk window (in days) relative to the \code{endAnchor} parameter
#' @param endAnchor              The anchor point for the end of the risk window. Can be "cohort start" or "cohort end".
#' @param outputFolder           Location to save results for shiny app
#' @param sampleSize             Sample from the target population
#' @param minCellCount           The minimum count that will be displayed
#' @return
#' An object containing the model or location where the model is save, the data selection settings, the preprocessing
#' and training settings as well as various performance measures obtained by the model.
#' \item{distribution}{list for each O of a data.frame containing: i) Time to observation end distribution, ii) Time from observation start distribution, iii) Time to event distribution and iv) Time from last prior event to index distribution (only for patients in T who have O before index) }
#' \item{incident}{list for each O of incidence of O in T during TAR}
#' \item{characterization}{list for each O of Characterization of T, TnO, Tn~O}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #******** EXAMPLE 1 ********* 
#' } 
diagnostic <- function(plpData = NULL,
                       oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                       cohortName = cohortId,
                       outcomeNames = outcomeIds,
                       cohortTable = 'cohort',
                       outcomeDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                       outcomeTable = cohortTable,
                       cdmVersion = 5,
                       riskWindowStart = c(1,1,1,1,1),
                       startAnchor = rep('cohort start',5),
                       riskWindowEnd = c(365,365*2, 365*3,365*4,365*5),
                       endAnchor = rep('cohort start',5),
                       outputFolder = NULL,
                       sampleSize = NULL,
                       minCellCount = 5){
      dir.create(file.path(outputFolder), recursive = T)
    cohortId <- unique(plpData$cohorts$cohortId)
    outcomeIds <- unique(plpData$outcomes$outcomeId)
  #create cohort names csv:
    cohortNames <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder,'namesdetails.csv'))
    newNames <- data.frame(ids = c(cohortId,outcomeIds), 
                           names = c(cohortName,outcomeNames))
    newNames<- newNames[!newNames$ids%in%cohortNames$ids,]
      cohortNames <- rbind(cohortNames, newNames)
  } else {
    cohortNames <- data.frame(ids = c(cohortId,outcomeIds), 
                           names = c(cohortName,outcomeNames))
  ParallelLogger::logInfo('Saving cohort names to csv')
  utils::write.csv(cohortNames, file.path(outputFolder,'namesdetails.csv'), row.names = F)
  #create settings:
    settings <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder,'settings.csv'))
  } else{
    settings <- c()
  maxAnalysis <-  ifelse(is.null(settings$analysisId), 0, max(settings$analysisId))
  for(i in 1:length(riskWindowStart)){
    for( j in 1:length(outcomeIds)){
      maxAnalysis <- maxAnalysis + 1
      settingsTemp <- data.frame(analysisId = maxAnalysis,
                                 cdmDatabaseName = cdmDatabaseName,
                                 cohortId = cohortId,
                                 outcomeId = outcomeIds[j],
                                 riskWindowStart = riskWindowStart[i],
                                 startAnchor = startAnchor[i],
                                 riskWindowEnd = riskWindowEnd[i],
                                 endAnchor = endAnchor[i]
      settings <- rbind(settings, settingsTemp)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo('Saving settings to csv')
  write.csv(settings, file.path(outputFolder,'settings.csv'), row.names = F)
    # get outcome and cohort data - dont need covariates
    ParallelLogger::logInfo('Extracting data')
    dataSettings <- list(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                     cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                     oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
                     cohortId = cohortId,
                     outcomeIds = outcomeIds,
                     cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                     cohortTable = cohortTable,
                     outcomeDatabaseSchema = outcomeDatabaseSchema,
                     outcomeTable = outcomeTable,
                     cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
                     sampleSize = sampleSize,
                     covariateSettings = FeatureExtraction::createDefaultCovariateSettings())
    data <- do.call(getPlpData, dataSettings)
  } else {
    data <- plpData
  outcomeIds <- unique(data$outcomes$outcomeId)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo('Calculating distributions')
  distribution <- getDistribution(cohort = data$cohorts,
                                  outcomes = data$outcomes,
                                  outputFolder = outputFolder, 
                                  databaseName = cdmDatabaseName)
  # get survival data:
  ParallelLogger::logInfo('Calculating survival data')
  if(file.exists(file.path(outputFolder, 'survival.csv'))){
    surv <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder, 'survival.csv')) 
  } else {
    surv <- c()
  survTemp <- lapply(outcomeIds, function(oi) getSurvival(plpData, outcomeId = oi,
                                                          cohortId = cohortId, 
                                                          cdmDatabaseName  = cdmDatabaseName ))
  surv <- rbind(surv, do.call('rbind', survTemp))
    write.csv(surv, file.path(outputFolder, 'survival.csv'), row.names = F)
  # do characterisation - needs TAR
  ParallelLogger::logInfo('Calculating proportion and characterizations')
  if(file.exists(file.path(outputFolder, 'proportion.csv'))){
    proportion <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder, 'proportion.csv')) 
  } else {
    proportion <- c()
  if(file.exists(file.path(outputFolder, 'characterization.csv'))){
    characterization <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder, 'characterization.csv')) 
  } else {
    characterization <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(outcomeIds)){
    oi <- outcomeIds[i]
    for(j in 1:length(riskWindowStart)){
      population <- createStudyPopulation(plpData = data, 
                                          outcomeId = oi, 
                                          firstExposureOnly = F,
                                          includeAllOutcomes = F, 
                                          removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = F, 
                                          requireTimeAtRisk = F, 
                                          washoutPeriod = 0,
                                          riskWindowStart = riskWindowStart[j], 
                                          startAnchor = startAnchor[j], 
                                          riskWindowEnd = riskWindowEnd[j], 
                                          endAnchor = endAnchor[j])
      analysisId <- getAnalysisId(settings = settings, 
                                  cohortId = cohortId,
                                  outcomeId = oi,
                                  riskWindowStart = riskWindowStart[j], 
                                  startAnchor = startAnchor[j], 
                                  riskWindowEnd = riskWindowEnd[j], 
                                  endAnchor = endAnchor[j])
      proportionTemp <- getProportions(population,
                                       analysisId = analysisId,
                                       cdmDatabaseName = cdmDatabaseName,
                                       cohortId = cohortId,
                                       outcomeId = oi,
                                       minCellCount = minCellCount)
      proportion <- unique(rbind(proportion, proportionTemp))

      characterizationTemp <- covariateSummary(plpData = data, 
                                                population = population)
      characterizationTemp <- characterizationTemp[,c('covariateId',
      ind <- (characterizationTemp$CovariateCount < minCellCount)  
      ind2 <- (characterizationTemp$CovariateCountWithOutcome < minCellCount) | (characterizationTemp$CovariateCountWithNoOutcome < minCellCount)
      characterizationTemp[ind,'CovariateCount'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind,'CovariateCountWithOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind,'CovariateCountWithNoOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind,'CovariateMeanWithOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind,'CovariateMeanWithNoOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind2,'CovariateCountWithOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind2,'CovariateCountWithNoOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind2,'CovariateMeanWithOutcome'] <- -1
      characterizationTemp[ind2,'CovariateMeanWithNoOutcome'] <- -1
      # add analysisId
      characterizationTemp$analysisId <- analysisId
      characterization <- rbind(characterization, characterizationTemp)
    write.csv(proportion, file.path(outputFolder, 'proportion.csv'), row.names = F)
    write.csv(characterization, file.path(outputFolder, 'characterization.csv'), row.names = F)
  # Add all to zip file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ParallelLogger::logInfo("Adding results to zip file")
  zipName <- file.path(outputFolder, paste0("Results_", cdmDatabaseName, ".zip"))
  files <- list.files(outputFolder, pattern = ".*\\.csv$")
  oldWd <- setwd(outputFolder)
  on.exit(setwd(outputFolder), add = TRUE)
  DatabaseConnector::createZipFile(zipFile = zipName, files = files)
  ParallelLogger::logInfo("Results are ready for sharing at: ", zipName)
  result <- list(distribution = distribution,
                 proportion = proportion,
                 characterization = characterization,
                 survival = surv)

getSurvival <- function(plpData, outcomeId, cohortId, cdmDatabaseName ){

  object <- plpData$outcome %>% 
    dplyr::filter(outcomeId == !!outcomeId) %>%
    dplyr::right_join(plpData$cohort, by ='rowId') %>%
    dplyr::group_by(rowId) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(daysToObsEnd = min(daysToObsEnd),
                     daysToEvent = min(daysToEvent))
  object$censoredTime <- apply(object[,-1], 1, function(x) min(x, na.rm = T))
  object$event <- 0
  object$event[!is.na(object$daysToEvent)] <- ifelse(object$event[!is.na(object$daysToEvent)] <= object$censoredTime[!is.na(object$daysToEvent)], 1,0)
  result <- object %>% dplyr::group_by(censoredTime) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(events = sum(event),
                     censored = length(event)-sum(event))
  totalCensored <- lapply(unique(object$censoredTime), function(i) sum(result %>% dplyr::filter(censoredTime <= i) %>% dplyr::select(censored)))

  totalCensored <- data.frame(censoredTime = unique(object$censoredTime),
                              totalCensored = unlist(totalCensored))
  totalLost <- lapply(unique(object$censoredTime), function(i) sum(result %>% dplyr::filter(censoredTime <= i) %>% dplyr::mutate(lost = censored + events) %>% dplyr::select(lost)))
  totalLost <- data.frame(censoredTime = unique(object$censoredTime),
                          nAtRisk = nrow(plpData$cohorts) - unlist(totalLost))
  result <- result %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(totalCensored, by ='censoredTime') %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(totalLost, by ='censoredTime')
  result$outcomeId <- outcomeId
  result$cohortId <- cohortId
  result$cdmDatabaseName <- cdmDatabaseName 

getDistribution <- function(cohort,
                            outputFolder = NULL, 
  cohortId <- unique(cohort$cohortId)
  outcomesIds <- unique(outcomes$outcomeId)
  if(file.exists(file.path(outputFolder, 'distribution.csv'))){
    result <- read.csv(file.path(outputFolder, 'distribution.csv'))
  } else{
    result <- c()
  for(i in  1:length(outcomesIds)){
    oi <- outcomesIds[i]
    ind <- outcomes$outcomeId==oi & outcomes$daysToEvent >= 0
      afterC <- aggregate(x = outcomes$daysToEvent[ind], 
                          by = list(outcomes$rowId[ind]),
                          FUN = min)
      colnames(afterC) <- c('rowId','daysToOutcomeAfterMin')
      } else {
        afterC <- data.frame(rowId = -1, daysToOutcomeAfterMin = 0)
    ind <- outcomes$outcomeId==oi & outcomes$daysToEvent < 0
      beforeC <- aggregate(x = abs(outcomes$daysToEvent[ind]), 
                           by = list(outcomes$rowId[ind]),
                           FUN = min)
      colnames(beforeC) <- c('rowId','daysToOutcomeBeforeMin')
    } else {
      beforeC <- data.frame(rowId = -1, daysToOutcomeBeforeMin = 0)
    tempResult <- merge(cohort, afterC, by='rowId', all.x = T)
    tempResult <- merge(tempResult, beforeC, by='rowId', all.x = T)

    tempResult <- processDistribution(tempResult)
    tempResult$databaseName <- databaseName 
    tempResult$outcomeId <- oi
    tempResult$targetId <- cohortId
    result <- rbind(result, tempResult)
    write.csv(result, file.path(outputFolder, 'distribution.csv'), row.names = F)

processDistribution <- function(distribution){
  distribution$year <- format(as.Date(as.character(distribution$cohortStartDate), format="%Y-%m-%d"),"%Y")
  distribution <- distribution[, c('year','daysFromObsStart','daysToObsEnd','daysToOutcomeAfterMin','daysToOutcomeBeforeMin')]
  results <- do.call(rbind, lapply(c('all',unique(distribution$year)), function(x) getQuantiles(distribution, x) ))

getQuantiles <- function(distribution, year= 'all'){
  if(year != 'all'){
    distribution <- distribution[distribution$year==year,]
  quants <- data.frame(
    year = year,
    daysFromObsStart = quantile(distribution$daysFromObsStart, seq(0,1,0.01)),
    daysToObsEnd = quantile(distribution$daysToObsEnd, seq(0,1,0.01)),
    daysToOutcomeAfterMin = quantile(distribution$daysToOutcomeAfterMin[!is.na(distribution$daysToOutcomeAfterMin)], seq(0,1,0.01)),
    daysToOutcomeBeforeMin = quantile(distribution$daysToOutcomeBeforeMin[!is.na(distribution$daysToOutcomeBeforeMin)], seq(0,1,0.01))
  heading <- data.frame(
    year = year,
    daysFromObsStart =length(distribution$daysFromObsStart),
    daysToObsEnd = length(distribution$daysToObsEnd),
    daysToOutcomeAfterMin = sum(!is.na(distribution$daysToOutcomeAfterMin)),
    daysToOutcomeBeforeMin = sum(!is.na(distribution$daysToOutcomeBeforeMin))
  results <- rbind(N = heading, quants)
  results$type = rownames(results)
  rownames(results) <- NULL

getAnalysisId <- function(settings, 
  ind <- (settings$cohortId == cohortId) & (settings$outcomeId == outcomeId) & 
    (settings$riskWindowStart == riskWindowStart) & (settings$riskWindowEnd == riskWindowEnd) &
      (settings$startAnchor == startAnchor) &  (settings$endAnchor == endAnchor)
        writeLines(paste('cohortId:',cohortId, '-outcomeId:',outcomeId, 
                         '-riskWindowStart:', riskWindowStart, '-riskWindowEnd:', riskWindowEnd,
                         '-startAnchor:', startAnchor, '-endAnchor:',endAnchor))
        stop('No analysis id found for the settings')
      } else {

getProportions <- function(population, 
                           minCellCount = NULL){
  details <- attr(population, 'metaData')
  TAR <- paste0(details$startAnchor, ' + ', details$riskWindowStart, ' days - ',
                details$endAnchor, ' + ', details$riskWindowEnd, ' days')
  result <- population %>% dplyr::mutate(ageGroup = paste0(floor(ageYear/5)*5 ,' - ', (floor(ageYear/5)+1)*5-1 ),
                               year = substring(cohortStartDate,1,4)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(year, ageGroup, gender) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(N = length(rowId), 
                     O = sum(outcomeCount>0)
                     ) %>% 
    dplyr::select(year, ageGroup, gender, N, O) 
  # add all years:
  allYears <- result %>% dplyr::group_by(ageGroup, gender) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(N = sum(N), 
                     O = sum(O),
                     year = 'all'
    ) %>% dplyr::select(year, ageGroup, gender, N, O) 
  # add all gender:
  allGender <- result %>% dplyr::group_by(year, ageGroup) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(N = sum(N), 
                     O = sum(O),
                     gender = -1
    ) %>% dplyr::select(year, ageGroup, gender, N, O) 
  # add all gender:
  allAge <- result %>% dplyr::group_by(year, gender) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(N = sum(N), 
                     O = sum(O),
                     ageGroup = 'all'
    ) %>% dplyr::select(year, ageGroup, gender, N, O) 
  result <- rbind(result, allYears, allGender, allAge)
  result$opercent <- result$O/result$N*100
  # censor
    result$opercent[result$O < minCellCount] <- -1
    result$N[result$N<minCellCount] <- paste0('<', minCellCount)
    result$O[result$O<minCellCount] <- paste0('<', minCellCount)
  result$TAR <- TAR 
  result$analysisId <- analysisId
  result$cdmDatabaseName <- cdmDatabaseName
  result$cohortId <- cohortId
  result$outcomeId <- outcomeId
hxia/plp-git-demo documentation built on March 19, 2021, 1:54 a.m.