# @file RunMultiplePlp.R
# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of PatientLevelPrediction
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#' Run a list of predictions
#' @details
#' Run a list of predictions for the target cohorts and outcomes of interest. This function will run all
#' specified predictions, meaning that the total number of outcome
#' models is `length(cohortIds) * length(outcomeIds) * length(modelAnalysisList)`.
#' @param connectionDetails An R object of type \code{connectionDetails} created using the
#' function \code{createConnectionDetails} in the
#' \code{DatabaseConnector} package.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema The name of the database schema that contains the OMOP CDM
#' instance. Requires read permissions to this database. On SQL
#' Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema,
#' so for example 'cdm_instance.dbo'.
#' @param cdmDatabaseName A string with a shareable name of the database (this will be shown to OHDSI researchers if the results get transported)
#' @param cdmVersion Define the OMOP CDM version used: currently support "4" and
#' "5".
#' @param oracleTempSchema For Oracle only: the name of the database schema where you
#' want all temporary tables to be managed. Requires
#' create/insert permissions to this database.
#' @param cohortDatabaseSchema The name of the database schema that is the location where the
#' target cohorts are available. Requires read
#' permissions to this database.
#' @param cohortTable The tablename that contains the target cohorts. Expectation is cohortTable
#' @param outcomeDatabaseSchema The name of the database schema that is the location where the
#' data used to define the outcome cohorts is available. Requires read permissions to
#' this database.
#' @param outcomeTable The tablename that contains the outcome cohorts. Expectation is
#' outcomeTable has format of COHORT table: COHORT_DEFINITION_ID,
#' @param onlyFetchData Only fetches and saves the data object to the output folder without running the analysis.
#' @param outputFolder Name of the folder where all the outputs will written to.
#' @param modelAnalysisList A list of objects of type \code{modelSettings} as created using
#' the \code{\link{createPlpModelSettings}} function.
#' @param cohortIds A vector of cohortIds that specify all the target cohorts
#' @param cohortNames A vector of cohortNames corresponding to the cohortIds
#' @param outcomeIds A vector of outcomeIds that specify all the outcome cohorts
#' @param outcomeNames A vector of outcomeNames corresponding to the outcomeIds
#' @param washoutPeriod Minimum number of prior observation days
#' @param maxSampleSize Max number of target people to sample from to develop models
#' @param minCovariateFraction Any covariate with an incidence less than this value if ignored
#' @param normalizeData Whether to normalize the covariates
#' @param testSplit How to split into test/train (time or person)
#' @param testFraction Fraction of data to use as test set
#' @param splitSeed The seed used for the randomization into test/train
#' @param nfold Number of folds used to do cross validation
#' @param verbosity The logging level
#' @return
#' A data frame with the following columns: \tabular{ll}{ \verb{analysisId} \tab The unique identifier
#' for a set of analysis choices.\cr \verb{cohortId} \tab The ID of the target cohort populations.\cr
#' \verb{outcomeId} \tab The ID of the outcomeId.\cr \verb{plpDataFolder} \tab The location where the plpData was saved\cr \verb{studyPopFile} \tab The
#' name of the file containing the study population \cr \verb{evaluationFolder} \tab The name of file containing the evaluation saved as a csv
#' \cr \verb{modelFolder} \tab The name of the file containing the developed model.\cr }
#' @export
runPlpAnalyses <- function(connectionDetails,
oracleTempSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = "cohort",
outcomeDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
outcomeTable = "cohort",
cdmVersion = 5,
onlyFetchData = FALSE,
outputFolder = "./PlpOutput",
washoutPeriod = 0,
maxSampleSize = NULL,
minCovariateFraction = 0,
normalizeData = T,
testSplit = "person",
testFraction = 0.25,
splitSeed = NULL,
nfold = 3,
verbosity = "INFO") {
# start log:
clearLoggerType("Multple PLP Log")
logFileName = paste0(outputFolder,'/plplog.txt')
logger <- ParallelLogger::createLogger(name = "Multple PLP Log",
threshold = verbosity,
appenders = list(ParallelLogger::createFileAppender(layout = ParallelLogger::layoutParallel,
fileName = logFileName)))
if (missing(outcomeIds)){
stop("Need to specify outcome ids")
if (missing(cohortIds)){
stop("Need to specify cohort ids")
if (missing(connectionDetails)){
stop("Need to specify connectionDetails")
if (missing(cdmDatabaseSchema)){
stop("Need to specify cdmDatabaseSchema")
if (missing(cdmDatabaseName)){
stop("Need to specify cdmDatabaseName - a shareable name for the database")
if (missing(modelAnalysisList)){
stop("Need to specify modelAnalysisList")
# check input types
plpDataSettings <- list(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = cohortTable,
outcomeDatabaseSchema = outcomeDatabaseSchema,
outcomeTable = outcomeTable,
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
firstExposureOnly = F,
washoutPeriod = washoutPeriod,
sampleSize = maxSampleSize
runPlpSettings <- list(minCovariateFraction = minCovariateFraction,
normalizeData = normalizeData,
testSplit = testSplit,
testFraction = testFraction,
splitSeed = splitSeed,
nfold = nfold,
verbosity = verbosity )
if (!dir.exists(outputFolder)){
if (!dir.exists(file.path(outputFolder,'Validation'))){
dir.create(file.path(outputFolder,'Validation'), recursive = T)
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Creating reference table'))
referenceTable <- tryCatch({createPlpReferenceTable(modelAnalysisList,
outputFolder, cdmDatabaseName)},
error = function(cont){ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Creating reference table error:', cont)); stop()})
stop('cohortNames entered but different length to cohortIds')
cnames <- data.frame(cohortId=cohortIds, cohortName=cohortNames)
referenceTable <- merge(referenceTable, cnames, by='cohortId', all.x=T)
stop('outcomeNames entered but different length to outcomeIds')
onames <- data.frame(outcomeId=outcomeIds, outcomeName=outcomeNames)
referenceTable <- merge(referenceTable, onames, by='outcomeId', all.x=T)
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Writing settings csv to ',file.path(outputFolder,'settings.csv') ))
row.names = F )
for(i in 1:nrow(referenceTable)){
plpDataFolder <- referenceTable$plpDataFolder[i]
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Running setting ', i ))
oind <- referenceTable$cohortId==referenceTable$cohortId[i] &
outcomeIds <- unique(referenceTable$outcomeId[oind])
plpDataSettings$cohortId <- referenceTable$cohortId[i]
plpDataSettings$outcomeIds <- outcomeIds
plpDataSettings$covariateSettings <- modelAnalysisList$covariateSettings[[referenceTable$covariateSettingId[i]]]
plpData <- tryCatch(do.call(getPlpData, plpDataSettings),
finally= ParallelLogger::logTrace('Done plpData.'),
error= function(cond){ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Error with getPlpData:',cond));return(NULL)})
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Saving data in setting ', i ))
savePlpData(plpData, referenceTable$plpDataFolder[i])
#plpData <- loadPlpData(referenceTable$plpDataFolder[i])
} else{
ParallelLogger::logInfo('No plpData - probably empty cohort issue')
} else{
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Loading data in setting ', i ))
plpData <- loadPlpData(referenceTable$plpDataFolder[i])
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Setting population settings for setting ', i ))
# get pop and save to referenceTable$popFile
popSettings <- modelAnalysisList$populationSettings[[referenceTable$populationSettingId[i]]]
popSettings$outcomeId <- referenceTable$outcomeId[i]
popSettings$plpData <- plpData
population <- tryCatch(do.call(createStudyPopulation, popSettings),
finally= ParallelLogger::logTrace('Done pop.'),
error= function(cond){ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Error with pop:',cond));return(NULL)})
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Saving population for setting ', i ))
saveRDS(population, referenceTable$studyPopFile[i])#studyPop[i])
} else{
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Loading population for setting', i ))
population <- readRDS(referenceTable$studyPopFile[i])#studyPop[i])
plpResultFolder = file.path(referenceTable$plpResultFolder[i],'plpResult')
if(!dir.exists(plpResultFolder) && !onlyFetchData){
ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Running runPlp for setting ', i ))
dir.create(referenceTable$plpResultFolder[i], recursive = T)
# runPlp and save result to referenceTable$plpResultFolder
runPlpSettings$modelSettings <- modelAnalysisList$models[[referenceTable$modelSettingId[i]]]
runPlpSettings$plpData <- plpData
runPlpSettings$population <- population
runPlpSettings$saveDirectory <- gsub(paste0('/Analysis_',referenceTable$analysisId[i]),'',referenceTable$plpResultFolder[i])
runPlpSettings$analysisId <- paste0('Analysis_',referenceTable$analysisId[i])
runPlpSettings$savePlpData <- F
runPlpSettings$savePlpResult <- T
runPlpSettings$savePlpPlots <- F
runPlpSettings$saveEvaluation <- F
result <- tryCatch(do.call(runPlp, runPlpSettings),
finally= ParallelLogger::logTrace('Done runPlp.'),
error= function(cond){ParallelLogger::logTrace(paste0('Error with runPlp:',cond));return(NULL)})
createPlpReferenceTable <- function(modelAnalysisList,
outputFolder, cdmDatabaseName){
#analysisId, cohortId, outcomeId, settingsFile, plpDataFolder, studyPopFile, plpResultFolder
analyses <- expand.grid(cohortId = cohortIds,
outcomeId = outcomeIds,
modelSettingsId = modelAnalysisList$settingLookupTable$lookupId)
# remove rows with same cohortId and outcomeId
removeInd <- analyses$cohortId == analyses$outcomeId
analyses <- analyses[!removeInd, ]
analyses$analysisId <- 1:nrow(analyses)
analyses$devDatabase <- cdmDatabaseName
analyses <- merge(analyses, modelAnalysisList$settingLookupTable,
by.x='modelSettingsId', by.y='lookupId', all.x=T)
# TODO: replace outputFolder with '.' to make relative positions
analyses$plpDataFolder <- file.path(outputFolder,
analyses$studyPopFile <- file.path(outputFolder,
analyses$plpResultFolder <- file.path(outputFolder,
#' create a an object specifying the multiple Plp model settings
#' @details
#' Takes a list of models, covariates, population and returns the cartesian product combining all
#' settings.
#' @param modelList A list of model settings
#' @param covariateSettingList A list of covariate settings
#' @param populationSettingList A list of population settings
#' @return
#' A list containing a dataframe settingLookupTable containing all the model, covariate and popualtion combination details,
#' a list models containing all the model settings, a list covariateSettings containing all the covariate settings and a list
#' populationSettings containing all the population settings.
#' @export
createPlpModelSettings <- function(modelList,
#check inputs
stop('Incorrect class for modelList')
} else if(class(modelList)=='modelSettings'){
modelList <- list(modelList)
stop('Incorrect class for covariateSettingList')
} else if(class(covariateSettingList)=='covariateSettings'){
covariateSettingList <- list(covariateSettingList)
stop('Incorrect class for populationSettingList')
} else if(class(populationSettingList)=='populationSettings'){
populationSettingList <- list(populationSettingList)
models = unique(modelList)
names(models) <- 1:length(models)
covariateSettings = unique(covariateSettingList)
names(covariateSettings) <- 1:length(covariateSettings)
populationSettings = unique(populationSettingList)
names(populationSettings) <- 1:length(populationSettings)
settingTable <- expand.grid(modelSettingId = names(models),
covariateSettingId = names(covariateSettings),
populationSettingId = names(populationSettings)
# extract the model names to save
modelSettingNames <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) x$name))
settingTable <- merge(settingTable,
data.frame(modelSettingId = 1:length(modelSettingNames),
modelSettingName = modelSettingNames),
all.x = T, by= 'modelSettingId')
# extract time-at-risk from population settings
tarSetting <- do.call(rbind,(lapply(populationSettings,
function(x) c(ifelse(is.null(x$addExposureDaysToStart), x$startAnchor=='cohort end' ,x$addExposureDaysToStart) , x$riskWindowStart,ifelse(is.null(x$addExposureDaysToEnd),x$endAnchor == 'cohort end',x$addExposureDaysToEnd),x$riskWindowEnd ))))
tarSetting <- as.data.frame(tarSetting)
colnames(tarSetting) <- c('addExposureDaysToStart','riskWindowStart','addExposureDaysToEnd','riskWindowEnd' )
tarSetting$populationSettingId <- 1:nrow(tarSetting)
settingTable <- merge(settingTable,tarSetting,
all.x = T, by= 'populationSettingId')
settingTable$lookupId <- 1:nrow(settingTable)
models = models,
covariateSettings = covariateSettings,
populationSettings = populationSettings))
#' combine two objects specifying multiple Plp model settings
#' @details
#' Takes two output of running createPlpModelSettings() and combined them
#' @param plpModelSetting1 A combination of model, covariate and population settings
#' @param plpModelSetting2 A combination of model, covariate and population settings
#' @return
#' A list containing a dataframe settingLookupTable containing all the model, covariate and popualtion combination details,
#' a list models containing all the model settings, a list covariateSettings containing all the covariate settings and a list
#' populationSettings containing all the population settings.
#' @export
combinePlpModelSettings <- function(plpModelSetting1, plpModelSetting2){
settingLookupTable1 <- plpModelSetting1$settingLookupTable
settingLookupTable2 <- plpModelSetting2$settingLookupTable
settingLookupTable2$lookupId <- settingLookupTable2$lookupId + max(settingLookupTable1$lookupId)
settingLookupTable2$modelSettingId <- settingLookupTable2$modelSettingId + max(settingLookupTable1$modelSettingId)
settingLookupTable2$covariateSettingId <- settingLookupTable2$covariateSettingId + max(settingLookupTable1$covariateSettingId)
settingLookupTable2$populationSettingId <- settingLookupTable2$populationSettingId + max(settingLookupTable1$populationSettingId)
settingLookupTable <- rbind(settingLookupTable1,
models1 <- plpModelSetting1$models
models2 <- plpModelSetting2$models
names(models2) <- names(models2) + max(settingLookupTable1$modelSettingId)
models <- c(models1, models2)
covariateSettings1 <- plpModelSetting1$covariateSettings
covariateSettings2 <- plpModelSetting2$covariateSettings
names(covariateSettings2) <- names(covariateSettings2) + max(settingLookupTable1$covariateSettingId)
covariateSettings <- c(covariateSettings1,covariateSettings2)
populationSettings1 <- plpModelSetting1$populationSettings
populationSettings2 <- plpModelSetting2$populationSettings
names(populationSettings2) <- names(populationSettings2) + max(settingLookupTable1$populationSettingId)
populationSettings <- c(populationSettings1,populationSettings2)
result <- list(settingLookupTable = settingLookupTable,
models = models,
covariateSettings = covariateSettings,
populationSettings = populationSettings)
#' create the study population settings
#' @details
#' Takes as input the inputs to create study population
#' @param binary Forces the outcomeCount to be 0 or 1 (use for binary prediction problems)
#' @param includeAllOutcomes (binary) indicating whether to include people with outcomes who are not observed for the whole at risk period
#' @param firstExposureOnly Should only the first exposure per subject be included? Note that
#' this is typically done in the \code{createStudyPopulation} function,
#' @param washoutPeriod The mininum required continuous observation time prior to index
#' date for a person to be included in the cohort.
#' @param removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome Remove subjects that have the outcome prior to the risk window start?
#' @param priorOutcomeLookback How many days should we look back when identifying prior outcomes?
#' @param requireTimeAtRisk Should subject without time at risk be removed?
#' @param minTimeAtRisk The minimum number of days at risk required to be included
#' @param riskWindowStart The start of the risk window (in days) relative to the index date (+
#' days of exposure if the \code{addExposureDaysToStart} parameter is
#' specified).
#' @param startAnchor The anchor point for the start of the risk window. Can be "cohort start" or "cohort end".
#' @param addExposureDaysToStart DEPRECATED: Add the length of exposure the start of the risk window? Use \code{startAnchor} instead.
#' @param riskWindowEnd The end of the risk window (in days) relative to the index data (+
#' days of exposure if the \code{addExposureDaysToEnd} parameter is
#' specified).
#' @param endAnchor The anchor point for the end of the risk window. Can be "cohort start" or "cohort end".
#' @param addExposureDaysToEnd DEPRECATED: Add the length of exposure the risk window? Use \code{endAnchor} instead.
#' @param verbosity Sets the level of the verbosity. If the log level is at or higher in priority than the logger threshold, a message will print. The levels are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{DEBUG}{Highest verbosity showing all debug statements}
#' \item{TRACE}{Showing information about start and end of steps}
#' \item{INFO}{Show informative information (Default)}
#' \item{WARN}{Show warning messages}
#' \item{ERROR}{Show error messages}
#' \item{FATAL}{Be silent except for fatal errors}
#' }#'
#' @return
#' A list containing all the settings required for creating the study population
#' @export
createStudyPopulationSettings <- function(binary = T,
includeAllOutcomes = T,
firstExposureOnly = FALSE,
washoutPeriod = 0,
removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
priorOutcomeLookback = 99999,
requireTimeAtRisk = T,
riskWindowStart = 1,
startAnchor = 'cohort start',
riskWindowEnd = 365,
endAnchor = "cohort start",
verbosity = "INFO"){
if(missing(addExposureDaysToStart) | missing(addExposureDaysToEnd)) {
result <- list(binary = binary,
includeAllOutcomes = includeAllOutcomes,
firstExposureOnly = firstExposureOnly,
washoutPeriod = washoutPeriod,
removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome,
priorOutcomeLookback = priorOutcomeLookback,
requireTimeAtRisk = requireTimeAtRisk,
minTimeAtRisk = minTimeAtRisk,
riskWindowStart = riskWindowStart,
startAnchor = startAnchor,
riskWindowEnd = riskWindowEnd,
endAnchor = endAnchor,
verbosity = verbosity)
} else{
result <- list(binary = binary,
includeAllOutcomes = includeAllOutcomes,
firstExposureOnly = firstExposureOnly,
washoutPeriod = washoutPeriod,
removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome,
priorOutcomeLookback = priorOutcomeLookback,
requireTimeAtRisk = requireTimeAtRisk,
minTimeAtRisk = minTimeAtRisk,
riskWindowStart = riskWindowStart,
startAnchor = ifelse(addExposureDaysToStart,'cohort end','cohort start'),
#addExposureDaysToStart = addExposureDaysToStart,
riskWindowEnd = riskWindowEnd,
#addExposureDaysToEnd = addExposureDaysToEnd,
endAnchor = ifelse(addExposureDaysToEnd,'cohort end','cohort start'),
verbosity = verbosity)
class(result) <- 'populationSettings'
#' externally validate the multiple plp models across new datasets
#' @description
#' This function loads all the models in a multiple plp analysis folder and
#' validates the models on new data
#' @details
#' Users need to input a location where the results of the multiple plp analyses
#' are found and the connection and database settings for the new data
#' @param analysesLocation The location where the multiple plp analyses are
#' @param outputLocation The location to save to validation results
#' @param connectionDetails The connection details for extracting the new data
#' @param validationSchemaTarget A string or list of strings specifying the database containing the target cohorts
#' @param validationSchemaOutcome A string or list of strings specifying the database containing the outcome cohorts
#' @param validationSchemaCdm A string or list of strings specifying the database containing the cdm
#' @param databaseNames A string of lift of strings specifying sharing friendly database names corresponding to validationSchemaCdm
#' @param validationTableTarget A string or list of strings specifying the table containing the target cohorts
#' @param validationTableOutcome A string or list of strings specifying the table containing the outcome cohorts
#' @param validationIdTarget An iteger or list of integers specifying the cohort id for the target cohorts
#' @param validationIdOutcome An iteger or list of integers specifying the cohort id for the outcome cohorts
#' @param oracleTempSchema The temp oracle schema requires read/write
#' @param verbosity Sets the level of the verbosity. If the log level is at or higher in priority than the logger threshold, a message will print. The levels are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{DEBUG}{Highest verbosity showing all debug statements}
#' \item{TRACE}{Showing information about start and end of steps}
#' \item{INFO}{Show informative information (Default)}
#' \item{WARN}{Show warning messages}
#' \item{ERROR}{Show error messages}
#' \item{FATAL}{Be silent except for fatal errors}
#' }
#' @param keepPrediction Whether to keep the predicitons for the new data
#' @param sampleSize If not NULL, the number of people to sample from the target cohort
#' @export
evaluateMultiplePlp <- function(analysesLocation,
validationIdTarget = NULL,
validationIdOutcome = NULL,
oracleTempSchema = NULL,
verbosity = 'INFO',
keepPrediction = F,
sampleSize = NULL){
clearLoggerType("Multple Evaluate PLP Log")
logFileName = paste0(outputLocation,'/plplog.txt')
logger <- ParallelLogger::createLogger(name = "Multple Evaluate PLP Log",
threshold = verbosity,
appenders = list(ParallelLogger::createFileAppender(layout = ParallelLogger::layoutParallel,
fileName = logFileName)))
stop('Need to put a shareable name/s for the database/s')
# for each model run externalValidatePlp()
modelSettings <- dir(analysesLocation, recursive = F, full.names = T)
# now fine all analysis folders..
modelSettings <- modelSettings[grep('Analysis_',modelSettings)]
for(i in 1:length(modelSettings)){
ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0('Evaluating model in ',modelSettings[i] ))
ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0('plpResult found in ',modelSettings[i] ))
plpResult <- loadPlpResult(file.path(modelSettings[i],'plpResult'))
validations <- tryCatch(externalValidatePlp(plpResult = plpResult,
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
validationSchemaTarget = validationSchemaTarget,
validationSchemaOutcome = validationSchemaOutcome,
validationSchemaCdm = validationSchemaCdm,
databaseNames = databaseNames,
validationTableTarget = validationTableTarget,
validationTableOutcome = validationTableOutcome,
validationIdTarget = validationIdTarget,
validationIdOutcome = validationIdOutcome,
oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
verbosity = verbosity,
keepPrediction = keepPrediction,
error = function(cont){ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0('Error: ',cont ))
for(j in 1:length(validations$validation)){
saveName <- file.path(outputLocation, databaseNames[j], paste0(plpResult$analysisRef$analysisId))
dir.create(saveName, recursive = T)
ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0('Evaluation result save in ',file.path(saveName,'validationResult.rds') ))
saveRDS(validations$validation[[j]], file.path(saveName,'validationResult.rds'))
} else {
saveName <- file.path(outputLocation, databaseNames,paste0(plpResult$analysisRef$analysisId))
dir.create(saveName, recursive = T)
ParallelLogger::logInfo(paste0('Evaluation result save in ',file.path(saveName,'validationResult.rds') ))
saveRDS(validations$validation[[1]], file.path(saveName,'validationResult.rds'))
#' Load the multiple prediction json settings from a file
#' @details
#' This function interprets a json with the multiple prediction settings and creates a list
#' that can be combined with connection settings to run a multiple prediction study
#' @param predictionAnalysisListFile The prediciton specification json extracted from atlas.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' predictionAnalysisList <- loadPredictionAnalysisList('./predictionStudyAnalyses.json')
#' predictionAnalysisList$connectionDetails = connectionDetails
#' predictionAnalysisList$cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema
#' predictionAnalysisList$cdmDatabaseName = cdmDatabaseName
#' predictionAnalysisList$oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema
#' predictionAnalysisList$cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema
#' predictionAnalysisList$cohortTable = cohortTable
#' predictionAnalysisList$outcomeDatabaseSchema = outcomeDatabaseSchema
#' predictionAnalysisList$outcomeTable = outcomeTable
#' predictionAnalysisList$cdmVersion = cdmVersion
#' predictionAnalysisList$outputFolder = outputFolder
#' result <- do.call(runPlpAnalyses, predictionAnalysisList)
#' }
#' @export
loadPredictionAnalysisList <- function(predictionAnalysisListFile){
# load the json file and parse into prediction list
json <- tryCatch({ParallelLogger::loadSettingsFromJson(file=predictionAnalysisListFile)},
error=function(cond) {
stop('Issue with json file...')
modelList <- list()
length(modelList) <- length(json$modelSettings)
for(i in 1:length(json$modelSettings)){
name <- names(json$modelSettings[[i]])
modelList[[i]] <- do.call(get(paste0('set',gsub('Settings','',name)), envir = environment(PatientLevelPrediction::accuracy)),
# this can be multiple?
##covariateSettingList <- lapply(json$covariateSettings, function(x) do.call(FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings, x))
covariateSettingList <- json$covariateSettings
# extract the population settings:
populationSettingList <- lapply(json$populationSettings, function(x) do.call(createStudyPopulationSettings, x))
#create model analysis list:
modelAnalysisList <- createPlpModelSettings(modelList = modelList,
covariateSettingList = covariateSettingList,
populationSettingList = populationSettingList
runPlpAnalyses <- list(modelAnalysisList = modelAnalysisList,
cohortIds = json$targetIds,
cohortNames = getCohortNames(json, json$targetIds),
outcomeIds = json$outcomeIds,
outcomeNames = getCohortNames(json, json$outcomeIds),
maxSampleSize = json$getPlpDataArgs$maxSampleSize,
washoutPeriod = json$getPlpDataArgs$washoutPeriod,
minCovariateFraction = json$runPlpArgs$minCovariateFraction,
normalizeData = json$runPlpArgs$normalizeData,
testSplit = json$runPlpArgs$testSplit,
testFraction = json$runPlpArgs$testFraction,
splitSeed = json$runPlpArgs$splitSeed,
nfold = json$runPlpArgs$nfold#,
#verbosity = json$runPlpArgs$verbosity - isnt in atlas
getCohortNames <- function(json, targetIds){
idNames <- do.call(rbind, lapply(json$cohortDefinitions, function(x) c(x$id, as.character(x$name))))
colnames(idNames) <- c('id','name')
idNames <- as.data.frame(idNames)
name <- c()
for(tid in targetIds){
name <- c(name, as.character(idNames$name[idNames$id==tid][1]))
#' Saves a json prediction settings given R settings
#' @details
#' This function interprets a json with the multiple prediction settings and creates a list
#' that can be combined with connection settings to run a multiple prediction study
#' @param workFolder Location to save json specification
#' @param cohortIds Vector of target population cohort ids
#' @param outcomeIds Vector of outcome cohort ids
#' @param cohortSettingCsv The location to the csv containing the cohort details
#' @param covariateSettingList A list of covariate settings
#' @param populationSettingList A list of population settings
#' @param modelSettingList A list of model settings
#' @param maxSampleSize If not NULL then max number of target population to sample for model training
#' @param washoutPeriod Minimum prior observation for each person in target pop to be included
#' @param minCovariateFraction Minimum covariate fraction to include
#' @param normalizeData Whether to normalise data
#' @param testSplit Split by person or time
#' @param testFraction Fractiuon of data to use for test set
#' @param splitSeed Seed used in test split
#' @param nfold Number of folds used when training model
#' @export
savePredictionAnalysisList <- function(workFolder="inst/settings",
cohortSettingCsv = file.path(workFolder, 'CohortsToCreate.csv'),
maxSampleSize= NULL,
json <- list()
json$targetIds <- cohortIds
json$outcomeIds <- outcomeIds
cohortsToCreate <- utils::read.csv(cohortSettingCsv)
json$cohortDefinitions <- apply(cohortsToCreate[,c('cohortId','name')], 1, function(x) list(id=x[1], name=x[2]))
# could extract the cohort json and add expression?
json$getPlpDataArgs <- list(maxSampleSize=maxSampleSize,
json$runPlpArgs <- list(minCovariateFraction=minCovariateFraction,
#verbosity=verbosity) removed due to atlas
json$covariateSettings <- covariateSettingList
json$populationSettings <- populationSettingList
#format modelSettings
json$modelSettings <- list()
length(json$modelSettings) <- length(modelSettingList)
for( k in 1:length(modelSettingList)){
modSet <- list()
modSet[[1]] <- modelSettingList[[k]]$param
} else {
if(class(modelSettingList[[k]]$param)=='data.frame'){modelSettingList[[k]]$param <- split(modelSettingList[[k]]$param, factor(1:nrow(modelSettingList[[k]]$param)))}
params <- lapply(1:ncol(modelSettingList[[k]]$param[[1]]), function(i) unique(unlist(lapply(modelSettingList[[k]]$param, function(x) x[[i]]))))
names(params) <- colnames(modelSettingList[[k]]$param[[1]])
params$seed <- NULL
modSet[[1]] <- params
names(modSet) <- paste0(gsub('fit','',modelSettingList[[k]]$model),'Settings')
json$modelSettings[[k]] <- modSet
} else {
length(json$modelSettings) <- 1
modSet <- list()
modSet[[1]] <- modelSettingList$param
} else {
if(class(modelSettingList$param)=='data.frame'){modelSettingList$param <- split(modelSettingList$param, factor(1:nrow(modelSettingList$param)))}
params <- lapply(1:ncol(modelSettingList$param[[1]]), function(i) unique(unlist(lapply(modelSettingList$param, function(x) x[[i]]))))
names(params) <- colnames(modelSettingList$param[[1]])
params$seed <- NULL
modSet[[1]] <- params
names(modSet) <- paste0(gsub('fit','',modelSettingList$model),'Settings')
json$modelSettings[[1]] <- modSet
ParallelLogger::saveSettingsToJson(json, file=file.path(workFolder,"predictionAnalysisList.json"))
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