
Defines functions scatter3d

Documented in scatter3d

##' Description ...
##' Details ...
##' @title Plot three variable in a 3D interactive graphics window
##' @param x a parameter
##' @param y a parameter
##' @param z a parameter
##' @param xlab a parameter
##' @param ylab a parameter
##' @param axis.scales a parameter
##' @param zlab a parameter
##' @param revolutions a parameter
##' @param bg.col a parameter
##' @param axis.col a parameter
##' @param surface.col a parameter
##' @param neg.res.col a parameter
##' @param pos.res.col a parameter
##' @param square.col a parameter
##' @param point.col a parameter
##' @param text.col a parameter
##' @param grid.col a parameter
##' @param fogtype a parameter
##' @param residuals a parameter
##' @param surface a parameter
##' @param fill a parameter
##' @param grid a parameter
##' @param grid.lines a parameter
##' @param df.smooth a parameter
##' @param df.additive a parameter
##' @param sphere.size a parameter
##' @param threshold a parameter
##' @param speed a parameter
##' @param fov a parameter
##' @param fit a parameter
##' @param groups a parameter
##' @param parallel a parameter
##' @param ellipsoid a parameter
##' @param level a parameter
##' @param model.summary a parameter
##' @import gWidgets2 gWidgets2RGtk2
##' @return NULL
scatter3d <- function(x, y, z,
                      xlab=deparse(substitute(x)), ylab=deparse(substitute(y)),
                      zlab=deparse(substitute(z)), revolutions=0, bg.col=c("white", "black"),
                      axis.col=if (bg.col == "white") c("darkmagenta", "black", "darkcyan")
                               else c("darkmagenta", "white", "darkcyan"),
                      surface.col=c("blue", "green", "orange", "magenta", "cyan", "red", "yellow", "gray"),
                      neg.res.col="red", pos.res.col="green",
                      square.col=if (bg.col == "white") "black" else "gray", point.col="yellow",
                      text.col=axis.col, grid.col=if (bg.col == "white") "black" else "gray",
                      fogtype=c("exp2", "linear", "exp", "none"),
                      residuals=(length(fit) == 1), surface=TRUE, fill=TRUE, grid=TRUE, grid.lines=26,
                      df.smooth=NULL, df.additive=NULL,
                      sphere.size=1, threshold=0.01, speed=1, fov=60,
                      fit="linear", groups=NULL, parallel=TRUE, ellipsoid=FALSE, level=0.5,
                      model.summary = FALSE) {

    ## if (!"package:rgl" %in% search()) {
    ##     ## Load "rgl" only when the "scatter3d" function is called ...
    ##     ## ... but to get around R CMD CHECK's forceful behavious, we'll be clever ...
    ##     cmd <- "require(rgl)"
    ##     if (!eval(parse(text = cmd)))
    ##         stop("Unable to load the RGL package ... is it installed?")
    ## }
    if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
      gmessage("Please install the `rgl` package to use this module.")

    use.gams <- requireNamespace("mgcv", quietly = TRUE)

    if (residuals == "squares"){
        residuals <- TRUE
        squares <- TRUE
    else squares <- FALSE
    summaries <- list()
    if ((!is.null(groups)) && (nlevels(groups) > length(surface.col)))
        stop(sprintf(gettext("Number of groups (%d) exceeds number of colours (%d)."),
                     nlevels(groups), length(surface.col)))
    if ((!is.null(groups)) && (!is.factor(groups))) stop(gettext("groups variable must be a factor."))
    bg.col <- match.arg(bg.col)
    fogtype <- match.arg(fogtype)
    if ((length(fit) > 1) && residuals && surface)
        stop(gettext("cannot plot both multiple surfaces and residuals"))
    ##        xlab   cause these arguments to be evaluated
    ##        ylab
    ##        zlab
    rgl::rgl.bg(color=bg.col, fogtype=fogtype)
    valid <- if (is.null(groups)) complete.cases(x, y, z)
             else complete.cases(x, y, z, groups)
    x <- x[valid]
    y <- y[valid]
    z <- z[valid]
    minx <- min(x)
    maxx <- max(x)
    miny <- min(y)
    maxy <- max(y)
    minz <- min(z)
    maxz <- max(z)
    if (axis.scales){
        ##                lab.min.x <- nice(minx)
        ##                lab.max.x <- nice(maxx)
        ##                lab.min.y <- nice(miny)
        ##                lab.max.y <- nice(maxy)
        ##                lab.min.z <- nice(minz)
        ##                lab.max.z <- nice(maxz)

        lab.min.x <- minx
        lab.max.x <- maxx
        lab.min.y <- miny
        lab.max.y <- maxy
        lab.min.z <- minz
        lab.max.z <- maxz

        minx <- min(lab.min.x, minx)
        maxx <- max(lab.max.x, maxx)
        miny <- min(lab.min.y, miny)
        maxy <- max(lab.max.y, maxy)
        minz <- min(lab.min.z, minz)
        maxz <- max(lab.max.z, maxz)
        min.x <- (lab.min.x - minx)/(maxx - minx)
        max.x <- (lab.max.x - minx)/(maxx - minx)
        min.y <- (lab.min.y - miny)/(maxy - miny)
        max.y <- (lab.max.y - miny)/(maxy - miny)
        min.z <- (lab.min.z - minz)/(maxz - minz)
        max.z <- (lab.max.z - minz)/(maxz - minz)
    if (!is.null(groups)) groups <- groups[valid]
    x <- (x - minx)/(maxx - minx)
    y <- (y - miny)/(maxy - miny)
    z <- (z - minz)/(maxz - minz)
    size <- sphere.size*((100/length(x))^(1/3))*0.015
    if (is.null(groups)){
        if (size > threshold) rgl::rgl.spheres(x, y, z, color=point.col, radius=size)
        else rgl::rgl.points(x, y, z, color=point.col)
    else {
        if (size > threshold) rgl::rgl.spheres(x, y, z, color=surface.col[as.numeric(groups)], radius=size)
        else rgl::rgl.points(x, y, z, color=surface.col[as.numeric(groups)])
    if (!axis.scales) axis.col[1] <- axis.col[3] <- axis.col[2]
    rgl::rgl.lines(c(0,1), c(0,0), c(0,0), color=axis.col[1])
    rgl::rgl.lines(c(0,0), c(0,1), c(0,0), color=axis.col[2])
    rgl::rgl.lines(c(0,0), c(0,0), c(0,1), color=axis.col[3])
    rgl::rgl.texts(1, 0, 0, xlab, adj=1, color=axis.col[1])
    rgl::rgl.texts(0, 1.05, 0, ylab, adj=1, color=axis.col[2])
    rgl::rgl.texts(0, 0, 1, zlab, adj=1, color=axis.col[3])
    if (axis.scales){
        rgl::rgl.texts(min.x, -0.05, 0, lab.min.x, col=axis.col[1])
        rgl::rgl.texts(max.x, -0.05, 0, lab.max.x, col=axis.col[1])
        rgl::rgl.texts(0, -0.1, min.z, lab.min.z, col=axis.col[3])
        rgl::rgl.texts(0, -0.1, max.z, lab.max.z, col=axis.col[3])
        rgl::rgl.texts(-0.05, min.y, -0.05, lab.min.y, col=axis.col[2])
        rgl::rgl.texts(-0.05, max.y, -0.05, lab.max.y, col=axis.col[2])
    if (ellipsoid) {
        dfn <- 3
        if (is.null(groups)){
            dfd <- length(x) - 1
            radius <- sqrt(dfn * qf(level, dfn, dfd))
            ellips <- ellipsoid(center=c(mean(x), mean(y), mean(z)),
                                shape=cov(cbind(x,y,z)), radius=radius)
            if (fill) rgl::shade3d(ellips, col=surface.col[1], alpha=0.1, lit=FALSE)
            if (grid) rgl::wire3d(ellips, col=surface.col[1], lit=FALSE)
            levs <- levels(groups)
            for (j in 1:length(levs)){
                group <- levs[j]
                select.obs <- groups == group
                xx <- x[select.obs]
                yy <- y[select.obs]
                zz <- z[select.obs]
                dfd <- length(xx) - 1
                radius <- sqrt(dfn * qf(level, dfn, dfd))
                ellips <- ellipsoid(center=c(mean(xx), mean(yy), mean(zz)),
                                    shape=cov(cbind(xx,yy,zz)), radius=radius)
                if (fill) rgl::shade3d(ellips, col=surface.col[j], alpha=0.1, lit=FALSE)
                if (grid) rgl::wire3d(ellips, col=surface.col[j], lit=FALSE)
                coords <- ellips$vb[, which.max(ellips$vb[1,])]
                if (!surface) rgl::rgl.texts(coords[1] + 0.05, coords[2], coords[3], group,
    if (surface){
        vals <- seq(0, 1, length.out=grid.lines)
        dat <- expand.grid(x=vals, z=vals)
        for (i in 1:length(fit)){
            f <- match.arg(fit[i], c("linear", "quadratic", "smooth", "additive"))
            if (! use.gams & f %in% c("smooth", "additive")) {
                f <- "linear"
                gmessage("To use 'smooth' or 'additive' fits you must install the 'mgcv' package for R.\n\nUsing a linear fit instead.",
                         title = "Error - mgcv not installed", icon = "error")
            if (is.null(groups)){
                mod <- switch(f,
                              linear = lm(y ~ x + z),
                              quadratic = lm(y ~ (x + z)^2 + I(x^2) + I(z^2)),
                              smooth = if (is.null(df.smooth)) mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, z))
                                       else mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, z, fx=TRUE, k=df.smooth)),
                              additive = if (is.null(df.additive)) mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x) + s(z))
                                         else mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, fx=TRUE, k=df.additive[1]+1) +
                                                      s(z, fx=TRUE, k=(rev(df.additive+1)[1]+1)))
                if (model.summary) summaries[[f]] <- summary(mod)
                yhat <- matrix(predict(mod, newdata=dat), grid.lines, grid.lines)
                if (fill) rgl::rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color=surface.col[i], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE)
                if(grid) rgl::rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color=if (fill) grid.col
                                                             else surface.col[i], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE, front="lines", back="lines")
                if (residuals){
                    n <- length(y)
                    fitted <- fitted(mod)
                    colors <- ifelse(residuals(mod) > 0, pos.res.col, neg.res.col)
                    rgl::rgl.lines(as.vector(rbind(x,x)), as.vector(rbind(y,fitted)), as.vector(rbind(z,z)),
                    if (squares){
                        res <- y - fitted
                        xx <- as.vector(rbind(x, x, x + res, x + res))
                        yy <- as.vector(rbind(y, fitted, fitted, y))
                        zz <- as.vector(rbind(z, z, z, z))
                        rgl::rgl.quads(xx, yy, zz, color=square.col, alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE)
                        rgl::rgl.lines(xx, yy, zz, color=square.col)
                if (parallel){
                    mod <- switch(f,
                                  linear = lm(y ~ x + z + groups),
                                  quadratic = lm(y ~ (x + z)^2 + I(x^2) + I(z^2) + groups),
                                  smooth = if (is.null(df.smooth)) mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, z) + groups)
                                           else mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, z, fx=TRUE, k=df.smooth) + groups),
                                  additive = if (is.null(df.additive)) mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x) + s(z) + groups)
                                             else mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, fx=TRUE, k=df.additive[1]+1) +
                                                          s(z, fx=TRUE, k=(rev(df.additive+1)[1]+1)) + groups)
                    if (model.summary) summaries[[f]] <- summary(mod)
                    levs <- levels(groups)
                    for (j in 1:length(levs)){
                        group <- levs[j]
                        select.obs <- groups == group
                        yhat <- matrix(predict(mod, newdata=cbind(dat, groups=group)), grid.lines, grid.lines)
                        if (fill) rgl::rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color=surface.col[j], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE)
                        if (grid) rgl::rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color=if (fill) grid.col
                                                                      else surface.col[j], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE, front="lines", back="lines")
                        rgl::rgl.texts(1, predict(mod, newdata=data.frame(x=1, z=1, groups=group, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)), 1,
                                  paste(group, " "), adj=1, color=surface.col[j])
                        if (residuals){
                            yy <- y[select.obs]
                            xx <- x[select.obs]
                            zz <- z[select.obs]
                            fitted <- fitted(mod)[select.obs]
                            res <- yy - fitted
                            rgl::rgl.lines(as.vector(rbind(xx,xx)), as.vector(rbind(yy,fitted)), as.vector(rbind(zz,zz)),
                            if (squares) {
                                xxx <- as.vector(rbind(xx, xx, xx + res, xx + res))
                                yyy <- as.vector(rbind(yy, fitted, fitted, yy))
                                zzz <- as.vector(rbind(zz, zz, zz, zz))
                                rgl::rgl.quads(xxx, yyy, zzz, color=surface.col[j], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE)
                                rgl::rgl.lines(xxx, yyy, zzz, color=surface.col[j])
                else {
                    levs <- levels(groups)
                    for (j in 1:length(levs)){
                        group <- levs[j]
                        select.obs <- groups == group
                        mod <- switch(f,
                                      linear = lm(y ~ x + z, subset=select.obs),
                                      quadratic = lm(y ~ (x + z)^2 + I(x^2) + I(z^2), subset=select.obs),
                                      smooth = if (is.null(df.smooth)) mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, z), subset=select.obs)
                                               else mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, z, fx=TRUE, k=df.smooth), subset=select.obs),
                                      additive = if (is.null(df.additive)) mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x) + s(z), subset=select.obs)
                                                 else mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, fx=TRUE, k=df.additive[1]+1) +
                                                              s(z, fx=TRUE, k=(rev(df.additive+1)[1]+1)), subset=select.obs)
                        if (model.summary) summaries[[paste(f, ".", group, sep="")]] <- summary(mod)
                        yhat <- matrix(predict(mod, newdata=dat), grid.lines, grid.lines)
                        if (fill) rgl::rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color=surface.col[j], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE)
                        if (grid) rgl::rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color=if (fill) grid.col
                                                                      else surface.col[j], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE, front="lines", back="lines")
                        rgl::rgl.texts(1, predict(mod, newdata=data.frame(x=1, z=1, groups=group, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)), 1,
                                  paste(group, " "), adj=1, color=surface.col[j])
                        if (residuals){
                            yy <- y[select.obs]
                            xx <- x[select.obs]
                            zz <- z[select.obs]
                            fitted <- fitted(mod)
                            res <- yy - fitted
                            rgl::rgl.lines(as.vector(rbind(xx,xx)), as.vector(rbind(yy,fitted)), as.vector(rbind(zz,zz)),
                            if (squares) {
                                xxx <- as.vector(rbind(xx, xx, xx + res, xx + res))
                                yyy <- as.vector(rbind(yy, fitted, fitted, yy))
                                zzz <- as.vector(rbind(zz, zz, zz, zz))
                                rgl::rgl.quads(xxx, yyy, zzz, color=surface.col[j], alpha=0.5, lit=FALSE)
                                rgl::rgl.lines(xxx, yyy, zzz, color=surface.col[j])
    if (revolutions > 0) {
        for (i in 1:revolutions){
            for (angle in seq(1, 360, length.out=360/speed)) rgl::rgl.viewpoint(-angle, fov=fov)
    if (model.summary) return(summaries) else return(invisible(NULL))

Rcmdr.select3d <-
  function (...)
    rect <- rgl::rgl.select(...)
    llx <- rect[1]
    lly <- rect[2]
    urx <- rect[3]
    ury <- rect[4]
    if (llx > urx) {
      temp <- llx
      llx <- urx
      urx <- temp
    if (lly > ury) {
      temp <- lly
      lly <- ury
      ury <- temp
    proj <- rgl::rgl.projection()
    function(x, y, z) {
      pixel <- rgl::rgl.user2window(x, y, z, projection = proj)
      apply(pixel, 1, function(p) (llx <= p[1]) && (p[1] <=
                                                      urx) && (lly <= p[2]) && (p[2] <= ury) && (0 <= p[3]) &&
              (p[3] <= 1))
identify3d  <-
  function (x, y, z, axis.scales=TRUE, groups = NULL, labels = 1:length(x),
            col = c("blue", "green", "orange", "magenta", "cyan", "red", "yellow", "gray"),
            offset = ((100/length(x))^(1/3)) * 0.02)
    valid <- if (is.null(groups))
      complete.cases(x, y, z)
    else complete.cases(x, y, z, groups)
    labels <- labels[valid]
    x <- x[valid]
    y <- y[valid]
    z <- z[valid]
    minx <- min(x)
    maxx <- max(x)
    miny <- min(y)
    maxy <- max(y)
    minz <- min(z)
    maxz <- max(z)
    if (axis.scales){
      #                  lab.min.x <- nice(minx)
      #                  lab.max.x <- nice(maxx)
      #                  lab.min.y <- nice(miny)
      #                  lab.max.y <- nice(maxy)
      #                  lab.min.z <- nice(minz)
      #                  lab.max.z <- nice(maxz)

      lab.min.x <- minx
      lab.max.x <- maxx
      lab.min.y <- miny
      lab.max.y <- maxy
      lab.min.z <- minz
      lab.max.z <- maxz

      minx <- min(lab.min.x, minx)
      maxx <- max(lab.max.x, maxx)
      miny <- min(lab.min.y, miny)
      maxy <- max(lab.max.y, maxy)
      minz <- min(lab.min.z, minz)
      maxz <- max(lab.max.z, maxz)
      min.x <- (lab.min.x - minx)/(maxx - minx)
      max.x <- (lab.max.x - minx)/(maxx - minx)
      min.y <- (lab.min.y - miny)/(maxy - miny)
      max.y <- (lab.max.y - miny)/(maxy - miny)
      min.z <- (lab.min.z - minz)/(maxz - minz)
      max.z <- (lab.max.z - minz)/(maxz - minz)
    x <- (x - minx)/(maxx - minx)
    y <- (y - miny)/(maxy - miny)
    z <- (z - minz)/(maxz - minz)
    identified <- character(0)
    groups <- if (!is.null(groups))
    else rep(1, length(x))
    repeat {
      f <- Rcmdr.select3d(button="right")
      which <- f(x, y, z)
      if (!any(which))
      rgl::rgl.texts(x[which], y[which] + offset, z[which], labels[which],
                color = col[groups][which])
      identified <- c(identified, labels[which])
iNZightVIT/iNZightModules documentation built on July 9, 2024, 5:49 p.m.