
#andy south 9/10/17
#initially copied from resistance/resistmopb2

#before deploying to shinyapps need to install rotations from github

shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  #default resolution is 72, increasing it makes plot elements crisper but bigger
  output$plotA <- renderPlot(res = 82, {
    #add dependency on the button, make this 1 if don't want it to appear first time
    if ( input$aButtonRunA >= 0 ) 
      #isolate reactivity of other objects
        #cat("running resistSimple with these inputs:", input$P_1, input$P_2*input$P_1, input$h.RS1_00, input$h.RS2_00,"\n")
        # a hack to output the inputs, so it can be run from the console
        cat("run_rot( n_insecticides =",input$n_A,",", 
            "max_gen =",input$max_gen,",", 
            "start_freqs =",input$frequency_A,",", 
            "rot_interval =",input$rot_interval_A,",",
            "eff =",input$effectiveness_A,",",
            "dom_sel =",input$dom_sel_A,",",
            "dom_cos =",input$dom_cos_A,",",
            "rr =",input$advantage_A,",",
            "expo_hi =",input$exposure_A,",",
            "coverage =",input$coverage_A,",",
            "migration =",input$migration_A,",",
            "cost =",input$cost_A,",",
            "logy =",input$logy,",",
            "no_r_below_start =",input$no_r_below_start,",",
            "min_rwr_interval =",input$min_rwr_interval,            
            ")\n" )
        run_rot(n_insecticides =    input$n_A, 
                max_gen =   input$max_gen,
                start_freqs =       input$frequency_A,
                rot_interval = input$rot_interval_A, 
                eff =               input$effectiveness_A,
                dom_sel =           input$dom_sel_A,
                dom_cos =           input$dom_cos_A,
                rr =                input$advantage_A,
                expo_hi =           input$exposure_A,
                coverage =          input$coverage_A,
                migration =         input$migration_A, 
                cost =              input$cost_A,
                logy =              input$logy, #inefficient that it reruns when changing to log
                no_r_below_start =  input$no_r_below_start,
                min_rwr_interval =  input$min_rwr_interval )
      }) #end isolate  
    } #end button

  output$plotB <- renderPlot(res = 82,{
    #add dependency on the button, make this 1 if don't want it to appear first time
    if ( input$aButtonRunB >= 0 ) 
      #isolate reactivity of other objects
        run_rot(n_insecticides =    input$n_B, 
                max_gen =   input$max_gen,
                start_freqs =       input$frequency_B,
                rot_interval = input$rot_interval_B, 
                eff =               input$effectiveness_B,
                dom_sel =           input$dom_sel_B,
                dom_cos =           input$dom_cos_B,
                rr =                input$advantage_B,
                expo_hi =           input$exposure_B,
                coverage =          input$coverage_B,
                migration =         input$migration_B, 
                cost =              input$cost_B,
                logy =              input$logy, #inefficient that it reruns when changing to log
                no_r_below_start =  input$no_r_below_start,
                min_rwr_interval =  input$min_rwr_interval )
        # a hack to output the inputs, so it can be run from the console
        cat("run_rot( n_insecticides =",input$n_B,",", 
            "max_gen =",input$max_gen,",", 
            "start_freqs =",input$frequency_B,",", 
            "rot_interval =",input$rot_interval_B,",",
            "eff =",input$effectiveness_B,",",
            "dom_sel =",input$dom_sel_B,",",
            "dom_cos =",input$dom_cos_B,",",
            "rr =",input$advantage_B,",",
            "expo_hi =",input$exposure_B,",",
            "coverage =",input$coverage_B,",",
            "migration =",input$migration_B,",",
            "cost =",input$cost_B,",",
            "logy =",input$logy,",",
            "no_r_below_start =",input$no_r_below_start,",",
            "min_rwr_interval =",input$min_rwr_interval,
            ")\n" )
      }) #end isolate  
    } #end button
ian-hastings/rotations documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 11:42 p.m.