
Defines functions intersect2 jaccard_dissimilarity lsh_candidates compute_minhash minhash_dist detect_OGs splitCluster splitPreClusters

#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
splitPreClusters <- function(fastas, n_threads, sep, minhash_split = FALSE, verbose){

  preclusters <- split(fastas, mcols(fastas)$Arch)

  splited <- mclapply(preclusters,
                      sep = sep,
                      minhash_split = minhash_split,
                      verbose = verbose,
                      mc.cores = n_threads)
  attr(splited, 'varname') <- 'Arch'

  splited_df <- melt(splited, id.vars=c('Gene', 'NODE'))

  splited_df$CLUSTER <- paste(splited_df$Arch, splited_df$NODE, sep = sep)

  splited_df$CLUSTER <- as.integer(as.factor(splited_df$CLUSTER))

  mcols(fastas[splited_df$Gene])$Cluster <- splited_df$CLUSTER

  if (verbose){
    lpre <- length(preclusters)
    lpos <- length(unique(splited_df$CLUSTER))
    mssg <- paste(lpre, 'pre-clusters splited into', lpos, 'final groups of orthologues.')


#' @import DECIPHER
#' @importFrom phangorn midpoint Descendants Ancestors add.tips
#' @importFrom ape bionjs bionj cophenetic.phylo drop.tip
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
splitCluster <- function(x, sep, minhash_split= FALSE, verbose = TRUE){

  ntips <- length(x)
  fc <- as.integer(as.factor(as.character(x)))
  anydup <- any(table(fc)>1)
  # if (anydup){
  #   xl <- split(names(x), fc)
  #   x2 <- x
  #   x <- x[sapply(xl, '[', 1)]
  # }

  mcls <- mcols(x)

  if (verbose){
    arch <- strsplit(mcls$Arch[1], ';')[[1]]
    mssg <- paste('   Resolving precluster tree: ',
                  paste(paste0('[', arch, ']'), collapse = ' '),
                  '(',ntips, 'tips )')

  if (length(unique(mcls$organism)) == 1){
    # Future versions should be able to resolve cases where there are only one
    # organism but there's also a filogenetic structure, like:
    # ((A; A);(A; A));
    # For now, in that cases all sequences are assigned to the same NODE.
    df <- data.frame(Gene = names(x), NODE = 'NODE_1', row.names = NULL)

  }else if (length(x)>2){

    if (any(duplicated(mcls$organism))){

      if (anydup){
        xl <- split(names(x), fc)
        x <- x[sapply(xl, '[', 1)]

      if (length(x)>2){
        # Align, compute distance, compute nj tree.
        if (!minhash_split){
          ali <- AlignTranslation(x, verbose = FALSE)
          dm <- DistanceMatrix(ali, verbose = FALSE)
          d <- as.dist(dm)
          d <- minhash_dist(x, k = 16)

        tree <- try(midpoint(bionjs(d)))
        if (class(tree)=='try-error'){
          tree <- try(midpoint(bionj(d)))

        # If unable to resolve tree, just split by factors:
        if (class(tree)=='try-error'){
          df <- data.frame(Gene = names(x), NODE = paste0("NODE_", fc), row.names = NULL)

        #Adds duplicated sequences to tips (if any), except recent paralogues
        if (anydup){
          xl <- xl[which(sapply(xl, length)>1)]
          tp_dup_rec <- list()
          for(i in seq_along(xl)){
            merged <- xl[[i]]
            trorgs <- sapply(strsplit(merged, sep), '[', 1)
            tbl <- table(trorgs)
            wt_rec_par <- names(which(tbl>1))
            tips_recpar <- lapply(wt_rec_par, function(x) merged[which(trorgs==x)[-1]])
            names(tips_recpar) <- sapply(wt_rec_par, function(x) merged[which(trorgs==x)[1]])
            tp_dup_rec <- append(tp_dup_rec, tips_recpar)
            if (length(tips_recpar)){
              merged <- merged[-which(merged %in% unlist(tips_recpar))]
            tree <- add.tips(tree,
                             tips = merged[-1],
                             where = which(tree$tip.label==merged[1]))

        tiplab <- tree$tip.label
        trorgs <- sapply(strsplit(tiplab, sep), '[', 1)

        # Detect recent paralogues
        nodes_recpar <- c()
        for (i in seq_along(tiplab)){
          nd <- NULL
          anc <- Ancestors(tree, i, type = 'parent')
          dec <- Descendants(tree, node = anc)[[1]]
            nd <- anc
            anc <- Ancestors(tree, anc, type = 'parent')
            dec <- Descendants(tree, node = anc)[[1]]
          nodes_recpar <- c(nodes_recpar, nd)
        nodes_recpar <- unique(nodes_recpar)

        par_list <- Descendants(tree, node = nodes_recpar)
        names(par_list) <- lapply(par_list, function(x) tiplab[x[1]])
        par_list <- lapply(par_list, function(x) tiplab[x[-1]])
        paralogs <- unlist(par_list)
        tree2 <- tree
        # Drop recent paralogues
        for (i in seq_along(paralogs)){
          tree2 <- drop.tip(tree2, tip = paralogs[i])

        df <- detect_OGs(tree = tree2, sep = sep)

        # If recent paralogues exists, add them to result
        if (length(paralogs)){

          dfpar <- lapply(names(par_list), function(x){
            NODE <- df$NODE[which(df$Gene == x)]
            data.frame(Gene = par_list[[x]], NODE = NODE)

          dfpar <- do.call(rbind, dfpar)
          df <- rbind(df, dfpar)

        if (exists('tp_dup_rec')){
          if (length(tp_dup_rec)){
            dfpar <- lapply(names(tp_dup_rec), function(x){
              NODE <- df$NODE[which(df$Gene == x)]
              data.frame(Gene = tp_dup_rec[[x]], NODE = NODE)
            dfpar <- do.call(rbind, dfpar)
            df <- rbind(df, dfpar)

      }else if(length(x)==2){

        orgs <- lapply(xl, function(i){
          spl <- strsplit(i, sep)
          sapply(spl, '[', 1)

        if (any(orgs[[1]] %in% orgs[[2]])){
          df1 <- data.frame(Gene = xl[[1]], NODE = 'NODE_1')
          df2 <- data.frame(Gene = xl[[2]], NODE = 'NODE_2')
          df <- rbind(df1, df2)
          df <- data.frame(Gene = unlist(unname(xl)), NODE = 'NODE_1')

        # else (all sequences are equal)
        df <- data.frame(Gene = unlist(xl, use.names = F), NODE = 'NODE_1', row.names = NULL)

      #else (aren't duplicated organisms, so they are a single orthologous group)
      df <- data.frame(Gene = names(x), NODE = 'NODE_1', row.names = NULL)

    # else (length of precluster is 1 or 2)...
    df <- data.frame(Gene = names(x), NODE = 'NODE_1', row.names = NULL)

  if (ntips!=dim(df)[1]) stop('split failed')

# #' @importFrom ape subtrees
# recent_par_nodes <- function(phy, sep = '___'){
#   subtrees <- subtrees(phy)
#   names(subtrees) <- as.character(sapply(subtrees, '[[', 'name'))
#   rcnt <- vapply(subtrees, function(y){
#     orgs <- sapply(strsplit(y$tip.label, sep), '[', 1)
#     uorgs <- unique(orgs)
#     if (length(orgs) > 1 & length(uorgs) == 1){
#       TRUE
#     }else{
#       FALSE
#     }
#   }, FUN.VALUE = NA)
#   as.integer(names(which(rcnt)))
# }
# tip2node_len <- function(phy, tip, node){
#   edge <- phy$edge
#   elen <- phy$edge.length
#   elen[elen<0] <- abs(elen[elen<0])
#   wtip <- which(phy$tip.label==tip)
#   len <- c()
#   t1 <- wtip
#   rw <- which(edge[, 2]==t1)[1]
#   t2 <- edge[rw, 1]
#   while(t2!=node){
#     len <- c(len, elen[rw])
#     #next...
#     edge <- edge[-rw, ]
#     elen <- elen[-rw]
#     t1 <- t2
#     rw <- which(edge[, 2]==t1)[1]
#     t2 <- edge[rw, 1]
#   }
#   sum(len)
# }
# Vtip2node_len <- Vectorize(tip2node_len, vectorize.args = 'tip')

#' @importFrom phangorn Descendants
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
detect_OGs <- function(tree, sep){
  # Compute descendants tips for every node
  alldes <- Descendants(tree, type = 'tips')
  names(alldes) <- paste('NODE', seq_along(alldes), sep = '_')

  # Which nodes have repeated organisms?
  rep_orgs <- which(vapply(alldes, function(y){
    orgs <- vapply(strsplit(tree$tip.label[y], sep), '[', 1,
                   FUN.VALUE = NA_character_)
  }, FUN.VALUE = NA))

  # If more than 1 clade (length rep_orgs > 0)...
  if (length(rep_orgs)){
    # Remove nodes with repeated organisms (they are not orthologues)
    ogs <- alldes[-rep_orgs]

    # Compute containment matrix (if each node is contained in another node)
    in_mat <- sapply(ogs, function(y){
      sapply(ogs, function(z){
      }, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
    }, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

    # Sum. Those which sum == 1 are those which only contain themselves. Those
    # are true orthologues. Extract tip labels.
    true_ogs <- lapply(ogs[colSums(in_mat)==1], function(y){
    attr(true_ogs, 'varname') <- 'NODE'

    # ... else (if only a single clan exists)..

    true_ogs <- list(NODE_1 = tree$tip.label)
    attr(true_ogs, 'varname') <- 'NODE'


  # Melt list into long-formatted data.frame
  df <- melt(true_ogs, value.name = 'Gene')
  df[] <- lapply(df, as.character)

#' @importFrom textreuse minhash_generator
minhash_dist <- function(x, k){

  xc <- as.character(x)
  # dup <- any(duplicated(x))
  # if (dup){
  #   xcn <- split(names(xc), as.integer(as.factor(xc)))
  #   xc <- xc[sapply(xcn, '[', 1)]
  # }

  minhash_fun <- minhash_generator(200)
  mhs <- lapply(xc, compute_minhash, k = k, minhash_fun = minhash_fun)
  n <- length(xc)

  if (n>70){

    d <- lsh_candidates(mhs)
    y <- 1L
    for (i in 1:(n-1)){
      for (j in (i+1):n){
        if (.subset2(d, y) == 0L){
          d[y] <- jaccard_dissimilarity(.subset2(mhs,i), .subset2(mhs,j))
        y <- y + 1L


    d <- vector('numeric', length = (n * n-1L) / 2)
    y <- 1L
    for (i in 1:(n-1)){
      for (j in (i+1):n){
        d[y] <- jaccard_dissimilarity(.subset2(mhs,i), .subset2(mhs,j))
        y <- y + 1L


  attr(d, 'class') <- 'dist'
  attr(d, 'Labels') <- names(mhs)
  attr(d, 'Size') <- n
  attr(d, 'Diag') <- FALSE
  attr(d, 'Upper') <- FALSE

  # if (dup){
  #   m <- as.matrix(d)
  #   ln <- unname(sapply(xcn, length, USE.NAMES = F))
  #   du <- which(ln>1, useNames = F)
  #   d <- as.dist(m)
  # }


compute_minhash <- function(x, minhash_fun = NULL, k =16){
  kmers <- compute_kmers(x, k)

#' @importFrom parallel splitIndices
#' @importFrom digest digest
lsh_candidates <- function(mhs){
  n <- 200L
  ln <- length(mhs)
  # Determine sensitivity
  prop_diff <- length(unique(unlist(mhs))) / (n * ln)
  b <- ifelse(prop_diff > .5, 50L, 40L)
  bix <- splitIndices(n, b)
  Mhs <- t(do.call(rbind, mhs))
  bands <- lapply(bix, function(x) Mhs[x, ])
  cna <- dimnames(Mhs)[[2]]
  mres <- matrix(1L,
                 nrow = ln,
                 ncol = ln,
                 dimnames = list(cna, cna))
  lapply(bands, function(y){
    ap <- apply(y, 2, digest)
    un <- unname(split(cna, ap))
    lapply(un, function(x) {
      mres[x, x] <<- 0L

  mres[upper.tri(mres, diag = T)] <- NA

jaccard_dissimilarity <- function(a, b){
  1 - length(intersect2(a, b)) / length(unique.default(c(a, b)))

intersect2 <- function(x, y){
  m <- match(x, y, 0L)
  unique.default(.subset(y, m))
iferres/pewit documentation built on June 22, 2022, 8:34 p.m.