#' buildref
#' Function to build a RefCDS object from a reference genome and a table of transcripts. The RefCDS object has to be precomputed for any new species or assembly prior to running dndscv. This function generates an .rda file that needs to be input into dndscv using the refdb argument. Note that when multiple CDS share the same gene name (second column of cdsfile), the longest coding CDS will be chosen for the gene. CDS with ambiguous bases (N) will not be considered.
#' @author Inigo Martincorena (Wellcome Sanger Institute)
#' @details Martincorena I, et al. (2017) Universal patterns of selection in cancer and somatic tissues. Cell. 171(5):1029-1041.
#' @param cdsfile Path to the reference transcript table.
#' @param genomefile Path to the indexed reference genome file.
#' @param outfile Output file name (default = "RefCDS.rda").
#' @param numcode NCBI genetic code number (default = 1; standard genetic code). To see the list of genetic codes supported use: ? seqinr::translate
#' @param excludechrs Vector or string with chromosome names to be excluded from the RefCDS object (default: no chromosome will be excluded). The mitochondrial chromosome should be excluded as it has different genetic code and mutation rates, either using the excludechrs argument or not including mitochondrial transcripts in cdsfile.
#' @param onlychrs Vector of valid chromosome names (default: all chromosomes will be included)
#' @param useids Combine gene IDs and gene names (columns 1 and 2 of the input table) as long gene names (default = F)
#' @export
buildref = function(cdsfile, genomefile, outfile = "RefCDS.rda", numcode = 1, excludechrs = NULL, onlychrs = NULL, useids = F) {
## 1. Valid chromosomes and reference CDS per gene
message("[1/3] Preparing the environment...")
reftable = read.table(cdsfile, header=1, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=F, quote="\"", na.strings="-", fill=TRUE) # Loading the reference table
colnames(reftable) = c("gene.id","gene.name","cds.id","chr","chr.coding.start","chr.coding.end","cds.start","cds.end","length","strand")
reftable[,5:10] = suppressWarnings(lapply(reftable[,5:10], as.numeric)) # Convert to numeric
# Checking for systematic absence of gene names (it happens in some BioMart inputs)
longname = paste(reftable$gene.id, reftable$gene.name, sep=":") # Gene name combining the Gene stable ID and the Associated gene name
if (useids==T) {
reftable$gene.name = longname # Replacing gene names by a concatenation of gene ID and gene name
if (length(unique(reftable$gene.name))<length(unique(longname))) {
warning(sprintf("%0.0f unique gene IDs (column 1) found. %0.0f unique gene names (column 2) found. Consider combining gene names and gene IDs or replacing gene names by gene IDs to avoid losing genes (see useids argument in ? buildref)",length(unique(reftable$gene.id)),length(unique(reftable$gene.name))))
# Reading chromosome names in the fasta file using its index file if it already exists or creating it if it does not exist. The index file is also used by scanFa later.
validchrs = as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(Rsamtools::scanFaIndex(genomefile)))
validchrs = setdiff(validchrs, excludechrs)
if (length(onlychrs)>0) {
validchrs = validchrs[validchrs %in% onlychrs]
# Restricting to chromosomes present in both the genome file and the CDS table
if (any(validchrs %in% unique(reftable$chr))) {
validchrs = validchrs[validchrs %in% unique(reftable$chr)]
} else { # Try adding a chr prefix
reftable$chr = paste("chr", reftable$chr, sep="")
validchrs = validchrs[validchrs %in% unique(reftable$chr)]
if (length(validchrs)==0) { # No matching chromosome names
stop("No chromosome names in common between the genome file and the CDS table")
# Removing genes that fall partially or completely outside of the available chromosomes/contigs
reftable = reftable[reftable[,1]!="" & reftable[,2]!="" & reftable[,3]!="" & !is.na(reftable[,5]) & !is.na(reftable[,6]),] # Removing invalid entries
reftable = reftable[which(reftable$chr %in% validchrs),] # Only valid chromosomes
transc_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(reftable$chr, IRanges::IRanges(reftable$chr.coding.start,reftable$chr.coding.end))
chrs_gr = Rsamtools::scanFaIndex(genomefile)
ol = as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(transc_gr, chrs_gr, type="within", select="all"))
# Issuing an error if any transcript falls outside of the limits of a chromosome. Possibly due to a mismatch between the assembly used for the reference table and the reference genome.
if (length(unique(ol[,1])) < nrow(reftable)) {
stop(sprintf("Aborting buildref. %0.0f rows in cdsfile have coordinates that fall outside of the corresponding chromosome length. Please ensure that you are using the same assembly for the cdsfile and genomefile",nrow(reftable)-length(unique(ol[,1]))))
reftable = reftable[unique(ol[,1]),]
# Identifying genes starting or ending at the ends of a chromosome/contig
# Because buildref and dndscv need to access the base before and after each coding position, genes overlapping the ends
# of a contig will be trimmed by three bases and a warning will be issued listing those genes.
fullcds = intersect(reftable$cds.id[reftable$cds.start==1], reftable$cds.id[reftable$cds.end==reftable$length]) # List of complete CDS
ol_start = as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(transc_gr, chrs_gr, type="start", select="all"))[,1] # Genes overlapping contig starts
if (any(ol_start)) {
reftable[ol_start,"chr.coding.start"] = reftable[ol_start,"chr.coding.start"] + 3 # Truncate the first 3 bases
reftable[ol_start,"cds.start"] = reftable[ol_start,"cds.start"] + 3 # Truncate the first 3 bases
ol_end = as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(transc_gr, chrs_gr, type="end", select="all"))[,1] # Genes overlapping contig starts
if (any(ol_end)) {
reftable[ol_end,"chr.coding.end"] = reftable[ol_end,"chr.coding.end"] - 3 # Truncate the first 3 bases
reftable[ol_end,"cds.end"] = reftable[ol_end,"cds.end"] - 3 # Truncate the first 3 bases
if (any(c(ol_start,ol_end))) {
warning(sprintf("The following genes were found to start or end at the first or last base of their contig. Since dndscv needs trinucleotide contexts for all coding bases, codons overlapping ends of contigs have been trimmed. Affected genes: %s.", paste(reftable[unique(c(ol_start,ol_end)),"gene.name"], collapse=", ")))
# Selecting the longest complete CDS for every gene (required when there are multiple alternative transcripts per unique gene name)
cds_table = unique(reftable[,c(1:3,9)])
cds_table = cds_table[order(cds_table$gene.name, -cds_table$length), ] # Sorting CDS from longest to shortest
cds_table = cds_table[(cds_table$length %% 3)==0, ] # Removing CDS of length not multiple of 3
cds_table = cds_table[cds_table$cds.id %in% fullcds, ] # Complete CDS
reftable = reftable[reftable$cds.id %in% fullcds, ] # Complete CDS
gene_list = unique(cds_table$gene.name)
reftable = reftable[order(reftable$chr, reftable$chr.coding.start), ]
cds_split = split(reftable, f=reftable$cds.id)
gene_split = split(cds_table, f=cds_table$gene.name)
## 2. Building the RefCDS object
message("[2/3] Building the RefCDS object...")
# Subfunction to extract the coding sequence
get_CDSseq = function(gr, strand) {
cdsseq = strsplit(paste(as.vector(Rsamtools::scanFa(genomefile, gr)),collapse=""),"")[[1]]
if (strand==-1) {
cdsseq = rev(seqinr::comp(cdsseq,forceToLower=F,ambiguous=T))
# Subfunction to extract essential splice site sequences
# Definition of essential splice sites: (5' splice site: +1,+2,+5; 3' splice site: -1,-2)
get_splicesites = function(cds) {
splpos = numeric(0)
if (nrow(cds)>1) { # If the CDS has more than one exon
if (cds[1,10]==1) { # + strand
spl5prime = cds[-nrow(cds),6] # Exon end before splice site
spl3prime = cds[-1,5] # Exon start after splice site
splpos = unique(sort(c(spl5prime+1, spl5prime+2, spl5prime+5, spl3prime-1, spl3prime-2)))
} else if (cds[1,10]==-1) { # - strand
spl5prime = cds[-1,5] # Exon end before splice site
spl3prime = cds[-nrow(cds),6] # Exon start after splice site
splpos = unique(sort(c(spl5prime-1, spl5prime-2, spl5prime-5, spl3prime+1, spl3prime+2)))
# Subfunction to extract the essential splice site sequence
get_spliceseq = function(gr, strand) {
spliceseq = unname(as.vector(Rsamtools::scanFa(genomefile, gr)))
if (strand==-1) {
spliceseq = seqinr::comp(spliceseq,forceToLower=F,ambiguous=T)
# Initialising and populating the RefCDS object
RefCDS = array(list(NULL), length(gene_split)) # Initialising empty object
invalid_genes = rep(0, length(gene_split)) # Initialising empty object
for (j in 1:length(gene_split)) {
gene_cdss = gene_split[[j]]
h = keeptrying = 1
while (h<=nrow(gene_cdss) & keeptrying) {
pid = gene_cdss[h,3]
cds = cds_split[[pid]]
strand = cds[1,10]
chr = cds[1,4]
gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(cds[,5], cds[,6]))
cdsseq = get_CDSseq(gr,strand)
pseq = seqinr::translate(cdsseq, numcode = numcode)
if (all(pseq[-length(pseq)]!="*") & all(cdsseq!="N")) { # A valid CDS has been found (no stop codons inside the CDS excluding the last codon) and no "N" nucleotides
# Essential splice sites
splpos = get_splicesites(cds) # Essential splice sites
if (length(splpos)>0) { # CDSs with a single exon do not have splice sites
gr_spl = GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(splpos, splpos))
splseq = get_spliceseq(gr_spl, strand)
# Obtaining the splicing sequences and the coding and splicing sequence contexts
if (strand==1) {
cdsseq1up = get_CDSseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(cds[,5]-1, cds[,6]-1)), strand)
cdsseq1down = get_CDSseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(cds[,5]+1, cds[,6]+1)), strand)
if (length(splpos)>0) {
splseq1up = get_spliceseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(splpos-1, splpos-1)), strand)
splseq1down = get_spliceseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(splpos+1, splpos+1)), strand)
} else if (strand==-1) {
cdsseq1up = get_CDSseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(cds[,5]+1, cds[,6]+1)), strand)
cdsseq1down = get_CDSseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(cds[,5]-1, cds[,6]-1)), strand)
if (length(splpos)>0) {
splseq1up = get_spliceseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(splpos+1, splpos+1)), strand)
splseq1down = get_spliceseq(GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(splpos-1, splpos-1)), strand)
# Annotating the CDS in the RefCDS database
RefCDS[[j]]$gene_name = gene_cdss[h,2]
RefCDS[[j]]$gene_id = gene_cdss[h,1]
RefCDS[[j]]$protein_id = gene_cdss[h,3]
RefCDS[[j]]$CDS_length = gene_cdss[h,4]
RefCDS[[j]]$chr = cds[1,4]
RefCDS[[j]]$strand = strand
RefCDS[[j]]$intervals_cds = unname(as.matrix(cds[,5:6]))
RefCDS[[j]]$intervals_splice = splpos
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds = Biostrings::DNAString(paste(cdsseq, collapse=""))
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1up = Biostrings::DNAString(paste(cdsseq1up, collapse=""))
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1down = Biostrings::DNAString(paste(cdsseq1down, collapse=""))
if (length(splpos)>0) { # If there are splice sites in the gene
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice = Biostrings::DNAString(paste(splseq, collapse=""))
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1up = Biostrings::DNAString(paste(splseq1up, collapse=""))
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1down = Biostrings::DNAString(paste(splseq1down, collapse=""))
keeptrying = 0 # Stopping the while loop
h = h+1
if (keeptrying) {
invalid_genes[j] = 1 # No valid CDS was found for this gene and the gene will be removed from the RefCDS object
if (round(j/1000)==(j/1000)) { message(sprintf(' %0.3g%% ...', round(j/length(gene_split),2)*100)) }
RefCDS = RefCDS[!invalid_genes] # Removing genes without a valid CDS
## 3. L matrices: number of synonymous, missense, nonsense and splice sites in each CDS at each trinucleotide context
message("[3/3] Calculating the impact of all possible coding changes...")
nt = c("A","C","G","T")
trinuc_list = paste(rep(nt,each=16,times=1), rep(nt,each=4,times=4), rep(nt,each=1,times=16), sep="")
trinuc_ind = structure(1:64, names=trinuc_list)
trinuc_subs = NULL; for (j in 1:length(trinuc_list)) { trinuc_subs = c(trinuc_subs, paste(trinuc_list[j], paste(substr(trinuc_list[j],1,1), setdiff(nt,substr(trinuc_list[j],2,2)), substr(trinuc_list[j],3,3), sep=""), sep=">")) }
trinuc_subsind = structure(1:192, names=trinuc_subs)
# Precalculating a 64x64 matrix with the functional impact of each codon transition (1=Synonymous, 2=Missense, 3=Nonsense)
impact_matrix = array(NA, dim=c(64,64))
colnames(impact_matrix) = rownames(impact_matrix) = trinuc_list
for (j in 1:64) {
for (h in 1:64) {
from_aa = seqinr::translate(strsplit(trinuc_list[j],"")[[1]], numcode = numcode)
to_aa = seqinr::translate(strsplit(trinuc_list[h],"")[[1]], numcode = numcode)
# Annotating the impact of the mutation
if (to_aa == from_aa){
impact_matrix[j,h] = 1
} else if (to_aa == "*"){
impact_matrix[j,h] = 3
} else if ((to_aa != "*") & (from_aa != "*") & (to_aa != from_aa)){
impact_matrix[j,h] = 2
} else if (from_aa=="*") {
impact_matrix[j,h] = NA
for (j in 1:length(RefCDS)) {
L = array(0, dim=c(192,4))
cdsseq = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds))
cdsseq1up = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1up))
cdsseq1down = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1down))
# 1. Exonic mutations
ind = rep(1:length(cdsseq), each=3)
old_trinuc = paste(cdsseq1up[ind], cdsseq[ind], cdsseq1down[ind], sep="")
new_base = c(sapply(cdsseq, function(x) nt[nt!=x]))
new_trinuc = paste(cdsseq1up[ind], new_base, cdsseq1down[ind], sep="")
codon_start = rep(seq(1,length(cdsseq),by=3),each=9)
old_codon = paste(cdsseq[codon_start], cdsseq[codon_start+1], cdsseq[codon_start+2], sep="")
pos_in_codon = rep(rep(1:3, each=3), length.out=length(old_codon))
aux = strsplit(old_codon,"")
new_codon = sapply(1:length(old_codon), function(x) { new_codonx = aux[[x]]; new_codonx[pos_in_codon[x]] = new_base[x]; return(new_codonx) } )
new_codon = paste(new_codon[1,], new_codon[2,], new_codon[3,], sep="")
imp = impact_matrix[(trinuc_ind[new_codon]-1)*64 + trinuc_ind[old_codon]]
matrind = trinuc_subsind[paste(old_trinuc, new_trinuc, sep=">")]
# Synonymous
matrix_ind = table(matrind[which(imp==1)])
L[as.numeric(names(matrix_ind)), 1] = matrix_ind
# Missense
matrix_ind = table(matrind[which(imp==2)])
L[as.numeric(names(matrix_ind)), 2] = matrix_ind
# Nonsense
matrix_ind = table(matrind[which(imp==3)])
L[as.numeric(names(matrix_ind)), 3] = matrix_ind
# 2. Splice site mutations
if (length(RefCDS[[j]]$intervals_splice)>0) {
splseq = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice))
splseq1up = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1up))
splseq1down = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1down))
old_trinuc = rep(paste(splseq1up, splseq, splseq1down, sep=""), each=3)
new_trinuc = paste(rep(splseq1up, each=3), c(sapply(splseq, function(x) nt[nt!=x])), rep(splseq1down,each=3), sep="")
matrind = trinuc_subsind[paste(old_trinuc, new_trinuc, sep=">")]
matrix_ind = table(matrind)
L[as.numeric(names(matrix_ind)), 4] = matrix_ind
RefCDS[[j]]$L = L # Saving the L matrix
if (round(j/1000)==(j/1000)) { message(sprintf(' %0.3g%% ...', round(j/length(gene_split),2)*100)) }
## Saving the reference GenomicRanges object
aux = unlist(sapply(1:length(RefCDS), function(x) t(cbind(x,rbind(RefCDS[[x]]$intervals_cds,cbind(RefCDS[[x]]$intervals_splice,RefCDS[[x]]$intervals_splice))))))
df_genes = as.data.frame(t(array(aux,dim=c(3,length(aux)/3))))
colnames(df_genes) = c("ind","start","end")
df_genes$chr = unlist(sapply(1:length(RefCDS), function(x) rep(RefCDS[[x]]$chr,nrow(RefCDS[[x]]$intervals_cds)+length(RefCDS[[x]]$intervals_splice))))
df_genes$gene = sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$gene_name)[df_genes$ind]
gr_genes = GenomicRanges::GRanges(df_genes$chr, IRanges::IRanges(df_genes$start, df_genes$end))
GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_genes)$names = df_genes$gene
save(RefCDS, gr_genes, file=outfile)
} # EOF
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