
Defines functions validationCellType pickCompProbes estimateCellCounts2

Documented in estimateCellCounts2

#' estimateCellCounts2
#' @description
#' estimateCellCounts2 function allows the use of customized reference
#' datasets and IDOL probes L-DMR lists
#' @import minfi
#' @import ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom utils memory.limit
#' @importFrom  graphics legend
#' @importFrom  graphics plot
#' @importFrom  stats as.formula
#' @importFrom  stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom  stats  lm
#' @importFrom  stats  pf
#' @importFrom  stats  vcov
#' @importFrom genefilter rowFtests
#' @importFrom genefilter rowttests
#' @importFrom quadprog solve.QP
#' @importFrom nlme lme
#' @importFrom nlme getVarCov
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @examples
#' # FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC
#' # Step 1: Load the reference library to extract the artificial mixtures
#' # Note: If your machine does not allow access to internet you can download
#' # and save the file. Then load it manually into the R environment
#' # library(FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC)
#' FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC <- libraryDataGet("FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC")
#' # Step 2 separate the reference from the testing dataset if you want to run
#' # examples for estimations for this function example
#' RGsetTargets <- FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC[,
#'     FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC$CellType == "MIX"
#' ]
#' sampleNames(RGsetTargets) <- paste(RGsetTargets$CellType,
#'     seq_len(dim(RGsetTargets)[2]),
#'     sep = "_"
#' )
#' RGsetTargets
#' # Step 3: use your favorite package for deconvolution.
#' # Deconvolve a target data set consisting of EPIC DNA methylation
#' # data profiled in blood, using your prefered method.
#' # You can use our IDOL optimized DMR library for the EPIC array.  This object
#' # contains a vector of length 450 consisting of the IDs of the IDOL optimized
#' # CpG probes.  These CpGs are used as the backbone for deconvolution and were
#' # selected because their methylation signature differs across the six normal
#' # leukocyte subtypes. Use the option "IDOL"
#' head(IDOLOptimizedCpGs)
#' # If you need to deconvolve a 450k legacy dataset use
#' # IDOLOptimizedCpGs450klegacy instead
#' # We recommend using Noob processMethod = "preprocessNoob" in minfi for the
#' # target and reference datasets.
#' # Cell types included are "CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "Bcell", "Mono", "Neu"
#' # To use the IDOL optimized list of CpGs (IDOLOptimizedCpGs) use
#' # estimateCellCounts2 an adaptation of the popular estimateCellCounts in
#' # minfi. This function also allows including customized reference arrays.
#' # Do not run with limited RAM the normalization step requires a big amount
#' # of memory resources
#'     propEPIC <- estimateCellCounts2(RGsetTargets,
#'         compositeCellType = "Blood",
#'         processMethod = "preprocessNoob",
#'         probeSelect = "IDOL",
#'         cellTypes = c(
#'             "CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "Bcell",
#'             "Mono", "Neu"
#'         )
#'     )
#'     head(propEPIC$prop)
#'     percEPIC <- round(propEPIC$prop * 100, 1)
#' # #Advanced deconvolution CP/QP, CIBERSORT and/or RPC deconvolution
#' # noobset<- preprocessNoob(RGsetTargets)
#' #  propEPIC<-projectCellType_CP (
#' #  getBeta(noobset)[IDOLOptimizedCpGs,],
#' #  IDOLOptimizedCpGs.compTable, contrastWBC=NULL, nonnegative=TRUE,
#' #  lessThanOne=FALSE)
#' #
#' # head(propEPIC)
#' # percEPIC<-round(propEPIC*100,1)
#' #
#' # #If you prefer CIBERSORT or RPC deconvolution use EpiDISH or similar
#' # #Example not to run
#' # library(EpiDISH)
#' # RPC <- epidish(getBeta(noobset)[IDOLOptimizedCpGs,],
#' # IDOLOptimizedCpGs.compTable), method = "RPC")
#' # RPC$estF#RPC proportion estimates
#' # percEPICRPC<-round(RPC$estF*100,1)#percentages
#' # CBS <- epidish(getBeta(noobset)[IDOLOptimizedCpGs,],
#' # IDOLOptimizedCpGs.compTable), method = "CBS")
#' # CBS$estF#CBS proportion estimates
#' # percEPICCBS<-round(CBS$estF*100,1)#percentages
#' #library(FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k)
#' ## Step 1: Load the reference library to extract the umbilical cord samples
#' #FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k <-
#' #    libraryDataGet("FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k")
#' #FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k
#' ## Step 2 separate the reference from the testing dataset if you want to run
#' ## examples for estimations for this function example
#' #RGsetTargets <- FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k[,
#' #    FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k$CellType == "WBC"
#' #]
#' #sampleNames(RGsetTargets) <- paste(RGsetTargets$CellType,
#' #    seq_len(dim(RGsetTargets)[2]),
#' #    sep = "_"
#' #)
#' #RGsetTargets
#' ## Step 3: use your favorite package for deconvolution.
#' ## Deconvolute a target data set consisting of 450K DNA methylation
#' ## data profiled in blood, using your prefered method.
#' ## You can use our IDOL optimized DMR library for the Cord Blood,  This object
#' ## contains a vector of length 517 consisting of the IDs of the IDOL optimized
#' ## CpG probes.  These CpGs are used as the backbone for deconvolution and were
#' ## selected because their methylation signature differs across the six normal
#' ## leukocyte subtypes plus the nucleated red blood cells.
#' #data("IDOLOptimizedCpGsCordBlood")
#' #head(IDOLOptimizedCpGsCordBlood)
#' ## We recommend using Noob processMethod = "preprocessNoob" in minfi for the
#' ## target and reference datasets.
#' ## Cell types included are "CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "Bcell", "Mono", "Gran",
#' ## "nRBC"
#' ## To use the IDOL optimized list of CpGs (IDOLOptimizedCpGsCordBlood) use
#' ## estimateCellCounts2 from FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC.
#' ## Do not run with limited RAM the normalization step requires a big amount
#' ## of memory resources. Use the parameters as specified below for
#' ## reproducibility.
#' #
#' #    propUCB <- estimateCellCounts2(RGsetTargets,
#' #        compositeCellType = "CordBloodCombined",
#' #        processMethod = "preprocessNoob",
#' #        probeSelect = "IDOL",
#' #        cellTypes = c(
#' #            "CD8T", "CD4T", "NK",
#' #            "Bcell", "Mono", "Gran", "nRBC"
#' #        )
#' #    )
#' #
#' #    head(propUCB$prop)
#' #    percUCB <- round(propUCB$prop * 100, 1)
#' ## Using cell counts instead of proportions
#' #library(FlowSorted.Blood.450k)
#' #RGsetTargets2 <- FlowSorted.Blood.450k[,
#' #    FlowSorted.Blood.450k$CellType == "WBC"
#' #]
#' #sampleNames(RGsetTargets2) <- paste(RGsetTargets2$CellType,
#' #    seq_len(dim(RGsetTargets2)[2]),
#' #    sep = "_"
#' #)
#' #RGsetTargets2
#' #propEPIC2 <- estimateCellCounts2(RGsetTargets2,
#' #    compositeCellType = "Blood",
#' #    processMethod = "preprocessNoob",
#' #    probeSelect = "IDOL",
#' #    cellTypes = c(
#' #        "CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "Bcell",
#' #        "Mono", "Neu"
#' #    ), cellcounts = rep(10000, 6)
#' #)
#' #head(propEPIC2$prop)
#' #head(propEPIC2$counts)
#' #percEPIC2 <- round(propEPIC2$prop * 100, 1)
#' ## Blood Extended deconvolution or any external reference
#' ## please contact \email{Technology.Transfer@dartmouth.edu}
#' # library (FlowSorted.BloodExtended.EPIC)
#' ## Step 1: Extract the mix samples
#' # library(FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC)
#' # library(ExperimentHub)
#' # FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC <- libraryDataGet('FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC')
#' ## Step 2 separate the reference from the testing dataset if you want to run
#' ## examples for estimations for this function example
#' # RGsetTargets <- FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC[,
#' # FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC$CellType == "MIX"]
#' # sampleNames(RGsetTargets) <- paste(RGsetTargets$CellType,
#' #                               seq_len(dim(RGsetTargets)[2]), sep = "_")
#' # RGsetTargets
#' ## Step 3: use your favorite package for deconvolution.
#' ## Deconvolve the target data set 450K or EPIC blood DNA methylation.
#' ## We recommend ONLY the IDOL method, the automatic method can lead to severe
#' ## biases.
#' ## We recommend using Noob processMethod = "preprocessNoob" in minfi for the
#' ## target and reference datasets.
#' ## Cell types included are "Bas", "Bmem", "Bnv", "CD4mem", "CD4nv",
#' ## "CD8mem", "CD8nv", "Eos", "Mono", "Neu", "NK", and "Treg"
#' ## Use estimateCellCounts2 from FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC.
#' ## Do not run with limited RAM the normalization step requires a big amount
#' ## of memory resources. Use the parameters as specified below for
#' ## reproducibility.
#' #
#' #    prop_ext <- estimateCellCounts2(RGsetTargets,
#' #        compositeCellType = "BloodExtended",
#' #        processMethod = "preprocessNoob",
#' #        probeSelect = "IDOL",
#' #        cellTypes = c(
#' #            "Bas", "Bmem", "Bnv",
#' #            "CD4mem", "CD4nv",
#' #            "CD8mem", "CD8nv", "Eos",
#' #            "Mono", "Neu", "NK", "Treg"),
#' #CustomCpGs =if(RGsetTargets@annotation[1]=="IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC"){
#' #IDOLOptimizedCpGsBloodExtended}else{IDOLOptimizedCpGsBloodExtended450k})
#' #    perc_ext<-round(prop_ext$prop*100,1)
#' #    head(perc_ext)
#' #
#' ## End of example
#' @references LA Salas et al. (2018). \emph{An optimized library for
#' reference-based deconvolution of whole-blood biospecimens assayed using the
#' Illumina HumanMethylationEPIC BeadArray}. Genome Biology 19, 64. doi:
#' \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-018-1448-7}{10.1186/s13059-018-1448-7}
#' @references LA Salas et al. (2022). \emph{Enhanced cell deconvolution of
#' peripheral blood using DNA methylation for high-resolution immune
#' profiling}. Nat Comm 13, 761 (2022). doi: 
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27864-7}{10.1038/s41467-021-27864-7}
#' @references DC Koestler et al. (2016). \emph{Improving cell mixture
#' deconvolution by identifying optimal DNA methylation libraries (IDOL)}.
#' BMC bioinformatics. 17, 120. doi:
#' \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-018-1448-7}{10.1186/s13059-018-1448-7}.
#' @references EA Houseman, et al.(2012)  \emph{DNA methylation arrays as
#' surrogate measures of cell mixture distribution}. BMC bioinformatics  13:86.
#' doi:\href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12859-016-0943-7}{10.1186/1471-2105-13-86}.
#' @references AE Jaffe and RA Irizarry.(2014) \emph{Accounting for cellular
#' heterogeneity is critical in epigenome-wide association studies}.
#' Genome Biology  15:R31. doi:
#' \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/gb-2014-15-2-r31}{10.1186/gb-2014-15-2-r31}.
#' @references K Gervin, LA Salas et al. (2019) \emph{Systematic evaluation and
#' validation of references and library selection methods for deconvolution of
#' cord blood DNA methylation data}. Clin Epigenetics 11,125. doi:
#' \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13148-019-0717-y}{10.1186/s13148-019-0717-y}.
#' @references KM Bakulski, et al. (2016) \emph{DNA methylation of cord blood
#' cell types: Applications for mixed cell birth studies}. Epigenetics 11:5.
#' doi:\href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15592294.2016.1161875}{10.1080/15592294.2016.1161875}.
#' @references AJ Titus, et al. (2017). \emph{Cell-type deconvolution from DNA
#' methylation: a review of recent applications}. Hum Mol Genet 26: R216-R224.
#' doi:\href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddx275}{10.1093/hmg/ddx275}
#' @references AE Teschendorff, et al. (2017). \emph{A comparison of
#' reference-based algorithms for correcting cell-type heterogeneity in
#' Epigenome-Wide Association Studies}. BMC Bioinformatics 18: 105. doi:
#' \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12859-017-1511-5}{10.1186/s12859-017-1511-5}
#' @param
#' rgSet           The input RGChannelSet or raw MethylSet for the procedure.
#' @param
#' compositeCellType   Which composite cell type is being deconvolved.
#'                      Should be one of "Blood", "CordBloodCombined",
#'                      "CordBlood", "CordBloodNorway", "CordTissueAndBlood",
#'                      or "DLPFC".
#'                      See details for preferred approaches.
#' @param
#' processMethod Joint normalization/background correction for user and
#'                reference data
#'                Default input, "preprocessNoob" in minfi, you can use "auto"
#'                for preprocessQuantile for Blood and DLPFC in 450K datasets
#'                and preprocessNoob otherwise, according to existing
#'                literature.
#'                For MethylSet objects only "preprocessQuantile"
#'                is available. Set it to any minfi preprocessing function as a
#'                character if you want to override it, like
#'                "preprocessFunnorm"
#' @param
#' probeSelect    How should probes be selected to distinguish cell types?
#'                Options include:
#'                1)  "IDOL", (default) for using a customized set of probes
#'                 obtained from IDOL optimization, available for Blood and
#'                 Umbilical Cord Blood
#'                2) "both", which selects an equal number (50) of probes (with
#'                F-stat p-value < 1E-8) with the greatest magnitude of effect
#'                from the hyper- and hypo-methylated sides, and
#'                3) "any", which selects the 100 probes (with F-stat p-value
#'                < 1E-8) with the greatest magnitude of difference regardless
#'                of direction of effect.
#'                This according to minfi algorithm. Default input "auto" in
#'                minfi will use "any" for cord blood and "both" otherwise.
#'                Please see references for more details.
#' @param
#' cellTypes     A vector of length K that contains the cell type names.
#'                Default: c("CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "Bcell", "Mono", "Neu").
#'                Please notice that this library use Neutrophils instead
#'                of Granulocytes. See details for your library.
#' @param
#' referencePlatform The platform for the reference dataset; options include
#'                    c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
#'                    "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC" (default),
#'                    "IlluminaHumanMethylation27k"). If the input
#'                    rgSet belongs to another platform, it will be converted
#'                    using minfi function convertArray.
#' @param
#' referenceset It is NULL by default.
#'             A custom reference RGChannelSet object (in quotes) if it is not
#'             a package installed. This option also allows the user to perform
#'             the deconvolution in closed computing clusters without internet
#'             access to ExperimentHub. For that download and save the
#'             reference and input the resulting object here. If using an
#'             installed reference package set to NULL.
#' @param
#' CustomCpGs a custom vector of probe names for cell deconvolution. For
#'                 custom lists it should be a vector object (no quotes).
#' @param
#' returnAll    Should the composition table and the normalized user supplied
#'              data be return? Default is False.
#' @param
#' verbose Should the function be verbose?
#' @param
#' meanPlot    Whether to plots the average DNA methylation across the
#'             cell-type discriminating probes within the mixed and sorted
#'             samples.
#' @param
#' lessThanOne Should the predictions be constrained to exactly one,
#'             in minfi default is FALSE, now you can select the option
#' @param
#' cellcounts  If cell counts are available (CBC, of flow sort) add a vector of
#'             lenght equal to the samples being deconvolved
#' @param
#' ...  Other arguments for preprocessquantile or other normalizations
#' @return
#' This function will return a list containing matrix of cell counts (counts),
#' if returnAll=FALSE, or a list containing the counts, mean methylation per
#' cellType, and the normalized betas (if returnAll is set to TRUE). These
#' objects are important if you decide to use a different deconvolution
#' algorithm such as CIBERSORT or robust partial correlation (RPC).
#' @export
estimateCellCounts2 <- function(rgSet, compositeCellType = "Blood",
                                processMethod = "preprocessNoob",
                                probeSelect = "IDOL",
                                cellTypes = c(
                                    "CD8T", "CD4T", "NK", "Bcell",
                                    "Mono", "Neu"
                                referencePlatform = "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC",
                                referenceset = NULL, CustomCpGs = NULL,
                                returnAll = FALSE, meanPlot = FALSE,
                                verbose = TRUE, lessThanOne = FALSE,
                                cellcounts = NULL,
                                ...) {
    if (is(rgSet, "RGChannelSetExtended")) {
        rgSet <- as(rgSet, "RGChannelSet")
    if ((!is(rgSet, "RGChannelSet")) && (!is(rgSet, "MethylSet"))) {
            "object is of class '%s', but needs to be of
                                class 'RGChannelSet' 'RGChannelSetExtended' or
                                'MethylSet' to use this function",
        width = 80, prefix = " ",
        initial = ""
    if (!is(rgSet, "RGChannelSet") &&
        (processMethod[1] != "preprocessQuantile")) {
        stop(strwrap(sprintf("object is of class '%s', but needs to be of
                                class 'RGChannelSet' or 'RGChannelSetExtended'
                                to use other methods different to
                                'preprocessQuantile'", class(rgSet)),
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if (is(rgSet, "MethylSet") &&
        (processMethod[1] == "preprocessQuantile")) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] The function will assume that
                            no preprocessing has been performed. Using
                            'preprocessQuantile' in prenormalized data is
                            experimental and it should only be run under the
                            user responsibility",
            width = 80, prefix = " ",
            initial = ""
    referencePlatform <- match.arg(referencePlatform)
    rgPlatform <- sub(
        "IlluminaHumanMethylation", "",
        annotation(rgSet)[which(names(annotation(rgSet)) == "array")]
    platform <- sub("IlluminaHumanMethylation", "", referencePlatform)
    if ((compositeCellType == "CordBlood" |
        compositeCellType == "CordBloodNorway" |
        compositeCellType == "CordBloodCanada" |
        compositeCellType == "CordTissueAndBlood")) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Consider using CordBloodCombined
                        for cord blood estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "Blood") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k")) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Consider using referencePlatform
                        IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC for blood estimation,
                        using the IDOLOptimizedCpGs450klegacy\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "BloodExtended") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k")) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Platform 450k is not available
                        defaulting to platform EPIC for your estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
        referencePlatform <- "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC"
        platform <- sub("IlluminaHumanMethylation", "", referencePlatform)
    if ((compositeCellType == "CordBloodCombined") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC")) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Platform EPIC is not available
                        defaulting to platform 450k for your estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
        referencePlatform <- "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k"
        platform <- sub("IlluminaHumanMethylation", "", referencePlatform)
    if ((compositeCellType == "CordBlood" |
        compositeCellType == "CordBloodCombined") && (!"nRBC" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Consider including 'nRBC' in
                        argument 'cellTypes' for cord blood estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "Blood" |
        compositeCellType == "BloodExtended") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC") &&
        ("Gran" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Replace 'Gran' for 'Neu' in
                        argument 'cellTypes' for EPIC blood estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "BloodExtended") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC") &&
        ("CD4T" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Replace 'CD4T' for 'CD4nv',
                        'CD4mem' and 'Treg' in argument 'cellTypes' for EPIC
                        blood extended estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "BloodExtended") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC") &&
        ("CD8T" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Replace 'CD8T' for 'CD8nv' and
                        'CD8mem' in argument 'cellTypes' for EPIC blood
                        extended estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "BloodExtended") &&
        (referencePlatform == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC") &&
        ("Bcell" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Replace 'Bcell' for 'Bnv' and
                        'Bmem' in argument 'cellTypes' for EPIC blood
                        extended estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType != "Blood" &&
        compositeCellType != "BloodExtended") &&
        ("Neu" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Check whether 'Gran' or 'Neu' is
                        present in your reference and adjust argument
                        'cellTypes' for your estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType == "Blood" |
        compositeCellType == "BloodExtended") &&
        ("Gran" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Check whether 'Gran' or 'Neu' is
                        present in your reference and adjust argument
                        'cellTypes' for your estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType != "BloodExtended") &&
        ("Eos" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Check whether 'Eos' is
                        present in your reference and adjust argument
                        'cellTypes' for your estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if ((compositeCellType != "BloodExtended") &&
        ("Bas" %in% cellTypes)) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Check whether 'Bas' is
                        present in your reference and adjust argument
                        'cellTypes' for your estimation.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if (!is.null(cellcounts) && length(cellcounts) != dim(rgSet)[2]) {
        stop(strwrap(sprintf("length of cellcounts is '%s', but needs to be equal
                        to the number of samples '%s'",
            length(cellcounts), dim(rgSet)[2],
            width = 80,
            prefix = " ", initial = ""
    referencePkg <- sprintf("FlowSorted.%s.%s", compositeCellType, platform)
    subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0L)
    if (!is.null(referenceset)) {
        referenceRGset <- get(referenceset)
        if (is(referenceRGset, "RGChannelSetExtended")) {
            referenceRGset <- as(referenceRGset, "RGChannelSet")
        if (!is(rgSet, "RGChannelSet")) {
            referenceRGset <- preprocessRaw(referenceRGset)
    } else {
        if (!require(referencePkg, character.only = TRUE) &&
            referencePkg != "FlowSorted.BloodExtended.EPIC") {
                "Could not find reference data package for
                                compositeCellType '%s' and referencePlatform
                                '%s' (inferred package name is '%s')",
                compositeCellType, platform, referencePkg
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
        if (!require(referencePkg, character.only = TRUE) &&
            referencePkg == "FlowSorted.BloodExtended.EPIC") {
                "Could not find reference data package for
                                compositeCellType '%s' and referencePlatform
                                '%s' (inferred package name is '%s'),
                                please contact
                compositeCellType, platform, referencePkg
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
        if ((referencePkg != "FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC") &&
            (referencePkg != "FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k")) {
            referenceRGset <- get(referencePkg)
        } else if ((referencePkg == "FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC") |
            (referencePkg == "FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k")) {
            referenceRGset <- libraryDataGet(referencePkg)
        if (!is(rgSet, "RGChannelSet")) {
            referenceRGset <- preprocessRaw(referenceRGset)
    if (rgPlatform != platform) {
        rgSet <- convertArray(rgSet,
            outType = referencePlatform,
            verbose = TRUE
    if (!"CellType" %in% names(colData(referenceRGset))) {
        stop(strwrap(sprintf("the reference sorted dataset (in this case '%s')
                            needs to have a phenoData column called
                            'CellType'"), names(referencePkg),
            width = 80, prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if (sum(colnames(rgSet) %in% colnames(referenceRGset)) > 0) {
        stop(strwrap("the sample/column names in the user set must not be in
                    the reference data ",
            width = 80, prefix = " ",
            initial = ""
    if (!all(cellTypes %in% referenceRGset$CellType)) {
            "all elements of argument 'cellTypes' needs to be
                            part of the reference phenoData columns 'CellType'
                            (containg the following elements: '%s')",
                collapse = "', '"
        width = 80,
        prefix = " ", initial = ""
    if (length(unique(cellTypes)) < 2) {
        stop("At least 2 cell types must be provided.")
    if ((processMethod == "auto") &&
        (compositeCellType %in% c("Blood", "DLPFC"))) {
        processMethod <- "preprocessQuantile"
    if ((processMethod == "auto") &&
        (!compositeCellType %in% c("Blood", "DLPFC")) &&
        (is(rgSet, "RGChannelSet"))) {
        processMethod <- "preprocessNoob"
    processMethod <- get(processMethod)
    if ((probeSelect == "auto") &&
        (compositeCellType %in% c(
            "CordBloodCombined", "CordBlood",
            "CordBloodNorway", "CordTissueAndBlood"
        ))) {
        probeSelect <- "any"
    if ((probeSelect == "auto") &&
        (!compositeCellType %in% c(
            "CordBloodCombined", "CordBlood",
            "CordBloodNorway", "CordTissueAndBlood"
        ))) {
        probeSelect <- "both"
    if ((probeSelect == "IDOL") &&
        (compositeCellType == "CordBloodCombined")) {
        CustomCpGs <- FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC::IDOLOptimizedCpGsCordBlood
    if ((probeSelect == "IDOL") &&
        (compositeCellType == "Blood")) {
        if ((rgPlatform == "450k")) {
            CustomCpGs <- FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC::IDOLOptimizedCpGs450klegacy
        } else {
            CustomCpGs <- FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC::IDOLOptimizedCpGs
    if (verbose) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Combining user data with
                        reference (flow sorted) data.\n",
            width = 80,
            prefix = " ", initial = ""
    newpd <- DataFrame(
        sampleNames = c(
        studyIndex = rep(c("user", "reference"),
            times = c(
    referenceRGset$CellType <- as.character(referenceRGset$CellType)
    if (is.null(rgSet$CellType)) {
        rgSet$CellType <- rep("NA", dim(rgSet)[2])
    if (is.null(rgSet$Age)) {
        rgSet$Age <- rep("NA", dim(rgSet)[2])
    if (is.null(rgSet$Sex)) {
        rgSet$Sex <- rep("NA", dim(rgSet)[2])
    if (is.null(referenceRGset$Sex)) {
        referenceRGset$Sex <- rep("NA", dim(referenceRGset)[2])
    } else {
        referenceRGset$Sex <- as.character(referenceRGset$Sex)
    if (is.null(referenceRGset$Age)) {
        referenceRGset$Age <- rep("NA", dim(referenceRGset)[2])
    } else {
        try(referenceRGset$Age <- as.numeric(referenceRGset$Age))
    commoncolumn <- intersect(
    restry <- try(
            colData(rgSet)[commoncolumn] <- mapply(
                FUN = as,
                    FUN.VALUE = character(1)
                SIMPLIFY = FALSE
        silent = TRUE
    if ("try-error" %in% class(restry)) {
        commoncolumn <- c("CellType", "Sex", "Age")
        colData(rgSet)[commoncolumn] <- mapply(
            FUN = as,
                FUN.VALUE = character(1)
            SIMPLIFY = FALSE
    } else {
        colData(rgSet)[commoncolumn] <- mapply(
            FUN = as,
                FUN.VALUE = character(1)
            SIMPLIFY = FALSE
    colData(referenceRGset) <- colData(referenceRGset)[commoncolumn]
    colData(rgSet) <- colData(rgSet)[commoncolumn]
    referencePd <- colData(referenceRGset)
    combinedRGset <- combineArrays(rgSet, referenceRGset,
        outType = referencePlatform
    colData(combinedRGset) <- newpd
    colnames(combinedRGset) <- newpd$sampleNames
    if (verbose) {
        message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Processing user and reference
                        data together.\n",
            width = 80, prefix = " ",
            initial = ""
    if (compositeCellType == "CordBlood") {
        if (!is(combinedRGset, "RGChannelSet")) {
            combinedRGset@preprocessMethod["rg.norm"] <-
                "Raw (no normalization or bg correction)"
        combinedMset <- processMethod(combinedRGset, verbose = subverbose)
        compTable <- get(paste0(referencePkg, ".compTable"))
        combinedMset <- combinedMset[which(rownames(combinedMset) %in%
            rownames(compTable)), ]
    } else {
        if (!is(combinedRGset, "RGChannelSet")) {
            combinedRGset@preprocessMethod["rg.norm"] <-
                "Raw (no normalization or bg correction)"
        combinedMset <- processMethod(combinedRGset)
    referenceMset <- combinedMset[, combinedMset$studyIndex == "reference"]
    colData(referenceMset) <- as(referencePd, "DataFrame")
    mSet <- combinedMset[, combinedMset$studyIndex == "user"]
    colData(mSet) <- as(colData(rgSet), "DataFrame")
    if (probeSelect != "IDOL") {
        if (verbose) {
            message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Picking probes for
                            composition estimation.\n",
                width = 80,
                prefix = " ", initial = ""
        compData <- pickCompProbes(referenceMset,
            cellTypes = cellTypes,
            compositeCellType = compositeCellType,
            probeSelect = probeSelect
        coefs <- compData$coefEsts
        if (verbose) {
            message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Estimating  proportion
                            composition (prop), if you provide cellcounts
                            those will be provided as counts in the
                            composition estimation.\n",
                width = 80,
                prefix = " ", initial = ""
        prop <- projectCellType_CP(getBeta(mSet)[rownames(coefs), ], coefs,
            lessThanOne = lessThanOne
        prop <- round(prop, 4)
        rownames(prop) <- colnames(rgSet)
        counts <- round(prop * cellcounts, 0)
        if (meanPlot) {
            smeans <- compData$sampleMeans
            smeans <- smeans[order(names(smeans))]
            sampleMeans <- c(
                colMeans(getBeta(mSet)[rownames(coefs), ]),
            sampleColors <- c(rep(1, ncol(mSet)), 1 +
            plot(sampleMeans, pch = 21, bg = sampleColors)
            legend("bottomleft", c("blood", levels(factor(names(smeans)))),
                col = seq_len(7), pch = 15
        if (returnAll) {
                prop = prop, counts = counts, compTable = compData$compTable,
                normalizedData = mSet
        } else {
            list(prop = prop, counts = counts)
    } else {
        if (verbose) {
            message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Using IDOL L-DMR probes for
                            composition estimation.\n",
                width = 80,
                prefix = " ", initial = ""
        p <- getBeta(referenceMset)
        pd <- as.data.frame(colData(referenceMset))
        if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
            if (!all(cellTypes %in% pd$CellType)) {
                stop(strwrap("elements of argument 'cellTypes' are not part of
                    width = 80,
                    prefix = " ", initial = ""
            keep <- which(pd$CellType %in% cellTypes)
            pd <- pd[keep, ]
            p <- p[, keep]
        pd$CellType <- factor(pd$CellType, levels = cellTypes)
        ffComp <- rowFtests(p, pd$CellType)
        tIndexes <- split(seq(along = pd$CellType), pd$CellType)
        prof <- vapply(tIndexes, function(i) rowMeans(p[, i]),
            FUN.VALUE = numeric(dim(p)[1])
        r <- rowRanges(p)
        compTable <- cbind(ffComp, prof, r, abs(r[, 1] - r[, 2]))
        names(compTable)[1] <- "Fstat"
        names(compTable)[c(-2, -1, 0) + ncol(compTable)] <- c(
            "high", "range"
        tstatList <- lapply(tIndexes, function(i) {
            x <- rep(0, ncol(p))
            x[i] <- 1
            return(rowttests(p, factor(x)))
        trainingProbes <- CustomCpGs
        trainingProbes <- trainingProbes[trainingProbes %in% rownames(p)]
        p <- p[trainingProbes, ]
        pMeans <- colMeans(p)
        names(pMeans) <- pd$CellType
        form <- as.formula(sprintf("y ~ %s - 1", paste(levels(pd$CellType),
            collapse = "+"
        phenoDF <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(~ pd$CellType - 1))
        colnames(phenoDF) <- sub("^pd\\$CellType", "", colnames(phenoDF))
        if (ncol(phenoDF) == 2) {
            X <- as.matrix(phenoDF)
            coefEsts <- t(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% t(p))
            coefs <- coefEsts
        } else {
            tmp <- validationCellType(Y = p, pheno = phenoDF, modelFix = form)
            coefEsts <- tmp$coefEsts
            coefs <- coefEsts
        compData <- list(
            coefEsts = coefEsts, compTable = compTable,
            sampleMeans = pMeans
        if (verbose) {
            message(strwrap("[estimateCellCounts2] Estimating  proportion
                            composition (prop), if you provide cellcounts
                            those will be provided as counts in the
                            composition estimation.\n",
                width = 80,
                prefix = " ", initial = ""
        prop <- projectCellType_CP(getBeta(mSet)[rownames(coefs), ], coefs,
            lessThanOne = lessThanOne
        prop <- round(prop, 4)
        rownames(prop) <- colnames(rgSet)
        counts <- round(prop * cellcounts, 0)
        if (meanPlot) {
            smeans <- compData$sampleMeans
            smeans <- smeans[order(names(smeans))]
            sampleMeans <- c(colMeans(getBeta(mSet)[rownames(coefs), ]), smeans)
            sampleColors <- c(rep(1, ncol(mSet)), 1 +
            plot(sampleMeans, pch = 21, bg = sampleColors)
            legend("bottomleft", c("blood", levels(factor(names(smeans)))),
                col = seq_len(7), pch = 15
        if (returnAll) {
                prop = prop, counts = counts, compTable = compTable,
                normalizedData = mSet
        } else {
            list(prop = prop, counts = counts)

# These are minfi internal functions here they are called to keep the function
# above running for the alternative selection ("auto" and "both")
pickCompProbes <- function(mSet, cellTypes = NULL, numProbes = 50,
                            compositeCellType = compositeCellType,
                            probeSelect = probeSelect) {
    p <- getBeta(mSet)
    pd <- as.data.frame(colData(mSet))
    if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
        if (!all(cellTypes %in% pd$CellType)) {
            stop(strwrap("elements of argument 'cellTypes' are not part of
                width = 80, prefix = " ",
                initial = ""
        keep <- which(pd$CellType %in% cellTypes)
        pd <- pd[keep, ]
        p <- p[, keep]
    ## make cell type a factor
    pd$CellType <- factor(pd$CellType, levels = cellTypes)
    ffComp <- rowFtests(p, pd$CellType)
    tIndexes <- split(seq(along = pd$CellType), pd$CellType)
    prof <- vapply(tIndexes, function(i) rowMeans(p[, i]),
        FUN.VALUE = numeric(dim(p)[1])
    r <- rowRanges(p)
    compTable <- cbind(ffComp, prof, r, abs(r[, 1] - r[, 2]))
    names(compTable)[1] <- "Fstat"
    names(compTable)[c(-2, -1, 0) + ncol(compTable)] <- c("low", "high", "range")
    tstatList <- lapply(tIndexes, function(i) {
        x <- rep(0, ncol(p))
        x[i] <- 1
        return(rowttests(p, factor(x)))
    if (probeSelect == "any") {
        probeList <- lapply(tstatList, function(x) {
            y <- x[x[, "p.value"] < 1e-8, ]
            yAny <- y[order(abs(y[, "dm"]), decreasing = TRUE), ]
            c(rownames(yAny)[seq_len(numProbes * 2)])
    } else {
        probeList <- lapply(tstatList, function(x) {
            y <- x[x[, "p.value"] < 1e-8, ]
            yUp <- y[order(y[, "dm"], decreasing = TRUE), ]
            yDown <- y[order(y[, "dm"], decreasing = FALSE), ]
    trainingProbes <- unique(unlist(probeList))
    p <- p[trainingProbes, ]

    pMeans <- colMeans(p)
    names(pMeans) <- pd$CellType
    form <- as.formula(sprintf("y ~ %s - 1", paste(levels(pd$CellType),
        collapse = "+"
    phenoDF <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(~ pd$CellType - 1))
    colnames(phenoDF) <- sub("^pd\\$CellType", "", colnames(phenoDF))
    if (ncol(phenoDF) == 2) { # two group solution
        X <- as.matrix(phenoDF)
        coefEsts <- t(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% t(p))
    } else { # > 2 group solution
        tmp <- validationCellType(Y = p, pheno = phenoDF, modelFix = form)
        coefEsts <- tmp$coefEsts

    out <- list(
        coefEsts = coefEsts, compTable = compTable,
        sampleMeans = pMeans

validationCellType <- function(Y, pheno, modelFix, modelBatch = NULL,
                                L.forFstat = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
    N <- dim(pheno)[1]
    pheno$y <- rep(0, N)
    xTest <- model.matrix(modelFix, pheno)
    sizeModel <- dim(xTest)[2]
    M <- dim(Y)[1]
    if (is.null(L.forFstat)) {
        L.forFstat <- diag(sizeModel)[-1, ] # All non-intercept coefficients
        colnames(L.forFstat) <- colnames(xTest)
        rownames(L.forFstat) <- colnames(xTest)[-1]
    # Initialize various containers
    sigmaResid <- sigmaIcept <- nObserved <- nClusters <- Fstat <- rep(NA, M)
    coefEsts <- matrix(NA, M, sizeModel)
    coefVcovs <- list()
    if (verbose) {
        cat("[validationCellType] ")
    for (j in seq_len(M)) { # For each CpG
        ## Remove missing methylation values
        ii <- !is.na(Y[j, ])
        nObserved[j] <- sum(ii)
        pheno$y <- Y[j, ]

        if (j %% round(M / 10) == 0 && verbose) {
        } # Report progress

        try({ # Try to fit a mixed model to adjust for plate
            if (!is.null(modelBatch)) {
                fit <- try(lme(modelFix, random = modelBatch, data = pheno[ii, ]))
                OLS <- inherits(fit, "try-error")
                # If LME can't be fit, just use OLS
            } else {
                OLS <- TRUE

            if (OLS) {
                fit <- lm(modelFix, data = pheno[ii, ])
                fitCoef <- fit$coef
                sigmaResid[j] <- summary(fit)$sigma
                sigmaIcept[j] <- 0
                nClusters[j] <- 0
            } else {
                fitCoef <- fit$coef$fixed
                sigmaResid[j] <- fit$sigma
                sigmaIcept[j] <- sqrt(getVarCov(fit)[1])
                nClusters[j] <- length(fit$coef$random[[1]])
            coefEsts[j, ] <- fitCoef
            coefVcovs[[j]] <- vcov(fit)

            useCoef <- L.forFstat %*% fitCoef
            useV <- L.forFstat %*% coefVcovs[[j]] %*% t(L.forFstat)
            Fstat[j] <- (t(useCoef) %*% solve(useV, useCoef)) / sizeModel
    if (verbose) {
        cat(" done\n")
    ## Name the rows so that they can be easily matched to the target data set
    rownames(coefEsts) <- rownames(Y)
    colnames(coefEsts) <- names(fitCoef)
    degFree <- nObserved - nClusters - sizeModel + 1

    ## Get P values corresponding to F statistics
    Pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, sizeModel, degFree)

    out <- list(
        coefEsts = coefEsts, coefVcovs = coefVcovs, modelFix = modelFix,
        modelBatch = modelBatch,
        sigmaIcept = sigmaIcept, sigmaResid = sigmaResid,
        L.forFstat = L.forFstat, Pval = Pval,
        orderFstat = order(-Fstat), Fstat = Fstat, nClusters = nClusters,
        nObserved = nObserved,
        degFree = degFree

immunomethylomics/FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC documentation built on May 24, 2023, 2:22 a.m.