## Export: inla.knmodels
##! \name{inla.knmodels}
##! \alias{inla.knmodels}
##! \alias{knmodels}
##! \title{Spacetime interaction models}
##! \description{
##! It implements the models in Knorr-Held, L. (2000)
##! with three different constraint approaches:
##! sum-to-zero, contrast or diagonal add.
##! }
##! \usage{
##! formula,
##! data,
##! progress=FALSE,
##! control.st=list(
##! t=NULL,
##! s=NULL,
##! st=NULL,
##! graph=NULL,
##! type=c(paste(1:4), paste0(2:4, 'c'), paste0(2:4, 'd')),
##! diagonal=1e-5,
##! ...)
##! )
##! \arguments{
`inla.knmodels` =
##! \item{formula}{The formula specifying the other
##! model components, without the spacetime
##! interaction term. The spacetime interaction term
##! will be added accordly to the specification in
##! the \code{control.st} argument. See \code{inla}}
##! \item{progress}{If it is to be shown the model
##! fitting progress. Useful if more than one
##! interaction type is being fitted.}
##! \item{control.st}{Named list of arguments to control
##! the spacetime interaction. It should contains:
##! \code{time} to be used as the index set for the
##! main temporal effect which will be considered
##! for the constraints when it is the case.
##! \code{space} to be used as the index set for the
##! main spatial effect which will be considered
##! for the constraints when it is the case.
##! \code{spacetime} to be the index set for the
##! spacetime interaction effect.
##! \code{graph} to be the graph for the spatial neighbor
##! structure to be used in a \code{\link{f}} term
##! for the main spatial random effect term or for
##! building the spacetime interaction model.
##! \code{type} to specify the spacetime interaction type.
##! \code{1} to \code{4} corresponds to the four
##! interaction types in Knorr-Held, L. (2000) with
##! all the needed sum-to-zero constraints.
##! \code{2c}, \code{3c} and \code{4c} are
##! the contrast version considering the first time
##! or space constrained to be equal to zero.
##! \code{2d}, \code{3d} and \code{4d} are the
##! corresponding versions when considering the
##! diagonal add approach.
type=c(paste(1:4), paste0(2:4, 'c'), paste0(2:4, 'd')),
##! \code{diagonal} to be the value to be added to the
##! diagonal when using the diagonal add approach.
##! \code{timeref} to specify the time point to be the
##! reference time in the contrast parametrization.
##! \item{spaceref} to specify the area to be the
##! reference for the contrast parametrization.
##! \code{...} where additional arguments can be
##! passed to \code{\link{f}} function.
##! Specification of the hyperparameter,
##! fixed or random, initial value, prior and its
##! parameters for the spacetime interaction. See
##! \code{?inla.models} and look for \code{generic0}.
##! By default we scale it and use the PC-prior to set
##! the prior using the \code{pc.prec} prior with
##! \code{param = c(0.5, 0.5)}. See documentation with
##! \code{?inla.doc("pc.prec")}.
##! \item{...}{Arguments to be passed to the
##! \code{\link{inla}} function.}
##! }
##! \value{
##! \code{inla.knmodels} returns an object of class \code{"inla"}.
##! or a list of objects of this class if it is asked to compute
##! more than one interaction type at once.
##! Note: when the model type is 2c, 3c, 4c, 2d, 3d or 4d, it also
##! includes linear combinations summary.
##! }
##! \author{Elias T. Krainski}
##! \seealso{
##! \code{\link{inla.knmodels.sample}} to sample from
##! }
##! \examples{
##!### define space domain as a grid
##!grid <- SpatialGrid(GridTopology(c(0,0), c(1, 1), c(4, 5)))
##!(n <- nrow(xy <- coordinates(grid)))
##!### build a spatial neighborhood list
##!jj <- lapply(1:n, function(i)
##! which(sqrt((xy[i,1]-xy[,1])^2 + (xy[i,2]-xy[,2])^2)==1))
##!### build the spatial adjacency matrix
##!graph <- sparseMatrix(rep(1:n, sapply(jj, length)),
##! unlist(jj), x=1, dims=c(n, n))
##!### some random data at 10 time points
##!dat <- inla.knmodels.sample(graph, m=10, tau.t=2, tau.s=2, tau.st=3)
##!sapply(dat$x, summary)
##!nd <- length(dat$x$eta)
##!dat$e <- runif(nd, 0.9, 1.1)*rgamma(n, 40, 2)
##!dat$y <- rpois(nd, dat$e*exp(dat$x$eta-3))
##!### fit the type 4 considering three different approaches
##!tgraph <- sparseMatrix(i=c(2:10, 1:9), j=c(1:9, 2:10), x=-1)
##!res <- inla.knmodels(y ~ f(time, model='bym2', graph=tgraph) +
##! f(space, model='bym2', graph=graph),
##! data=dat, family='poisson', E=dat$E, progress=TRUE,
##! control.st=list(time=time, space=space,
##! spacetime=spacetime, graph=graph, type=c(4, '4c', '4d')),
##! control.compute=list(dic=TRUE, waic=TRUE, cpo=TRUE))
##!sapply(res, function(x)
##! c(dic=x$dic$dic, waic=x$waic$waic, cpo=-sum(log(x$cpo$cpo))))
mcall <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
ft <- paste('~', mcall$control.st$time)
if (ft=='~ ') {
time <- tname <- NULL
} else {
tname <- substring(ft, 3)
time <- model.frame(as.formula(ft), data=eval(mcall$data))[,1]
timeref <- unique(eval(mcall$control.st$timeref))
if (length(timeref)>1)
if (length(timeref)==0) timeref <- 1
fs <- paste('~', mcall$control.st$space)
if (fs=='~ ') {
space <- sname <- NULL
} else {
sname <- substring(fs, 3)
space <- model.frame(as.formula(fs), data=eval(mcall$data))[,1]
spaceref <- 1
spaceref <- unique(eval(mcall$control.st$spaceref))
if (length(spaceref)>1)
if (length(spaceref)==0) spaceref <- 1
fst <- paste('~', mcall$control.st$spacetime)
if (fst=='~ ') {
spacetime <- NULL
} else {
stname <- substring(fst, 3)
spacetime <- model.frame(as.formula(fst), data=eval(mcall$data))[,1]
## cat('tname =', tname, ', sname =', sname, ', stname =', stname, '\n')
type <- as.character(unique(eval(mcall$control.st$type)))
types <- c(1:4, paste0(2:4, 'c'), paste0(2:4, 'd'))
type <- if(length(type)==0) types else types[match(type, types)]
## cat('type =', type, '\n')
if (length(type)==0) return(NULL)
else res <- list()
if (length(mcall$control.st$diagonal)==0) diagonal <- 1e-5
## cat('diagonal =', diagonal, '\n')
m <- n <- NULL
nst <- length(unique(spacetime))
if (!is.null(mcall$control.st$graph)) {
graph <- eval(mcall$control.st$graph)
n <- nrow(graph <- inla.graph2matrix(graph))
R.s <- inla.scale.model(Diagonal(n, colSums(graph)) - graph,
constr=list(A=matrix(1, 1, n), e=0))
} else {
if (any(substr(type,1,1)%in%c('3', '4')))
stop("'graph' must be provided to build the spacetime interaction model!")
if (!is.null(space)) {
if (!is.null(mcall$control.st$graph))
stop("Size of 'space' is not equal to the size of 'graph'!")
n <- length(unique(space))
if (!is.null(time)) {
m <- length(unique(time))
if (any(substr(type,1,1)%in%c('2', '4')))
R.t <- inla.scale.model(crossprod(diff(Diagonal(m))),
constr=list(A=matrix(1,1,m), e=0))
if (is.null(m)) m <- nst/n
if (is.null(n)) n <- nst/m
## cat('m = ', m, ', n = ', n, ', nst = ', nst, '\n', sep='')
if (TRUE) { ## working in progress: identify need of constraints from the formula
etemp <- INLA:::inla.interpret.formula(formula, data, debug=FALSE)
rterms <- attr(terms(etemp[[1]]), 'term.labels')
id.r <- which(sapply(etemp$random.spec, function(x) is.null(x$weights)))
if (length(id.r)>0) {
r.rankdef <- which(sapply(etemp$random.spec[id.r], function(x) is.null(x$rankdef)))
if (length(r.rankdef)>0) {
r.size <- sapply(etemp$random.spec[id.r[r.rankdef]], function(x) x$n)
j.s <- which(r.size==n)
j.t <- which(r.size==m)
if (length(j.s)>1)
stop('Too many spatial effects with rank deficiency.')
if (length(j.t)>1)
stop('Too many temporal effects with rank deficiency.')
lc2.on <- any(rterms==sname)
lc3.on <- any(rterms==tname)
## cat('lc2 =', lc2.on, ' and lc3 =', lc3.on, '\n')
M2 <- kronecker(matrix(1/m,1,m), diag(n))
M3 <- kronecker(diag(m), matrix(1/n,1,n))
dotdot <- mcall$control.st[which(!is.element(names(mcall$control.st),
c('time', 'space', 'graph', 'type',
'timeref', 'spaceref')))]
add0 <- ''
if(length(names(dotdot))>2) {
add0 <- paste0(', ', names(dotdot)[3], '=', dotdot[3])
if (any(type%in%'1')) {
add1 <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="iid"', add0, ')')
res$'1' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add1)), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='1')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'2')) {
add2 <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="generic0", constr=FALSE, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(R.t, Diagonal(n)), ',
'extraconstr=list(A=M2, e=rep(0,n))', add0, ')')
res$'2' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add2)), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='2')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'3')) {
add3 <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="generic0", constr=FALSE, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(Diagonal(m), R.s), ',
'extraconstr=list(A=M3, e=rep(0,m))', add0, ')')
res$'3' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add3)), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='3')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'4')) {
add4 <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="generic0", constr=FALSE, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(R.t, R.s), ',
'extraconstr=list(A=rbind(M2,M3), e=rep(0,n+m))', add0, ')')
res$'4' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add4)), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='4')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'2c')) {
add2c <- paste0('f(st2, model="generic0", constr=FALSE, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(R.t, Diagonal(n)), ',
'extraconstr=list(A=M2, e=rep(0,n))', add0, ')')
if(is.null(time)) {
st2 <- spacetime
} else {
st2 <- ifelse(time==timeref, NA, spacetime-cumsum(time==timeref))
id2 <- which(!is.na(st2))
lc2 <- inla.make.lincombs(
st2=Diagonal(n*m)[,id2] - M2[space, id2])
names(lc2) <- gsub('lc', 'st', names(lc2))
if (lc2.on) {
lc2args <- list(cbind(Diagonal(n), Diagonal(n,0)), st2=M2[,id2]-1/(n*m))
names(lc2args)[1] <- sname
lcc2 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lc2args)
names(lcc2) <- gsub('lc', 's', names(lcc2))
lc2 <- c(lcc2, lc2)
res$'2c' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add2c)),
lincomb=lc2, ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='2c')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'3c')) {
add3c <- paste0('f(st3, model="generic0", constr=FALSE, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(Diagonal(m), R.s), ',
'extraconstr=list(A=M3, e=rep(0,m))', add0, ')')
if(is.null(space)) {
st3 <- spacetime
} else {
st3 <- ifelse(space==spaceref, NA, spacetime-cumsum(space==spaceref))
id3 <- which(!is.na(st3))
lc3 <- inla.make.lincombs(
st3=Diagonal(n*m)[,id3] - M3[time, id3])
names(lc3) <- gsub('lc', 'st', names(lc3))
if (lc3.on) {
lc3args <- list(Diagonal(m), st3=M3[,id3]-1/(n*m))
names(lc3args)[1] <- tname
lcc3 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lc3args)
names(lcc3) <- gsub('lc', 't', names(lcc3))
lc3 <- c(lcc3, lc3)
res$'3c' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add3c)),
lincomb=lc3, ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='3c')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'4c')) {
add4c <- paste0('f(st4, model="generic0", constr=FALSE, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(R.t, R.s), ',
'extraconstr=list(A=rbind(M2, M3), e=rep(0,n+m))', add0, ')')
aux4 <- logical(n*m)
if (is.null(time))
aux4 <- aux4|(time==timeref)
if (is.null(space))
aux4 <- aux4|(space==spaceref)
st4 <- ifelse(aux4, NA, spacetime-cumsum(aux4))
id4 <- which(!is.na(st4))
lc4 <- inla.make.lincombs(
st4=(Diagonal(n*m)[,id4] - M2[space,id4] -M3[time,id4] +1/(n*m)))
names(lc4) <- gsub('lc', 'st', names(lc4))
if (lc3.on) {
lc3args <- list(Diagonal(m), st4=M3[,id4]-1/(n*m))
names(lc3args)[1] <- tname
lcc3 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lc3args)
names(lcc3) <- gsub('lc', 't', names(lcc3))
lc4 <- c(lcc3, lc4)
if (lc2.on) {
lc2args <- list(cbind(Diagonal(n), Diagonal(n,0)),
st4=M2[, id4]-1/(n*m))
names(lc2args)[1] <- sname
lcc2 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lc2args)
names(lcc2) <- gsub('lc', 's', names(lcc2))
lc4 <- c(lcc2, lc4)
res$'4c' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add4c)),
lincomb=lc4, ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='4c')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%c('2d', '3d', '4d'))) {
lcd2 <- lcd3 <- NULL
if (lc2.on) {
lc2args <- list(cbind(Diagonal(n), Diagonal(n,0)), M2)
names(lc2args) <- c(sname, stname)
lcd2 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lc2args)
if (lc3.on) {
lc3args <- list(Diagonal(m), M3)
names(lc3args) <- c(tname, stname)
lcd3 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lc3args)
dd <- Diagonal(m*n, diagonal)
if (any(type%in%'2d')) {
lcd2args <- list(Diagonal(n*m)-M2[space,])
names(lcd2args) <- stname
lcd <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lcd2args)
add2d <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="generic0", ',
'constr=TRUE, rankdef=n, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(R.t, Diagonal(n)) + dd', add0, ')')
res$'2d' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add2d)),
lincomb=c(lcd2, lcd), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='2d')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'3d')) {
lcd3args <- list(Diagonal(n*m) -M3[time,])
names(lcd3args) <- stname
lcd <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lcd3args)
names(lcd) <- gsub('lc', 'st', names(lcd))
add3d <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="generic0", ',
'constr=TRUE, rankdef=m, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(Diagonal(m), R.s) + dd', add0, ')')
res$'3d' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add3d)),
lincomb=c(lcd3, lcd), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='3d')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (any(type%in%'4d')) {
lcd3args <- lcd2args <- NULL
if(lc2.on) {
lcd2args <- list(cbind(Diagonal(n), Diagonal(n,0)), M2)
names(lcd2args) <- c(sname, stname)
lcd2 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lcd2args)
names(lcd2) <- gsub('lc', 's', names(lcd2))
if(lc3.on) {
lcd3args <- list(Diagonal(m), M3)
names(lcd3args) <- c(tname, stname)
lcd3 <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lcd3args)
names(lcd3) <- gsub('lc', 't', names(lcd3))
lcdargs <- list(Diagonal(n*m) - M2[space,] - M3[time,] +1/(n*m))
names(lcdargs) <- stname
lcd <- do.call('inla.make.lincombs', lcdargs)
names(lcd) <- gsub('lc', 'st', names(lcd))
add4d <- paste0('f(', stname, ', model="generic0", ',
'constr=TRUE, rankdef=n+m, ',
'Cmatrix=kronecker(R.t, R.s) + dd', add0, ')')
res$'4d' <- inla(update(formula, paste('.~.+', add4d)),
lincomb=c(lcd2, lcd3, lcd), ...)
if(progress && (length(res)>0) && tail(names(res),1)=='4d')
cat('type = ', tail(names(res),1), ', cpu = ', res[[length(res)]]$cpu[4], '\n', sep='')
if (length(res)==1) return(res[[1]])
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