## NoExport: inla.sens
## NoExport: inla.sens.distance
## NoExport: inla.sens.distance.skew
## NoExport: inla.sens.skewMap
## NoExport: inla.sens.post
##!\title{Calculate sensitivity measurements}
##!inla.sens(inlaObj, lambda = 0.3, nThreads = NULL, seed = NULL,
##! nGrid = 1e4, nSamples = 2e4, nIntGrid = 1e4, useSkew = FALSE,
##! calcPriorSens = FALSE, makePlots = TRUE)
##! \item{inlaRes}{Object returned by \code{inla} function.}
##! \item{lambda}{TODO}
##! \item{nThreads}{TODO}
##! \item{seed}{TODO}
##! \item{nGrid}{TODO}
##! \item{nSamples}{TODO}
##! \item{nIntGrid}{TODO}
##! \item{useSkew}{TODO}
##! \item{calcPriorSens}{TODO}
##! \item{makePlots}{TODO}
##! \code{inla.sens} plots robustness and returns object with different robustnesses
##!\author{Geir-Arne Fuglstad \email{geirarne.fuglstad@gmail.com}}
##! TODO
inla.sens = function(inlaObj, lambda = 0.3, nThreads = NULL, seed = NULL,
nGrid = 1e4, nSamples = 2e4, nIntGrid = 1e4, useSkew = FALSE,
calcPriorSens = FALSE, makePlots = TRUE)
## Ensure reproducability
## Ensure that $misc$configs information is available
## Turn on storage of x|theta distributions
inlaObj$.args$control.compute$config = TRUE
## Use the previously calculated mode
inlaObj$.args$control.mode$result = NULL
inlaObj$.args$control.mode$restart = FALSE
inlaObj$.args$control.mode$theta = inlaObj$mode$theta
inlaObj$.args$control.mode$x = inlaObj$mode$x
## Run INLA with all the settings
inlaObj = do.call("inla", args = inlaObj$.args)
## Re-run with all data set to NA to get prior-level
inlaObjRef = inlaObj
inlaObjRef$.args$data$y = NA*inlaObjRef$.args$data$y
inlaObjRef = do.call("inla", args = inlaObjRef$.args)
priorSens = inla.sens(inlaObjRef, lambda = lambda, nThreads = nThreads,
seed = seed, nGrid = nGrid, nSamples = nSamples,
nIntGrid = nIntGrid, useSkew = useSkew, calcPriorSens = FALSE)
## Number of different theta values
nTheta = inlaObj$misc$configs$nconfig
## Number of latent components
nLatent = length(inlaObj$misc$configs$config[[1]]$improved.mean)
## Store parameters of distributions in matrices
muMarg = matrix(0, nrow = nTheta, ncol = nLatent)
sdMarg = muMarg
skMarg = muMarg
prob = vector(mode = "numeric", length = nTheta)
for(idxC in 1:nTheta){
muMarg[idxC, ] = inlaObj$misc$configs$config[[idxC]]$improved.mean
sdMarg[idxC, ] = sqrt(diag(inlaObj$misc$configs$config[[idxC]]$Qinv))
skMarg[idxC, ] = inlaObj$misc$configs$config[[idxC]]$skewness
prob[idxC] = exp(inlaObj$misc$configs$config[[idxC]]$log.posterior)
prob = prob/sum(prob)
## Pre-compute robustification (Could be tabulated)
## Using the exponential distribution too easily leads to a distribution for the standard deviations
## that has no mean
## Correct lambda for number of parameters
## nPar = nLatent + nLatent*(nLatent+1)/2
## lambda = lambda/sqrt(nPar)
## ## Make sure mean and variance of standard deviations will exist
## Sample distances
## R = rexp(n = nSamples, rate = lambda)
## With the Gaussian distribution we can ensure the correct behaviour
## Scale variance according to number of samples
nPar = nLatent + nLatent*(nLatent+1)/2
sigDist = lambda*sqrt(nPar-3)
## Simulate distances
R = abs(rnorm(nSamples, sd = sigDist))
## Approximate the draws from the ellipsiod with draws from n-sphere
z12 = matrix(rnorm(n = 2*nSamples), ncol = 2)
zRest2 = rchisq(n = nSamples, df = nPar-2)
sphereRadius = sqrt(rowSums(z12^2) + zRest2)
sphereRadius = cbind(sphereRadius, sphereRadius)
z12 = z12/sphereRadius
## Scale with distances
z12 = z12*R
## Correct for different semi-axis
z12[, 1] = z12[, 1]/1
z12[, 2] = z12[, 2]/2
## Extract mean and standard deviations
muRobust = z12[, 1]
sdRobust = exp(z12[, 2])
## Choose interval to compute robustification of Gaussian on
len = sqrt(var(muRobust) + mean(sdRobust^2))
## Calculate distribution
xR = seq(-20*len, 20*len, length.out = nGrid)
yR = vector(mode = "numeric", length = nGrid)
for(idxS in 1:nSamples){
yR = yR + dnorm(xR, mean = muRobust[idxS], sd = sdRobust[idxS])
yR = log(yR)-log(nSamples)
robMarg = list(x = xR, y = yR)
## Calculate distance between original marginal posterior and
## posterior with uncertainty added in each conditional density
## x_i | \theta, y
} else{
nWorkers = foreach::getDoParWorkers()
breaks = floor(seq(1, nLatent+1, length.out = nWorkers+1))
ds = foreach::foreach(idxW = 1:nWorkers, .combine = 'c') %dopar%{
tmpRes = vector(mode = "numeric", length = breaks[idxW+1]-breaks[idxW])
for(idx in breaks[idxW]:(breaks[idxW+1]-1)){
tmpRes[idx-breaks[idxW]+1] = inla.sens.distance.skew(
muMarg[, idx], sdMarg[, idx], skMarg[, idx], prob, robMarg, nIntGrid)
} else{
tmpRes[idx-breaks[idxW]+1] = inla.sens.distance(
muMarg[, idx], sdMarg[, idx], skMarg[, idx], prob, robMarg, nIntGrid)
## Calculate max distance
dMax = inla.sens.distance(0, 1, 0, 1, robMarg, nIntGrid)
## Standardize against max distance
stdDist = (dMax-ds)/dMax
## Store results in groups
res = list()
## Make one plot for each group of variables
groups = inlaObj$misc$configs$contents
nGroups = length(groups$tag)
xLab = c()
val = c()
cex.names = 1.2
cex.axis = 1.2
lwd = 1.2
for(idxP in 1:nGroups){
sIdx = groups$start[idxP]
eIdx = sIdx + groups$length[idxP]-1
if(groups$length[idxP] == 1){
xLab = c(xLab, groups$tag[idxP])
val = c(val, stdDist[sIdx])
} else{
space = 2,
ylim = c(0, 1),
main = groups$tag[idxP],
names.arg = 1:(eIdx-sIdx+1),
xlab = "Index",
ylab = "Uncertainty",
cex.names = cex.names,
cex.axis = cex.axis,
lwd = lwd)
## Add prior level to plot if calculated
add = TRUE,
col = rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha = .20),
space = 2,
cex.axis = cex.axis)
## Add groups into result object
res = c(res, list(list(tag = groups$tag[idxP],
val = stdDist[sIdx:eIdx])))
if(length(val) >= 1){
space = 2,
ylim = c(0, 1),
main = "Fixed effects",
names.arg = xLab,
ylab = "Uncertainty",
cex.names = cex.names,
cex.axis = cex.axis,
lwd = lwd)
## Add prior level to plot if calculated
add = TRUE,
col = rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha = .20),
space = 2,
cex.axis = cex.axis)
## Add fixed effects to result object
res = c(res, list(list(tag = "Fixed effects",
val = val,
names = xLab)))
inla.sens.distance = function(muMarg, sdMarg, skMarg, prob, robMarg, nGrid, extraLen = 20)
## Estimate required integration grid
sdMax = max(sdMarg)
xs = seq(-1, 1, length.out = nGrid)*sdMax*extraLen + mean(muMarg)
## Iterate through \theta values
yO = vector(mode = "numeric", length = nGrid)
yR = yO
for(idxT in 1:length(muMarg)){
## Use precomputed table of standard robust distribution
xx = (xs - muMarg[idxT])/sdMarg[idxT]
yy = exp(spline(x = robMarg$x, y = robMarg$y, xout = xx)$y)/sdMarg[idxT]
## Remove the extrapolated values
yy[(xx < min(robMarg$x)) | (xx > max(robMarg$x))] = 0
## Add original and robust to their respective mixtures
yO = yO + prob[idxT]*dnorm(xs, mean = muMarg[idxT], sd = sdMarg[idxT])
yR = yR + prob[idxT]*yy
## Calculate KLD between original and added uncertainty
intG = yR*log(yR/yO)
intG[yR == 0] = 0
KLD = sum((intG[-nGrid] + intG[-1])*(xs[2]-xs[1])/2)
## Convert to distance and return value
inla.sens.distance.skew = function(muMarg, sdMarg, skMarg, prob, robMarg, nGrid, extraLen = 20)
## Estimate required integration grid
sdMax = max(sdMarg)
xs = seq(-1, 1, length.out = nGrid)*sdMax*extraLen + mean(muMarg)
## Iterate through \theta values
yO = vector(mode = "numeric", length = nGrid)
yR = yO
for(idxT in 1:length(muMarg)){
## Extract parameters of skew normal marginal
mu = muMarg[idxT]
sig = sdMarg[idxT]
gamma = skMarg[idxT]
gamma = 0
## Convert to standard parametrization of skew normal
p = inla.sens.skewMap(c(mu, sig, gamma))
## Map to standard distribution
sIdx = 1
mIdx = floor(nGrid/2)
eIdx = nGrid
tmpXX1 = sn::psn(xs[sIdx:(mIdx-1)], xi = p[1], omega = p[2], alpha = p[3])
tmpXX2 = sn::psn(-xs[mIdx:eIdx], xi = -p[1], omega = p[2], alpha = -p[3])
xx = qnorm(tmpXX1)
xx2 = -qnorm(tmpXX2)
xx = c(xx, xx2)
## Use precomputed table of standard robust distribution
yy = exp(spline(x = robMarg$x, y = robMarg$y, xout = xx)$y)
## Correct for transformation
yy = yy*exp(sn::dsn(xs, xi = p[1], omega = p[2], alpha = p[3], log = TRUE)-dnorm(xx, log = TRUE))
## Remove the extrapolated values
yy[(xx < min(robMarg$x)) | (xx > max(robMarg$x))] = 0
## Add original and robust to their respective mixtures
yO = yO + prob[idxT]*sn::dsn(xs, xi = p[1], omega = p[2], alpha = p[3])
yR = yR + prob[idxT]*yy
## Calculate KLD between original and added uncertainty
intG = yR*log(yR/yO)
intG[yR == 0] = 0
KLD = sum((intG[-nGrid] + intG[-1])*(xs[2]-xs[1])/2)
## Convert to distance and return value
inla.sens.skewMap = function(x){
## Extract desired parameters of skew normal
mu = x[1]
s = x[2]
g1 = x[3]
## Transform to usual parametrization of skew normal
d = sign(g1)*sqrt(abs(g1)^(2/3)/(2/pi*(((4-pi)/2)^(2/3)+abs(g1)^(2/3))))
alpha = d/sqrt(1-d^2)
w = s*(1-2*d^2/pi)^(-0.5)
ksi = mu - w*d*sqrt(2/pi)
return(c(ksi, w, alpha))
inla.sens.post = function(res.sens, rIdx, X)
## Number of components
nC = length(res.sens)
nP = length(res.sens[[1]]$val)
## Iterate through each posterior and plot
par(ask = TRUE)
for(idxP in 1:nP){
## Get values and names
val = NULL
nam = NULL
for(idxC in 1:nC){
if(res.sens[[idxC]]$tag == "Fixed effects"){
tmpIdx = (X[idxP, ] != 0)
val = c(val, res.sens[[idxC]]$val[tmpIdx])
nam = c(nam, res.sens[[idxC]]$names[tmpIdx])
} else{
if(!is.na(rIdx[idxP, idxC])){
val = c(val, res.sens[[idxC]]$val[rIdx[idxP, idxC]])
nam = c(nam, res.sens[[idxC]]$tag)
## Standardize with linear predictor
val = val/val[1]
cex.names = 1.5
cex.axis = 1.5
lwd = 1.5
space = 2,
ylim = c(1/exp(3), exp(3)),
main = paste("Linear predicter", idxP),
names.arg = nam,
xlab = "Index",
ylab = "Resiliency",
cex.names = cex.names,
cex.axis = cex.axis,
lwd = lwd,
log = c("y"))
par(ask = FALSE)
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