
Defines functions simCorrMatrixNonUniform simCorrMatrix getFoldChangeME getFoldChange createMainEffectsMatrix createDiffCoexpMatrixNull createDiffCoexpMatrixNoME createDiffCoexpMatrix createRandomMatrix createRandomRegressionDataset

# inbixSim.R - Bill White - 10/10/15
# Rinbix package data simulation functions.

#' Create a random regression data set with binary class.
#' \code{createRandomRegressionDataset} 
#' @keywords datagen
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param numRows \code{numeric} number of rows (samples).
#' @param numCols \code{numeric} number of columns (independent variables),
#' @return \code{data.frame} with class column.
#' @examples
#' ds <- createRandomRegressionDataset(100, 100)
#' @export
createRandomRegressionDataset <- function(numRows, numCols) {
  dmatrix <- matrix(nrow = numRows, ncol = numCols, data = rnorm(numRows*numCols))
  dpheno <- c(rep(0, numRows / 2), rep(1, numRows / 2))
  dataset <- cbind(dmatrix, dpheno)
  colnames(dataset) <- c(paste("var", 1:numCols, sep = ""), "Class")

#' Create a random matrix for differential co-expression simulation.
#' \code{createRandomMatrix} 
#' @keywords datagen
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param M \code{numeric} number of genes.
#' @param N \code{numeric} number of subjects.
#' @param meanExpression \code{numeric} mean gene expression.
#' @param randSdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of random normal (rnorm) noise.
#' @return \code{list} with subject by gene \code{data.frame} with class column.
#' @examples
#' ds <- createRandomMatrix(100, 100, 7, 0.05)$regressionData
#' @export
createRandomMatrix <- function(M, N, meanExpression, randSdNoise) {
  # create a random data matrix
  D <- matrix(nrow = M, ncol = N, data = rnorm(M*N, mean = meanExpression, sd = randSdNoise))
  # return a regression ready data frame
  dimN <- ncol(D)
  n1 <- dimN / 2
  n2 <- dimN / 2
  subIds <- c(paste("ctrl", 1:n1, sep = ""), paste("case", 1:n2, sep = ""))
  phenos <- c(rep(0, n1), rep(1, n2))
  newD <- cbind(t(D), phenos)
  colnames(newD) <- c(paste("gene", sprintf("%04d", 1:M), sep = ""), "Class")
  rownames(newD) <- subIds
  list(regressionData = newD)

#' Create a differentially coexpressed data set with interactions and main effects,
#' \code{createDiffCoexpMatrix} 
#' @keywords datagen
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param M \code{numeric} genes
#' @param N \code{numeric} subjects
#' @param meanExpression \code{numeric} mean gene expression
#' @param A network model adjacency \code{matrix}
#' @param randSdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of random normal (rnorm) noise
#' @param sdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of noise in differential correlation
#' @param mGenesToPerturb \code{numeric} number of genes to perturb
#' @param sampleIndicesInteraction \code{vector} interaction gene indices
#' @param sampleIndicesMainEffects \code{vector} main effects indices
#' @param mainEffectMode \code{numeric} 1=use interaction indices, else use main effects indices
#' @param mainEffect \code{numeric} desired fold change
#' @param verbose \code{logical} verbose output to stdout
#' @return \code{list} with subject by gene \code{data.frame} with class column and fold changes.
#' @examples
#' data("scaleFreeNetwork")
#' dsobj <- createDiffCoexpMatrix(M = 100, 
#'                                N = 100, 
#'                                meanExpression = 7, 
#'                                A = scaleFreeNetwork, 
#'                                randSdNoise = 0.05, 
#'                                sdNoise = 1.5, 
#'                                mGenesToPerturb = 3,
#'                                sampleIndicesMainEffects =c(5, 10, 15),
#'                                sampleIndicesInteraction =c(5, 10, 15),
#'                                mainEffectMode = 1,
#'                                mainEffect = 4,
#'                                verbose = FALSE)
#' ds <- dsobj$regressionData  
#' @export
createDiffCoexpMatrix <- function(M, N, meanExpression, A, 
                                  randSdNoise, sdNoise, mGenesToPerturb, 
                                  sampleIndicesInteraction, sampleIndicesMainEffects, 
                                  mainEffectMode, mainEffect, verbose = FALSE) {
  # create a random data matrix
  D <- matrix(nrow = M, ncol = N, data = rnorm(M*N, mean = meanExpression, sd = randSdNoise))
  # add co-expression
  already_modified <- rep(0, M)
  already_modified[1] <- 1 
  for (i in 1:(M - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):M) {
      #cat("Condidering A: row", i, "column", j, "\n")
      if ((A[i, j] == 1) && (!already_modified[j])) {
        #cat("Making row", j, "from row", i, "\n")
        D[j, ] <- D[i, ] + rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = as.numeric(sdNoise))
        already_modified[j] <- 1
      } else {
        if (already_modified[j] == 1 && !already_modified[i]) {
          # if j is already modified, we want to modify i, 
          # unless i is already modified then do nothing 
          D[i,] <- D[j,] + rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = as.numeric(sdNoise))
  # perturb to get differential coexpression
  n1 <- N / 2;
  foldChangesIntrBefore <- NULL
  foldChangesMainBefore <- NULL
  foldChangesIntrAfter <- NULL
  foldChangesMainAfter <- NULL
  for (i in 1:mGenesToPerturb) { 
    # get the group 2 gene expression and randomly order
    geneIdxInteraction <- sampleIndicesInteraction[i]
    if (mainEffectMode == 1) {
      geneIdxMainEffects <- geneIdxInteraction
    } else {
      geneIdxMainEffects <- sampleIndicesMainEffects[i]
    # fold change before adding main effect
    g0 <- D[geneIdxMainEffects, (n1 + 1):N]
    g1 <- D[geneIdxMainEffects, 1:n1]
    fcInteractionBefore <- getFoldChange(D, geneIdxInteraction, n1, N)
    fcMainEffectsBefore <- getFoldChange(D, geneIdxMainEffects, n1, N)
    foldChangesIntrBefore <- c(foldChangesIntrBefore, fcInteractionBefore)
    foldChangesMainBefore <- c(foldChangesMainBefore, fcMainEffectsBefore)
    # calculate the amount to add to each value in the affected group
    amt_to_add_per <- 0
    if (mainEffect > 1) {
      mu_g0 <- mean(g0)
      mu_g1 <- mean(g1)
      target_fc <- mainEffect
      new_mu_g1 <- target_fc * mu_g0
      new_sum_g1 <- new_mu_g1 * n1
      sum_to_add <- new_sum_g1 - sum(g1)
      amt_to_add_per <- sum_to_add / n1
    if (verbose) {
      cat("To achieve a main effects fold change of", mainEffect, 
          "adding", amt_to_add_per, "to each value\n")
    # differential coexpression + main effect
    x <- D[geneIdxInteraction, 1:n1]
    x <- x[order(runif(length(x)))]
    # add a main effect to either the same as interaction gene or another gene
    # main effect is the desired fold change, so calculate the amount to add to 
    # create the desired fold change
    if (mainEffectMode == 1) {
      D[geneIdxInteraction, 1:n1] <- x + amt_to_add_per
    } else {
      D[geneIdxInteraction, 1:n1] <- x
      z <- D[geneIdxMainEffects, 1:n1]
      D[geneIdxMainEffects, 1:n1] <-  z + amt_to_add_per
    # fold change after adding main effect
    fcInteractionAfter <- getFoldChange(D, geneIdxInteraction, n1, N)
    fcMainEffectsAfter <- getFoldChange(D, geneIdxMainEffects, n1, N)
    foldChangesIntrAfter <- c(foldChangesIntrAfter, fcInteractionAfter)
    foldChangesMainAfter <- c(foldChangesMainAfter, fcMainEffectsAfter)
    if (verbose) {
      cat("main effects gene index: ", geneIdxMainEffects, 
          ", FC before: ", fcMainEffectsBefore, 
          ", after: ", fcMainEffectsAfter, "\n", sep = "")
      cat("interaction gene index: ", geneIdxInteraction, 
          ", FC before: ", fcInteractionBefore, 
          ", after: ", fcInteractionAfter, "\n", sep = "")
  # return a regression ready data frame
  dimN <- ncol(D)
  n1 <- dimN / 2
  n2 <- dimN / 2
  subIds <- c(paste("case", 1:n1, sep = ""), paste("ctrl", 1:n2, sep = ""))
  phenos <- c(rep(1, n1), rep(0, n2))
  newD <- cbind(t(D), phenos)
  colnames(newD) <- c(paste("gene", sprintf("%04d", 1:M), sep = ""), "Class")
  rownames(newD) <- subIds
  list(regressionData = newD,
       fcIntrBefore = foldChangesIntrBefore,
       fcMainBefore = foldChangesMainBefore,
       fcIntrAfter = foldChangesIntrAfter,
       fcMainAfter = foldChangesMainAfter

#' Create a differentially coexpressed data set without main effects.
#' \code{createDiffCoexpMatrixNoME} 
#' @keywords datagen
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param M \code{numeric} number of genes.
#' @param N \code{numeric} number of subjects.
#' @param meanExpression \code{numeric} mean gene expression.
#' @param A \code{matrix} network adjacency matrix.
#' @param randSdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of random normal (rnorm) noise.
#' @param sdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of noise in differential correlation.
#' @param sampleIndicesInteraction \code{vector} interaction gene indices.
#' @return \code{list} with subject by gene \code{data.frame} with class column.
#' @examples
#' data("scaleFreeNetwork")
#' dsobj <- createDiffCoexpMatrixNoME(M = 100, 
#'                                    N = 100, 
#'                                    meanExpression = 7, 
#'                                    A = scaleFreeNetwork, 
#'                                    randSdNoise = 0.05, 
#'                                    sdNoise = 1.5, 
#'                                    sampleIndicesInteraction = c(5, 10, 15))
#' ds <- dsobj$regressionData  
#' @export
createDiffCoexpMatrixNoME <- function(M, N, meanExpression, A, randSdNoise, 
                                      sdNoise, sampleIndicesInteraction) {
  # create a random data matrix
  D <- matrix(nrow = M, ncol = N, data = rnorm(M*N, mean = meanExpression, sd = randSdNoise))
  # add co-expression
  already_modified <- rep(0, M)
  already_modified[1] <- 1 
  for (i in 1:(M - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):M) {
      #cat("Condidering A: row", i, "column", j, "\n")
      if ((A[i, j] == 1) && (!already_modified[j])) {
        #cat("Making row", j, "from row", i, "\n")
        D[j, ] <- D[i, ] + rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = as.numeric(sdNoise))
        already_modified[j] <- 1
      } else {
        if (already_modified[j] == 1 && !already_modified[i]) {
          # if j is already modified, we want to modify i, 
          # unless i is already modified then do nothing 
          D[i,] <- D[j,] + rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = sdNoise)
  # perturb to get differential coexpression
  n1 <- N / 2;
  mGenesToPerturb <- length(sampleIndicesInteraction)
  for (i in 1:mGenesToPerturb) { 
    geneIdxInteraction <- sampleIndicesInteraction[i]

    # g0 <- D[sampleIndicesInteraction, (n1 + 1):N]
    # g1 <- D[sampleIndicesInteraction, 1:n1]
    # get the group 2 gene expression and randomly order for differential coexpression
    x <- D[geneIdxInteraction, 1:n1]
    x <- x[order(runif(length(x)))]
    D[geneIdxInteraction, 1:n1] <- x

  # return a regression ready data frame
  dimN <- ncol(D)
  n1 <- dimN / 2
  n2 <- dimN / 2
  subIds <- c(paste("case", 1:n1, sep = ""), paste("ctrl", 1:n2, sep = ""))
  phenos <- c(rep(1, n1), rep(0, n2))
  newD <- cbind(t(D), phenos)
  colnames(newD) <- c(paste("gene", sprintf("%04d", 1:M), sep = ""), "Class")
  rownames(newD) <- subIds
  list(regressionData = newD)

#' Create a differentially coexpressed data set without any association.
#' \code{createDiffCoexpMatrixNull} 
#' @keywords datagen
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param M \code{numeric} number of genes.
#' @param N \code{numeric} number of subjects.
#' @param meanExpression \code{numeric} mean gene expression.
#' @param A \code{matrix} network adjacency matrix.
#' @param randSdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of random normal (rnorm) noise.
#' @param sdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of noise in differential correlation.
#' @return \code{list} with subject by gene \code{data.frame} with class column.
#' @examples
#' data("scaleFreeNetwork")
#' dsobj <- createDiffCoexpMatrixNull(M = 100, 
#'                                    N = 100, 
#'                                    meanExpression = 7, 
#'                                    A = scaleFreeNetwork, 
#'                                    randSdNoise = 0.05, 
#'                                    sdNoise = 1.5)
#' ds <- dsobj$regressionData  
#' @export
createDiffCoexpMatrixNull <- function(M, N, meanExpression, A, randSdNoise, sdNoise) {
  # create a random data matrix
  D <- matrix(nrow = M, ncol = N, data = rnorm(M*N, mean = meanExpression, sd = randSdNoise))
  # add co-expression
  already_modified <- rep(0, M)
  already_modified[1] <- 1 
  for (i in 1:(M - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):M) {
      #cat("Condidering A: row", i, "column", j, "\n")
      if ((A[i, j] == 1) && (!already_modified[j])) {
        #cat("Making row", j, "from row", i, "\n")
        D[j, ] <- D[i, ] + rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = as.numeric(sdNoise))
        already_modified[j] <- 1
      } else {
        if (already_modified[j] == 1 && !already_modified[i]) {
          # if j is already modified, we want to modify i, 
          # unless i is already modified then do nothing 
          D[i,] <- D[j,] + rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = sdNoise)
  # return a regression ready data frame
  dimN <- ncol(D)
  n1 <- dimN / 2
  n2 <- dimN / 2
  subIds <- c(paste("case", 1:n1, sep = ""), paste("ctrl", 1:n2, sep = ""))
  phenos <- c(rep(1, n1), rep(0, n2))
  newD <- cbind(t(D), phenos)
  colnames(newD) <- c(paste("gene", sprintf("%04d", 1:M), sep = ""), "Class")
  rownames(newD) <- subIds
  list(regressionData = newD)

#' Create a main effects-only data set.
#' \code{createMainEffectsMatrix} 
#' @keywords datagen
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param M \code{numeric} number of genes.
#' @param N \code{numeric} number of subjects.
#' @param meanExpression \code{numeric} mean gene expression.
#' @param randSdNoise \code{numeric} standard deviation of random normal (rnorm) noise.
#' @param sampleIndicesMainEffects \code{vector} main effects indices
#' @param mainEffect \code{numeric} desired fold change.
#' @param doScale \code{logical} scale the resulting matrix.
#' @param doLog \code{logical} log2 transform resulting matrix.
#' @return \code{list} with subject by gene \code{data.frame} with class column and fold changes.
#' @examples
#' dsobj <- createMainEffectsMatrix(M = 100, 
#'                                  N = 100, 
#'                                  meanExpression = 7, 
#'                                  randSdNoise = 0.05, 
#'                                  sampleIndicesMainEffects  =  c(5, 10),
#'                                  mainEffect = 4, 
#'                                  doScale = FALSE, 
#'                                  doLog = FALSE)
#' ds <- dsobj$regressionData  
#' @export
createMainEffectsMatrix <- function(M, N, meanExpression, randSdNoise, 
                                    sampleIndicesMainEffects, mainEffect, 
                                    doScale = FALSE, doLog = FALSE) {

  # create a random data matrix
  D <- matrix(nrow = M, ncol = N, data = rnorm(M*N, mean = meanExpression, sd = randSdNoise))
  dimN <- ncol(D)
  n1 <- dimN / 2
  n2 <- dimN / 2

  # fold change before adding main effect
  foldChangesMainBefore <- NULL
  foldChangesMainAfter <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(sampleIndicesMainEffects)) { 
    geneIdxMainEffects <- sampleIndicesMainEffects[i]

    # fold change before adding main effect
    g1 <- D[geneIdxMainEffects, 1:n1]
    g2 <- D[geneIdxMainEffects, (n1 + 1):N]
    fcMainEffectsBefore <- getFoldChangeME(D, geneIdxMainEffects, n1, N)
    foldChangesMainBefore <- c(foldChangesMainBefore, fcMainEffectsBefore)
    # calculate the amount to add to each value in the affected group
    amt_to_add_per <- 0
    mu_g1 <- mean(g1)
    #mu_g2 <- mean(g2)
    target_fc <- mainEffect
    new_mu_g2 <- target_fc * mu_g1
    new_sum_g2 <- (new_mu_g2 * n2) - sum(g2)
    amt_to_add_per <- new_sum_g2 / n2
    #cat("To achieve a main effects fold change of", mainEffect, 
    #    "adding", amt_to_add_per, "to each value\n")
    # differential coexpression + main effect
    x <- D[geneIdxMainEffects, (n1 + 1):N]
    D[geneIdxMainEffects, (n1 + 1):N] <-  x + amt_to_add_per
    # fold change after adding main effect
    fcMainEffectsAfter <- getFoldChangeME(D, geneIdxMainEffects, n1, N)
    foldChangesMainAfter <- c(foldChangesMainAfter, fcMainEffectsAfter)
    # cat("main effects gene index: ", geneIdxMainEffects, 
    #     ", FC before: ", fcMainEffectsBefore, 
    #     ", after: ", fcMainEffectsAfter, "\n", sep = "")
    # cat("--------------------------------------------------\n")

  # this handles the case of large sd noise creating negative expression
  D[D <= 0] <- 0.1

  if (doLog) {
    D <- log(D)

  if (doScale) {
    D <- scale(D)

  # return a regression ready data frame
  subIds <- c(paste("ctrl", 1:n1, sep = ""), paste("case", 1:n2, sep = ""))
  phenos <- c(rep(0, n1), rep(1, n2))
  newD <- cbind(t(D), phenos)
  colnames(newD) <- c(paste("gene", sprintf("%04d", 1:M), sep = ""), "Class")
  rownames(newD) <- subIds
  list(regressionData = newD,
       fcMainBefore = fcMainEffectsBefore,
       fcMainAfter = fcMainEffectsAfter)

#' Compute interaction fold change between groups for gene at idx.
#' \code{getFoldChange} 
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param D \code{matrix} data matrix.
#' @param idx \code{numeric} index of variable to get fold change.
#' @param n1 \code{numeric} size of group 1.
#' @param N \code{numeric} number of subjects.
#' @return \code{numeric} fold change.
#' @examples
#' dsobj <- createMainEffectsMatrix(M = 100, 
#'                                  N = 100, 
#'                                  meanExpression = 7, 
#'                                  randSdNoise = 0.05, 
#'                                  sampleIndicesMainEffects  =  c(5, 10),
#'                                  mainEffect = 4, 
#'                                  doScale = FALSE, 
#'                                  doLog = FALSE)
#' ds <- dsobj$regressionData  
#' fc <- getFoldChange(t(ds), 5, 50, 100)
#' @export
getFoldChange <- function(D, idx, n1, N) {
  # fold change before changes
  g0 <- D[idx, 1:n1]
  g1 <- D[idx, (n1 + 1):N]
  fc <- mean(g1) / mean(g0)

getFoldChangeME <- function(D, idx, n1, N) {
  getFoldChange(D, idx, n1, N)

#' Create a simulated correlation matrix with block diagonal clusters.
#' \code{simCorrMatrix} 
#' @keywords datagen array
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param n \code{numeric} dim of matrix, number of genes.
#' @param num_clust \code{numeric} number of clusters.
#' @param max_noise_corr \code{numeric} background noise correlation.
#' @param lower_true_corr \code{numeric} minimum strength of correlation within clusters
#' lower limit for a "true" correlation.
#' @return n x n correlation \code{matrix}.
#' @examples
#' mat <- simCorrMatrix(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.5, lower_true_corr = 0.5)
#' @export
simCorrMatrix <- function(n = 4000, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.2, lower_true_corr = 0.6) {
  # creates same-size clusters, choose num_clust so that it divides evenly into n
  if (n %% num_clust != 0) {
    stop("sim_corr_matrix: Number of clusters doesn't evenly divide number of genes")
  } else { 
    ######## the rest of code is in this else statement
    sim_matrix <- matrix(runif(n*n, 0, max_noise_corr), nrow = n)  # background noise
    # create matrix
    clust_id_names <- integer(n) # initialize
    block_dim <- n / num_clust # size of the each cluster
    clust_id <- 1
    clust_id_names <- integer(n)
    for (i in seq(0, n - block_dim, block_dim)) {
      block_diag <- matrix(runif(block_dim * block_dim, lower_true_corr, 1), nrow = block_dim)
      sim_matrix[(i + 1):(block_dim + i), (i + 1):(block_dim + i)] <- block_diag
      clust_id_names[(i + 1):(block_dim + i)] <- rep(clust_id, block_dim)
#       clust_id_names[(i + 1):(block_dim + i)] <- paste("var", 1:block_dim, 
#                                                        ".cls", clust_id, 
#                                                        ".blk", block_dim, sep = "")
      clust_id <- clust_id + 1
    # print matrix
    # format(sim_matrix, scientific = FALSE, digits = 2)
  sim_matrix[lower.tri(sim_matrix)] <- t(sim_matrix)[lower.tri(sim_matrix)]
  rownames(sim_matrix) <- clust_id_names
  colnames(sim_matrix) <- clust_id_names

#' Create a simulated correlation matrix with non-uniform block diagonal clusters.
#' \code{simCorrMatrixNonUniform} 
#' @keywords datagen array
#' @family simulation functions
#' @param n \code{numeric} dim of matrix, number of genes.
#' @param num_clust \code{numeric} number of clusters.
#' @param max_noise_corr \code{numeric} background noise correlation.
#' @param lower_true_corr \code{numeric} minimum strength of correlation within clusters
#' lower limit for a "true" correlation.
#' @return n x n correlation \code{matrix}.
#' @examples
#' mat <- simCorrMatrixNonUniform(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.5, lower_true_corr = 0.5)
#' @export
simCorrMatrixNonUniform <- function(n = 400, num_clust = 20, max_noise_corr = 0.2, 
                                    lower_true_corr = 0.6) {
  ## create a simulated correlation matrix with block diagonal clusters.
  # right now creates same-size clusters, choose num_clust so that it divides evenly into n
  # input 
  #n <- 400 # dim of matrix, number of genes
  # make two same-size clusters
  #num_clust <- 20
  if (n %% num_clust != 0) {
    cat("ERROR in sim_corr_matrix_non_uniform: Number of clusters doesn't evenly divide number of genes.\n")
  } else { 
    ######## the rest of code is in this else statement
    # background noise correlation    
    #max_noise_corr <-.8  # .2 #more noise
    sim_matrix <- matrix(runif(n * n, 0, max_noise_corr), nrow = n)  # background noise
    # minimum strength of correlation within clusters
    #lower_true_corr <- .2  # lower limit for a "true" correlation
    # create matrix 
    unif_block_dim <- n / num_clust # start size of the each cluster
    #clust_id <- 1
    clust_id_names <- integer(n) # initialize
    # make the number of clusters stay the same but merge and split
    # keep track of size of each block
    # case of n = 400, num_clust  =  20
    #     size 80         size 40
    #     index 80        index 120         
    cluster_index_vec <- c(0,unif_block_dim*4,unif_block_dim*6,  # merge 4 times then 2 times = 6 times
                           #  the rest (below) are uniform size 20, except for the last 3, which I want to split smaller
                           #  the number 3 is chosen because I merged 6 earliers, so I need to split 6/2 times to get
                           #  the original number of clusters
                           # index 140 to 340
                           seq(unif_block_dim*7,unif_block_dim*(num_clust - 3),unif_block_dim),
                           # now we split the last three modules in half to get 6
                           # index 350, 360, ... 390
                           seq(unif_block_dim*(num_clust - 3) + unif_block_dim / 2,
                               n - unif_block_dim / 2, unif_block_dim / 2))
    # vector of the sizes of the each cluster
    block_dim_vec <- c(unif_block_dim*4,unif_block_dim*2,rep(unif_block_dim,11),rep(unif_block_dim/2,6))
    for (i in 1:(length(cluster_index_vec))) {
      #cat(i, cluster_index_vec[i],block_dim_vec[i],"\n")
      block_diag <- matrix(runif(block_dim_vec[i] * block_dim_vec[i],
                                 lower_true_corr, 1), 
                           nrow = block_dim_vec[i])
      sim_matrix[(cluster_index_vec[i] + 1):(cluster_index_vec[i] + block_dim_vec[i]),
                 (cluster_index_vec[i] + 1):(cluster_index_vec[i] + block_dim_vec[i])] <- block_diag
      clust_id_names[(cluster_index_vec[i] + 1):(cluster_index_vec[i] + block_dim_vec[i])] <- rep(i,block_dim_vec[i])
    rownames(sim_matrix) <- clust_id_names
    colnames(sim_matrix) <- clust_id_names
    # make the lower triangle equal to the upper triangle so matrix is symmetric
    sim_matrix[lower.tri(sim_matrix)] <- t(sim_matrix)[lower.tri(sim_matrix)]
    # print matrix
    #format(sim_matrix,scientific = FALSE, digits = 2)
insilico/Rinbix documentation built on June 7, 2020, 6:19 a.m.