
Defines functions mage_ma_single

Documented in mage_ma_single

#' Calculates Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (see "mage")
#' @description This function is an internal function used by "mage". The function will calculate the Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (MAGE) on \strong{all} the values of the inputted data set. To calculate separate MAGE values for a group of subjects, use the "mage" function.
#' @author Nathaniel J. Fernandes
#' @details See "mage".
#' @inheritParams CGMS2DayByDay
#' @param short_ma Integer for period length of the short moving average. \strong{Default: 5.} Must be positive and less than "long_ma". (Recommended <15)
#' @param long_ma Integer for period length for the long moving average. \strong{Default: 32.} Must be positive and greater than "short_ma". (Recommended >20)
#' @param return_type One of "num" or "df". \strong{Default: "num".} Will return either a single number for the "MAGE over the entire trace" (weighted by segment length) or a DataFrame with the MAGE value for each segment (see the MAGE vignette for discussion of handling gaps by splitting trace into multiple segments).
#' @param direction One of "avg", "service", "max", "plus", or "minus". \strong{Default: "avg".} Algorithm will calculate one of the following: MAGE+ (nadir to peak), MAGE- (peak to nadir), MAGEavg = avg(MAGE+, MAGE-), MAGEmax = max(MAGE+, MAGE-), or automatically choose MAGE+/MAGE- based on the first countable excursion (i.e., "service"). NOTE: the selection of peak-to-nadir or nadir-to-peak is chosen independently on each segment, thus MAGEservice may choose peak-to-nadir on one segment and nadir-to-peak on another, for example.
#' @param plot Boolean. \strong{Default: FALSE.} If TRUE, returns a plot that visualizes all identified peaks and nadirs, excursions, and  missing gaps. An interactive GUI can be loaded with \code{plot_type = 'plotly'}.
#' @param plot_type One of "ggplot" or "plotly". \strong{Default: "gglplot".} Returns either a ggplot (static image) or Plotly chart (interactive GUI).
#' @param max_gap Integer for the maximum length of a gap in minutes before the trace is split into segments and MAGE is calculated on each segment independently. \strong{Default: 180.}
#' @param title Title for the ggplot. \strong{Default: "Glucose Trace - Subject [ID]".}
#' @param xlab Label for x-axis of ggplot. \strong{Default: "Time".}
#' @param ylab Label for y-axis of ggplot. \strong{Default: "Glucose Level".}
#' @param show_ma Boolean. \strong{Default: FALSE.} If TRUE, plots the moving average lines on the plot.
#' @param show_excursions Boolean. \strong{Default: TRUE.} If TRUE, shows identified excursions as arrows from peak-to-nadir/nadir-to-peak on the plot.
#' @return A ggplot or Plotly chart if \code{plot = TRUE}, depending on \code{plot_type}. Otherwise, a numeric MAGE value for the inputted glucose trace or a DataFrame with the MAGE values on each segment, depending on \code{return_type}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(example_data_1_subject)
#' mage_ma_single(
#'    example_data_1_subject,
#'    short_ma = 4,
#'    long_ma = 24,
#'    direction = 'plus')
#' mage_ma_single(
#'    example_data_1_subject,
#'    inter_gap = 300)
#' mage_ma_single(
#'    example_data_1_subject,
#'    plot=TRUE,
#'    title="Patient X",
#'    xlab="Time",
#'    ylab="Glucose Level (mg/dL)",
#'    show_ma=FALSE)

mage_ma_single <- function(data,
                           short_ma = 5, long_ma = 32,
                           return_type = c('num', 'df'),
                           direction = c('avg', 'service', 'max', 'plus', 'minus'),
                           dt0 = NULL, tz = "", inter_gap = 45,
                           max_gap = 180,
                           plot = FALSE, title = NA, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, show_ma = FALSE, show_excursions = TRUE,
                           plot_type=c('ggplot','plotly')) {

  ## pre-0. Turn all tibbles --> DataFrame
  data = as.data.frame(data)

  ## 0. Calculates MAGE on 1 segment of CGM trace
  mage_atomic <- function(.data) {
    nmeasurements = list_cross = types = count = crosses = num_extrema = minmax = indexes = s1 = s2 = standardD = heights = nadir2peak = idx = peak_or_nadir = plus_or_minus = first_excursion = max_direction = NULL
    rm(list=c('nmeasurements', 'list_cross', 'types', 'count', 'crosses', 'num_extrema', 'minmax', 'indexes', 's1', 's2', 'standardD', 'heights', 'nadir2peak', 'idx', 'peak_or_nadir', 'plus_or_minus', 'first_excursion'))

    if (all(is.na(.data$gl))) {
      return(data.frame(start=utils::head(.data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(.data$time, 1), mage=NA, plus_or_minus=NA, first_excursion=NA))

    nmeasurements = nrow(.data)

    if (nmeasurements < 7){
      # The number of measurements is too small for MAGE calculation.
      return(data.frame(start=utils::head(.data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(.data$time, 1), mage=NA, plus_or_minus=NA, first_excursion=NA))
    } else if (nmeasurements < long_ma){
      # The total number of measurements is smaller than the long moving average window
      return(data.frame(start=utils::head(.data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(.data$time, 1), mage=NA, plus_or_minus=NA, first_excursion=NA))

    # 2c. Calculate the moving average values
    .data <- .data %>%
      dplyr::mutate(MA_Short = zoo::rollapply(gl, width = short_ma, FUN = mean,
                                              align = 'right', fill = NA, na.rm = TRUE),
                    MA_Long  = zoo::rollapply(gl, width = long_ma, FUN = mean,
                                              align = 'right', fill = NA, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      # fill in leading NA's from using rolling mean
      dplyr::mutate(MA_Short = replace(MA_Short, 1:short_ma, MA_Short[short_ma]),
                    MA_Long  = replace(MA_Long, 1:long_ma, MA_Long[long_ma]),
                    DELTA_SHORT_LONG = MA_Short - MA_Long)

    # 2d. Create a preallocated list of crossing point ids & type
    idx = as.numeric(rownames(.data))
    types = list2env(list(REL_MIN=0, REL_MAX=1))

    list_cross <- list("id" = rep.int(NA, nmeasurements), "type" = rep.int(NA, nmeasurements))

    # always add 1st point
    list_cross$id[1] <- idx[1]
    list_cross$type[1] <- ifelse(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[1] > 0, types$REL_MAX, types$REL_MIN)
    count = 2

    for(i in 2:length(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG)) {
        !is.na(.data$gl[i]) && !is.na(.data$gl[i-1]) &&
        !is.na(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i]) && !is.na(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1])
      ) {
        # crossing point if DELTA changes sign or curr DELTA is 0
        if(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] * .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1] < 0) {
          list_cross$id[count] <- idx[i]
          list_cross$type[count] <- ifelse(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] < .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1], types$REL_MIN, types$REL_MAX)
          count <- count + 1

        # needed for gaps, where DELTA_SHORT_LONG(i-1 | i-2) = NaN
        # Q: Why "match(list_cross$id[count-1], idx)"? A: get the index from start of .data, since the rowname in the overall DF might not match the index in .data since they may not both start @ 1 (i.e., if multiple gaps)
        else if (!is.na(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i]) && (.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] * .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[match(list_cross$id[count-1], idx)] < 0)) {
          prev_delta = .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[match(list_cross$id[count-1], idx)]

          list_cross$id[count] <- idx[i]
          list_cross$type[count] <- ifelse(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] < prev_delta, types$REL_MIN, types$REL_MAX)
          count <- count + 1

    # Add last point to capture excursion at end
    list_cross$id[count+1] <- utils::tail(idx, 1)
    list_cross$type[count+1] <- ifelse(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[nrow(.data)] > 0, types$REL_MAX, types$REL_MIN)

    # Filter for non-na values then combine into a table
    list_cross$id <- list_cross$id[!is.na(list_cross$id)]
    list_cross$type <- list_cross$type[!is.na(list_cross$type)]

    crosses <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, list_cross)

    # 2e. Calculate min and max glucose values from ids and types in crosses + store indexes for plotting later
    num_extrema = nrow(crosses)-1
    minmax <- rep(NA_real_, num_extrema)
    indexes <- rep(NA_real_, num_extrema)

    for(i in 1:num_extrema) {
      s1 <- ifelse(i == 1, crosses[i, 1], indexes[i-1]) # left boundary: prev turning point
      s2 <- crosses[i+1,1]  # right boundary: next crossing point

      if(crosses[i, "type"] == types$REL_MIN) {
        minmax[i] <- min(.data[as.character(s1:s2), ]$gl, na.rm = TRUE)
        indexes[i] <- which.min(.data[as.character(s1:s2), ]$gl)+s1-1
      } else {
        minmax[i] <- max(.data[as.character(s1:s2), ]$gl, na.rm = TRUE)
        indexes[i] <- which.max(.data[as.character(s1:s2), ]$gl)+s1-1

    # excursion elimination
    differences = t(outer(minmax, minmax, `-`))
    standardD <- sd(.data$gl, na.rm = TRUE)
    N = length(minmax)

    # MAGE+
    mage_plus_heights = c()
    mage_plus_tp_pairs = list()
    j = prev_j = 1

    while (j <= N) {
      delta = differences[prev_j:j,j] # minmax_j - minmax_i st. j >= i

      max_v = max(delta) # max does left-side accumulation
      i = which.max(delta) + prev_j - 1 # add `prev_j - 1` to adjust for offset since only subsetting prev_j:j

      if (max_v >= standardD) {
        # we've found left excursion, nadir2peak > sd
        for (k in j:N) {
          if (minmax[k] > minmax[j]) {
            j = k

          if (differences[j, k] < -1*standardD || k == N) {
            max_v = minmax[j] - minmax[i]
            # we've found the first large enough right side || unmatched left excursion
            mage_plus_heights = append(mage_plus_heights, max_v)
            mage_plus_tp_pairs[[length(mage_plus_tp_pairs) + 1]] = c(i, j)

            prev_j = k
            j = k
      } else {
        j = j + 1

    # MAGE-
    mage_minus_heights = c()
    mage_minus_tp_pairs = list()
    j = prev_j = 1

    while (j <= N) {
      delta = differences[prev_j:j, j] # minmax_j - minmax_i st. j >= i

      min_v = min(delta) # min does left-side accumulation
      i = which.min(delta) + prev_j - 1

      if (min_v <= -1*standardD) {
        for (k in j:N) {
          if (minmax[k] < minmax[j]) {
            j = k

          if (differences[j, k] > standardD || k == N) {
            min_v = minmax[j] - minmax[i]
            mage_minus_heights = append(mage_minus_heights, min_v)
            mage_minus_tp_pairs[[length(mage_minus_tp_pairs) + 1]] = c(i, j, k)

            prev_j = j
            j = k
      else {
        j = j + 1

    if (length(mage_minus_heights) == 0 && length(mage_plus_heights) == 0) {
      return(data.frame(start=utils::head(.data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(.data$time, 1), mage=NA, plus_or_minus=NA, first_excursion=NA))

    is_plus_first = ifelse((length(mage_plus_heights) > 0) && (length(mage_minus_heights) == 0 || mage_plus_tp_pairs[[1]][2] <= mage_minus_tp_pairs[[1]][1]), TRUE, FALSE)
    mage_plus = data.frame(start=utils::head(.data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(.data$time, 1),  mage=ifelse(length(mage_plus_heights), mean(mage_plus_heights, na.rm = TRUE), NA), plus_or_minus="PLUS", first_excursion=is_plus_first)
    mage_minus = data.frame(start=utils::head(.data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(.data$time, 1), mage=ifelse(length(mage_minus_heights), abs(mean(mage_minus_heights, na.rm = TRUE)), NA), plus_or_minus="MINUS", first_excursion=!is_plus_first)
    is_plus_max = ifelse(mage_plus$mage >= mage_minus$mage, TRUE, FALSE)

    # save data for plotting
    pframe = parent.frame()
    pframe$all_data = base::rbind(pframe$all_data, .data)

    for (e in mage_plus_tp_pairs) {
      pframe$all_tp_indexes = base::rbind(pframe$all_tp_indexes, data.frame(idx=indexes[e[1]], peak_or_nadir="NADIR", plus_or_minus="PLUS", first_excursion=is_plus_first, max_direction=is_plus_max))
      pframe$all_tp_indexes = base::rbind(pframe$all_tp_indexes, data.frame(idx=indexes[e[2]], peak_or_nadir="PEAK", plus_or_minus="PLUS", first_excursion=is_plus_first, max_direction=is_plus_max))

    for (e in mage_minus_tp_pairs) {
      pframe$all_tp_indexes = base::rbind(pframe$all_tp_indexes, data.frame(idx=indexes[e[1]], peak_or_nadir="PEAK", plus_or_minus="MINUS", first_excursion=!is_plus_first, max_direction=!is_plus_max))
      pframe$all_tp_indexes = base::rbind(pframe$all_tp_indexes, data.frame(idx=indexes[e[2]], peak_or_nadir="NADIR", plus_or_minus="MINUS", first_excursion=!is_plus_first, max_direction=!is_plus_max))

    return(base::rbind(mage_plus, mage_minus))

  ## 1. Preprocessing
  MA_Short = MA_Long = DELTA_SHORT_LONG = TP = id = .xmin = .xmax = gap = x = y = xend = yend = hours = weight = idx = peak_or_nadir = plus_or_minus = first_excursion = max_direction = NULL
  rm(list = c("MA_Short", "MA_Long", "DELTA_SHORT_LONG", "TP", ".xmin", ".xmax", "id", "gap", "x", "y", "xend", "yend", "hours", "weight", "idx", "peak_or_nadir", "plus_or_minus", "first_excursion"))

  data = check_data_columns(data)

  # 1.1 Interpolate over uniform grid
  data_ip <- CGMS2DayByDay(data, dt0 = dt0, inter_gap = inter_gap, tz = tz)
  day_one = lubridate::as_datetime(data_ip$actual_dates[1])
  ndays = length(data_ip$actual_dates)

  # 1.2 Generate grid times by starting from day one and cumulatively summing
  # > replicate dt0 by number of measurements (total minutes/dt0)
  time_ip =  day_one + lubridate::minutes(
      rep(data_ip$dt0, ndays * 24 * 60 /data_ip$dt0)

  # 1.3 Recalculate short_ma and long_ma because short and long are based on 5 minutes originally
  # > Multiply by 5 to get length in min
  # > Divide by dt0 to get rounded number of measurements that are roughly equal to original short/long ma definition
  short_ma = round(short_ma*5/data_ip$dt0)
  long_ma = round(long_ma*5/data_ip$dt0)

  ## 2. Change to interpolated data (times and glucose)
  # > change data into id, interpolated times, interpolated glucose (t to get rowwise)
  # > drop NA rows before first glucose reading
  # > then drop NA rows after last glucose reading
  # > Label NA glucose as gap (gap = 1)
  data <- data %>%
    dplyr::reframe(id = rep(id[1], length(time_ip)), time = time_ip, gl = as.vector(t(data_ip$gd2d))) %>%
    dplyr::slice(which(!is.na(gl))[1]:dplyr::n()) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1:utils::tail(which(!is.na(.data$gl)), 1)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gap = dplyr::if_else(is.na(gl), 1, 0))

  runlen <- rle(data$gap)

  # 3. Sanity Checks
  # 3.1 By definition, long > short MA.
  if (short_ma >= long_ma){
    warning("The short moving average window size should be smaller than the long moving average window size for correct MAGE calculation. Swapping automatically.")
    temp = short_ma
    short_ma = long_ma
    long_ma = temp

  if (nrow(data) < 7){
    warning(paste0("The number of measurements (", length(data$id), ") is too small for MAGE calculation. Returning NA."))

    return_type = match.arg(return_type, c('num', 'df'))

    if (return_type == 'df') {
      return(data.frame(start=utils::head(data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(data$time, 1), mage=NA, plus_or_minus=NA, first_excursion=NA))
    } else {
  } else if (nrow(data) < long_ma){
    warning(paste0("The total number of measurements (", length(data$id), ") is smaller than the long moving average. Returning NA."))

    return_type = match.arg(return_type, c('num', 'df'))

    if (return_type == 'df') {
      return(data.frame(start=utils::head(data$time, 1), end=utils::tail(data$time, 1), mage=NA, plus_or_minus=NA, first_excursion=NA))
    } else {

  # 3.2 Are any gaps > 12 hours?
  # > since runlen counts by measurements, compare to number of measurements corresponding to 12hrs (720 mins)
  # > take ceiling and add 1 to make edge cases less likely to give this message
  if (any(runlen$lengths[runlen$values == 1] > (ceiling(720/data_ip$dt0) + 1))) {
    message(paste0("Gap found in data for subject id: ", data$id[1], ", that exceeds 12 hours."))

  # 4. Time Series Segmentation: split gaps > max_gap into separate segments
  is_qualifying_gap = runlen$values == 1 & (runlen$lengths*data_ip$dt0 > max_gap)

  if (!any(is_qualifying_gap)) {
    # there are no gaps
    dfs = list()
    dfs[[1]] <- data
  } else {
    # there are gaps
    end_boundary = cumsum(runlen$lengths)[is_qualifying_gap]
    start_boundary = end_boundary - runlen$lengths[is_qualifying_gap] + 1 # add 1 b/c both sides inclusive

    dfs = list()

    for (i in seq_along(end_boundary)) {
      curr_gap_start = start_boundary[i]
      curr_gap_end = end_boundary[i]

      if (i == 1) {
        # add 1st data sequence
        if (curr_gap_start > 1) {
          dfs[[length(dfs)+1]] <- data[1:(curr_gap_start - 1), ]

      dfs[[length(dfs) + 1]] <- data[curr_gap_start:curr_gap_end, ]

      if (curr_gap_end < nrow(data)) {
        data_start = curr_gap_end + 1
        data_end = ifelse(i == length(end_boundary), nrow(data), start_boundary[i+1] - 1)

        dfs[[length(dfs) + 1]] <- data[data_start:data_end, ]

  # 5. Calculate MAGE on each identified segment
  all_data = c()
  all_tp_indexes = setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0)), c("idx", "peak_or_nadir", "plus_or_minus", "first_excursion"))
  return_val = setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 0)), c("start", "end", "mage", "plus_or_minus", "first_excursion"))

  for (e in dfs) {
    return_val = base::rbind(return_val, mage_atomic(e))

  # 6. Plotting
  if(plot) {
    # 6.1 Label 'Peaks' and 'Nadirs'
    direction = match.arg(direction, c('avg', 'service', 'max', 'plus', 'minus'))
    plot_type = match.arg(plot_type, c('ggplot', 'plotly'))

    if (direction == 'avg') {
      tp_indexes <- dplyr::select(all_tp_indexes, idx, peak_or_nadir, plus_or_minus)
    } else if (direction == 'service') {
      tp_indexes <- dplyr::filter(all_tp_indexes, first_excursion==TRUE) %>% dplyr::select(idx, peak_or_nadir, plus_or_minus)
    } else if (direction == 'max') {
      tp_indexes <- dplyr::filter(all_tp_indexes, max_direction==TRUE) %>% dplyr::select(idx, peak_or_nadir, plus_or_minus)
    } else {
      tp_indexes <- dplyr::filter(all_tp_indexes, plus_or_minus==ifelse(direction == 'plus', "PLUS", "MINUS")) %>% dplyr::select(idx, peak_or_nadir, plus_or_minus)

    plotting_data <- data %>%
      tibble::rownames_to_column(var = 'idx') %>%
      dplyr::mutate(idx = as.numeric(idx)) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(tp_indexes, by = 'idx') %>%
      dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(all_data, time, MA_Short, MA_Long), by = 'time')

    # 6.2 Set a default Title
    title <- ifelse(is.na(title), paste("Glucose Trace - Subject ", data$id[1]), title)

    # 6.3 Label Gaps in Data
    interval <- data_ip$dt0

    # filter out gl NAs to enable correct gap identification
    plotting_data <- plotting_data %>% dplyr::filter(gap != 1)

    # Find the start and end of each gap and merge/sort the two (Must do separately to solve the problem of "back to back" gaps not having correct start & end time)
    .gap_start <- plotting_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(abs(difftime(time, dplyr::lead(time), units = "min")) > 2*interval)

    .gap_end <- plotting_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(difftime(time, dplyr::lag(time), units = "min") > interval*2)

    .gaps <- rbind(.gap_start, .gap_end) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(time = dplyr::if_else(dplyr::row_number() %% 2 == 1, time+interval/2, time-interval/2)) # Offset the gap time slightly so not covering peaks/nadirs in some edge cases

    .gaps <- if(nrow(.gaps) %% 2 == 1) { .gaps[1:(nrow(.gaps)-1), ] } else { .gaps } # make the df even

    .gaps <- data.frame(.xmin = .gaps$time[c(TRUE, FALSE)],
                        .xmax = .gaps$time[c(FALSE, TRUE)])

    # extraneous for ggplot; need for plotly
    .ymin <- min(plotting_data$gl)
    .ymax <- max(plotting_data$gl)

    # 6.4 Generate ggplot
    colors <- c("NADIR" = "blue", "PEAK"="red", "Short MA" = "#009E73", "Long MA" = "#D55E00", "Excursion" = "brown")
    gap_colors <- c("Gap"="purple")

    .p <- ggplot2::ggplot(plotting_data, ggplot2::aes(x=time, y=gl)) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
      ggplot2::geom_point() +
      ggplot2::geom_point(data = base::subset(plotting_data, plotting_data$peak_or_nadir != ""), ggplot2::aes(color = peak_or_nadir), fill='white', size=2) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
      ggplot2::labs(x=ifelse(!is.na(xlab), xlab, "Time"), y=ifelse(!is.na(ylab), ylab, 'Glucose Level')) +
        legend.key = ggplot2::element_rect(fill='white'),
        legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),

    # add excursion_visualization
    if (show_excursions == TRUE) {
      plus <- plotting_data %>% dplyr::filter(plus_or_minus == "PLUS") %>% dplyr::arrange(idx)
      minus <- plotting_data %>% dplyr::filter(plus_or_minus == "MINUS") %>% dplyr::arrange(idx)

      if (nrow(plus) %% 2 != 0) {
        stop("There appears to be an error in iglu::mage_ma_single's plotting functionality. Please rerun with `show_excursions = FALSE`. Also, please file a bug report on GitHub: https://github.com/irinagain/iglu/issues")

      if (nrow(minus) %% 2 != 0) {
        stop("There appears to be an error in iglu::mage_ma_single's plotting functionality. Please rerun with `show_excursions = FALSE`. Also, please file a bug report on GitHub: https://github.com/irinagain/iglu/issues")

      arrows = plus %>% dplyr::filter(peak_or_nadir == "NADIR") %>% dplyr::select(x = time, xend = time, y = gl) %>% dplyr::mutate(yend = base::subset(plus, peak_or_nadir == "PEAK")$gl)
      arrows = rbind(arrows, minus %>% dplyr::filter(peak_or_nadir == "PEAK") %>% dplyr::select(x = time, xend = time, y = gl) %>% dplyr::mutate(yend = base::subset(minus, peak_or_nadir == "NADIR")$gl))

      # plotly does not support rendering arrows by default - we use a workaround below (see ~line 487 when we return the plot)
      if (plot_type == "ggplot") {
        if (nrow(arrows) > 0) {
          .p <- .p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = arrows, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, color="Excursion"), arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(0.2, "cm")))

    # add segment boundaries
    segment_boundaries <- return_val %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(plus_or_minus))

    for (e in segment_boundaries$start) {
      .p <- .p + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = e, color="black", linetype = "solid", show.legend = TRUE)

    for (e in segment_boundaries$end) {
      .p <- .p + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = e, color="black", linetype = "dotted", show.legend = TRUE)

    if (nrow(.gaps)) {
      .p <- .p + ggplot2::geom_rect(data=.gaps, ggplot2::aes(
        ymin= ifelse(plot_type == "plotly", .ymin, -Inf),
        ymax= ifelse(plot_type == "plotly", .ymax, Inf),
        fill = 'Gap'
      alpha=0.2, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = T, na.rm = TRUE) +

    if(show_ma == TRUE) {
      .p <- .p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = MA_Short, group = 1, color="Short MA")) + #Exclude by default because ggplot becomes too crowded
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = MA_Long, group = 2, color="Long MA"))

    # 4d. Return plot
    if (plot_type == 'plotly') {
      .p <- plotly::ggplotly(.p)

      if (show_excursions == TRUE && nrow(arrows) > 0) {
        t <- .p %>% plotly::add_annotations(
          text = "",
          showarrow = TRUE,
          arrowhead = 1,
          arrowsize = 1,
          x = as.numeric(arrows$x),
          y = arrows$yend,
          ax = as.numeric(arrows$xend),
          ay = arrows$y,


    } else {

  } else {
    return_type = match.arg(return_type, c('num', 'df'))
    direction = match.arg(direction, c('avg', 'service', 'max', 'plus', 'minus'))

    if (return_type == 'df') {

    # filter by various options
    if (direction == 'plus') {
      res = return_val %>% dplyr::filter(plus_or_minus == 'PLUS')
    } else if (direction == 'minus') {
      res = return_val %>% dplyr::filter(plus_or_minus == 'MINUS')
    } else if (direction == 'avg') {
      res = return_val %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(mage))
    } else if (direction == 'max') {
      res = return_val %>% dplyr::group_by(start, end) %>% dplyr::filter(mage == max(mage)) %>% dplyr::ungroup() # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24237538/21711054
    } else {
      res = return_val %>% dplyr::filter(first_excursion == TRUE)

    if (nrow(res) == 0) {

    res = res %>%
      dplyr::mutate(hours = end - start) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(weight = as.numeric(hours/as.numeric(sum(hours)))) %>% # weight each segment's mage value contribution by segment length

irinagain/iglu documentation built on April 15, 2024, 4:20 p.m.