
Defines functions CGMS2DayByDay read_df_or_vec check_data_time check_data_columns

Documented in CGMS2DayByDay

check_data_columns =  function(data, id = 'id', time = 'time', gl = 'gl', time_check = FALSE, tz = ""){
  if (is.vector(data)) {
    output = as.double(data)
    output = data.frame(gl = output,
                        id = 1,
                        time = NA_real_)
    attr(output, "is_vector") = TRUE
  } else {
    cols_in = c(id, time, gl) %in% names(data)
    if (!all(cols_in)) {
      s = setdiff(c(id, time, gl), names(data))
      msg = paste0("Columns: ", paste0(s, collapse = ", "),
                   " are not present in the data")
    if (time_check) {
      data = check_data_time(data, tz = tz)
    output = data[, c(id, time, gl), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(output) = c("id", "time", "gl")
    attr(output, "is_vector") = FALSE

# checks for time format and any repeated/duplicate timestamps
check_data_time <- function(data, tz = ""){

  id = NULL
  rm(list = c("id"))

  check_reps_single <- function(data) {

    check_reps = diff(data$time) == 0

    # no duplicates for this subject, return data and exit
    if (!any(check_reps)) {

    warning(paste0(sum(check_reps), " duplicated timestamps found for subject: ", data$id[1],
                   ". Glucose values averaged for those timestamps"))

    # note rle is robust to any number of repeated identical timestamps
    # (i.e. can have 2+ duplicates)
    grouping = rle(as.numeric(data$time))$lengths
    data = data %>%
        grouping = rep(1:length(grouping), grouping)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(grouping) %>%
        id = id[1], time = time[1], gl = mean(gl, na.rm = TRUE),
        .groups = "drop"
      ) %>%
      dplyr::select(id, time, gl)

    # returns data after averaging duplicates

  if (!lubridate::is.POSIXct(data$time)){ # Check if already in date format
    tr = as.character(data$time)
    data$time = as.POSIXct(tr, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = tz)

    if (any(is.na(data$time))) {
      stop('Automatic identification of timezone unsuccessful. Please manually set `tz` parameter or double check if the timezone is correct.')

  out = data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
      check_reps_single(data.frame(id, time, gl))
    ) %>%


read_df_or_vec <- function(data, id = 'id', time = 'time', gl = 'gl'){
  if(class(data) %in% c('numeric', 'integer', 'double')){
    output = as.double(data)
  else if(inherits(data, "data.frame")){
    indexes = which(names(data) %in% c(id, time, gl))
    if(length(indexes) < 3){
      stop("If passing a dataframe, make sure there are columns corresponding to id, time, and gl glucose values. At least one of
              these columns is missing or cannot be indentified by the supplied names.")
    else if(length(indexes) > 3){
      stop("If passing a dataframe, make sure there is exactly 1 column corresponding to each of id, time, and gl glucose values, with no duplicates. At least
              one of id, time, or gl had multiple columns matching with supplied name.")
    else {
      output = data[ , indexes]
      names(output) = c('id', 'time', 'gl')
  else {
    stop('Incompatible input type')
  # output = switch(class(data), 'data.frame' = as.double(data$gl), 'numeric' = as.double(data), 'integer' = as.double(data), 'double' = as.double(data))

#' Interpolate glucose value on an equally spaced grid from day to day
#' @inheritParams conga
#' @param data DataFrame object with column names "id", "time", and "gl". Should only be data for 1 subject. In case multiple subject ids are detected, a warning is produced and only 1st subject is used.
#' @param dt0 The time frequency for interpolation in minutes, the default will match the CGM meter's frequency (e.g. 5 min for Dexcom).
#' @param inter_gap The maximum allowable gap (in minutes) for interpolation. The values will not be interpolated between the glucose measurements that are more than inter_gap minutes apart. The default value is 45 min.
#' @return A list with
#' \item{gd2d}{A matrix of glucose values with each row corresponding to a new day, and each column corresponding to time}
#' \item{actual_dates}{A vector of dates corresponding to the rows of \code{gd2d}}
#' \item{dt0}{Time frequency of the resulting grid, in minutes}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' CGMS2DayByDay(example_data_1_subject)
CGMS2DayByDay <- function(data, dt0 = NULL, inter_gap = 45, tz = ""){

  # complete.cases only works with POSIXct, not POSIXlt, so check for correct time format
  if (!lubridate::is.POSIXct(data$time)){
    tr = as.character(data$time)
    data$time = as.POSIXct(tr, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = tz)
  data = data[complete.cases(data),]

  ns = length(unique(data$id))

  if (ns > 1){
    id = NULL
    rm(list = c("id"))

    first = unique(data$id)[1]
    data = data %>% dplyr::filter(id == first)
    warning(paste("Data contains more than 1 subject. Only the first subject with id", first,  "is used for output."))

  ### Get glycemic data
  g = as.numeric(data$gl) # in case it's not

  ### Get time data
  if (lubridate::is.POSIXct(data$time)){ # Check if already in date format
    tr = data$time
    tr = as.character(data$time)
    tr = as.POSIXct(tr, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = tz)
    # Check if any NAs from conversion, this happens if wrong time format (e.g. 25:00:00) or wrong time zone which will affect daylight savings time
    if (any(is.na(tr))){
      warning(paste("During time conversion,", sum(is.na(tr)), "values were set to NA. Check the correct time zone specification."))
      g = g[!is.na(tr)]
      tr = tr[!is.na(tr)]

  timeindex = 2:length(tr)
  timediff = difftime(tr[timeindex], tr[timeindex - 1], units = "mins")

  ### Check for time sorting
  if (min(timediff) < 0){
    warning(paste("The times for subject", unique(data$id), "are not in increasing order! The times will be sorted automatically."))
    index = order(tr)
    tr = tr[index]
    g = g[index]
    timediff = difftime(tr[timeindex], tr[timeindex - 1], units = "mins")

  if (any(timediff == 0)){
    warning(paste("Subject", unique(data$id), "has repeated glucose measuremements at exactly the same times. Only the last one of repeated values is used in calculations."))
    index = which(timediff == 0)
    tr = tr[-index]
    g = g[-index]
    timediff = timediff[-index]

  ### Automatically identify grid width dt0
  if (is.null(dt0)){
    dt0 = as.double(round(median(timediff, na.rm = TRUE)))

  if (dt0 > inter_gap){
    stop(paste("Identified measurements frequency,", dt0, "min, is above the maximal interpolation gap of", inter_gap, "min."))

  ### Check for misaligned grid length dt0 across days, and adjust if needed
  if (1440 %% dt0 != 0){
    if (dt0 > 20){ # Larger grid lengths are set to 20 min
      dt0 = 20
    }else{ # Smaller grid lengths are rounded so that they are divisible by 5 min
      remainder = dt0 %% 5
      if (remainder > 2){
        dt0 = dt0 + 5 - remainder
        dt0 = dt0 - remainder

  ### Create ideal grid to interpolate over, from minimal to maximal day
  ndays = ceiling(as.double(difftime(max(tr), min(tr), units = "days")) + 1)
  dti = rep(dt0, ndays * 24 * 60 /dt0)
  dti_cum = cumsum(dti)
  dti_cum = lubridate::minutes(dti_cum)

  # Set up starting point at 00:00am on the first day
  minD = min(tr) # 1st day of measurements
  lubridate::hour(minD) = 0 # set to 00am
  lubridate::minute(minD) = 0 # set to 00:00
  lubridate::second(minD) = 0 # set to 00:00:00

  # Create a set of time points for interpolation
  time_out = minD + dti_cum

  ### Interpolate on the ideal grid
  new <- as.data.frame(stats::approx(x = tr, y = g, xout = time_out))

  ### Adjust to that there is no interpolation between values > inter_gap appart
  ### Thanks to weather_interp function from weathercan R package for inspiration
  ### Adjust so that there is no interpolation between values > inter_gap apart
  # First, determine if such gaps exist
  gap_start = which(timediff > inter_gap)
  ngaps = length(gap_start)
  if (ngaps > 0){
    # If gaps present, need to set to NA for each out
    for (g in 1:ngaps){
      # Identify affected times
      time_covered = (new$x > tr[gap_start[g]]) & (new$x < tr[gap_start[g] + 1])
      # Set those glucose values to NA
      new$y[time_covered] = NA

  # Next, from ti remove all the ones that are more than dt0 min away from t0
  gd2d = matrix(new$y, nrow = ndays, byrow = TRUE)

  # Assign rownames that correspond to actual dates
  actual_dates = as.Date(minD, tz = tz) + lubridate::days(0:(ndays - 1))

  return(list(gd2d = gd2d, actual_dates = actual_dates, dt0 = dt0))
irinagain/iglu documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 2:55 p.m.