
Defines functions create_users add_user_to_repo new_user

Documented in add_user_to_repo create_users new_user

#' Create a new user on ixplorer.
#' This function creates a new user on an ixplorer server by sending a POST
#' request to the appropriate endpoint.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON toJSON
#' @importFrom purrr flatten
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import dplyr
#' @param base_url The base URL of the ixplorer server.
#' @param api_key The API key for authentication on the ixplorer server.
#' @param owner The owner (organization or user) of the repository where
#' the user will be created.
#' @param repo The name of the repository where the user will be created.
#' @param user_data An object containing user information, including
#' at least email, login_name, and username.
#' @return A list containing the response from the ixplorer server,
#'  including the generated password.

#utils::globalVariables(c("email", "login", "password", "report"))
new_user <- function(base_url, api_key, owner, repo, user_data) {
  if (missing(base_url)) {
    stop("Please add a valid URL")
  } else if (missing(api_key)) {
    stop("Please add a valid API token")
  } else if (missing(owner)) {
    stop("Please add a valid owner")
  } else if (missing(repo)) {
    stop("Please add a valid repository")
  } else if (missing(user_data)) {
    stop("Please add valid user data")

  # URL Construction
  base_url <- sub("/$", "", base_url)
  gitea_url <- file.path(base_url, "api/v1", "admin", "users")
  authorization <- paste("token", api_key)

  # Function to generate a secure password
  generate_patterned_password <- function() {
    # Define character sets
    uppercase <- sample(LETTERS, 1)
    lowercase <- sample(letters, 7, replace = TRUE)
    numbers <- sample(0:9, 2, replace = TRUE)
    special_char <- sample(c("?", "!", ",", "&", "%", "$", "#", "@", "*"), 1)

    # Combine sets to form the password
    password_combined <- paste0(uppercase, paste0(lowercase, collapse = ""),
                                paste0(numbers, collapse = ""), special_char)

  # Generate a secure password
  secure_password <- generate_patterned_password()

  # Add the password to user data
  user_data$password <- secure_password

  # Convert the user data to JSON
  user_data_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(user_data, auto_unbox = TRUE)

  # Send the POST request to create the user
  r <- tryCatch(
               httr::add_headers(Authorization = authorization,
                                 "Content-Type" = "application/json"),
               body = user_data_json),
    error = function(cond) {
      cat("Error en POST request: ", cond$message, "\n")
      if (inherits(r, "response")) {
        cat("Response content: ", httr::content(r, "text"), "\n")
      stop("Error en POST request")

  # Check if the response is valid and handle HTTP errors
  if (!inherits(r, "response")) {
    stop(paste0("Error posting to the URL: ", gitea_url))

  # Handle specific HTTP errors
  if (httr::http_type(r) >= 400) {
    if (httr::status_code(r) == 422) {
      stop("User already exists. Please use a different username or email.")
    } else if (httr::status_code(r) == 403) {
      stop("Access denied. The user does not have the necessary permissions.")
    } else {

  # Parse the JSON response
  content_response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(r, as = "text"))
  content_response$password <- secure_password

#' Add a user as a collaborator to an ixplorer repository.
#' This function adds a user as a collaborator to a specific repository on
#' ixplorer with specific permissions.
#' @param base_url The base URL of the ixplorer server.
#' @param api_key The API key for authentication on the ixplorer server.
#' @param owner The owner (organization or user) of the repository where
#' the user will be added as a collaborator.
#' @param repo The name of the repository where the user will be added
#' as a collaborator.
#' @param username The username of the user to be added as a collaborator.
#' @param collaborator_permissions The permissions to be assigned
#' to the collaborator ("Read", "Write", or "Admin").
#' @return The response from the ixplorer server.

# Function to add a user to the repository with specific permissions
add_user_to_repo <- function(base_url, api_key, owner, repo, username,
                             collaborator_permissions) {
  gitea_url <- file.path(base_url, "api/v1/repos", owner, repo,
                         "collaborators", username)
  authorization <- paste("token", api_key)

  # Define the JSON request body that includes specific permissions
  permission_body <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(permission = collaborator_permissions)
                                      , auto_unbox = TRUE)

  # Send the PUT request to add the user to the repository
  r <- tryCatch(
              httr::add_headers(Authorization = authorization, "Content-Type"
                                = "application/json"),
              body = permission_body),
    error = function(cond) {
      cat("Error en POST request: ", cond$message, "\n")
      if (inherits(r, "response")) {
        cat("Response content: ", httr::content(r, "text"), "\n")
      stop("Error en POST request")


  if (httr::http_type(r) >= 400) {


#' Create users and add them to an ixplorer repository.
#' This function automates the process of creating users and adding
#' them as collaborators to a repository on ixplorer.
#' @param base_url The base URL of the ixplorer server.
#' @param api_key The API key for authentication on the ixplorer server.
#' @param owner The owner (organization or user) of the repository where
#'  the users will be added as collaborators.
#' @param repo The name of the repository where the users will be added
#' as collaborators.
#' @param user_data_df A data frame, each row containing user information
#' (email, login_name, username).
#' @param collaborator_permissions The permissions to be assigned
#' to the collaborators ("Read", "Write", or "Admin").
#' @return A data frame containing information about the created users.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # API configuration
#'   base_url <- "https://prueba.ixpantia.com"
#'   api_key <- "your_api_key" # Replace with your actual API key
#'   owner <- ""
#'   repo <- ""
#'    #User date in a data frame
#'    user_data_df <- data.frame(
#'    email = c("user@email.com", "user2@email.com"),
#'    login_name = c("User-1", "User-2"),
#'    username =  c("User-1", "User-2")
#'             )
#'   # Collaborator permissions to be added (Read, Write, or Admin)
#'   collaborator_permissions <- "Write"
#'   # Create users and add them to the repository with specific permissions
#'   results <- create_users(base_url, api_key, owner, repo, user_data_df,
#'   collaborator_permissions)}
#' @export
create_users <- function(base_url, api_key, owner, repo, user_data_df,
                         collaborator_permissions) {
  if (!is.data.frame(user_data_df)) {

  results <- lapply(1:nrow(user_data_df), function(i) {
    user_data <- as.list(user_data_df[i, ])
    user_response <- new_user(base_url, api_key, owner, repo, user_data)
    if (!is.null(user_response)) {
      add_user_to_repo(base_url, api_key, owner, repo, user_data$username,

  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(results)
  df <- dplyr::select(df, email, login, username, password)
ixpantia/ixplorer documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 7:59 p.m.