#' @import dplyr
#' Verificar autentificacion del ixplorer.
#' Verifique si hay un archivo .ixplorer en el directorio de trabajo y
#' configure las variables.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
verify_ixplorer_file <- function() {
api_creds <- list()
working_directory <- rstudioapi::getActiveProject()
ixplorer_file <- paste0(working_directory, "/.ixplorer")
# Leer ixplorer y poner condicionales -------------------------
if (Sys.getenv("IXTOKEN") != "" &
Sys.getenv("IXURL") != "" &
Sys.getenv("IXPROJECT") != "" &
Sys.getenv("IXREPO") != "" &
Sys.getenv("IXUSER") != "") {
token <- paste0("IXTOKEN=", Sys.getenv("IXTOKEN"))
url <- paste0("IXURL=", Sys.getenv("IXURL"))
project <- paste0("IXPROJECT=", Sys.getenv("IXPROJECT"))
repo <- paste0("IXREPO=", Sys.getenv("IXREPO"))
user <- paste0("IXUSER=", Sys.getenv("IXUSER"))
lines <- c(token, url, project, repo, user)
lines <- as.data.frame(lines)
api_creds$empty <- FALSE
api_creds$gitear_access <- tidyr::separate(lines, lines,
into = c("variable", "value"),
sep = "=")
} else if (file.exists(ixplorer_file)) {
conn <- file(ixplorer_file, open = "r")
lines <- readLines(conn)
gitear_access <- as.data.frame(lines)
api_creds$empty <- FALSE
api_creds$gitear_access <- tidyr::separate(
into = c("variable", "value"), sep = "=")
} else {
api_creds$empty <- TRUE
#' @title Verifies ixplorer user
#' @description Verifies token exists for a repository.
#' @param gitear_access parameters to access into an ixplorer instance
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
verify_ixtoken <- function(gitear_access) {
if (!(TRUE %in% stringr::str_detect(gitear_access$variable, "IXTOKEN") &&
FALSE %in% any(is.na(gitear_access[1, 2])))) {
print("No hay TOKEN de ixplorer, por favor use el gadget de
#' @title Verifies ixplorer url
#' @description Verifies if the url exists in the repository
#' @param gitear_access parameters to access into an ixplorer instance
verify_ixurl <- function(gitear_access) {
if (!(TRUE %in% stringr::str_detect(gitear_access$variable, "IXURL") &&
FALSE %in% any(is.na(gitear_access[2, 2])))) {
print("No hay URL de ixplorer, por favor use el gadget de autentificacion")
#' @title Verifies ixplorer project
#' @description Verifies if the project's name exists in the repository.
#' @param gitear_access parameters to access into an ixplorer instance
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
verify_ixproject <- function(gitear_access) {
if (!(TRUE %in% stringr::str_detect(gitear_access$variable, "IXPROJECT") &&
FALSE %in% any(is.na(gitear_access[3, 2])))) {
print("No hay NOMBRE del proyecto, por favor use el gadget de
#' @title Verifies ixplorer repo
#' @description Verifies if ixplorer repository's name exists.
#' @param gitear_access parameters to access into an ixplorer instance
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
verify_ixrepo <- function(gitear_access) {
if (!(TRUE %in% stringr::str_detect(gitear_access$variable, "IXREPO") &&
FALSE %in% any(is.na(gitear_access[4, 2])))) {
print("No hay repositorio ixplorer, por favor use el gadget de
#' @title Verifies ixplorer user
#' @description Verifies if user name exists.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @param gitear_access parameters to access into an ixplorer instance
verify_ixuser <- function(gitear_access) {
if (!(TRUE %in% stringr::str_detect(gitear_access$variable, "IXUSER") &&
FALSE %in% any(is.na(gitear_access[5, 2])))) {
print("No hay usuario ixplorer, por favor use el gadget de autentificacion")
#' @title Set authentication
#' @description Set the authentification into ixplorer
#' @param access_data Data needed to get into ixplorer
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
set_authentication <- function(access_data) {
ixurl <- verify_ixurl(access_data)
ixtoken <- verify_ixtoken(access_data)
ixproject <- verify_ixproject(access_data)
ixrepo <- verify_ixrepo(access_data)
ixuser <- verify_ixuser(access_data)
msj <- c(ixurl, ixtoken, ixproject, ixrepo, ixuser)
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