## JABBA: Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment
## Input File for JABBA
## Developed by Henning Winker & Felipe Carvalho (Cape Town/Hawaii)
# required packages
# Setup working directories and output folder labels
# Set Working directory file, where assessments are stored
File = "C:/Work/Research/GitHub/JABBA_testruns"
# Set working directory for JABBA R source code
JABBA.file = "C:/Work/Research/GitHub/JABBAmodel"
# JABBA version
version = "v1.1"
# Set Assessment file: assement folder within File that includes .csv input files
assessment = "SWO_SA"
# add specifier for assessment (File names of outputs)
# Graphic, Output, Saving (.RData) settings
KOBE.plot = TRUE # Produces JABBA Kobe plot
KOBE.type = c("ICCAT","IOTC")[2] # ICCAT uses 3 colors; IOTC 4 (incl. orange)
Biplot= TRUE # Produces a "post-modern" biplot with buffer and target zones (Quinn & Collie 2005)
SP.plot = c("standard","phase")[2] # Produces standard or 'Kobe phase' SP plot
save.trajectories =TRUE # saves posteriors of P=B/K, B/Bmsy and H/Hmsy as .RData object
harvest.label = c("Hmsy","Fmsy")[2] # choose label preference H/Hmsy versus Fmsy
CPUE.plot= TRUE # Runs state-tool to produce "alligned" multi-CPUE plot
meanCPUE = FALSE # Uses averaged CPUE from state-space tool instead of individual indices
Projection = TRUE # Use Projections: requires to define TACs vectors
save.projections = TRUE # saves projection posteriors as .RData object
catch.metric = "(t)" # Define catch input metric e.g. (tons) "000 t" etc
Reproduce.seed = TRUE # If FALSE a random seed assigned to each run, if TRUE set.seed(123)
P_bound = c(0.02,1) # Soft penalty bounds for P
# Save entire posterior as .RData object
save.all = FALSE # (if TRUE, a very large R object of entire posterior is saved)
# Optional: Note Scenarios
# S1: Model including Brazil1
# S2: Model excluding Brazil1
# S3: Base-case Model with time blocks on ESP and JPN
# S4: Added scenario to illustrate CPUE average option
# Specify Scenario name for output file names
Scenarios = c(paste0("Scenario",1:4))
# Execute multiple JABBA runs in loop
for(s in 3:3){
Scenario = Scenarios[s]
# Suplus Production model specifications
# Choose model type:
# 1: Schaefer
# 2: Fox
# 3: Pella-Tomlinsson
Model = c(3,3,3,3,3)[s]
Mod.names = c("Schaefer","Fox","Pella")[Model]
# Depensation opiton:
# Set Plim = Blim/K where recruitment may become impaired (e.g. Plim = 0.25)
# Choose Plim = 0 to reduce to conventional Schaefer, Fox, Pella models
Plim = 0
# Required specification for Pella-Tomlinson (Model = 3)
BmsyK = 0.4 # Set Surplus Production curve inflection point
# Read csv files
# Use SEs from csv file for abudance indices (TRUE/FALSE)
# Load assessment data
catch = read.csv(paste0(File,"/",assessment,"/catch",assessment,".csv"))
cpue = read.csv(paste0(File,"/",assessment,"/cpue",assessment,".csv"))#
if(SE.I ==TRUE){
se = read.csv(paste0(File,"/",assessment,"/se",assessment,".csv"))
# option to exclude CPUE time series or catch year
# Set up Base-Case for SWO
if(s<3){ # Combine SPA and JAPAN
cpue[,4] = apply(cpue[,4:5],1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
cpue[,6] = apply(cpue[,6:7],1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
cpue = cpue[,-c(5,7)]
se[,4] = apply(se[,4:5],1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
se[,6] = apply(se[,6:7],1,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
se = se[,-c(5,7)]
# Remove BrazilI
cpue = cpue[,-c(2)]
se = se[,-c(2)]
# Option use mean CPUE from state-space cpue averaging
if(s==4) meanCPUE = TRUE
# Prior for unfished biomass K
# The option are:
# a) Specify as a lognormal prior with mean and CV
# b) Specify as range to be converted into lognormal prior
K.dist = c("lnorm","range")[1]
# if lnorm use mean and CV; if range use lower,upper bound
K.prior = c(200000,1)
# mean and CV and sd for Initial depletion level P1= SB/SB0
# Set the initial depletion prior B1/K
# To be converted into a lognormal prior (with upper bound at 1.1)
psi.dist= c("lnorm","beta")[1]
# specify as mean and CV
psi.prior = c(1,0.25)
# Determine estimation for catchability q and observation error
# Assign q to CPUE
sets.q = 1:(ncol(cpue)-1)
# Determine r prior
# The option are:
# a) Specifying a lognormal prior
# b) Specifying a resiliance category after Froese et al. (2017; CMSY)
# Resilience: "Very low", "Low", "Medium", High" (requires r.range = TRUE)
# use [1] lognormal(mean,stdev) or [2] range (min,max) or
r.dist = c("lnorm","range")[1]
r.prior = c(0.42,0.37)
# Observation Error
#To Estimate additional observation variance set sigma.add = TRUE
sigma.est = TRUE
# Series
sets.var = 1:(ncol(cpue)-1) # estimate individual additional variace
# As option for data-weighing
# minimum fixed observation error for each variance set (optional choose 1 value for both)
fixed.obsE = c(0.2) # Important if SE.I is not availble
# Total observation error: TOE = sqrt(SE^2+sigma.est^2+fixed.obsE^2)
# Process Error
#Estimate set sigma.proc == True
sigma.proc = TRUE
# Determines if process error deviation are estimated for all years (TRUE)
# or only from the point the first abundance index becomes available (FALSE)
proc.dev.all = FALSE
if(sigma.proc == TRUE){
igamma = c(4,0.01) #specify inv-gamma parameters
# Process error check
gamma.check = 1/rgamma(1000,igamma[1],igamma[2])
# check mean process error + CV
mu.proc = sqrt(mean(gamma.check)); CV.proc = sd(sqrt(gamma.check))/mean(sqrt(gamma.check))
# check CV
sigma.proc = 0.07 #IF Fixed: typicallly 0.05-0.15 (see Ono et al. 2012)
# Optional: Do TAC Projections
Projection = TRUE # Switch on by Projection = TRUE
# Check final year catch
# Set range for alternative TAC projections
TACs = seq(10000,18000,1000) #example
# Intermitted TAC to get to current year
#TACint = mean(catch[nrow(catch)-3,2]:catch[nrow(catch),2]) # avg last 3 years
TACint = 10058 # Catch for 2016
# Set year of first TAC implementation
imp.yr = 2018
# Set number of projections years
pyrs = 10
# Execute model and produce output
# MCMC settings
ni <- 30000 # Number of iterations
nt <- 5 # Steps saved
nb <- 5000 # Burn-in
nc <- 2 # number of chains
nsaved = (ni-nb)/nt*nc
# Run model (BSPSPexe file must be in the same working directory)
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