
Defines functions make_gene_plot

#' Make gene level plot
#' Take a gene name or ID, search the counts matrix for all clusters that fall within that gene's boundaries (found from the exon table).
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export

# #
# gene_name <- "ADIPOR2"
# clusterID <- NULL
# min_exon_length <- 0.5
# cluster_list <- clusters
# # for testing - create interval plot of a given dataframe
# int <- function(data, print_length = NULL){
#   if("start" %in% names(data) ){
#     intMatrix <- matrix(data = c(data$start, data$end), ncol = 2 )
#     if( !is.null(print_length)){
#       row.names(intMatrix) <- data$end - data$start
#     }
#   }else{
#     intMatrix <- matrix(data = c(data$x, data$xend), ncol = 2 )
#     if( !is.null(print_length)){
#       row.names(intMatrix) <- data$xend - data$x
#     }
#   }
#   if( !is.null(print_length)){
#     plot(Intervals(intMatrix), use_points = FALSE, lwd = 2.0, use_names = TRUE)
#     print(intMatrix)
#   }else{
#     plot(Intervals(intMatrix), use_points = FALSE, lwd = 2.0)
#   }
#   return( intMatrix )
# }
make_gene_plot <- function(gene_name,
                           counts, # no longer used
                           legend_title="Mean counts"){

  exonMax <- 1000

  stopifnot( !is.null(exons_table) )
  stopifnot( !is.null(introns_to_plot))

  # if no gene name annotated to junctions then return NULL
  if( gene_name == "."){

  # only get the exons of the gene of interest - no overlapping genes!
  exons <- exons_table[ exons_table$gene_name == gene_name, ]

  gene_start <- min(exons$start)
  gene_end <- max(exons$end)

  stopifnot( length( unique(exons$chr) ) == 1 )

  # if introns_to_plot doesn't have the "chr" in front of chromosome names
  if( all(grepl("chr", sample(introns_to_plot$chr, 100, replace = TRUE) )) ){ # if all introns to plot chromosomes have "chr"
    myChr <- unique(exons$chr)
    myChr <- gsub( "chr", "", unique(exons$chr) ) # remove the "chr"

  # subset out the introns to plot based on whether they fall within the coordinates
  myclusters <- introns_to_plot[ introns_to_plot$start >= gene_start & introns_to_plot$end <= gene_end & introns_to_plot$chr == myChr , ]
  cluster_ids <- myclusters$clu


  stopifnot( nrow( myclusters) > 0 ) # flagged by asaferali - myclusters has 0 rows but neither exons table nor introns_to_plot are not null

  if( !is.null(clusterID)){
    stopifnot( clusterID %in% cluster_ids)

  # if you want to represent the counts
  #y <- t(counts[grepl( paste(cluster_ids, collapse = "|"), introns_to_plot$clu), ])

  # remove duplicates
  exons <- exons[ !duplicated(paste( exons$start, exons$end)) ,]
  # remove exons over 500bp in length
  exons <- exons[ exons$end - exons$start <= exonMax,]
  # sort by end
  exons <- exons[ order(exons$end),]
  # for each cluster, remove any exon that fall within the cluster but are not connected by any junctions
  # if they don't fall inside then ignore
  # toDiscard <- c()
  # for( clu in unique(cluster_ids) ){
  #   #print(clu)
  #   clusterMin <- min(myclusters[myclusters$clu == clu,]$start)
  #   clusterMax <- max(myclusters[myclusters$clu == clu,]$end)
  #   clusterExons <- exons[ exons$end >= clusterMin & exons$start <= clusterMax,]
  #   notConnected <- clusterExons[ !(clusterExons$end %in% myclusters[myclusters$clu == clu,]$start |
  #                                clusterExons$start %in% myclusters[myclusters$clu == clu,]$end), ]
  #   toDiscard <- c(toDiscard, paste(notConnected$start, notConnected$end))
  # }
  # to_keep=!(paste(exons$start, exons$end) %in% toDiscard)
  # if (sum(to_keep) > 2){
  #   exons <- exons[ to_keep, ]
  # }
  # constitutive introns that connect each exon
  # exon_junctions <- data.frame( start = c(NA, exons$end), end = c(exons$start, NA)  )
  # exon_junctions <- exon_junctions[ !is.na(exon_junctions$start) & !is.na(exon_junctions$end),]
  # # remove exon-exon junctions that are found in the myclusters
  # exon_junctions <- exon_junctions[ !(exon_junctions$start %in% myclusters$start) & !(exon_junctions$end %in% myclusters$end), ]
  # even_junctions <- myclusters[seq(2,nrow(myclusters), 2),]
  # odd_junctions <- myclusters[seq(1,nrow(myclusters), 2),]

  # # plot the normal values - no scaling applied!


  myclusters$id <- "cluster"
  all_junctions <- myclusters[, c("start","end", "clu")]

  exons$clu <- row.names(exons)
  all_exons <- exons[, c("start", "end", "clu" )]
  #all_junctions <- rbind( all_junctions, all_exons)

  length_transform <- function(g) log(g+1)
  m <- reshape2::melt(all_junctions, id.vars = "clu") # melt to get list of all coordinates
  s <- unique(m$value) # get unique start and end values

  if (!is.na(snp_pos)){
    SNP_pos <- as.numeric(str_split_fixed(snp_pos, ":",2)[,2])
    s <- c(s,SNP_pos)
  s <- sort(s)
  d <- s[2:length(s)] - s[1:length(s)-1] # get the difference between pairs of coordinates
  trans_d <- length_transform(d) # e.g. log(d+1), sqrt(d), d ^ .33 # apply a trasnformation function - doesn't work on negative numbers!
  coords <- c(0,cumsum(trans_d))
  names(coords) <- s
  total_length=sum(trans_d) # ==max(coords)
  # this is a problem - xlim is set to the total distance between the clusters - not the exons in the gene
  if( !is.na(snp_pos)){
    snp_coord <- coords[as.character(SNP_pos)]

  exons_here <- exons

  # currently if a coordinate falls outside of the myclusters then it is converted to the minimum or maximum
  # this removes exons that fall outside the myclusters so fix this
  invert_mapping=function(pos, s, coords, xlim){
    if (pos %in% s) coords[as.character(pos)] else
      if (pos < min(s)) xlim[1] else
        if (pos > max(s)) xlim[2] else {
          # for which coordinate in s is pos closest to?
          w=which( pos < s[2:length(s)] & pos > s[1:(length(s)-1)] )
          # to this number add the difference between that position and the next multiplied by
          coords[w] + (coords[w+1]-coords[w])*(pos - s[w])/(s[w+1]-s[w])

  # exon_df is scaled exons, exons_here are non-scaled
  exon_df <- data.frame( x=sapply(exons_here$start,FUN = function(X) invert_mapping(pos = X, s=s, coords = coords, xlim = my_xlim) ),
                         xend=sapply(exons_here$end,FUN = function(X) invert_mapping(pos = X, s=s, coords = coords, xlim = my_xlim) ),
                         label = exons_here$gene_name)

  # if exons fall upstream of the first cluster
  upstream_exons <- exons_here[ exons_here$start < min(s),]

  if( nrow(upstream_exons) > 0){
    upstream_s <- c( min(upstream_exons$start), max(upstream_exons$end))
    upstream_coords <- c( -length_transform( upstream_s[2] - upstream_s[1] ), 0) # fit all exons within this space
    names(upstream_coords) <- upstream_s
    upstream_df <- data.frame( x = sapply( upstream_exons$start, FUN = function(X) invert_mapping( pos = X, s = upstream_s, coords = upstream_coords, xlim = upstream_coords)),
                               xend = sapply( upstream_exons$end, FUN = function(X) invert_mapping( pos = X, s = upstream_s, coords = upstream_coords, xlim = upstream_coords)),
                               y = 0,
                               yend = 0,
                               label = upstream_exons$gene_name)
    # replace exon_df top and bottom with the new values
    exon_df[ 1:nrow(upstream_df),] <- upstream_df
  #print("new values:")

  # exons that are downstream of the clusters
  downstream_exons <- exons_here[ exons_here$end > max(s),]
  if( nrow(downstream_exons) > 0){
    downstream_s <- c( min(downstream_exons$start), max(downstream_exons$end))

    downstream_coords <- c( max(coords),  max(coords) + length_transform( downstream_s[2] - downstream_s[1] ) ) # fit all exons within this space
    names(downstream_coords) <- downstream_s
    downstream_df <- data.frame( x = sapply( downstream_exons$start, FUN = function(X) invert_mapping( pos = X, s = downstream_s, coords = downstream_coords, xlim = downstream_coords)),
                                 xend = sapply( downstream_exons$end, FUN = function(X) invert_mapping( pos = X, s = downstream_s, coords = downstream_coords, xlim = downstream_coords)),
                                 y = 0,
                                 yend = 0,
                                 label = downstream_exons$gene_name)
    exon_df[ ( ( nrow(exon_df) + 1) - nrow(downstream_df) ):nrow(exon_df) ,] <- downstream_df

  # alter exon sizes to conform to a minimum exon length

  exon_df[ (exon_df$xend - exon_df$x) < min_exon_length, ]$xend <- exon_df[ (exon_df$xend - exon_df$x) < min_exon_length, ]$x + min_exon_length

  # create new x limit based on the upstream and downstream exons
  my_xlim <- c( min(exon_df$x), max(exon_df$xend))

  # create gene_length term
  gene_length <- max(exon_df$xend) - min(exon_df$x)



  new_theme_empty <- theme_bw(base_size = 15)
  new_theme_empty$line <- element_blank()
  new_theme_empty$rect <- element_blank()
  new_theme_empty$strip.text <- element_blank()
  new_theme_empty$axis.text <- element_blank()


  YLIMN=1000 # 8
  YLIMP=-1000  # -9
  # plot junctions as curves
  curv = 0.2 # normally 0.5
  curveMax = 0.1
  curveExponent = 2
  yOffset = 0
  # horizontal white line to clean up the edges of the curvess
  centreLineWidth = 3
  junction_colour <- "#d66464"
  # for gene name colouring (black by default, other colours for multiple genes)
  cbbPalette <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")


  # originally set as 0.65
  yFactor = 0.8


  allEdges=do.call(rbind,foreach (i=1:nrow(all_junctions)) %do% {
    #allEdges=do.call(rbind,foreach (i=1:2) %do% {
    if (i%%2==1) return(NULL)  # only care about the even numbered junctions?
    #if (intron_meta$counts[i]==0) return(NULL)
    start=coords[ as.character(all_junctions$start[i]) ]
    end=coords[ as.character(all_junctions$end[i]) ]
    l=end-start  # length of junction
    #edge = data.frame(bezier(x=c(start, (start + end)/2, end), y=c(0, (1+sqrt(l)) * ( (i %% 2)*2-1 ), 0),evaluation = len))
    h=(1+sqrt(l)) * ( (i %% 2)*2-1 )

    edge = data.frame(start, end)
    edge$startv <- all_junctions$start[i]
    edge$endv <- all_junctions$end[i]
    edge$start <- start  # why do this again? You already set them
    edge$end <- end

    # label each junction
    #edge$label=format(intron_meta$prop[i],digits=2, scientific=FALSE)
    #edge$label=format(intron_meta$counts[i], scientific=F)
    #edge$label=paste(format(intron_meta$counts[i], scientific=F),'\n(',format(intron_meta$prop[i],digits=2),')',sep='')
    edge$clu<- all_junctions$clu[i]
    #edge$Curve <- j
    edge$Group <- i
    edge$xtext <-start+l/2
    edge$ytext <- -l^(yFactor)/2+0.5  # magic formula here
    #edge$SIZE <- intron_meta$prop[i]
    #edge$SIZE <- intron_meta$prop[i]+1 # make SIZE equal to the normalised count + 1
    #edge$SIZE <- as.factor(.bincode(intron_meta$prop[i]+0.1, breaks=seq(0,100,1)/100, include.lowest=TRUE))


  allEdgesP=do.call(rbind,foreach (i=1:nrow(all_junctions)) %do% {
    if (i%%2==0) return(NULL)  # just the odd numbered junctions
    #if (intron_meta$counts[i]==0) return(NULL)
    start=coords[ as.character(all_junctions$start[i]) ]
    end=coords[ as.character(all_junctions$end[i]) ]
    #edge = data.frame(bezier(x=c(start, (start + end)/2, end), y=c(0, (1+sqrt(l)) * ( (i %% 2)*2-1 ), 0),evaluation = len))
    h=(1+sqrt(l)) * ( (i %% 2)*2-1 )

    edge = data.frame(start, end)
    edge$startv <- all_junctions$start[i]
    edge$endv <- all_junctions$end[i]
    edge$start <- start
    edge$end <- end
    #edge$label=format(intron_meta$prop[i],digits=2, scientific=FALSE)
    #edge$label=format(intron_meta$prop[i],digits=2, scientific=T)
    #edge$label=paste(format(intron_meta$counts[i], scientific=F),'\n(',format(intron_meta$prop[i],digits=2),')',sep='')
    edge$clu<- all_junctions$clu[i]
    #edge$Curve <- j
    edge$Group <- i
    edge$xtext <-start+l/2
    edge$ytext <- l^(yFactor)/2-0.5
    #edge$SIZE <- intron_meta$prop[i]
    #edge$SIZE <- as.factor(.bincode(intron_meta$prop[i], breaks=seq(0,100,1)/100, include.lowest=TRUE))
    #edge$SIZE <- intron_meta$prop[i]+1

  # if introns available then match deltaPSI
  if( !is.null(introns) ){
    allEdges$deltaPSI <- introns$deltapsi[ match( paste(allEdges$clu, allEdges$startv, allEdges$endv ), paste( introns$clusterID, introns$start, introns$end) )]
    allEdgesP$deltaPSI <- introns$deltapsi[ match( paste(allEdgesP$clu, allEdgesP$startv, allEdgesP$endv ), paste( introns$clusterID, introns$start, introns$end) )]


  junctions <- rbind( allEdges, allEdgesP)
  label_df <- as.data.frame( group_by(junctions, clu) %>%
                               summarise( start = min(start),
                                          end = max(end),
                                          middle = start + ( (end - start) / 2) ,
                                          ytext = max(ytext) ) )

  if( !is.null(cluster_list) ){
    label_df$FDR <- cluster_list$FDR[ match( label_df$clu, cluster_list$clusterID)]
    label_df$FDR[ is.na(label_df$FDR)] <- "."
    label_df$label <- paste0( label_df$clu, "\n", label_df$FDR )
    # save space - remove the \n.
    label_df$label <- gsub( "\n.$", "", label_df$label)


    # df <- data.frame(x=coords, xend=total_length*(s-min(s))/(max(s)-min(s)), y=0, yend=min_height)
    # gene_heights=min_height - ((1:length(levels(exons_here$gene_name)))-1.0) * abs(min_height) *  .15 # 0.05
    # heights=gene_heights[ as.numeric(exons_here$gene_name)] # .15
    # df=data.frame(x=total_length*(exons_here$start-min(s))/(max(s)-min(s)), xend=total_length*(exons_here$end-min(s))/(max(s)-min(s)), y=heights, yend=heights)

    n_genes <- seq(1, length( levels(exons_here$gene_name) ) )
    gene_name_df <- data.frame( x= total_length * 0.01, #(n_genes * total_length) / (max(n_genes) + 1),
                                y=YLIMP - 0.1*YLIMP,



    gene_strand <- unique(exons_here$strand)
    if( length(gene_strand)  > 1 ){
      gene_strand <- NA

    if( !is.na(gene_strand) ){
      strand_df <- exon_df[ exon_df$xend - exon_df$x >= 1, ]
      strand_df <- strand_df[ !duplicated( paste(strand_df$x, strand_df$xend) ), ]
      strand_df$id <- rownames(strand_df)
      # shorten the intervals slightly
      arrowFactor = 1
      strand_df$x = strand_df$x + arrowFactor
      strand_df$xend <- strand_df$xend - arrowFactor
      # remove any arrows that are now too small
      strand_df <- strand_df[ strand_df$xend - strand_df$x >= 1, ]


      if( gene_strand == "+" ){
        strand_pos <- "last"
        # take first exon
        strand_df <- strand_df[ 1, ]
        # melt down into coordinates linked by id - the same exon
        strand_df <- melt( strand_df[, c("x","xend", "id")], "id")

      if( gene_strand == "-" ){
        strand_pos <- "first"
        strand_df <- strand_df[ nrow(strand_df), ]
        # melt down into coordinates linked by id - the same exon
        strand_df <- melt( strand_df[, c("x","xend", "id")], "id")

      strand_pos <- NULL

    # use intervals package to compute the correct placement of stranding arrows
    exon_intervals <- Intervals( matrix(data = c(exon_df$x, exon_df$xend), ncol = 2) )
    #exon_intervals <- intervals::interval_union( exon_intervals )
    intron_intervals <- intervals::interval_complement( exon_intervals )
    intron_intervals <- intron_intervals[ 2:(nrow(intron_intervals)-1),]
    # strand arrows should be placed between exons
    #plot(intron_intervals, use_points=FALSE)
    strand_df <- as.data.frame(intron_intervals)
    # remove strand arrows where the introns are too small
    strand_df <- strand_df[ (strand_df$V2 - strand_df$V1) > 0.025 * total_length,]
    strand_df$midpoint <- strand_df$V1 + (strand_df$V2 - strand_df$V1) / 2

    group <- c()
    for(i in 1:nrow(strand_df)){
      group <- c(group, rep(i,2))

    if( gene_strand == "+"){
      strand_df <- data.frame( x = c(rbind(strand_df$V1, strand_df$midpoint)),
                               group = group,
                               y = 0)

    if( gene_strand == "-"){
      strand_df <- data.frame( x = c(rbind(strand_df$midpoint, strand_df$V2)),
                               group = group,
                               y = 0)

    # SNP position
    if( !is.na(snp_pos)){
    SNP_df <- data.frame( x=snp_coord - (min_exon_length/2),
                          xend=snp_coord + (min_exon_length/2),
                          label = snp )



    # colour the clusters with the lowest p-values
    # if( !is.null(clusterID) ){
    #   cluster_colours <- ifelse( allEdges$clu == clusterID, junction_colour, "gray" )
    #   cluster_coloursP <- ifelse( allEdgesP$clu == clusterID, junction_colour, "gray" )
    # }

    # colour only the clusters with significant p values
    # cluster_colours <- ifelse( label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] != ".", junction_colour, "gray" )
    # cluster_coloursP <- ifelse( label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] != ".", junction_colour, "gray" )

    #label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] != "."


    plots <- ggplot()

      # cluster junctions - if FDR is available then colour
      if( !is.null(cluster_list)){
        plots <- plots + geom_curve(data=allEdgesP[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdgesP$clu, label_df$clu)] != "." ,], aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=clu, size = curveMax ),
                 curvature=curv,lineend="round", colour = junction_colour ) +
        geom_curve(data=allEdges[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] != "." ,], aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=clu, size = curveMax),
                 curvature=-curv,lineend="round",  colour = junction_colour )
        if( nrow(  allEdgesP[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdgesP$clu, label_df$clu)] == "." ,]) > 0  ){
          # if there are non-significant clusters, then colour  grey
          plots <- plots +
            geom_curve(data=allEdgesP[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdgesP$clu, label_df$clu)] == "." ,], aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=clu, size = curveMax ),
                       curvature=curv,lineend="round", colour = "gray" )

        if( nrow(  allEdges[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] == "." ,]) > 0  ){
          plots <- plots +
            geom_curve(data=allEdges[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] == "." ,], aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=clu, size = curveMax),
                       curvature=-curv,lineend="round",  colour = "gray" )
        if( is.null(clusterID)){
          plots <- plots + geom_curve(data=allEdgesP, aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=clu, size = curveMax ),
                                    curvature=curv,lineend="round", colour = junction_colour ) +
          geom_curve(data=allEdges, aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=clu, size = curveMax),
                     curvature=-curv,lineend="round",  colour = junction_colour )
          # colour only the selected cluster
          plots <- plots + geom_curve(data=allEdgesP, aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=factor(clu == clusterID), size = curveMax ),
                                      curvature=curv,lineend="round") +
            geom_curve(data=allEdges, aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=factor(clu == clusterID), size = curveMax),
                       curvature=-curv,lineend="round" ) +
            scale_colour_manual("", breaks = c(TRUE, FALSE), limits = c(TRUE, FALSE), values = c("firebrick2", "gray") ) +


      # to increase visual contrast convert all positive deltaPSI to 0.5 and all negative to -0.5

      if( !is.null(introns) & !is.null(cluster_list)){
        plots <- plots +
          geom_curve(data=allEdgesP[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdgesP$clu, label_df$clu)] != "." ,], aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=as.factor(deltaPSI > 0) , size = curveMax ),
                     curvature=curv,lineend="round") +
          geom_curve(data=allEdges[ label_df$FDR[ match(allEdges$clu, label_df$clu)] != "." ,], aes(x = start, xend = end, y = 0, yend = 0, group = Group, color=as.factor(deltaPSI > 0), size = curveMax),
                     curvature=-curv,lineend="round" ) +
          #scale_colour_discrete("dPSI",labels = c("down","up") )
          scale_colour_manual("dPSI",labels = c("down","up"), values = c("darkturquoise", "firebrick2") )

      plots <- plots +

      new_theme_empty +
      # make the y axis label the group
      #ylab(paste0(tis," (n=",group_sample_size,")")) +
      xlab("") +
      ylab("") +
      #xlim(my_xlim) +
      # try titling instead - why doesn't this work?
      #ggtitle(paste0(tis," (n=",group_sample_size,")" ) ) +

      # horizontal line - smooth out the ends of the curves
      geom_hline(yintercept=0, size = centreLineWidth, colour = "white") +
      geom_hline(yintercept=0,alpha=.9, size=1) +

      # label the junctions
      #geom_label(data=allEdgesP,aes(x=xtext,y=ytext,label=label), size = 5, label.size = 0 ) +
      #geom_label(data=allEdges,aes(x=xtext,y=ytext,label=label), size= 5, label.size = 0 ) +

      ylim(YLIMN,YLIMP) +

      scale_size_continuous(limits=c(0,10),guide='none') +

      ggtitle( paste(gene_name_df$label, collapse = "+") ) +

      theme(plot.title = element_text(face="bold.italic", colour="black", size = 20) ) +
      # EXONS
      geom_segment( data=exon_df, aes(x=x,y=y,xend=xend,yend=yend ), alpha=1, size=6, colour = 'black' )

      #geom_segment( data = df, aes(x = x - 0.05, xend = x, y = y, yend = yend), colour = "white", size = 6, alpha = 1) +
      #geom_segment( data = df, aes(x = xend, xend=xend + 0.05, y = y, yend = yend), colour = "white", size = 6, alpha = 1)

    #print(paste("strand is: ", strand_pos) )
    if( !is.null(strand_pos)){
        plots <- plots +
          geom_line( data = strand_df,
                     aes( x = x, y = y, group = group ),
                     colour = "black", size=1,
                     arrow = arrow(ends = strand_pos, type = "open", angle = 30, length = unit(0.1, units = "inches" ) )

    plots <- plots +
      # # JUNCTIONS
      # geom_segment( data = allEdgesP, aes(x = end, xend=end + 0.05, y = 0, yend = 0), colour = "white", size = 6 ) +
      # geom_segment( data = allEdges, aes(x = end, xend=end + 0.05, y = 0, yend = 0), colour = "white", size = 6 ) +
      # geom_segment( data = allEdgesP, aes(x = start, xend=start - 0.05, y = 0, yend = 0), colour = "white", size = 6 ) +
      # geom_segment( data = allEdges, aes(x = start, xend=start - 0.05, y = 0, yend = 0), colour = "white", size = 6 ) +

      geom_segment( data = exon_df, aes(x = xend, xend=xend + 0.05, y = 0, yend = 0), colour = "white", size = 6 ) +
      geom_segment( data = exon_df, aes(x = x, xend=x - 0.05, y = 0, yend = 0), colour = "white", size = 6 )

    if( !is.null(cluster_list)){
      # LABEL clusters
      #label_max <- c(YLIMN - 0.2*YLIMN)#, YLIMP - 0.2*YLIMP) # how far down the labels should go
      label_df$label <- gsub("_", "\n", label_df$label)
      label_df <- label_df[ order(label_df$middle),]
      # alternate labels as up or down
      label_df$labelY <- 0
      label_df$labelY[seq(1,nrow(label_df), 2)] <- YLIMN - 0.2*YLIMN
      # in case of only one label
      if( nrow(label_df) > 1){
        label_df$labelY[ seq(2, nrow(label_df), 2)] <- YLIMP - 0.2*YLIMP

      plots <- plots +
        # add dotted lines to indicate the regions that belong to each cluster
        geom_segment( data = label_df, aes( x = start, xend = middle, y = 0, yend = labelY ), colour = "gray", linetype = 3) +
        geom_segment( data = label_df, aes( x = end, xend = middle, y = 0, yend = labelY ), colour = "gray", linetype = 3) +
        # give each cluster a white circle behind
        geom_point( data = label_df, aes( x = middle, y = labelY), colour = "white", size = 22)

      # if a particular cluster is selected then give a border
      if( !is.null(clusterID) ){
        plots <- plots +
          geom_text_repel( data = label_df[ label_df$clu != clusterID,], aes( x = middle, y = labelY, label = label ), point.padding = NA, direction = "y", segment.alpha = 0 ) +
          geom_label( data = label_df[ label_df$clu == clusterID,],
                      aes( x = middle, y = labelY, label = label ), fontface = "bold",
                      label.size = 0.5, label.r = unit(0.3,"lines"), label.padding = unit(0.3,"lines") )
        plots <- plots + geom_text_repel( data = label_df, aes( x = middle, y = labelY, label = label ), point.padding = NA, direction = "y", segment.alpha = 0 )


      plots <- plots +
        geom_segment(data=SNP_df,aes(x=x,y=y,xend=xend,yend=yend),colour = "goldenrod", size = 6.5 ) +
        geom_text( data = SNP_df, aes(x =x, y = 0.5*YLIMP, label = label)) +
        geom_segment( data = SNP_df, aes( x = x, xend = x, y = 0, yend = 0.45*YLIMP ), colour = "gray", linetype = 3)

    #print("gene plot:")
    # toReturn <-  list( plot = plots, geneLength = geneLength)
    # if( !is.null(clusterID) ){
    #   toReturn$clusterPos <- clusterPos
    # }else{
    #   toReturn$clusterPos <- NULL
    # }
   return( plots )
  #if (!is.na(main_title)) plots[[1]] = plots[[1]] + ggtitle(main_title)
  # arrange plots
  #do.call( gridExtra::grid.arrange, c(plots, list(ncol=1)))

  #if (!is.null(exons_table))
jackhump/sqtlviztools documentation built on Feb. 26, 2021, noon