
Defines functions .reshape_longer_matrix reshape_vec2mat reshape_wide2long reshape_mat2dat

Documented in reshape_mat2dat reshape_vec2mat reshape_wide2long

#' Extract a long-format correlation database from a correlation matrix and its supporting vectors/matrices of variable information
#' This function is designed to extract data from a correlation matrix that is in the format commonly published in journals, with leading columns of construct names and descriptive statistics
#' being listed along with correlation data.
#' @param var_names Vector (or scalar column name to match with \code{data}) containing variable names.
#' @param cor_data Square matrix (or vector of column names to match with \code{data}) containing correlations among variables.
#' @param common_data Vector or matrix (or vector of column names to match with \code{data}) of data common to both X and Y variables (e.g., sample size, study-wise moderators).
#' @param unique_data Vector or matrix (or vector of column names to match with \code{data}) of data unique to X and Y variables (e.g., mean, SD, reliability).
#' @param diag_label Optional name to attribute to values extracted from the diagonal of the matrix (if NULL, no values are extracted from the diagonal).
#' @param lower_tri Logical scalar that identifies whether the correlations are in the lower triangle (\code{TRUE}) or in the upper triangle \code{FALSE} of the matrix.
#' @param data Matrix or data frame containing study data (when present, column names of \code{data} will be matched to column names provided as other arguments).
#' @return Long-format data frame of correlation data, variable names, and supporting information
#' @export
#' @author Jack W. Kostal
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @examples
#' ## Create a hypothetical matrix of data from a small study:
#' mat <- data.frame(var_names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
#'                   n = c(100, 100, 100),
#'                   mean = c(4, 5, 3),
#'                   sd = c(2.4, 2.6, 2),
#'                   rel = c(.8, .7, .85),
#'                   reshape_vec2mat(cov = c(.3, .4, .5)))
#' ## Arguments can be provided as quoted characters or as the unquoted names of `data`'s columns:
#' reshape_mat2dat(var_names = var_names,
#'                cor_data = c("Var1", "Var2", "Var3"),
#'                common_data = "n",
#'                unique_data = c("mean", "sd", "rel"),
#'                data = mat)
#' ## Arguments can also provided as raw vectors, matrices, or data frames, without a data argument:
#' reshape_mat2dat(var_names = mat[,1],
#'                cor_data = mat[,6:8],
#'                common_data = mat[,2],
#'                unique_data = mat[,3:5])
#' ## If data is not null, arguments can be a mix of matrix/data frame/vector and column-name arguments
#' reshape_mat2dat(var_names = mat[,1],
#'                cor_data = mat[,6:8],
#'                common_data = "n",
#'                unique_data = c("mean", "sd", "rel"),
#'                data = mat)
reshape_mat2dat <- function(var_names, cor_data, common_data = NULL, unique_data = NULL, diag_label = NULL, lower_tri = TRUE, data = NULL){
     call <- match.call()

     formal_args <- formals(reshape_mat2dat)
     for(i in names(formal_args)) if(i %in% names(call)) formal_args[[i]] <- NULL
     call_full <- as.call(append(as.list(call), formal_args))

          data <- as_tibble(data, .name_repair = "minimal")
          var_names <- match_variables(call = call_full[[match("var_names", names(call_full))]],
                                       arg = var_names,
                                       arg_name = "var_names",
                                       data = data)
          cor_data <- match_variables(call = call_full[[match("cor_data", names(call_full))]],
                                      arg = cor_data,
                                      arg_name = "cor_data",
                                      data = data,
                                      as_array = TRUE,
                                      allow_multiple = TRUE)
          if (deparse(substitute(common_data))[1] != "NULL") {
                  common_data <- match_variables(call = call_full[[match("common_data",  names(call_full))]],
                                                 arg = common_data,
                                                 arg_name = "common_data",
                                                 data = data,
                                                 as_array = TRUE,
                                                 allow_multiple = TRUE)
          if (deparse(substitute(unique_data))[1] != "NULL") {
                  unique_data <- match_variables(call = call_full[[match("unique_data",  names(call_full))]],
                                                 arg = unique_data,
                                                 arg_name = "unique_data",
                                                 data = data,
                                                 as_array = TRUE,
                                                 allow_multiple = TRUE)

     if (!is.null(dim(var_names))) {
             var_names <- unlist(var_names)
     var_names <- as.character(var_names)

     common_data <- as.data.frame(common_data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
     unique_data <- as.data.frame(unique_data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     cor_data <- as.matrix(cor_data)
     if(!lower_tri) cor_data <- t(cor_data)
          unique_data <- cbind(unique_data, diag(cor_data))
          colnames(unique_data)[ncol(unique_data)] <- diag_label
     cor_data[upper.tri(cor_data, diag=TRUE)] <- NA

     rownames(cor_data) <- colnames(cor_data) <- rownames(common_data) <- rownames(unique_data) <- var_names

     cor_data_trans <- .reshape_longer_matrix(
             na.rm = TRUE,
             varnames = c("x_name", "y_name"),
             value.name = "rxyi",
             rev = TRUE

     common_data_out <- common_data[cor_data_trans$x_name,]
     unique_data_x <- unique_data[cor_data_trans$x_name,]
     unique_data_y <- unique_data[cor_data_trans$y_name,]

          common_data_out <- data.frame(common_data_out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
               colnames(common_data_out) <- colnames(common_data)
               colnames(common_data_out) <- "common_data"

          unique_data_x <- data.frame(unique_data_x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
               colnames(unique_data_x) <- colnames(unique_data)
               colnames(unique_data_x) <- "unique_data"

          unique_data_y <- data.frame(unique_data_y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
               colnames(unique_data_y) <- colnames(unique_data)
               colnames(unique_data_y) <- "unique_data"

     colnames(unique_data_x) <- paste0(colnames(unique_data_x), "_x")
     colnames(unique_data_y) <- paste0(colnames(unique_data_y), "_y")

     out <- cbind(cor_data_trans, common_data_out, unique_data_x, unique_data_y)
     rownames(out) <- 1:nrow(out)

#' Reshape database from wide format to long format
#' This function automates the process of converting a wide-format database (i.e., a database in which intercorrelations between construct pairs define the columns, such that there are multiple columns of correlations) to a long-format database (i.e., a database with just one column of correlations).
#' The meta-analysis functions in \pkg{psychmeta} work best with long-format databases, so this function can be a helpful addition to one's workflow when data are organized in a wide format.
#' @param data Database of data for use in a meta-analysis in "wide" format.
#' @param common_vars String vector of column names relevant to all variables in data.
#' @param es_design p x p matrix containing the names of columns of intercorrelations among variables in the lower triangle of the matrix.
#' @param n_design Scalar sample-size column name or a p x p matrix containing the names of columns of sample sizes the lower triangle of the matrix.
#' @param other_design A matrix with variable names on the rows and names of long-format variables to create on the columns. Elements of this
#' matrix must be column names of \code{data}.
#' @param es_name Name of the effect size represented in \code{data}.
#' @param missing_col_action Character scalar indicating how missing columns should be handled. Options are: "warn", "ignore", and "stop"
#' @return A long-format database
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' n_params = c(mean = 150, sd = 20)
#' rho_params <- list(c(.1, .3, .5),
#'                    c(mean = .3, sd = .05),
#'                    rbind(value = c(.1, .3, .5), weight = c(1, 2, 1)))
#' rel_params = list(c(.7, .8, .9),
#'                   c(mean = .8, sd = .05),
#'                   rbind(value = c(.7, .8, .9), weight = c(1, 2, 1)))
#' sr_params = c(list(1, 1, c(.5, .7)))
#' sr_composite_params = list(1, c(.5, .6, .7))
#' wt_params = list(list(c(1, 2, 3),
#'                       c(mean = 2, sd = .25),
#'                       rbind(value = c(1, 2, 3), weight = c(1, 2, 1))),
#'                  list(c(1, 2, 3),
#'                       c(mean = 2, sd = .25),
#'                       rbind(value = c(1, 2, 3), weight = c(1, 2, 1))))
#' ## Simulate with wide format
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- simulate_r_database(k = 10, n_params = n_params, rho_params = rho_params,
#'                           rel_params = rel_params, sr_params = sr_params,
#'                           sr_composite_params = sr_composite_params, wt_params = wt_params,
#'                           var_names = c("X", "Y", "Z"), format = "wide")$statistics
#' }
#' ## Define values to abstract from the data object
#' common_vars <- "sample_id"
#' es_design <- matrix(NA, 3, 3)
#' var_names <- c("X", "Y", "Z")
#' es_design[lower.tri(es_design)] <- c("rxyi_X_Y", "rxyi_X_Z", "rxyi_Y_Z")
#' rownames(es_design) <- colnames(es_design) <- var_names
#' n_design <- "ni"
#' other_design <- cbind(rxxi = paste0("parallel_rxxi_", var_names),
#'                       ux_local = paste0("ux_local_", var_names),
#'                       ux_external = paste0("ux_external_", var_names))
#' rownames(other_design) <- var_names
#' ## Reshape the data to "long" format
#' reshape_wide2long(data = data, common_vars = common_vars, es_design = es_design,
#'                            n_design = n_design, other_design = other_design)
reshape_wide2long <- function(data, common_vars = NULL, es_design = NULL, n_design = NULL, other_design = NULL, es_name = "rxyi", missing_col_action = c("warn", "ignore", "stop")) {

     missing_col_action <- match.arg(missing_col_action)

     if(all(is.null(es_design), is.null(other_design))) {
          stop("Either 'es_design' or 'other_design' must be provided", call. = FALSE)

     if(is.null(es_design)) {
          es_cnames <- es_rnames <- NULL
     } else {
          if(!is.matrix(es_design)) stop("'es_design' must be a matrix", call. = FALSE)

          es_cnames <- colnames(es_design)
          es_rnames <- rownames(es_design)

          if(!all(es_cnames %in% es_rnames) | !all(es_rnames %in% es_cnames)) {
               stop("Row names and column names of 'es_design' must contain the same elements", call. = FALSE)

     if(is.null(n_design)) {
          n_cnames <- n_rnames <- NULL
     } else {
          if(length(n_design) == 1){
               n_scalar <- c(n_design)
               n_design <- es_design
               n_design[lower.tri(n_design)] <- n_scalar
               if(!is.matrix(n_design)) {
                    stop("'n_design' must be a matrix if it has more than 1 element", call. = FALSE)
               n_cnames <- colnames(n_design)
               n_rnames <- rownames(n_design)
               if(!all(n_cnames %in% n_rnames) | !all(n_rnames %in% n_cnames)) {
                    stop("Row names and column names of 'n_design' must contain the same elements", call. = FALSE)
               if(!all(n_cnames %in% es_cnames) | !all(es_cnames %in% n_cnames)) {
                    stop("Column names of 'es_design' 'n_design' must contain the same elements", call. = FALSE)
               if(!all(n_rnames %in% es_rnames) | !all(es_rnames %in% n_rnames)) {
                    stop("Row names of 'es_design' 'n_design' must contain the same elements", call. = FALSE)

     if(!is.null(other_design)) {
          if(!is.matrix(other_design)) {
               stop("'other_design' must be a matrix", call. = FALSE)
          other_rnames <- rownames(other_design)
          other_cnames <- colnames(other_design)
          if(!is.null(es_design)) {
               if(!all(es_rnames %in% other_rnames)) {
                    other_supp_rnames <- es_rnames[!es_rnames %in% other_rnames]
                    other_supp <- matrix(NA, length(other_supp_rnames), ncol(other_design))
                    rownames(other_supp) <- other_supp_rnames
                    other_design <- rbind(other_design, other_supp)
               if(!all(other_rnames %in% es_rnames)) {
                    es_supp_rnames <- other_rnames[!other_rnames %in% es_rnames]
                    es_rsupp <- matrix(NA, length(es_supp_rnames), ncol(es_design))
                    rownames(es_rsupp) <- es_supp_rnames
                    es_design <- rbind(es_design, es_rsupp)
                    n_design <- rbind(n_design, es_rsupp)
                    es_csupp <- matrix(NA, nrow(es_design), length(es_supp_rnames))
                    colnames(es_csupp) <- es_supp_rnames
                    es_design <- cbind(es_design, es_csupp)
                    n_design <- cbind(n_design, es_csupp)

               .colnames <- colnames(other_design)
               other_design <- as.matrix(other_design[rownames(es_design),])
               colnames(other_design) <- .colnames
               var_names <- rownames(es_design)

          } else {
               # es_design <- n_design <- matrix(NA, length(other_rnames), length(other_rnames))
               var_names <-
                    # rownames(es_design) <- colnames(es_design) <-
                    # rownames(n_design) <- colnames(n_design) <-

     } else {
          other_design <- matrix(rep(NA, length(es_cnames)))
          other_rnames <- NULL
          other_cnames <- NULL
          var_names <- rownames(other_design) <- es_rnames

     # unique_refs <- levels(factor(c(es_design, other_design)))
     unique_refs <- as.character(unique(na.omit(c(es_design, other_design))))

     if(!all(unique_refs %in% colnames(data))) {
                 stop = {stop("One or more non-NA elements in 'es_design' or 'other_design' are not valid columns in 'data'", call. = FALSE)},
                 warn = {warning("One or more non-NA elements in 'es_design' or 'other_design' are not valid columns in 'data'. These variables have been dropped", call. = FALSE)}
          es_design[!es_design %in% colnames(data)] <- NA
          other_design[!other_design %in% colnames(data)] <- NA


     if(is.null(es_design)) {
          # new_data <- data.frame(matrix(NA, 0, length(common_vars) + length(other_cnames) + 1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          # colnames(new_data) <- c(common_vars, other_cnames, "x_name")

          new_data <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(var_names))

          for(i in 1:length(var_names)) {
               x <- var_names[i]

               if(!all(is.na(other_design[x, ]))) {
                    new_data_i  <- data[, c(common_vars,
                                            na.omit(other_design[x, ])
                    colnames(new_data_i) <- c(common_vars,
                    new_data_i$x_name <- x
                    new_data[[i]] <- new_data_i


          new_data <- do.call(rbind, new_data)

     } else {
          # new_data <- data.frame(matrix(NA, 0, length(common_vars) + 4 + 2 * length(other_cnames)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          # colnames(new_data) <- c(common_vars,
          #                         "n", es_name, "x_name", "y_name",
          #                         if(length(other_cnames) > 0) {c(paste0(other_cnames, "_x"), paste0(other_cnames, "_y"))} else {NULL}
          # )

          new_data <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(var_names) * (length(var_names) - 1) / 2)
          k <- 0

          for(i in 1:length(var_names)) {
               for(j in 1:length(var_names)) {
                    if(i > j){
                         k <- k + 1
                         x <- var_names[j]
                         y <- var_names[i]

                         if(!is.na(es_design[y, x])) {
                              new_data_ij <- data[, c(common_vars,
                                                      na.omit(n_design[y, x]),
                                                      na.omit(es_design[y, x]),
                                                      na.omit(other_design[x, ]),
                                                      na.omit(other_design[y, ])
                              colnames(new_data_ij) <- c(common_vars,
                                                         if(!is.null(es_design)) {c("n", es_name)}[c(!is.na(n_design[y, x]), !is.na(es_design[y, x]))],
                                                         if(length(other_cnames) > 0) {c(paste0(other_cnames, "_x")[which(!is.na(other_design[x, ]))], paste0(other_cnames, "_y")[which(!is.na(other_design[y, ]))])} else {NULL})
                              new_data_ij$x_name <- x
                              new_data_ij$y_name <- y
                              new_data[[k]] <- new_data_ij

          new_data <- do.call(rbind, new_data)

#' Assemble a variance-covariance matrix
#' The \code{reshape_vec2mat} function facilitates the creation of square correlation/covariance matrices from scalars or vectors of variances/covariances.
#' It allows the user to supply a vector of covariances that make up the lower triangle of a matrix, determines the order of the matrix necessary to hold those covariances, and constructs a matrix accordingly.
#' @param cov Scalar or vector of covariance information to include the lower-triangle positions of the matrix (default value is zero).
#' If a vector, the elements must be provided in the order associated with concatenated column (\code{by_row = FALSE; default}) or row (\code{by_row = TRUE}) vectors of the lower triangle of the desired matrix.
#' If variances are included in these values, set the \code{diag} argument to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param var Scalar or vector of variance information to include the diagonal positions of the matrix (default value is 1).
#' @param order If cov and var are scalars, this argument determines the number of variables to create in the output matrix.
#' @param var_names Optional vector of variable names.
#' @param by_row Logical scalar indicating whether \code{cov} values should fill the lower triangle by row (\code{TRUE}) or by column (\code{FALSE}; default).
#' @param diag Logical scalar indicating whether \code{cov} values include variances (\code{FALSE} by default; if \code{TRUE}, the variance values supplied with the \code{cov} argument will supersede the \code{var} argument).
#' @return A variance-covariance matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Specify the lower triangle covariances
#' ## Can provide names for the variables
#' reshape_vec2mat(cov = c(.3, .2, .4), var_names = c("x", "y", "z"))
#' ## Specify scalar values to repeat for the covariances and variances
#' reshape_vec2mat(cov = .3, var = 2, order = 3)
#' ## Give a vector of variances to create a diagonal matrix
#' reshape_vec2mat(var = 1:5)
#' ## Specify order only to create identity matrix
#' reshape_vec2mat(order = 3)
#' ## Specify order and scalar variance to create a scalar matrix
#' reshape_vec2mat(var = 2, order = 3)
#' ## A quick way to make a 2x2 matrix for bivariate correlations
#' reshape_vec2mat(cov = .2)
reshape_vec2mat <- function(cov = NULL, var = NULL, order = NULL, var_names = NULL, by_row = FALSE, diag = FALSE){
     if(is.null(var) & is.null(cov) & is.null(order))
          stop("cov, var, and/or order must be specified")
                    order <- .5 * (sqrt(8 * length(cov) + 1) - 1)
                    order <- sqrt(length(cov) * 2 + .5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * length(cov) * 2)))
               if(order != round(order)) stop("length of cov does not correspond to a valid number of lower-triangle correlations", call. = FALSE)
               order <- length(var)
          var <- rep(1, order)

     if(length(cov) > 1 & diag)
          var <- rep(0, order)
     if(length(cov) == 1)
          cov <- rep(cov, order * (order - 1) / 2)
     if(length(var) > 1)
          if(length(var) != order)
               stop("order does not match number of diagonal elements")
     mat <- diag(var / 2,  order)

     if(length(cov) > 0){
               if(sum(lower.tri(mat, diag = diag)) != length(cov))
                    stop("length of cov does not match elements in lower triangle")
               mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = diag)] <- cov
               if(sum(lower.tri(mat, diag = diag)) != length(cov))
                    stop("length of cov does not match elements in lower triangle")
               mat[lower.tri(mat, diag = diag)] <- cov
          if(diag) diag(mat) <- diag(mat) / 2

     mat <- mat + t(mat)

          var_names <- paste("Var", 1:ncol(mat), sep = "")
     dimnames(mat) <- list(var_names, var_names)

.reshape_longer_matrix <- function(
  varnames = names(dimnames(data)),
  na.rm = FALSE,
  value.name = "value",
  rev = FALSE
) {
  if (! inherits(data, c("array", "data.frame"))) {
    stop("'data' must be a matrix, array, or data.frame", call. = FALSE)
  dn <- dimnames(data)
  if (is.null(dn)) {
    dn <- rep(list(NULL), length(dim(data)))
  null_names <- which(unlist(lapply(dn, is.null)))
  dn[null_names] <- lapply(null_names, function(i) seq_len(dim(data)[i]))
  labels <- expand.grid(dn, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (rev) {
    labels <- rev(labels)
  names(labels) <- varnames
  if (na.rm) {
    missing <- is.na(data)
    data <- data[!missing]
    labels <- labels[!missing, ]
  value_df <- setNames(data.frame(as.vector(data)), value.name)
  cbind(labels, value_df)
jadahlke/psychmeta documentation built on June 29, 2024, 5:43 a.m.