figure.interpolated.results = function( p, outdir, all.areas=T, ) {
varstoplot = matrix(ncol=3, byrow=T, data=
c( "R0.mass", "Fishable biomass", "B" #,
# "", "Number of fishable crab", "N",
# "", "Number of recruits", "N"#,
#"totno.female.imm", "Number of immature females", "N",
#"totno.female.mat", "Number of mature females", "N",
#"totno.female.berried", "Number of berried females", "N",
#"totno.female.primiparous", "Number of primiparous females", "N",
# "totno.female.multiparous", "Number of multiparous females", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 6", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 7", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 8", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 9", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 10", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 11", "N",
# "", "Number of immature - instar 12", "N",
# "", "Number of immature skip moulter - instar 9", "N",
# "", "Number of immature skip moulter - instar 10", "N",
# "", "Number of immature skip moulter - instar 11", "N",
# "", "Number of immature skip moulter - instar 12", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 9 CC1 & 2", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 10 CC1 & 2", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 11 CC1 & 2", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 12 CC1 & 2", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 13 CC1 & 2", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 9 CC3 & 4", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 10 CC3 & 4", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 11 CC3 & 4", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 12 CC3 & 4", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 13 CC3 & 4", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 9 CC5", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 10 CC5", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 11 CC5", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 12 CC5", "N",
# "", "Number of mature - instar 13 CC5", "N"
) )
eps = 1e-6
p$ = varstoplot[,1]
# p$yrs = 1998:p$year.assessment
p$runindex = list(y=p$yrs, v=p$ )
K = interpolation.db( DS="interpolation.simulation", p=p )
year.assessment = p$year.assessment
K = K[ -which( as.character(K$region)=="cfa4x" & K$yr <= 2002 ), ]
K = K[ which( K$yr >1997 ), ]
if (all.areas) {
areas = c("cfa4x", "cfasouth", "cfanorth" )
regions = c("4X", "S-ENS", "N-ENS")
} else {
areas = c("cfasouth", "cfanorth" )
regions = c("S-ENS", "N-ENS")
n.regions = length(regions)
K$region = factor(as.character(K$region), levels=areas, labels=regions)
K$ubound = K$total.ub
K$lbound = K$
zero.value = K[1,]
zero.value$yr = year.assessment
zero.value$total = 0
zero.value$lbound = 0
zero.value$ubound = 0
xlim=range(K$yr, na.rm=T)
nvarstoplot = dim(varstoplot)[1]
for (i in c(1:nvarstoplot)) {
v = varstoplot[i,1]
tt = varstoplot[i,2]
# td = K[ which(as.character(K$vars)==v) ,]
td = K
if (varstoplot[i,3] == "B") {
yy = expression(paste( "Biomass (X ", 10^3, " t)"))
convert = 10^3 # from t to kt
eps = 1e-6
} else if (varstoplot[i,3] == "N") {
yy = expression(paste( "Number (X ", 10^6, " )"))
convert = 1 # convert to
eps = 1e-6
if (v=="R0.mass") {
ii = which(td$yr==1998 & td$region=="S-ENS")
if ( length(ii)>0 ) td[ ii, "total" ] = NA # strange data
if (v=="") {
# mm = zero.value
# mm$region = "N-ENS"
# td = rbind(td, mm)
varstocheck = c("total", "ubound", "lbound")
for (vs in varstocheck) {
td[,vs] = td[,vs] / convert
kk = which(td[,vs] <= eps)
if ( length(kk)>0 ) td[kk,vs] = 0
td = td[is.finite(td$total) ,]
td = td[order(td$region,td$yr),]
# last check to make sure data exists for all regions for the plots
limits = list()
for (rr in 1:n.regions) {
nr = NULL
pp = which( td$region==regions[rr] )
nr = length( pp )
if (nr ==0) {
mm = zero.value
mm$region = regions[rr]
td = rbind( td, mm)
qq = 1
} else {
qq = max(td$ubound[pp], na.rm=T)
limits[[rr]] = c(0, qq )
dir.create( outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F )
fn = file.path( outdir, paste(v, "png", sep=".") )
print (fn)
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=30, res=300 )
if ( {
scales = list(y = list(relation="free", limits=limits ))
pl = xyplot( total~yr|region, data=td, ub=td$ubound, lb=td$lbound,
layout=c(1,n.regions), xlim=xlim, scales=scales,
par.strip.text = list(cex=1),
par.main.text = list(cex=1.5),
layout.heights=list(strip=1, panel=1, main=0.5 )
main=list(label=tt), xlab=list(label="Survey year", cex=2), ylab=list(label=yy, cex=2),
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ub, lb, ...) {
larrows(x, lb[subscripts],
x, ub[subscripts],
angle = 90, code = 3, length=0.02, lwd=4)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type="b", lty=1, lwd=4, pch=19, col="black", cex=1.2, ...)
panel.abline(v=2001.5, col="gray", lty=5, lwd=4, ...)
panel.abline(h=0, col="gray", lty=1, lwd=4, ...)
panel.abline(h=mean(y,na.rm=TRUE), col="gray", lty=2, lwd=3, ...)
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