# -------------------------------------
# fecundity estimated from predicted mean fecundity (based upon allometric relationship)
# and kriged estimated numerical abundance of females ... does not directly account for allometry
fecundity.indirect = function( p, outdir, all.areas=T ) {
stop("Broken: Fix me")
x = snowcrab.db(DS="det.initial")
y = snowcrab.db(DS="set.biologicals")[, c("trip", "set", "yr")]
x = merge(x, y, by= c("trip","set"), all.x=T, all.y=F, sort=F)
primiparous = filter.class( x, "primiparous")
multiparous = filter.class( x, "multiparous")
# estimates of mean fecundity of females in a given year
fem = data.frame( years= sort(unique( as.numeric(as.character(x$yr)) ) ))
fem$primi.mean = tapply( x$fecundity[primiparous], INDEX=list( yr=x$yr[primiparous] ), FUN=mean, na.rm=T, simplify=T )
fem$primi.sd = tapply( x$fecundity[primiparous], INDEX=list( yr=x$yr[primiparous] ), FUN=sd, na.rm=T, simplify=T )
fem$primi.n = tapply( x$fecundity[primiparous], INDEX=list( yr=x$yr[primiparous] ), FUN=function(d) {length( which(!is.na(d))) }, simplify=T )
fem$multi.mean = tapply( x$fecundity[multiparous], INDEX=list( yr=x$yr[multiparous] ), FUN=mean, na.rm=T, simplify=T )
fem$multi.sd = tapply( x$fecundity[multiparous], INDEX=list( yr=x$yr[multiparous] ), FUN=sd, na.rm=T, simplify=T )
fem$multi.n = tapply( x$fecundity[multiparous], INDEX=list( yr=x$yr[multiparous] ), FUN=function(d) {length( which(!is.na(d))) }, simplify=T )
p$vars.to.model = c( "totno.female.primiparous", "totno.female.multiparous" )
p$yrs = 1998:p$year.assessment
K = interpolation.db( DS="interpolation.simulation", p=p )
# K = K[ -which( K$yr <= 1998 ), ]
K$vars = as.character(K$vars)
# K = K[ which(K$vars %in% vars ) ,]
# total abundance estimates
a.sum = function(x, y) tapply( x, y, sum, na.rm=T )
a.sum( K$total, list(K$yr, K$vars) )
offsets = c(NA,NA)
fem = merge( fem, K[ which( K$vars=="totno.female.primiparous") ,], by.x="years", by.y="yr", sort=T, all.x=T, all.y=F )
fem$v = NULL
fem = merge( fem, K[ which( K$vars=="totno.female.multiparous") ,], by.x="years", by.y="yr", sort=T, all.x=T, all.y=F,
suffixes=c(".primi", ".multi") )
fem$v = NULL
# fem[ which(is.na(fem)) ] = 0
fem$total.egg.primi = fem$primi.mean * fem$total.primi
fem$total.egg.multi = fem$multi.mean * fem$total.multi
fem$total.egg.all = fem$total.egg.primi + fem$total.egg.mult
# propagate the errors from above operations
fem$total.egg.primi.sd = fem$total.egg.primi * sqrt( (fem$primi.sd / fem$primi.mean)^2 + ( (0.2*fem$total.primi) /fem$total.primi)^2 )
fem$total.egg.multi.sd = fem$total.egg.multi * sqrt( (fem$multi.sd / fem$multi.mean)^2 + ( (0.2*fem$total.multi)/fem$total.multi)^2 )
fem$total.egg.all.sd = sqrt(fem$total.egg.primi.sd ^2 + fem$total.egg.multi.sd^2)
yval = log10(fem$total.egg.all)
yval[ !is.finite(yval) ] = NA
fem$upper = log10( fem$total.egg.all + 2 * fem$total.egg.all.sd )
fem$lower = log10( fem$total.egg.all - 2 * fem$total.egg.all.sd )
datarange = range( c(yval, fem$upper, fem$lower), na.rm=T)
yrs = range( fem$years, na.rm=T )
yrs = c(-0.5, 0.5) + yrs
fn = file.path( outdir, "fecundity_indirect" )
# Cairo( file=fn, type="pdf", bg="white", units="in", width=6, height=8 )
# plot( fem$years, yval, type="b", xlab="Year", ylab="Potential total egg production (log10)", xlim=yrs, ylim=datarange )
# arrows( x0=fem$years, y0=fem$upper, x1=fem$years, y1=fem$lower, angle=90, code=3, length=0.05 )
# dev.off()
# cmd( "convert -trim -quality 9 -geometry 200% -frame 2% -mattecolor white -antialias ", paste(fn, "pdf", sep="."), paste(fn, "png", sep=".") )
if (all.areas) {
areas = c("cfa4x", "cfasouth", "cfanorth" )
regions = c("4X", "S-ENS", "N-ENS")
} else {
areas = c("cfasouth", "cfanorth" )
regions = c("S-ENS", "N-ENS")
n.regions = length(regions)
n.areas = length(areas)
td = fem[ which( as.numeric(as.character(years(fem$datestamp.multi))) == p$year.assessment),]
td$yr = td$years
td$total = log10(td$total.egg.all)
td$ubound = log10(td$total.egg.all + 2* td$total.egg.all.sd)
td$lbound = log10(td$total.egg.all - 2* td$total.egg.all.sd)
td$region = td$region.primi
xlim = range( td$yr, na.rm=T )
xlim[1] = xlim[1]-0.5
xlim[2] = xlim[2]+0.5
yy = "ln( Total potential fecundity ) "
convert = 10^6 # convert from
eps = 10^-4
varstocheck = c("total.egg.all", "ubound", "lbound")
for (vs in varstocheck) {
td[,vs] = td[,vs] / convert
kk = which(td[,vs] <= eps)
if (length(kk)>0) td[kk,vs] = 0
td = td[ which( is.finite(td$total)) ,]
td = td[order(td$yr),]
td$region = factor(td$region, levels=areas, labels=regions)
fn = file.path( outdir, "fecuncity_indirect" )
Cairo( file=fn, type="pdf", bg="white", units="in", width=6, height=8 )
pl = xyplot( total~yr|region, data=td, lbound=td$lbound, ubound=td$ubound,
layout=c(1,3), xlim=xlim, scales = list(y = "free"),
main="Potential Egg Production", xlab="Year",
ylab=expression(paste("Potential Egg Production ( x", 10^6, ")")),
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, lbound, ubound, ...) {
# larrows(x, lbound[subscripts], x, ubound[subscripts], angle = 90, code = 3, length=0.02, lwd=3)
panel.abline(h=mean(y, na.rm=T), col="gray40", lwd=1.5,...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type="b", pch=19, lwd=1.5, lty="11", col="black", ...)
# panel.loess(x,y, span=0.15, lwd=2.5, col="darkblue", ... )
cmd( "convert -trim -quality 9 -geometry 200% -frame 2% -mattecolor white -antialias ", paste(fn, "pdf", sep="."), paste(fn, "png", sep=".") )
table.view( fem)
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