
Defines functions logbook.db

  logbook.db = function( DS, prorate=T, p=NULL, yrs=NULL, fn_root=project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab") ) {

		if (DS %in% c("rawdata.logbook", "rawdata.logbook.redo")) {

      fn.loc =  file.path( fn_root, "data", "logbook", "datadump" )

      dir.create( fn.loc, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )

			if (DS=="rawdata.logbook") {
				out = NULL
				for ( YR in yrs ) {
					fny = file.path( fn.loc, paste( YR, "rdata", sep="."))
					if (file.exists(fny)) {
						load (fny)
						out = rbind( out, logbook )
				return (out)

			con=ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"),dbname=oracle.snowcrab.server , username=oracle.snowcrab.user, password=oracle.snowcrab.password, believeNRows=F)

			for ( YR in yrs ) {
				fny = file.path( fn.loc, paste( YR,"rdata", sep="."))
				query = paste(
					"SELECT * from marfissci.marfis_crab ",
					"where target_spc=705",
				logbook = NULL
				#in following line replaced sqlQuery (Rrawdata) with  dbGetQuery (ROracle)
				logbook = ROracle::dbGetQuery(con, query )
				save( logbook, file=fny, compress=T)
				gc()  # garbage collection

      return (yrs)


    # -------------------------

    if (DS %in% c("rawdata.licence.redo", "rawdata.licence" ) ) {

      fn.loc =  file.path( fn_root, "data", "logbook"  )

 			dir.create( fn.loc, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )

      filename.licence = file.path( fn.loc, "lic.datadump.rdata" )

      if (DS=="rawdata.licence") {
        return (lic)

      con=ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"),dbname=oracle.snowcrab.server , username=oracle.snowcrab.user, password=oracle.snowcrab.password, believeNRows=F)
      lic = ROracle::dbGetQuery(con, "select * from marfissci.licence_areas")
      save(lic, file=filename.licence, compress=T)

    if (DS %in% c("rawdata.areas.redo", "rawdata.areas" ) ) {

      fn.loc =  file.path( fn_root, "data", "logbook"  )

			dir.create( fn.loc, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )

      filename.areas = file.path( fn.loc, "areas.datadump.rdata" )

      if (DS=="rawdata.areas") {
        return (areas)

      con=ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"),dbname=oracle.snowcrab.server , username=oracle.snowcrab.user, password=oracle.snowcrab.password, believeNRows=F)
      areas = ROracle::dbGetQuery(con, "select * from marfissci.areas")
      save(areas, file=filename.areas, compress=T)
      return ("Complete")


  # -------

    if (DS %in% c("logbook.filtered.positions", "logbook.filtered.positions.redo")) {

      # exclude data that have positions that are incorrect

      filename = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "logbook.filtered.positions.rdata" )

      if (DS=="logbook.filtered.positions") {
        load( filename )

      lgbk = logbook.db( DS="logbook" )

      h = which( !is.na( lgbk$lon + lgbk$lat ) )
      lgbk = lgbk[h,]

      i = polygon_inside( lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], region="cfaall")
      lgbk = lgbk[i,]

      j = polygon_inside( lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], region="isobath1000m")
      lgbk = lgbk[j,]

      # additional constraint ..
      # remove data that are strange in location .. land
      crs_lonlat = st_crs( projection_proj4string("lonlat_wgs84") )
      mp = st_multipoint(cbind(p$corners$lon, p$corners$lat))
      bbox =  st_as_sfc(st_bbox( mp) )
      st_crs(bbox) =  crs_lonlat 

      coast = st_transform( st_as_sf(coastline_db( p=p )), crs=crs_lonlat )
      coast = (
        st_intersection( coast, bbox )
        %>% st_buffer(0.01)
        %>% st_union()
        %>% st_cast("POLYGON" )
        %>% st_union()
        %>% st_make_valid()

      inside = st_points_in_polygons(
        pts =st_as_sf( lgbk[,c("lon", "lat")], coords=c("lon","lat"), crs=crs_lonlat ),
        polys = coast
      onland = which (is.finite(inside))
      if (length(onland)>0) lgbk = lgbk[-onland, ]

      # filter by depth ..
      # use the match/map syntax in bathymetry and filter out shallow sets .. < 10 m? TODO
      # keep those in the domain and deeper than depth=10 m

      z = aegis_lookup( parameters="bathymetry", LOCS=lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], project_class="core", output_format="points" , DS="aggregated_data", space_resolution=p$pres*2, variable_name="z.mean"  ) # core=="rawdata"

      aoi = which( z > 10 ) # negative = above land
      lgbk = lgbk[ aoi,]

      # only accept "correctly" positioned data within each subarea ... in case miscoded data have a large effect
      icfa4x = polygon_inside( lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], "cfa4x")
      icfanorth = polygon_inside( lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], "cfanorth")
      icfa23 = polygon_inside( lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], "cfa23")
      icfa24 = polygon_inside( lgbk[, c("lon", "lat")], "cfa24")

      gooddata = sort( unique( c(icfa4x, icfanorth, icfa23, icfa24 ) ) )
      lgbk = lgbk[gooddata, ]

      save( lgbk, file=filename, compress=T )



  # -------

    if (DS %in% c("logbook", "logbook.redo")) {

      filename = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "logbook.rdata" )

      if (DS=="logbook") {
        load( filename )

			# stop(" MUST ADD EXTERNAL DATA -- landings in GULF ")

			# logbooks from historical data tables (1996-2003; but 2002 and 2003 seem to be partial records)
      lb.historical = logbook.db( DS="fisheries.historical" )
      lb.historical$cfa = NA
      lb.historical$date.fished = paste( lb.historical$date.fished, "01:00:00" )
      #lb.historical$date.landed = as.POSIXct( lb.historical$date.landed  )

      # logbooks from marfissci tables
      x = logbook.db( DS="rawdata.logbook", yrs=1996:(p$year.assessment + 1) )  # add one to catch 4X effort/landings in next year

      names( x ) = tolower( names( x ) )
      names( x ) = rename.bio.snowcrab.variables(names( x ))
      to.char = c( "cfa", "licence_id_old", "licence", "date.fished",
                   "captain", "vessel", "doc_id", "doc_type")
      for (i in to.char) x[,i] = as.character(x[,i])

      iy = which(!is.finite(x$year))
      if (length(iy) > 0) {
        x$year[iy] = lubridate::year(x$date.landed) [iy]
        iy = which(!is.finite(x$year))
        if (length(iy) > 0)  x = x[ -iy, ]


      # if (prorate) x = logbook.prorate( x )  # assume pro-rating not required for historical data as it was maintained manually by Moncton

      x$soak.time = x$soak_days * 24  # make into hours
      x$trap.type = "" # dummy value until this can be added to the views .. check with Alan
      x$status = ""  # "" "" ""

      # datelanded =  matrix(unlist(strsplit(x$date.landed, " ", fixed=T)), ncol=2, byrow=T)[,1]
      # x$date.landed = lubridate::ymd( datelanded, tz="America/Halifax" )
      x$date.landed = with_tz( x$date.landed, "UTC" )

      x$landings = x$pro_rated_slip_wt_lbs * 0.45359  # convert to kg
      x$cpue = x$landings / x$effort
      x$depth = x$depth_fm*1.83

      x$lat =   round( as.numeric(substring(x$lat, 1,2)) + as.numeric(substring(x$lat, 3,6))/6000 ,6)
      x$lon = - round((as.numeric(substring(x$lon, 1,2)) + as.numeric(substring(x$lon, 3,6))/6000), 6)

      to.extract = c( "year","lat","lon","depth","landings","effort","soak.time",
                      "date.landed", "date.fished", "cfa" )

      lb.marfis = x[, to.extract ]

      # lb.historical$date.landed = as.POSIXct(lb.historical$date.landed)
      a = lb.historical$date.fished
      b = paste(substr(a, 1, 4), "/", substr(a, 5, 6), "/", substr(a, 7, 8), sep="")
      lb.historical$date.fished = as.POSIXct(b)

      x = NULL
      x = rbind( lb.historical, lb.marfis )

      # dups = which(duplicated(x))
      # toremove = sort(unique(c(iy, dups)))
      # if (length(toremove) > 0) x = x[-toremove,]

      # known errors:  manual fixes
      ix = which( round(x$lat)==46 & round(x$lon)==-5930 )

      if (length(ix) > 0)  x$lon[ ix ]  = x$lon[ ix ] / 100

      x = logbook.determine.region(x)  # using licence info and geographics

      i.cfa4x = which( x$cfa == "cfa4x" )
      i.offset = which( lubridate::month(x$date.landed) >= 1 & lubridate::month(x$date.landed) <= 6 )
      to.offset = intersect( i.cfa4x, i.offset)

      x$yr = x$year
      x$yr[to.offset] = x$yr[to.offset] - 1
      # x$yr[i.cfa4x] = x$yr[i.cfa4x] + 1  # ie:: fishery from 1999-2000 in 4X is now coded as 2000
      message( "Fishing 'yr' for CFA 4X has been set to starting year:: 2001-2002 -> 2001, etc.")

      a= x[which(x$cfa0=='cfa4x'),]

      # enforce bounds in effort and cpue
      oo = which( x$cpue > 650 * 0.454 )  # 600 - 650 lbs / trap is a real/reasonable upper limit
      if ( length(oo) > 0 ) x$cpue[oo] = NA

      pp = which ( x$effort > 240 ) # small traps were used at times with large 240 trap compliments
      if ( length(pp) > 0 ) x$effort[pp] = NA

      x = lonlat2planar( x,  proj.type=p$aegis_proj4string_planar_km )
      logbook = x

      save (logbook, file=filename, compress=T )  # this is for plotting maps, etc

      return( "Complete" )


  # ---------------------

    if (DS %in% c( "fishing.grounds.annual", "fishing.grounds.global", "fishing.grounds.redo")) {

      fn1 = file.path(  project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "fishing.grounds.global.rdata")
      fn2 = file.path(  project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "fishing.grounds.annual.rdata")

      if (DS=="fishing.grounds.global") {
        load( fn1 )
        return (fg)

      if (DS=="fishing.grounds.annual") {
        load( fn2 )
        return (fg)

      out = NULL
      fg.res = p$fisheries.grid.resolution

      x = logbook.db( DS="logbook.filtered.positions" )

      grid = spatial_grid(p=p, DS="planar.coords")

      x$plon = grid_internal( x$plon, grid$plon )
      x$plat = grid_internal( x$plat, grid$plat )
      yrs = c(T,F)
      message ("The following warnings are ok: JC ... just a few NA's created which will be removed..")
      for ( Y in yrs ) {
        if (Y) {
          fn = fn2
          x$gridid = paste(x$plon%/%fg.res*fg.res, x$plat%/%fg.res*fg.res, x$year, sep="." )
        } else {
          fn = fn1
          x$gridid = paste(x$plon%/%fg.res*fg.res, x$plat%/%fg.res*fg.res, sep="." )
        v = "visits"
        w = x[is.finite(x[,v]),]
        tmp = as.data.frame( xtabs( as.integer(x[,v]) ~ as.factor(x[,"gridid"]), exclude="" ) )
        names(tmp) = c("gridid", "total.visits")
        out = tmp

        v = "landings"
        w = x[is.finite(x[,v]),]
        tmp = as.data.frame( xtabs( as.integer(x[,v]) ~ as.factor(x[,"gridid"]), exclude="" ) )
        names(tmp) = c("gridid", "total.landings")
        out = merge( out, tmp, by="gridid", all=T, sort=F)

        v = "effort"
        w = x[is.finite(x[,v]),]
        tmp = as.data.frame( xtabs( as.integer(x[,v]) ~ as.factor(x[,"gridid"]), exclude="" ) )
        names(tmp) = c("gridid", "total.effort")
        out = merge( out, tmp, by="gridid", all=T, sort=F)

        out$total.cpue = out$total.landings / out$total.effort

        tmp = matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(out$gridid), ".", fixed=T)), ncol=ncols, byrow=T)
        out$plat = as.numeric(tmp[,2])
        out$plon = as.numeric(tmp[,1])
        out$gridid = as.character( out$gridid )

        if (Y) out$yr = as.numeric(tmp[,3])

        fg = out[ which(is.finite(out$plat+out$plon)), ]
        save( fg, file=fn, compress=T )

      return( "Complete")

  # -----------------------------

    if (DS %in% c("fisheries.historical", "fisheries.historical.redo" )) {

      fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "logbook.historical.rdata" )

      if (DS=="fisheries.historical") {
        logs = NULL
        if (file.exists(fn)) load( fn)
        return( logs )

      historicaldataloc = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "archive")
      files = c("logbooks1996.csv", "logbooks1997.csv", "logbooks1998.csv", "logbooks1999.csv", "logbooks2000.csv", "logbooks2001.csv")
      out = NULL
      for (g in files) {
        f = file.path(historicaldataloc, g )
        a = read.table(file=f, skip=1, as.is=T, strip.white=T, sep=";")
        a = a[,c(1:14)]
        names(a) = c("cfv", "areas", "status", "licence", "date.landed", "date.fished", "lat", "lon",
            "landings.kg", "landings.lbs", "effort", "soak.time", "cpue", "trap.type" )

        a$file = f
        a$yr = as.numeric(gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "", f))
        out = rbind(out, a)

       f4x = read.table(file=file.path(historicaldataloc, "logbooks4x.csv"), skip=1, as.is=T, strip.white=T, sep=";")
       names(f4x) = c("cfv", "areas",  "date.landed", "date.fished", "lat", "lon",
              "landings.kg", "landings.lbs", "effort", "soak.time", "cpue", "trap.type" )
       f4x$status = NA
       f4x$licence = NA
       f4x$file = "logbooks4x.csv"
       f4x$yr = floor(f4x$date.landed/10000)
       f4x = f4x[, names(out) ]

       logs = rbind (out, f4x)
       logs$lon = -logs$lon

       logs$depth = NA
       logs$year = logs$yr
       logs$landings = logs$landings.kg
       logs$cpue = logs$landings / logs$effort

       i = which( nchar(logs$date.landed) <10 & !is.na(logs$date.landed) )

       dt = logs[i, "date.landed"]
       yr = substring(dt,1,4)
       mon = substring(dt,5,6)
       da = substring(dt,7,8)

       logs[i, "date.landed"] = paste( mon, da, yr, sep="/")
       logs$date.landed = lubridate::mdy( logs$date.landed, tz="America/Halifax" )
       logs$date.landed = with_tz( logs$date.landed, "UTC" )

       to.extract = c( "year","lat","lon","depth","landings","effort","soak.time",
                        "date.landed", "date.fished")
       logs = logs[, to.extract]
       logs = logs[ -which( !is.finite(logs$year) ), ]

       save(logs, file=fn, compress=T)

       return( "completed")

    }   # end if historical

    # -------------------------

    if (DS %in% c("fisheries.complete", "fisheries.complete.redo" )) {

      fn = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "logbook.complete.rdata" )

      if (DS=="fisheries.complete") {
        load( fn)
        return( logbook )

			logbook = logbook.db(DS="logbook.filtered.positions")

      nl0 = nrow( logbook )

      grid = spatial_grid(p=p, DS="planar.coords")

      logbook$plon = grid_internal( logbook$plon, grid$plon )
      logbook$plat = grid_internal( logbook$plat, grid$plat )

			logbook$timestamp = as.POSIXct( logbook$date.landed, tz="America/Halifax", origin=lubridate::origin  )
      logbook$timestamp = with_tz( logbook$timestamp, "UTC")

      logbook$dyear = lubridate::decimal_date( logbook$timestamp ) - lubridate::year(logbook$timestamp )

      logbook = logbook[which(logbook$yr<=p$year.assessment),]
			# bring in time invariant features:: depth
      logbook$z = logbook$depth
			logbook$depth = NULL
      oo =  which( logbook$z < 10 | logbook$z > 500 ) # screen out large z's
      if (length(oo) > 0 )  logbook$z[ oo ] = NA

      ii = which(!is.finite(logbook$z))
      if (length(ii)>0) {
        logbook$z[ii] = aegis_lookup( parameters="bathymetry", LOCS=logbook[ ii, c("lon", "lat")],  project_class="core", output_format="points" , DS="aggregated_data", space_resolution=p$pres*2, variable_name="z.mean"  ) # core=="rawdata"
      logbook$z = log( logbook$z )

      ii = which( ! is.finite( logbook$z) )
      if (length(ii)>0) logbook = logbook[ -ii, ]

      # bring in time varing features:: temperature
      ii = which(!is.finite(logbook$t))
      if (length(ii)>0){
        logbook$t[ii] = aegis_lookup( parameters="temperature", LOCS=logbook[ ii, c("lon", "lat", "timestamp")], project_class="core", output_format="points", DS="aggregated_data", space_resolution=p$pres*2, time_resolution=p$tres*2, year.assessment=p$year.assessment, variable_name="t.mean", tz="wAmerica/Halifax"  )

			save( logbook, file=fn, compress=T )

      return  ("Complete")

    # -------------------------

    if (DS %in% c("logbook.gridded",  "logbook.gridded.redo" ) ) {

      loc = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "logbook", "gridded.fishery.data" )
      dir.create( path=loc, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)

      if (DS == "logbook.gridded") {
        fn = file.path(loc, paste( "gridded.fishery", yrs, "rdata", sep=".") )

      yy = logbook.db(DS="logbook")
      yrs = sort( unique( yy$year))

      for ( y in yrs ) {

        fn = file.path(loc, paste( "gridded.fishery", y, "rdata", sep=".") )
        print (fn)

        # load logbook info: global summary
        fg = logbook.db( DS="fishing.grounds.global" )  # in dataframe fg
        fg0 = regrid.lonlat(old=fg, res=p$fisheries.grid.resolution, vr.to.sum=c("total.landings", "total.effort", "total.visits"))
        fg0$core.visits0 = ifelse( fg0$total.visits >= 5, 1, 0 )
        fg0$total.cpue = log( fg0$total.landings / fg0$total.effort + 1)
        fg0$total.landings = log( fg0$total.landings+1 )
        fg0$total.effort = log( fg0$total.effort+1 )
        fg0$total.visits = log( fg0$total.visits+1 )
        fg0 = fg0[ , c( "gridid", "core.visits0", "total.effort", "total.cpue", "total.landings", "total.visits" ) ]

        # load logbook info: annual
        fg = logbook.db( DS="fishing.grounds.annual"  )  # in dataframe fg
        fg = fg[ which(fg$yr==y),]
        fg = regrid.lonlat(old=fg, res=p$fisheries.grid.resolution, vr.to.sum=c("total.landings", "total.effort", "total.visits") )
        fg$core.visits = ifelse(fg$total.visits >= 3, 1, 0)
        fg$core.visits = ifelse(fg$total.visits >= 3, 1, 0)
        fg$core.landings = ifelse(fg$total.landings >= 5, 1, 0)
        fg$core.effort = ifelse(fg$total.effort >= 100, 1, 0)
        fg$cpue = log( fg$total.landings / fg$total.effort + 1)
        fg$landings = log( fg$total.landings+1 )
        fg$effort = log( fg$total.effort+1 )
        fg$visits = log( fg$total.visits +1 )

        fg = fg[ , c( "gridid", "core.visits", "core.landings", "core.effort", "cpue", "landings", "effort", "visits" ) ]
        fg = fg[ is.finite(fg$cpue * fg$landings * fg$effort),]
        fg = fg[ which(fg$core.visits==1) , ]

        gridded.fishery.data = merge(fg0, fg, by="gridid", all.x=T, all.y=T, sort=F)
        save( gridded.fishery.data, file=fn, compress=T)
    } # end gridded fishieries data

jae0/snowcrab documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 2:42 p.m.