if (!exists("year.assessment")) {
year.assessment=lubridate::year(Sys.Date()) # year.assessment
year.assessment=lubridate::year(Sys.Date()) -1 # or year previous to current
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment( year.assessment=year.assessment )
# white hake
wh2 = snowcrab.db( DS="cat.georeferenced" )
wh2$id = paste(wh2$trip, wh2$set, wh2$yr )
wh = wh2[ -which(duplicated(wh2$id)) , c( "id", "lon", "lat", "yr" )]
wh2 = wh2[ which (wh2$spec == 12 ) , ]
wh = merge( wh, wh2[, c("id", "totno", "totmass") ], by="id", all.x=T, all.y=F )
wh = wh[ which(wh$yr>= 2004 ) ,]
write.csv( wh, file="~/whitehake.csv")
# Fred Kennedy's request
# Carapace condition breakdown by year
set = snowcrab.db("set.biologicals")
x = set[ filter.region(set$cfa, "cfa23"), ]
vars = c("", "", "", "", "")
out =NULL
for (y in unique(x$yr)) {
a = which(x$yr == y)
for (v in vars) {
q = x[a,v]+1
mcc = exp(mean(log(q), na.rm=T)) - 1
lcc = exp(mcc - (sd (log(q), na.rm=T))) - 1
ucc = exp(mcc + (sd (log(q), na.rm=T))) - 1
ncc = length(q)
cc = cbind(y, v, mcc, lcc, ucc, ncc)
out = rbind(out, cc)
write.table(out, file="tmp.csv", quote=F, col.names=T)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Roger Pettipas .. bottom temperatures of Scotian shelf
set = snowcrab.db( "set.biologicals" )
varstoextract = c("t0", "lon", "lat", "z", "zsd", "t", "tsd")
yiq=2017 #year in question
t = set[ which(set$yr==yiq), varstoextract]
write.table(t, file=paste("~/", yiq, ".pettipas.csv", sep=''), col.names = T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep=" ; ")
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# extract raw catch information for any species of bycatch
set = snowcrab.db( "set.biologicals" )
species="2211" #change to desired species code
bc.vars = c(paste("ms.mass",species,sep='.'),paste("",species,sep='.'), paste("ms.size",species,sep='.'))
varstoextract = c("t0", "lon", "lat", "surfacearea", bc.vars)
#yiq=year.assessment #year in question
#yiq=c(2015:year.assessment) #or years in question
t = set[ which(set$yr %in% yiq), varstoextract]
write.table(t, file=paste("~/", year.assessment, ".speciesinfo.",species, ".csv", sep=''), col.names = T, row.names=F, quote=F, sep=",")
# ---------------------------
# Glace Bay Hole ... briefing note
# for Glace Bay comparisons: override with ..
# reulsts in: ~/tmp/bio.snowcrab/issues/briefing.note.glace.bay/2005
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
# overrides:
p$ = c( "cfanorth", "cfasouth", "cfa22outer", "cfa23a", "cfanorth.not.glace.bay" )
p$ = c( "", "", "totno.female.mat", "totno.female.berried", "totno.all")
p$yrs = p$yrs[which(p$yrs>1997)]
p$ofname = "kriged.results.glacebay2.rdata"
p$krige.ordinary = F
p$krige.block = T
p$clusters=rep("tethys",4) # using all 8 will make it run out of memory
K = krige.block ( p ) # krige ordinary should already have been done
for (v in p$ {
for (r in p$ {
print (paste(v,r))
XX=K[ which(K$vars==v & K$region==r) ,]
xx = XX$yr
yy = XX$total
lbound = XX$lbound
ubound = XX$ubound
surfacearea = XX$surfacearea
ts.plotandsave(xx, yy, lbound, ubound, surfacearea, action="save", title="Biomass (x 1000 t)", filename=paste(v,r,sep="."), outdir=file.path(project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "output", "Requests") )
# ------------------------
# size freq distributions
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
loc = file.path(p$annual.results, "")
dir.create(path=loc, recursive=T, showWarnings=F)
outfilename = paste( c("mi", "mm", "fi", "fm"), "rdata", sep=".")
outfile = file.path(loc, paste(outfilename))
if (! {
for (f in outfile) load(f)
} else if ( {
det = snowcrab.db("det")
set = snowcrab.db("set.clean")
v = c( "male", "female")
varstokeep = c("lon", "lat", "trip", "set", "yr", "cw", "sa.x", "sex", "shell", "durometer", "mat", "stage.fmat", "eggPr")
# Glace Bay extraction
areas = c("cfanorth.not.glace.bay", "cfa22outer", "cfasouth" )
years = 1998:p$year.assessment
set$sid = paste(set$trip, set$set, sep="~")
det$sid = paste(det$trip, det$set, sep="~")
bw = 2
s0 = 10
s1 = 150
det=det[(det[,hvar]>=s0 & det[,hvar]<=s1),]
breaks = seq(s0, s1, bw)
m.imm = make.histograms(set, det[filter.class(det, "m.imm"),], hvar=hvar, breaks=breaks )
m.mat = make.histograms(set, det[filter.class(det, "m.mat"),], hvar=hvar, breaks=breaks )
f.imm = make.histograms(set, det[filter.class(det, "f.imm"),], hvar=hvar, breaks=breaks )
f.mat = make.histograms(set, det[filter.class(det, "f.mat"),], hvar=hvar, breaks=breaks )
save(m.imm, file=outfile[1], compress=T)
save(m.mat, file=outfile[2], compress=T)
save(f.imm, file=outfile[3], compress=T)
save(f.mat, file=outfile[4], compress=T)
# --------------------------
# males
ncols = length(areas)
nrows = length(years)
pl = layout( matrix( c(1:(ncols*nrows)), nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols, byrow=F ) )
par(oma=c(6, 6, 6, 1)) # outer margins default: c(0, 1, 0, 1)'c(bottom, left, top, right)'
par(mar=c(0, 0, 0.4, 0))
# ylim=c(0,400) # for 4X
cols = c("gray40", "gray100" )
for (a in 1:(ncols)) {
set0 = set[polygon_inside(set, areas[a]),]
for (y in 1:nrows) {
set1 = set0[ which(set0$yr==years[y]) , ]
sids = sort(unique(set1$sid))
m.i = m.imm[which( rownames(m.imm)%in% sids ) ,]
m.i.means = apply(X=m.i, MARGIN=2, FUN=mean)
m.m = m.mat[which( rownames(m.mat)%in% sids ) ,]
m.m.means = apply(X=m.m, MARGIN=2, FUN=mean)
toplot = rbind(m.m.means, m.i.means)
rn = as.numeric(colnames(toplot))
toplot = toplot[, rn>=xlim[1] & rn<=xlim[2]]
axes = F
if (areas[a]==areas[1] ) axes=T # first col
axisnames = F
if (years[y]==years[nrows]) axisnames=T # last row
barplot(toplot, space=0, axisnames=axisnames, ylim=ylim, axes=axes, col=cols, xpd=F)
if (areas[a]==areas[ncols]) {
text( dim(toplot)[2]-4, ylim[2]*2/3, years[y], cex=1.2 )
if (areas[a]==areas[3] & years[y]==years[2] ) {
xl = c(xlim[2]*0.1, xlim[2]*0.1)
yl = c(ylim[2]*0.8, ylim[2]*0.4 )
points( x=xl, y=yl, pch=22, bg=c(cols[2], cols[1]), cex=2 )
text( x=xl+xlim[2]*0.02, y=yl-ylim[2]*0.05, c("Immature", "Mature"), cex=1, pos=4)
mtext("Carapace width (mm)", side=1, outer=T, line=4, cex=1.2)
mtext(expression(paste("No. / ", km^2)), side=2, outer=T, line=4, cex=1.2)
mtext("North", side=3, outer=T, line=1, at=0.15, cex=1.2)
mtext("GBH", side=3, outer=T, line=1, at=0.5, cex=1.2)
mtext("South", side=3, outer=T, line=1, at=0.85, cex=1.2)
mtext("MALE", side=3, outer=T, line=4, cex=1.4)
Pr("png", dname="size.freq", fname="", width=8, height=10)
# --------------------------
# females
ncols = length(areas)
nrows = length(years)
pl = layout( matrix( c(1:(ncols*nrows)), nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols, byrow=F ) )
par(oma=c(6, 6, 6, 1)) # outer margins default: c(0, 1, 0, 1)'c(bottom, left, top, right)'
par(mar=c(0, 0, 0.4, 0))
# ylim=c(0,400)
cols = c("gray40", "gray100" )
for (a in 1:(ncols)) {
set0 = set[polygon_inside(set, areas[a]),]
for (y in 1:nrows) {
set1 = set0[ which(set0$yr==years[y]) , ]
sids = sort(unique(set1$sid))
f.i = f.imm[which( rownames(f.imm)%in% sids ) ,]
f.i.means = apply(X=f.i, MARGIN=2, FUN=mean)
f.m = f.mat[which( rownames(f.mat)%in% sids ) ,]
f.m.means = apply(X=f.m, MARGIN=2, FUN=mean)
toplot = rbind(f.m.means, f.i.means)
rn = as.numeric(colnames(toplot))
toplot = toplot[, rn>=xlim[1] & rn<=xlim[2]]
axes = F
if (areas[a]==areas[1] ) axes=T # first col
axisnames = F
if (years[y]==years[nrows]) axisnames=T # last row
barplot(toplot, space=0, axisnames=axisnames, ylim=ylim, axes=axes, xpd=F)
if (areas[a]==areas[ncols]) text( dim(toplot)[2]-4, ylim[2]*2/3, years[y], cex=1.2 )
if (areas[a]==areas[3] & years[y]==years[2] ) {
xl = c(xlim[2]*0.1, xlim[2]*0.1)
yl = c(ylim[2]*0.8, ylim[2]*0.4 )
points( x=xl, y=yl, pch=22, bg=c(cols[2], cols[1]), cex=1 )
text( x=xl+xlim[2]*0.02, y=yl-ylim[2]*0.05, c("Immature", "Mature"), cex=1, pos=4)
mtext("Carapace width (mm)", side=1, outer=T, line=4, cex=1.2)
mtext(expression(paste("No. / ", km^2)), side=2, outer=T, line=4, cex=1.2)
mtext("North", side=3, outer=T, line=1, at=0.15, cex=1.2)
mtext("GBH", side=3, outer=T, line=1, at=0.5, cex=1.2)
mtext("South", side=3, outer=T, line=1, at=0.85, cex=1.2)
mtext("FEMALE", side=3, outer=T, line=4, cex=1.2)
Pr("png", dname="size.freq", fname="", width=8, height=10)
### -- GBH continued ... movement
# source the file "mark.recapture.r"
k = move$dx / as.numeric(move$dt) * 365
m = mean(log(k))
sd = sqrt(var(log(k), na.rm=T))
ub = exp( m + 2*sd )
lb = exp( m - 2*sd )
hist( log (k), "FD")
x = move
# starting locations from within glace bay ( "cfa22outer" )
x$lon = x$lon0
x$lat = x$lat0
i = polygon_inside( x, region="cfa22outer" )
x = move
# recaps in glace bay ( "cfa22outer" )
x$lon = x$lon1
x$lat = x$lat1
i = polygon_inside( x, region="cfa22outer" )
# ---------------------
# data request: winter skate in the commercial observer database
# data extraction from orable db directly = function () {
res = dbGetQuery(con, paste(
"SELECT trip.trip_id, trip.trip, trip.board_date, st.set_no, ca.speccd_id, ca.est_num_caught, ca.est_kept_wt, ca.est_discard_wt, fish.fish_no , fish.fish_length, fish.fish_weight",
"FROM istrips trip, isgears gr, isfishsets st, iscatches ca, isfish fish",
"WHERE trip.tripcd_id = 2509",
"AND trip.trip_id = gr.trip_Id",
"AND (trip.trip_id = st.trip_Id AND gr.gear_id = st.gear_id)",
"AND st.fishset_id = ca.fishset_id(+)",
"AND ca.speccd_id(+) != 2526",
"AND ca.catch_id = fish.catch_id(+)",
"GROUP BY trip.trip_id, trip.trip, trip.board_date, st.set_no, ca.speccd_id, ca.est_num_caught, ca.est_kept_wt, ca.est_discard_wt, fish.fish_no , fish.fish_length, fish.fish_weight",
"order by board_date, set_no, fish_no"
) )
f=res[ which(res$SPECCD_ID==204) ,]
save(f, file="winter.skate.rdata", compress=T)
# ----------------------------------
# Hebert: mean size of mature females
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
det = snowcrab.db("det.georeferenced") # this contains year
det = det[ which(det$mat ==1 & det$sex==2) ,]
means = tapply( det$cw, det$yr, mean, na.rm=T) )
names(means) = c("yr", "cw.mean")
means$yr = as.numeric( as.character( means$yr) )
sd = tapply( det$cw, det$yr, sd, na.rm=T))
names(sd) = c("yr", "")
sd$yr = as.numeric( as.character( sd$yr) )
n = tapply( det$cw, det$yr, function(x) {length( which(is.finite(x)))}) )
names(n) = c("yr", "n")
n$yr = as.numeric( as.character( n$yr) )
res = merge(means, sd, by="yr" )
res = merge(res, n, by="yr" )
res = res[res$yr > 1996 , ]
plot( res$yr, res$cw.mean)
# ----------------------------------
# Gordon MacDonald: CFA 23/24 partitionning
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
set = snowcrab.db("set.biologicals")
# overrides:
p$ = c("cfa23", "cfa24")
p$ = "R0.mass"
p$yrs = p$yrs[ which(p$yrs>2000) ]
p$ofname = "kriged.results.CFA23.24.rdata"
p$krige.ordinary = F # should already be done by this point
p$krige.block = T # if ordinary kriging already done ... to est CI
p$do.parallel = F
# p$clusters=rep("io",7) # using all 8 will make it run out of memory
if (p$krige.ordinary) krige.ordinary( p ) # ~ 6 hr on "io X 8"
if (p$krige.block) K = krige.block ( p ) # to est CI and get data summaries ~ 2 days
# cmd("sync.jae io")
K = krige.block(p, source="file") # load
v = p$
r = p$
print( K[, c("vars", "region", "yr", "total", "lbound", "ubound")])
cex.main = 1.4
cex.lab = 1.3
cex.axis = 1.3
xlim=range(K$yr, na.rm=T)
outdir = "ts.kriged.results"
zero.value = K[1,]
zero.value$yr = p$year.assessment
zero.value$total = 0
zero.value$lbound = 0
zero.value$ubound = 0
tt = "Fishable biomass"
td = K
yy = expression(paste( "Biomass (X ", 10^3, " t)"))
convert = 1 # no conversion
eps = 1e-6
varstocheck = c("total", "ubound", "lbound")
for (vs in varstocheck) {
td[,vs] = td[,vs] / convert
kk = which(td[,vs] <= eps)
if (length(kk)>0) td[kk,vs] = 0
td = td[is.finite(td$total) ,]
td = td[order(td$region,td$yr),]
# last check to make sure data exists for all regions for the plots
for (rr in 1:length(p$ {
nr = length( which(td$region==p$[rr] ))
if (nr ==0) {
mm = zero.value
mm$region = p$[rr]
td = rbind( td, mm)
y = xyplot( total~yr|region, data=td, ub=td$ubound, lb=td$lbound,
layout=c(1,length(p$, xlim=xlim, scales = list(y = "free"),
main=tt, xlab="Survey year", ylab=yy, cex.lab=cex.lab, cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.main = cex.main,
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ub, lb, ...) {
larrows(x, lb[subscripts],
x, ub[subscripts],
angle = 90, code = 3, length=0.05)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type="b", lty=1, lwd=2, pch=20, col="black", ...)
panel.abline(v=2001.5, col="gray", lty=1, lwd=2, ...)
panel.abline(h=0, col="black", lty=1, lwd=1, ...)
Pr(dev="png", dname=outdir, fname=v, width=figure.width, height=figure.height)
l23 = td[ which(td$region =="cfa23"), ]
l24 = td[ which(td$region =="cfa24"), ]
l = merge(l23, l24, by="yr", suffixes=c(".23", ".24" ) )
plot(l$yr, l$total.23/(l$total.24+l$total.23))
# ----------------------------------
# MacMullin: GBH vs NENS partitionning
# results location: ~/bio.snowcrab/issues/briefing.note.glace.bay/2006
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
set = snowcrab.db("set.biologicals")
# overrides:
p$ = c( "cfanorth", "cfasouth", "cfa22outer", "cfa23a", "cfanorth.not.glace.bay" )
p$ = "R0.mass"
p$yrs = p$yrs[ which(p$yrs>2000) ]
p$ofname = "kriged.results.GBH.rdata"
p$krige.ordinary = F # should already be done by this point
p$krige.block = T # if ordinary kriging already done ... to est CI
p$do.parallel = F
# p$clusters=rep("io",7) # using all 8 will make it run out of memory
if (p$krige.ordinary) krige.ordinary( p ) # ~ 6 hr on "io X 8"
if (p$krige.block) K = krige.block ( p ) # to est CI and get data summaries ~ 2 days
# cmd("sync.jae io")
K = krige.block(p, source="file") # load
v = p$
r = p$
print( K[, c("vars", "region", "yr", "total", "lbound", "ubound")])
cex.main = 1.4
cex.lab = 1.3
cex.axis = 1.3
xlim=range(K$yr, na.rm=T)
outdir = "ts.kriged.results"
zero.value = K[1,]
zero.value$yr = p$year.assessment
zero.value$total = 0
zero.value$lbound = 0
zero.value$ubound = 0
tt = "Fishable biomass"
td = K
yy = expression(paste( "Biomass (X ", 10^3, " t)"))
convert = 1 # no conversion
eps = 1e-6
varstocheck = c("total", "ubound", "lbound")
for (vs in varstocheck) {
td[,vs] = td[,vs] / convert
kk = which(td[,vs] <= eps)
if (length(kk)>0) td[kk,vs] = 0
td = td[is.finite(td$total) ,]
td = td[order(td$region,td$yr),]
# last check to make sure data exists for all regions for the plots
for (rr in 1:length(p$ {
nr = length( which(td$region==p$[rr] ))
if (nr ==0) {
mm = zero.value
mm$region = p$[rr]
td = rbind( td, mm)
y = xyplot( total~yr|region, data=td, ub=td$ubound, lb=td$lbound,
layout=c(1,length(p$, xlim=xlim, scales = list(y = "free"),
main=tt, xlab="Survey year", ylab=yy, cex.lab=cex.lab, cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.main = cex.main,
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ub, lb, ...) {
larrows(x, lb[subscripts],
x, ub[subscripts],
angle = 90, code = 3, length=0.05)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type="b", lty=1, lwd=2, pch=20, col="black", ...)
panel.abline(v=2001.5, col="gray", lty=1, lwd=2, ...)
panel.abline(h=0, col="black", lty=1, lwd=1, ...)
Pr(dev="png", dname=outdir, fname=v, width=figure.width, height=figure.height)
# Sherrylynn Rowe: sea cucumber and whelks in surveys:
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
load(file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "output", "cat_georef.rdata"))
whelks = c(4210, 4211, 4212, 4227, 4228) # Family Buccinidae
cucumbers = c(6600, 6600, 6611, 6700 , 6705, 6710 , 6711 , 6712, 6713, 6714, 6715, 6716, 6717, 6718, 6719, 6720 ) # class Holothuroidea
to.extract = c("lon", "lat", "totno", "yr", "spec")
W = cat[ cat$spec %in% whelks, to.extract ]
C = cat[ cat$spec %in% cucumbers, to.extract ]
W = W[ which(W$yr >= 2005) ,]
C = C[ which(C$yr >= 2005) ,]
W$spec = "Family.Buccinidae"
C$spec = "Class.Holothuroidea"
out = rbind(W,C)
write.table( out, file="temp.csv", sep =";")
# ---------------- Zwanenburg / MPAs etc
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
load(file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "output", "cat.georef.rdata"))
cat$totno = cat$totno * cat$sa
to.extract = c("lon", "lat", "yr", "totno", "spec")
yrs = which(cat$yr > 2003)
out = cat[ yrs, to.extract ]
write.table( out, file="temp.csv", sep =";")
# 4X trawl locations
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
set = snowcrab.db("setInitial")
ii = polygon_inside(set, region="cfa4x")
set = set[ ii, ]
set = set[ , c("yr", "lon", "lat") ]
# wolf fish extraction for Jim Simon
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
Y = snowcrab.db( DS="cat.georeferenced" )
spec = taxonomy.recode( from="taxa", to="spec", tolookup="wolffish")
taxonomy.recode( from="spec", to="taxa", tolookup=spec )
spec = c(50, 51, 52)
Y = Y[ which( Y$spec %in% spec & Y$yr %in% c(2009:2011) ) , ]
Y$totmass = NULL
Y$plon = NULL
Y$plat = NULL
Y$sa = NULL
write.csv( Y, file="~/tmp/jim.csv" )
# skate purse extraction for Jim Simon
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
yrs = c(2005:2012)
Z = snowcrab.db( DS="set.biologicals" )
Z = Z[which(Z$yr %in% yrs ) , ]
Z = Z[, c("trip", "set", "yr", "lon", "lat")]
Y = snowcrab.db( DS="cat.georeferenced" )
spec = c(1224)
Y = Y[ which( Y$spec %in% spec ) , ]
Y = Y[ which( Y$spec %in% spec & Y$yr %in% yrs ) , ]
Y = Y[, c("trip", "set", "totno")]
Y = merge( Z, Y, by=c("trip", "set"), all.x=T, all.Y=F )
Y$trip = NULL
Y$set = NULL
Y$totno[ which(!is.finite( Y$totno))] = 0
write.csv( Y, file="~/tmp/jim.csv" )
# ------
# NENS data request WRT EMERA power line
p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment()
set = snowcrab.db("set.biologicals")
set = set[,c( "yr", "lon", "lat", "t", "sa", "R0.mass", "totmass.female.mat", "totmass.male.imm", "totmass.female.imm" )]
nens = polygon_inside( set, region="cfanorth" )
innergutter = intersect( nens, which(set$lon < -59.8 ) )
nensdata = set[innergutter,]
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