
Defines functions vim.grepl vim.omni.line vim.bol vim.buildomnils

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

### Jakson Alves de Aquino
### Tue, January 18, 2011

# This function writes two files: one with the names of all functions in all
# packages (either loaded or installed); the other file lists all objects,
# including function arguments. These files are used by Vim to highlight
# functions and to complete the names of objects and the arguments of
# functions.

vim.grepl <- function(pattern, x) {
    res <- grep(pattern, x)
    if(length(res) == 0){
    } else {

vim.omni.line <- function(x, envir, printenv, curlevel, maxlevel = 0) {
    if(curlevel == 0){
        xx <- try(get(x, envir), silent = TRUE)
        if(inherits(xx, "try-error"))
    } else {
        x.clean <- gsub("$", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
        x.clean <- gsub("_", "", x.clean, fixed = TRUE)
        haspunct <- vim.grepl("[[:punct:]]", x.clean)
            ok <- vim.grepl("[[:alnum:]]\\.[[:alnum:]]", x.clean)
                haspunct  <- FALSE
                haspp <- vim.grepl("[[:punct:]][[:punct:]]", x.clean)
                if(haspp[1]) haspunct <- TRUE

        # No support for names with spaces
        if(vim.grepl(" ", x)){
            haspunct <- TRUE

            xx <- NULL
        } else {
            xx <- try(eval(parse(text=x)), silent = TRUE)
            if(class(xx)[1] == "try-error"){
                xx <- NULL

        x.group <- " "
        x.class <- "unknown"
    } else {
        if(x == "break" || x == "next" || x == "for" || x == "if" || x == "repeat" || x == "while"){
            x.group <- "flow-control"
            x.class <- "flow-control"
        } else {
            if(is.function(xx)) x.group <- "function"
            else if(is.numeric(xx)) x.group <- "numeric"
            else if(is.factor(xx)) x.group <- "factor"
            else if(is.character(xx)) x.group <- "character"
            else if(is.logical(xx)) x.group <- "logical"
            else if(is.data.frame(xx)) x.group <- "data.frame"
            else if(is.list(xx)) x.group <- "list"
            else x.group <- " "
            x.class <- class(xx)[1]

    if(curlevel == maxlevel || maxlevel == 0){
        if(x.group == "function"){
            if(curlevel == 0){
                if(vim.grepl("GlobalEnv", printenv)){
                    cat(x, "\x06function\x06function\x06", printenv, "\x06", vim.args(x, txt = ""), "\n", sep="")
                } else {
                    cat(x, "\x06function\x06function\x06", printenv, "\x06", vim.args(x, txt = "", pkg = printenv), "\n", sep="")
            } else {
                # some libraries have functions as list elements
                cat(x, "\x06function\x06function\x06", printenv, "\x06Unknown arguments", "\n", sep="")
        } else {
                if(curlevel == 0){
                    cat(x, "\x06", x.class, "\x06", x.group, "\x06", printenv, "\x06Not a function", "\n", sep="")
                } else {
                    cat(x, "\x06", x.class, "\x06", " ", "\x06", printenv, "\x06Not a function", "\n", sep="")
            } else {
                cat(x, "\x06", x.class, "\x06", x.group, "\x06", printenv, "\x06Not a function", "\n", sep="")

    if(is.list(xx) && curlevel <= maxlevel){
        obj.names <- names(xx)
        curlevel <- curlevel + 1
        if(length(xx) > 0){
            for(k in obj.names){
                vim.omni.line(paste(x, "$", k, sep=""), envir, printenv, curlevel, maxlevel)
    } else if(isS4(xx) && curlevel == 0){
        obj.names <- slotNames(xx)
        curlevel <- curlevel + 1
        if(length(xx) > 0){
            for(k in obj.names){
                vim.omni.line(paste(x, "@", k, sep=""), envir, printenv, curlevel, maxlevel)

# Build Omni List
vim.bol <- function(omnilist, packlist, allnames = FALSE, pattern = "") {
    vim.OutDec <- options("OutDec")
    options(OutDec = ".")

    if(vim.grepl("GlobalEnvList_", omnilist)){
        sink(omnilist, append = FALSE)
        obj.list <- objects(".GlobalEnv", all.names = allnames)
        l <- length(obj.list)
        maxlevel <- nchar(pattern) - nchar(gsub("@", "", gsub("\\$", "", pattern)))
        pattern <- sub("\\$.*", "", pattern)
        pattern <- sub("@.*", "", pattern)
        if(l > 0)
            for(obj in obj.list)
                if(length(grep(paste0("^", pattern), obj)) > 0)
                    vim.omni.line(obj, ".GlobalEnv", ".GlobalEnv", 0, maxlevel)
        writeLines(text = "Finished",
                   con = paste(Sys.getenv("VIMRPLUGIN_TMPDIR"), "/vimbol_finished", sep = ""))

    if(getOption("vimcom.verbose") > 3)
        cat("Building files with lists of objects in loaded packages for",
            "omni completion and Object Browser...\n")

    loadpack <- search()
        listpack <- loadpack[grep("^package:", loadpack)]
        listpack <- paste("package:", packlist, sep = "")

    needunload <- FALSE
    for(curpack in listpack){
        curlib <- sub("^package:", "", curpack)
        if(vim.grepl(curlib, loadpack) == FALSE){
            cat("Loading   '", curlib, "'...\n", sep = "")
            needunload <- try(require(curlib, character.only = TRUE))
            if(needunload != TRUE){
                needunload <- FALSE
        obj.list <- objects(curpack, all.names = allnames)
        l <- length(obj.list)
        if(l > 0){
            sink(omnilist, append = FALSE)
            for(obj in obj.list)
                vim.omni.line(obj, curpack, curlib, 0)
            # Build list of functions for syntax highlight
            fl <- readLines(omnilist)
            fl <- fl[grep("\x06function\x06function", fl)]
            fl <- sub("\x06.*", "", fl)
            fl <- fl[!grepl("[<%\\[\\+\\*&=\\$:{|@\\(\\^>/~!]", fl)]
            fl <- fl[!grepl("-", fl)]
            if(curlib == "base"){
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^array$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^attach$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^character$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^complex$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^data.frame$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^detach$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^double$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^function$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^integer$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^library$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^list$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^logical$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^matrix$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^numeric$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^require$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^source$", fl)]
                fl <- fl[!grepl("^vector$", fl)]
            if(length(fl) > 0){
                fl <- paste("syn keyword rFunction", fl)
                writeLines(text = fl, con = sub("omnils_", "fun_", omnilist))
            } else {
                writeLines(text = '" No functions found.', con = sub("omnils_", "fun_", omnilist))
        } else {
            writeLines(text = '', con = omnilist)
            writeLines(text = '" No functions found.', con = sub("omnils_", "fun_", omnilist))
            cat("Detaching '", curlib, "'...\n", sep = "")
            try(detach(curpack, unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
            needunload <- FALSE
    writeLines(text = "Finished",
               con = paste(Sys.getenv("VIMRPLUGIN_TMPDIR"), "/vimbol_finished", sep = ""))

vim.buildomnils <- function(p){
    pvi <- utils::packageDescription(p)$Version
    bdir <- paste0(Sys.getenv("VIMR_COMPLDIR"), "/")
    odir <- dir(bdir)
    pbuilt <- odir[grep(paste0("omnils_", p, "_"), odir)]
    fbuilt <- odir[grep(paste0("fun_", p, "_"), odir)]
    # if(length(pbuilt) > 1 || length(fbuilt) > 1 || length(fbuilt) == 0){
    #     unlink(paste0(bdir, c(pbuilt, fbuilt)))
    #     pbuilt <- character()
    #     fbuilt <- character()
    # }
    if(length(pbuilt) > 0){
        pvb <- sub(".*_.*_", "", pbuilt)
        if(pvb == pvi){
            if(getOption("vimcom.verbose") > 3)
                cat("vimcom R: No need to build omnils:", p, pvi, "\n")
        } else {
            if(getOption("vimcom.verbose") > 3)
                cat("vimcom R: omnils is outdated: ", p, " (", pvb, " x ", pvi, ")\n", sep = "")
            unlink(c(paste0(bdir, pbuilt), paste0(bdir, fbuilt)))
            vim.bol(paste0(bdir, "omnils_", p, "_", pvi), p, getOption("vimcom.allnames"))
    } else {
        if(getOption("vimcom.verbose") > 3)
            cat("vimcom R: omnils does not exist:", p, "\n")
        vim.bol(paste0(bdir, "omnils_", p, "_", pvi), p, getOption("vimcom.allnames"))
jalvesaq/VimCom documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:18 a.m.