
Defines functions `scores.rdecorana` `print.rdecorana` `stretch` `segment` `smooth121` `detrend` `transvu` `orthoCA` `beforeafter` `rdecorana`

### Implementation of decorana in R

#' Decorana: R implementation
#' Similar to Fortran implementation in vegan, but all in R.
#' This function duplicates \CRANpkg{vegan} function
#' \code{\link[vegan]{decorana}}, but is written in \R{}. It is
#' slower, and does not have all features and support of tye
#' \pkg{vegan} function, and there is no need to use this function for
#' data analysis. The function serves two purposes. Firstly, as an
#' \R{} functin it is easier to inspect the algorithm than from C or
#' Fortran code. Secondly, it is more hackable, and it is easier to
#' develop new features, change code or replace functionality than in
#' the compiled code. For instance, it would be trivial to add
#' Detrended Constrained Correspondence Analysis, but this would be
#' impossible without extensive changes in Fortran in the \pkg{vegan}
#' function.
#' The main function \code{rdecorana} performs janitorial tasks, and
#' for detrended CA it has basically only two loops. The first loop
#' finds the next correspondence analysis axis for species and sites,
#' and the second loop performs optional (if \code{iresc > 0})
#' nonlinear rescaling of that axis.
#' Two non-exported functions are used for finding the correspondence
#' analysis axis: \code{transvu} runs one step of reciprocal averaging
#' and the step is repeated so many times that the criterion value
#' converges. Function \code{transvu} calls \code{detrend} that
#' performs Hill's non-linear rescaling on \code{mk} segments. See
#' Examples on alternative detrending methods. In all cases detrending
#' against previous axis is done one axis by time starting from first,
#' and then going again down to the first. For axis 4 the order of
#' detrendings is 1, 2, 3, 2, 1. The criterion value is the one that
#' \pkg{vegan} \code{\link[vegan]{decorana}} calls \sQuote{Decorana
#' values}: for orthogonal CA is the eigenvalue, but for detrended CA
#' it is a combination of eigenvalues and strength of detrending.
#' Non-linear rescaling is performed by function \code{stretch} that
#' calls two functions: \code{segment} to estimate the dispersion of
#' species, and \code{smooth121} to smooth those estimates on segments
#' (that number of segments is selected internally and \code{mk} has
#' no influence. The criterion values for community data \eqn{x} with
#' species and site scores \eqn{v, u} are based on
#' \eqn{x_ij(u_i-v_j)^2}{x[ij] * (u[i]-v[j])^2} summarized over sites
#' \eqn{i}. Site scores \eqn{u} are weighted averages of species
#' scores \eqn{v}, and therefore species scores should be
#' symmetrically around corresponding site scores and the statistic
#' describes their weighted dispersion. The purpose of rescaling is to
#' make this dispersion 1 all over the axis. The procedure is complicated, and is best inspected from the code (which is commented).
#' @return Currently returns a list of elements \code{evals} of
#'     Decorana values, with \code{rproj} and \code{cproj} of scaled
#'     row and column scores.
#' @examples
#' data(spurn)
#' (mod <- rdecorana(spurn))
#' if (require(vegan)) {
#' ## compare to decorana
#' decorana(spurn)
#' ## ordiplot works
#' ordiplot(mod, display="sites")
#' }
#' ## Examples on replacing the detrend() function with other
#' ## alternatives. These need to use the same call as detrend() if we
#' ## do not change the call in transvu.
#' ##
#' ## --- Smooth detrending
#' ## detrend <- function(x, aidot, x1, mk)
#' ##      residuals(loess(x ~ x1, weights=aidot))
#' ## If you have this in the natto Namespace, you must use
#' ## environment(detrend) <- environment(qrao) # any natto function
#' ## assignInNamespace("detrend", detrend, "natto")
#' ## ... but if you source() rdecorana.R, just do it!
#' ## --- Quadratic polynomial detrending
#' ## detrend <- function(x, aidot, x1, mk)
#' ##       residuals(lm.wfit(poly(x1, 2), x, w = aidot))
#' ## --- Orthogonal CA
#' ## detrend <- function(x, aidot, x1, mk)
#' ##       residuals(lm(x ~ x1, w = aidot))
#' ## All these could handle all previous axes simultaneosly, but this
#' ## requires editing transvu call.
#' @param x input data matrix.
#' @param iweigh Downweighting of rare species (0: no).
#' @param iresc Number of rescaling cycles (0: no rescaling).
#' @param ira Type of analyis (0: detrended, 1: orthogonal).
#' @param mk Number of segments in detrending.
#' @param short Shortest gradient to be rescaled.
#' @param before,after Definition of Hill's piecewise transformation.
#' @return Row and column scores and the convergence criterion which
#'     for orthogonal CA is the eigenvalue.
#' @importFrom vegan downweight
#' @export
`rdecorana` <-
    function(x, iweigh = 0, iresc = 4, ira = 0, mk = 26, short = 0,
             before = NULL, after = NULL)
    ## constants
    NAXES <- 4
    EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
    CYCLES <- 1000
    DWLIMIT <- 5
    ## transform & initialize: in vegan & standard CA style
    if (!is.null(before))
        x <- beforeafter(x, before, after)
    if (iweigh)
        x <- downweight(x, DWLIMIT)
    xorig <- as.matrix(x/sum(x))
    x <- vegan:::initCA(x)
    aidot <- attr(x, "RW")
    adotj <- attr(x, "CW")
    ## orthogonal CA: just do it and return
    if (ira == 1)
        return(orthoCA(x, aidot = aidot, adotj = adotj, naxes = NAXES))
    ## ira == 0 and we go for detrended CA. First axis can be found
    ## directly via svd.
    rproj <- matrix(0, nrow(x), NAXES)
    cproj <- matrix(0, ncol(x), NAXES)
    colnames(rproj) <- colnames(cproj) <- paste0("DCA", seq_len(NAXES))
    rownames(rproj) <- rownames(x)
    rownames(cproj) <- colnames(x)
    evals <- numeric(NAXES)
    x0 <- x
    ## Go for the detrended axes. This implements the simple and naive
    ## power method of finding the largest eigenvalue and
    ## corresponding eigenvectors independent of previous ones as
    ## definded by detrend(). Hill's Fortran code has a clever boosted
    ## method, but it is not implemented here.
    for (axis in seq_len(NAXES)) {
        ## svd of residual data
        sol <- svd(x, nu=1, nv=1)
        if (axis > 1) {
            eig2 <- -1
            cycles <- 0
            ## Reciprocal averaging starting from eigenvector v
            repeat {
                sol <- transvu(sol$v[,1], rproj, x0, axis, aidot, adotj, mk)
                if (abs(eig2 - sol$d) < EPS)
                eig2 <- sol$d
                if ((cycles <- cycles + 1) > CYCLES) {
                    warning("no convergence on axis ", axis)
        evals[axis] <- sol$d[1]^2
        ## u is computed from v and includes eigenvalue
        v <- sol$v
        if (-min(v) > max(v))
            v <- -v
        ## NB. In all analyses site scores u are found from species
        ## scores v. Species scores were detrended, but site scores
        ## are their weighted averages and relaxed from detrending.
        u <- x0 %*% v
        udeco <- u / sqrt(aidot) * sqrt(1/(1-evals[axis]))
        vdeco <- v / sqrt(adotj) * sqrt(1/(1-evals[axis]))
        ## rescaling
        if (iresc > 0) {
            for(i in seq_len(iresc)) {
                z <- stretch(xorig, udeco, vdeco, aidot, short = short)
                udeco <- z$rproj
                vdeco <- z$cproj
                if (-min(vdeco) > max(vdeco)) {
                    udeco <- -udeco
                    vdeco <- -vdeco
                vdeco <- vdeco - min(udeco)
                udeco <- udeco - min(udeco)
        ## results
        rproj[, axis] <- udeco
        cproj[, axis] <- vdeco
        ## residual matrix
        x <- x - tcrossprod(sol$u, sol$v)
    structure(list(evals = evals, rproj = rproj, cproj = cproj,
                   aidot = aidot, adotj = adotj, call = match.call()),
              class = "rdecorana")

## Hill's piecewise data transformation with linear interpolation.
## @param x Input data matrix.
## @param before,after Values of \code{x} before and after
##     transformation. Other values are interpolated linearly.
## @return \code{x} data with transformed values.
#' @importFrom stats approx
## not exported
`beforeafter` <-
    function(x, before, after)
    if (is.null(before) || is.null(after))
        stop("both 'before' and 'after' must be given", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.unsorted(before))
        stop("'before' must be sorted", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(before) != length(after))
        stop("'before' and 'after' must have same lengths", call. = FALSE)
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
        k <- x[i,] > 0
        x[i, k] <- approx(before, after, x[i, k], rule = 2)$y

## Orthogonal Correspondence Analysis
## Orthogonal correspondence analysis is performed via svd of
## CA-initialized data.
## @param x initCA-initialized data.
## @param aidot,adotj Row and column weights summing up to 1.
## @param naxes Number of axes.
## @return Orthogonal CA scaled like in Decorana.
## not exported
`orthoCA` <-
    function(x, aidot, adotj, naxes)
    m <- svd(x, nu = naxes, nv = naxes)
    lambda <- m$d[seq_len(naxes)]^2
    rproj <- (m$u / sqrt(aidot)) %*% diag(sqrt(lambda/(1-lambda)), nrow = naxes)
    cproj <- (m$v / sqrt(adotj)) %*% diag(sqrt(1/(1-lambda)), nrow = naxes)
    colnames(cproj) <- colnames(rproj) <- paste0("RA", seq_len(naxes))
    rownames(rproj) <- rownames(x)
    rownames(cproj) <- colnames(x)
    structure(list(evals = lambda, rproj = rproj, cproj = cproj, aidot = aidot,
                   adotj = adotj,
                   call = match.call(sys.function(sys.parent()),
              class = "rdecorana")

## transvu is modelled after trans subroutine in decorana.f. The
## decorana original is longer because it also implements
## orthogonalization which we do not need. Essentially the function
## only finds u from v, detrends u against previous axes, and finds
## new v. Their ratio is the eigenvalue of the step, and repeated call
## to this routine performs simple reciprocal averaging.  Function
## also returns normalized score vector v and eigenvalue-weighted u
## and the singular value (squareroot of the eigenvalue) so that the
## output has the same elements as svd().
## @param v Column scores.
## @param rproj Matrix of row scores from previous axes.
## @param x CA-initialized input data matrix.
## @param aidot,adotj Row and column weights.
## @param mk Number of segments passed to \code{detrend}.
## @return Similar data structure as from \code{svd}: row and column
##     scores \code{u}, \code{v} and singular value \code{d}.
## not exported
`transvu` <-
    function(v, rproj, x, axis, aidot, adotj, mk)
    ## v should be centred and normalized: play safe
    cnt <- mean(sqrt(adotj) * v)
    v <- (v - cnt)
    v <- v / sqrt(sum(v^2))
    ## get u from v
    u <- x %*% v
    u <- u / sqrt(aidot)
    ## detrend against previous axes going scales up and down: for
    ## axis 4 against axes 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 in this order.
    if (axis > 1)
        for(k in c(seq_len(axis-1), rev(seq_len(axis-2))))
            u <- detrend(u, aidot, rproj[,k], mk)
    ## get back v
    v <- t(sqrt(aidot) * x) %*% u
    eig <- sqrt(sum(v^2))
    list(v = v / eig, u = sqrt(aidot) * u, d = sqrt(eig))

## Original comments of Decorana detrnd:
##    starts with a vector x and detrends with respect to groups defined
##    by ix.  detrending is in blocks of 3 units at a time, and the
##    result calculated is the average of the 3 possible results that
##    can be obtained, corresponding to 3 possible starting positions
##    for the blocks of 3.

## NB: smoothing is done twice, and for equal weights zn effectively
## performs c(1,2,3,2,1)/3 smoothing, and defines smoothing window of
## 5 blocks.

## Detrending
## Detrends axis x on mk segments of x1.
## @param x Axis to be detrended.
## @param aidot Weights of x.
## @param x1 Axis along which x is detrended.
## @param mk Number of segments on x1.
## @return Detrended values: residuals of \code{x}.
#' @importFrom stats filter
## Not exported
`detrend` <-
    function(x, aidot, x1, mk)
    x1 <- cut(x1, mk)
    ## pad segments with zeros to buffer ends
    z <- c(0, 0, tapply(aidot*x, x1, sum, default = 0), 0, 0)
    zn <- c(0, 0, tapply(aidot, x1, sum, default = 0), 0, 0)
    ## mean z with weights zn by blocks of three. filter c(1,1,1)
    ## defines running sum, but we average after getting thses sums.
    z <- filter(z, c(1,1,1), sides=2)
    zn <- filter(zn, c(1,1,1), sides=2)
    z <- z / pmax(zn, .Machine$double.eps)
    ## mean of blocks of three: filter c(1,1,1)/3 defines running
    ## mean.
    z <- filter(z, c(1,1,1)/3, sides=2)
    x - z[as.numeric(x1)+2]

## The original comments of Decorana smooth:
##    takes a vector z and does (1,2,1)-smoothing until no blanks left
##    and then 2 more iterations of (1,2,1)-smoothing.  if no blanks to
##    begin with, then does 3 smoothings, i.e. effectively (1,6,15,20,
##    15,6,1)-smoothing.

## NB: smooth in Decorana does not work like described above: it does
## so many smooths that no blanks are left, and then 3 more iterations
## of smoothings. If no blanks to begin with, then does 3
## smoothings. Code changed to follow the defacto code instead of the
## documentation.

## @param z vector to be smoothed.
## @return Smoothed values of \code{z}.
## @importFrom stats filter
## not exported
`smooth121` <-
    kernel <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25) # (1,2,1)-smoothing
    mk <- length(z)
    idx <- seq_len(mk) + 1L
    ## smooth till no blanks left...
    while (any(z <= 0)) {
        z <- filter(c(z[1], z, z[mk]), kernel, sides=2)[idx]
    ## ... and then three times more
    for (dummy in seq_len(3)) {
        z <- filter(c(z[1], z, z[mk]), kernel, sides=2)[idx]

## segment is the key function in rescaling and estimates the
## dispersion of species scores on each segment of the gradient (but
## does not do the segmenting). Original comments (subroutine segmnt):
##   given an ordination (u, v), calculates numbers and summed
##   mean-square deviations in mk segments.  zn(k) is the number of
##   samples in segment k; zv(k) is the summed mean-square deviation.
##   (we aim to make zv, zn as nearly equal as possible.)

## @param xorig Original data: not the initCA data matrix, but we need
##     original abundances and original zeros.
## @param rproj,cproj Row and column scores.
## @param mk Number of segments.
## @param aidot Row weights.
## @return Sum of dispersion of species scores \code{zv} and their
##     corrected totals \code{zn} by segments \code{mk}.
## not exported
`segment` <-
    function(xorig, rproj, cproj, mk, aidot)
    cproj <- cproj - min(rproj)
    rproj <- rproj - min(rproj)
    ## collect statistics: these needs weights of original community
    ## data as species abundances are used as weights (and missing
    ## species do not contribute to site statistics).
    sqcorr <- rowSums(xorig^2)
    ## the turn-over statistic based on x[i,j]*(rproj[i]-cproj[j])^2,
    ## and when summarized for rows i, dispersion of species scores
    ## cproj[j] over site scores rproj[
    sumsq <- rowSums(xorig * outer(drop(rproj), drop(cproj), "-")^2)
    sqcorr <- sqcorr/aidot^2
    sqcorr <- pmin(sqcorr, 0.9999) # 0.9999 as in decorana.f
    sumsq <- sumsq/aidot
    axbit <- cut(rproj, mk)
    zv <- tapply(sumsq, axbit, sum, default = 0)
    zn <- tapply(1-sqcorr, axbit, sum, default = 0)
    list(zv = zv, zn = zn)

## The main driver routine for non-linear rescaling of axis. The
## original decorana comments (subroutine strtch):
##    takes an axis (x,y) and scales to unit mean square dev of species
##    scores per sample.  an attempt is made for longer axes (l > short)
##    to squeeze them in and out so that they have the right mean square
##    deviation all the way along the axis and not only on average.

## @param xorig Original x data.
## @param rproj,cproj Row and column scores to be rescaled.
## @param aidot Row weights
## @param short Shortest gradient to be rescaled. The length is
##     estimated in the first pass of segment.
## @return Rescaled row and column scores \code{rproj}, \code{cproj}.
## not exported
`stretch` <-
    function(xorig, rproj, cproj, aidot, short = 0)
    ## Step 1 estimates the gradient length (along)
    mk <- 20  # overrules user setting of mk
    ## adjust rproj, cproj so that rproj starts from 0
    cproj <- cproj - min(rproj)
    rproj <- rproj - min(rproj)
    z <- segment(xorig, rproj, cproj, mk, aidot)
    zv <- smooth121(z$zv)
    zn <- smooth121(z$zn)
    ## set within-sample square deviation to be 1
    sd <- sqrt(sum(zv/zn)/mk)
    rproj <- rproj/sd
    cproj <- cproj/sd
    along <- diff(range(rproj)) # length of axis
    if (along < short)
        return(list(rproj = rproj, cproj = cproj))
    ## Step 2 rescales segments on bits 1/5 of along
    mk <- floor(5 * along) + 1L # new mk: not user-settable
    mk <- min(max(10, mk), 45)
    z <- segment(xorig, rproj, cproj, mk = mk, aidot)
    zv <- smooth121(z$zv)
    zn <- smooth121(z$zn)
    ## segment lenghts
    zv <- 1 / sqrt(0.2/along + zv/zn)
    zv <- zv * along/sum(zv)
    zn <- c(0, cumsum(zv))
    axbit <- along/mk
    ## The rescaling was made for site scores u, but species scores v
    ## are rescaled, and then site scores are found as the weighted
    ## averages of species scores
    iay <- trunc(cproj/axbit) + 1L
    iay<- pmin(pmax(iay, 1), mk)
    cproj <- zn[iay] + zv[iay] * (cproj/axbit - iay + 1)
    rproj <- drop(xorig %*% cproj)/aidot
    ## Step 3 linearly adjusts the axis to average dispersion = 1
    mk <- 20 # not user-settable
    z <- segment(xorig, rproj, cproj, mk, aidot)
    zv <- smooth121(z$zv)
    zn <- smooth121(z$zn)
    ## set within-sample square deviation to be 1
    sd <- sqrt(sum(zv/zn)/mk)
    rproj <- rproj/sd
    cproj <- cproj/sd
    list(rproj = rproj, cproj = cproj)

## End hardcore decorana code: R support functions

#' @export
`print.rdecorana` <-
    function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
    cat("\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
    print(rbind("Decorana values" = x$evals,
                "Axis lengths" = apply(x$rproj, 2, function(z) diff(range(z)))
                ), digits = digits)

#' @param x \code{rdecorana} result object.
#' @param display Scores for \code{"sites"} or \code{"species"}.
#' @param choices Axes to returned.
#' @param origin Return centred scores.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to functions.
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @importFrom vegan scores
#' @rdname rdecorana
#' @export
`scores.rdecorana` <-
    function(x, display = "sites", choices = 1:4, origin = FALSE, ...)
    display <- match.arg(display, c("sites", "species"))
    sco <- switch(display,
                  "sites" = x$rproj,
                  "species" = x$cproj)
    if (origin) {
        cnt <- apply(x$rproj, 2, weighted.mean, x$aidot)
        sco <- sweep(sco, 2, cnt, "-")
    sco <- sco[, choices, drop=FALSE]
jarioksa/natto documentation built on March 28, 2024, 12:45 a.m.