
Defines functions data2oscr

Documented in data2oscr

data2oscr <-
  function(edf, sess.col = NULL, id.col = NULL, occ.col = NULL, trap.col = NULL,
           sex.col = NULL, tdf = NULL, K = NULL, ntraps = NULL, remove.zeros = TRUE,
           trapcov.names = NULL, remove.extracaps = TRUE, sex.nacode = NULL,
           tdf.sep = "/", rsfDF = NULL, telemetry = NULL){

    # ensure edf is of class data.frame (e.g., not a tibble)
    edf <- as.data.frame(edf)

    #tdf must be [NAME X Y] [optional: trap operation] [sep] [named trap covariates]

    ## Some safety checks
    if(is.null(sess.col) | is.null(id.col) | is.null(occ.col) | is.null(trap.col)){
      cat("required information missing: sess, id, occ or trap",fill=TRUE)
    if (is.null(K) | is.null(ntraps)) {
      cat("Must specify K and ntraps", fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(sex.col) & is.null(sex.nacode)) {
      ux <- length(unique(edf[, sex.col]))
      if (ux > 2) {
        cat("error: more than 2 sex codes, no sex.nacode specified", fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(sex.col) & !is.null(sex.nacode)) {
      edf[edf[, sex.col] %in% sex.nacode, sex.col] <- NA
      ux <- length(unique(edf[, sex.col][!is.na(edf[, sex.col])]))
      if (ux > 2) {
        cat("error: more than 2 sex codes, no sex.nacode specified", fill = TRUE)
    ## End of safety checks
 # Suggested by Dan for better ordering of ID
      Xid <- as.integer(factor(as.character(edf[,id.col]),
      } else {
        Xid <- as.integer(factor(as.character(edf[,id.col])))
#    Xid <- factor(edf[, id.col])
#    if (!is.numeric(Xid)) {
#      Xid <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.character(Xid)))
#    }
names(Xid)<- edf[,id.col]
new.names<- unique(names(Xid[order(Xid)]))

    nind<- max(Xid)

    # convert to integer
    edf[,id.col]<- Xid

          Xid<-Xid[order(edf[,id.col])] # Added Jan 26 2021

    # sort by new id.col (this is IMPORTANT to ensure individual attributes sorted properly)
    edf <- edf[order(edf[,id.col]),]

# This wsa moved here Jan 26
    if (!is.null(sex.col)) {
        Xsex <- edf[, sex.col]

        Xsex <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.character(Xsex))) - 1

#        xx <- cbind(Xid, Xsex)    # MOVED THESE 2 LINES
#        usex.all <- xx[!duplicated(xx), ]
# HEre note: If sex is ambiguous, sometimes coded as M and sometimes as F for the same individual then you get usex.all is the WRONG DIMENSION
# Xid and Xsex seem to be the same length but xx is wrong somehow....

# Added Jan 26, and edited by CS on 3 Feb
# Here have to check for individuals sex being the same across sessions

  if(!is.null(sex.col)){ #added this 3 feb
  for(i in 1:nind){
    look<- edf[Xid==i,]
    # Feb 4 2021
    if(is.matrix(edf) ){
    look<- matrix(look, ncol=ncol(edf), byrow=FALSE)
    nposs<- nrow(look)
#    cat("nrows in look", nposs,fill=TRUE)
#    print(look)

### Feb 4 2021
    usexvals<-  unique(Xsex[!is.na(Xsex)])

    n0<- sum(Xsex[Xid==i]==usexvals[1] & !is.na(Xsex[Xid==i]))
    n1<- sum(Xsex[Xid==i]==usexvals[2] & !is.na(Xsex[Xid==i]))
    nna<- sum(is.na(Xsex[Xid==i]))
    if(is.na(n0)) n0<- 0
    if(is.na(n1)) n1<- 0  # have to do this because NA can be introduced if is.matrix(edf)==TRUE

    if(max(c(n0,n1,nna)) != nposs){
        cat("Ambiguous sex information for ", Xid[i], sep=" ")


  }#added this 3 feb

  # This was moved here Jan 26
    xx <- cbind(Xid, Xsex)    # MOVED THESE 2 LINES
    usex.all <- xx[!duplicated(xx), ]

    Xsess <- edf[, sess.col]
    # Note this assumes all sessions contained in EDF....possibly not?
    if (!is.numeric(Xsess)) {
      Xsess <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.character(Xsess)))
    # account for traps with no captures and thus not appearing in EDF
    # this has to be done "by session"
    new.edf<- list()

    nsess<- max(Xsess)
    if(nsess>1 & length(K) ==1){
      cat("Must have length(K) = nsessions",fill=TRUE)
      cat("tdf must be a list",fill=TRUE)
      cat("length(tdf) != apparent number of sessions", fill=TRUE)

    ### process the TDF information here
    all.tcnames <- NULL
    traplocs <- list(NULL)
    trapopp <- list(NULL)
    trapcovs <- list(NULL)
    trapnames<- list(NULL)

    for (s in 1:nsess){
      allnames <- tdf[[s]][, 1]
      trapnames[[s]]<- allnames
      if (any(is.na(match(edf[Xsess==s,trap.col],  allnames)))) {
        cat("some trap names in EDF not in TDF", fill = TRUE)
      traplocs[[s]] <- as.matrix(tdf[[s]][, 2:3])
      colnames(traplocs[[s]]) <- c("X", "Y")
        xx <- tdf[[s]][, 4:ncol(tdf[[s]])]
        is.trapcovs <- any(xx[1, ] == tdf.sep, na.rm = TRUE)
          xx.check <- which(xx[1, ] == tdf.sep)
          tc.nams <- dimnames(xx)[[2]][(xx.check + 1):ncol(xx)]
          trapcovs[[s]] <- as.matrix(xx[, (xx.check + 1):ncol(xx)])
          colnames(trapcovs[[s]]) <- tc.nams
          #if(xx[1, 1] == tdf.sep){ this returns NA instead of T/F (changed 30/5/2018)
          if(xx[1, 1] %in% tdf.sep){
            trapopp[[s]] <- matrix(1,nrow(xx),K[s])
            trapopp[[s]] <- as.matrix(xx[, 1:(xx.check - 1)])
          all.tcnames <- c(all.tcnames, tc.nams)  # Not used?
          trapopp[[s]] <- as.matrix(xx) ## added 1/3/2018
        occnames[[s]]<- 1:K[s]#1:ncol(trapopp[[s]])#dimnames(trapopp[[s]])[[2]] <- not general
        #trapopp[[s]] <- matrix(1,nrow(xx),K[s])
        trapcovs[[s]] <- NULL
        trapopp[[s]] <- matrix(1,nrow(tdf[[s]]),K[s])
        occnames[[s]]<- 1:K[s]#1:ncol(trapopp[[s]])
      trapcovs <- NULL

    caphist<- list()
    usex<- list()
    for(s in 1:nsess){

      if (any(is.na(match(edf[Xsess==s,occ.col],  occnames[[s]])))) {
        cat("some occassion names in EDF not in TDF", fill = TRUE)

      new.edf[[s]]<- data.frame(edf[Xsess==s,])

      trapid<-  match(as.character(new.edf[[s]][,trap.col]), as.character(trapnames[[s]]) )
      ### levels(new.edf[[s]][,trap.col])<- unique(trapnames[[s]])
      #### levels(new.edf[[s]][,occ.col])<- unique(occnames[[s]])
      occid<- match(as.character(new.edf[[s]][,occ.col]), as.character(occnames[[s]]))
      ntraps[s]<- length(unique(tdf[[s]][,1]))

      y3d<- array(0, c(nind, ntraps[s], K[s]) )

      xx<- cbind( "individual" = new.edf[[s]][,id.col],
                  "occasion" = occid,
                  "trap" = trapid )
      for (obs in 1:nrow(xx)) {
        y3d[xx[obs, "individual"],
            xx[obs, "trap"],
            xx[obs, "occasion"]] <- y3d[xx[obs, "individual"], xx[obs,
                                                                  "trap"], xx[obs, "occasion"]] + 1

      ## would be better to use trap names too
      dimnames(y3d)<- list(new.names, 1:ntraps[s], 1:K[s])

      caphist[[s]] <- y3d
      nn[[s]] <- apply(y3d, c(1), sum)

        if (!is.null(sex.col)) {
          Xsex <- new.edf[[s]][, sex.col]

            Xsex <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.character(Xsex))) - 1

          xx<- as.data.frame(cbind(xx, "sex" = Xsex))
          usex[[s]] <- xx[!duplicated(xx[, c("individual",  "sex")]), c("individual", "sex")]
        if(!is.null(sex.col)) usex[[s]]<- usex.all


    for (s in 1:nsess) {
      if (remove.zeros)
        caphist[[s]] <- caphist[[s]][nn[[s]] > 0, , ,drop=F]
      if (remove.extracaps)
        caphist[[s]][caphist[[s]] > 1] <- 1
      nn[[s]] <- apply(caphist[[s]], c(1), sum)
      if (any(nn[[s]] == 0))
        cat("Some individuals in session", s, " have 0 captures",
            fill = TRUE)
      if (max(caphist[[s]] > 1))
        cat("Some individuals in session", s, " captured > 1 time in a trap/occasion",
            fill = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(sex.col)) {
      sex.oscr <- list()
      for (s in 1:nsess) {
        sex.tmp <- usex[[s]][, 2]
        sex.tmp <- as.numeric(as.factor(sex.tmp)) - 1
        sex.oscr[[s]] <- data.frame(sex = sex.tmp)
      sex.oscr = NULL

    # make the trapCovs
      trapCovs <- list()
      trapCov.list <- list()
      levels.list <- list()

      for(cov in trapcov.names){#covariate
        #create named list and track whether covariates are levels
        trapCov.list[[cov]] <- list()
        lev.tracker <- NULL

        for(i in 1:length(tdf)){#session
          tmp.tdf <- tdf[[i]]

          if(length(which(colnames(tmp.tdf) %in% cov) == 1)){
            new.colname <- paste0(cov,".",1)
            colnames(tmp.tdf)[which(colnames(tmp.tdf) %in% cov)] <- new.colname
          tmp.ind <- which(colnames(tmp.tdf) %in% paste0(cov,".",1:K[i]))
          tmp.covs <- tmp.tdf[,tmp.ind,drop=FALSE]

          #keep track of factor levels
            lev.tracker <- sort(unique(c(lev.tracker,unique(unlist(tmp.covs)))))
            lev.tracker <- sort(unique(c(lev.tracker,levels(unlist(tmp.covs)))))
            lev.tracker <- NA
          levels.list[[cov]] <- lev.tracker

          #some checks:
          # make sure columns are named correctly:
            stop("Duplicate column names not allowed \n add .k to index occasions")

          #make sure there are enough columns (single columns treated as time invariant)
          if(!(ncol(tmp.covs) %in% c(1,K))){
            stop("Each covariate must have either 1 or K columns")
              #expand single covariates
              tmp.covs <- matrix(rep(tmp.covs[,paste0(cov,".1")],K[i]),nrow=nrow(tmp.covs),ncol=K[i],byrow=F)
              colnames(tmp.covs) <- paste0(cov,".",1:K[i])
              tmp.covs <- as.matrix(tmp.covs)
          trapCov.list[[cov]][[i]] <- tmp.covs

      nms <- names(trapCov.list)

      for(s in 1:length(tdf)){
        trapCovs[[s]] <- list()
        for(k in 1:K[s]){
          tmp.df <- data.frame(Session=rep(factor(s,levels=c(1:length(tdf))),nrow(tdf[[s]])))
          for(cov in names(trapCov.list)){
              tmp.df[,cov] <- trapCov.list[[cov]][[s]][,k]
              tmp.df[,cov] <- factor(trapCov.list[[cov]][[s]][,k],levels=levels.list[[cov]])
          #need to think about how to add a check for auto vs. generated session values
          #          if(any("session" %in% names(trapCov.list))){
          #            colnames(tmp.df) <- c(nms)
          #          }else{
          #            colnames(tmp.df) <- c("Session",nms)
          #          }
          colnames(tmp.df) <- c("Session",nms)
          trapCovs[[s]][[k]] <- tmp.df
      trapCovs <- NULL
    indcovs <- sex.oscr
    caphist <- caphist
    scrFrame <- make.scrFrame(caphist = caphist,
                              indCovs = sex.oscr,
                              traps = traplocs,
                              trapCovs = trapCovs,
                              trapOperation = trapopp,
                              rsfDF = rsfDF,
                              telemetry = telemetry)

    list(edf = new.edf, y3d = caphist, sex = sex.oscr, traplocs = traplocs,
         trapopp = trapopp, trapcovs = trapcovs, scrFrame = scrFrame)
jaroyle/oSCR documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 12:46 p.m.