Man pages for jasenfinch/metabolyseR
Methods for Pre-Treatment, Data Mining and Correlation Analyses of Metabolomics Data

aggregateSample aggregation
analysis-accessors'AnalysisData' and 'Analysis' class accessors
Analysis-classAnalysis S4 class
analysisDataAnalysisData class constructor
AnalysisData-classAnalysisData S4 class
analysisElementsAnalysis elements
analysisParametersCreate an 'AnalysisParameters' S4 class object
AnalysisParameters-classAnalysisParameters S4 class
bindBind 'AnalysisData' objects by row
changeParameterChange analysis parameters
clsSample meta information wrangling
correctionBatch/block correction
correlationsFeature correlation analysis
correlationsParametersCorrelations parameters
imputeMissing data imputation
io-parametersParse/export analysis parameters
keepKeep samples, classes or features
linearRegressionLinear regression
mdsMultidimensional scaling (MDS)
metabolysePerform an analysis
modelling-accessorsModelling accessor methods
modelling-parametersModelling parameters
occupancyCalculate feature class occupancies
occupancyFilterFeature occupancy filtering
parametersGet or set analysis parameters
plotExplanatoryHeatmapHeatmap plot of explantory features
plotFeaturePlot a feature
plotImportancePlot feature importance
plotLDAPrinciple Component - Linear Discriminant Analysis plot
plotMDSMultidimensional scaling (MDS) plot
plotMetricsPlot model performance metrics
plotOccupancyPlot class occupancy distributions
plotPCAPrinciple Component Analysis plot
plotROCPlot receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves
plotRSDPlot RSD distributions
plotSupervisedRFSupervised random forest MDS plot
plotTICPlot sample total ion counts
plotUnsupervisedRFUnsupervised random forest MDS plot
predictPredict random forest model responses
pre-treatment-parametersPre-treatment parameters
QCQuality control (QC) sample treatments
randomForestRandom forest
RandomForest-classRandomForest S4 class
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
removeRemove samples, classes or features
rocReceiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves
rsdCalculate feature relative standard deviations
splitSplit an 'AnalysisData' object
transformScaling, transformation and normalisation methods
ttestWelch's t-test
tuneTune random forest parameters
Univariate-classUnivariate S4 class
jasenfinch/metabolyseR documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 1:25 a.m.