
Defines functions pooledCovariance getModel.rivpacs getFormula.rivpacs getCalibrationVars.rivpacs getCalibrationGroups.rivpacs getGroupInvCov.rivpacs getGroupMeans.rivpacs getCalibrationData.rivpacs getModel getFormula getCalibrationVars getCalibrationGroups getGroupInvCov getGroupMeans getCalibrationData getSites.rivpacs getSamples.rivpacs buildRIVPACS

Documented in buildRIVPACS getCalibrationData getCalibrationData.rivpacs getCalibrationGroups getCalibrationGroups.rivpacs getCalibrationVars getCalibrationVars.rivpacs getFormula getFormula.rivpacs getGroupInvCov getGroupInvCov.rivpacs getGroupMeans getGroupMeans.rivpacs getModel getModel.rivpacs getSamples.rivpacs getSites.rivpacs

#' Build a RIVPACS model
#' This function builds a RIVPACS model using either linear discriminant analysis,
#' random forests, or a multinomial log linear model.  The get* functions can be
#' used to extract model components.
#' @param formula a formula with the groups on the left and the predictors on the right
#' @param data the data frame of site/sample data
#' @param type the type of model to build
#' @param \ldots additional arguments to be passed to the modeling functions
#' @return a RIVPACS model object (a function)
#' @importFrom MASS lda
#' @importFrom nnet multinom
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @export
buildRIVPACS <- function(formula, data, type = c('lda', 'multinom', 'rf'), ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  site   <- getSites(data)
  sample <- getSamples(data)
  model <- switch(type,
                  lda      = lda(formula, site, ...),
                  multinom = multinom(formula, site, ...),
                  rf       = randomForest(formula, site, ...))
  mf     <- model.frame(formula, site)
  datmat <- model.matrix(removeIntercept(formula), site)
  groups <- model.extract(mf, 'response')
  names(groups) <- rownames(sample)
  group.means  <- rowsum(datmat, groups) / as.numeric(table(groups))
  covpool.inv  <- pooledCovariance(datmat, groups, inverse = T)
  model.info <- list(data           = data, 
                     groups         = groups,
                     group.means    = group.means, 
                     covpool.inv    = covpool.inv,
                     variables.used = colnames(group.means),
                     formula        = formula, 
                     model          = model)
#   f <- function(){
#     return(model.info)
#   }
  class(model.info) <- 'rivpacs'

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getSamples rivpacs
#' @export
getSamples.rivpacs <- function(x, ...){
  x <- getCalibrationData(x)
  getSamples(x, ...)

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getSites rivpacs
#' @export
getSites.rivpacs <- function(x, ...){
  x <- getCalibrationData(x)
  getSites(x, ...)

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getCalibrationData <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getCalibrationData")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getGroupMeans <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getGroupMeans")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getGroupInvCov <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getGroupInvCov")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getCalibrationGroups <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getCalibrationGroups")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getCalibrationVars <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getCalibrationVars")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getFormula <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getFormula")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @export
getModel <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("getModel")

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getCalibrationData rivpacs
#' @export
getCalibrationData.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getGroupMeans rivpacs
#' @export
getGroupMeans.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getGroupInvCov rivpacs
#' @export
getGroupInvCov.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getCalibrationGroups rivpacs
#' @export
getCalibrationGroups.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getCalibrationVars rivpacs
#' @export
getCalibrationVars.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getFormula rivpacs
#' @export
getFormula.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @rdname buildRIVPACS
#' @method getModel rivpacs
#' @export
getModel.rivpacs <- function(mod){

#' @importFrom plyr dlply '.'
pooledCovariance <- function(x, group, inverse = FALSE){
  group.size <- table(group)
  df         <- as.data.frame(x)
  df$group   <- group
  covlist <- plyr::dlply(df, .(group), function(x){
    x <- x[, setdiff(names(x), 'group')]
    cov(x) * (nrow(x) - 1)
  pooled.cov <- Reduce('+', covlist) / (sum(group.size) - length(group.size))
  if (inverse) {
    pooled.cov <- solve(pooled.cov)
jasonelaw/RIVPACS documentation built on Sept. 27, 2022, 6:34 p.m.