
Defines functions .additionalFitTables .lavToPlotObj .decodeVarsInMessage .withWarnings .resCorToMisFitPlot lavBootstrap

# Copyright (C) 2013-2020 University of Amsterdam
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Function commonly used in the various procedures within the SEM module

lavBootstrap <- function(fit, samples = 1000, standard = FALSE, typeStd = NULL) {

  coefWithCallback <- function(lav_object) {
    # Progress bar is ticked every time coef() is evaluated, which happens once on the main object:
    # https://github.com/yrosseel/lavaan/blob/77a568a574e4113245e2f6aff1d7c3120a26dd90/R/lav_bootstrap.R#L107
    # and then every time on a successful bootstrap:
    # https://github.com/yrosseel/lavaan/blob/77a568a574e4113245e2f6aff1d7c3120a26dd90/R/lav_bootstrap.R#L375
    # i.e., samples + 1 times

  coefWithCallbackStd <- function(lav_object, typeStd) {
    std <- lavaan::standardizedSolution(lav_object, type = typeStd)
    out <- std$est.std



  startProgressbar(samples + 1)

  if (!standard) {
    bootres <- lavaan::bootstrapLavaan(object = fit, R = samples, FUN = coefWithCallback)
  } else {
    bootres <- lavaan::bootstrapLavaan(object = fit, R = samples, FUN = coefWithCallbackStd, typeStd = typeStd)

  # Add the bootstrap samples to the fit object
  fit@boot       <- list(coef = bootres)
  fit@Options$se <- "bootstrap"

  # exclude error bootstrap runs
  errId <- attr(fit@boot$coef, "error.idx")
  if (length(errId) > 0L) {
    fit@boot$coef <- fit@boot$coef[-errId, , drop = FALSE]

  # we actually need the SEs from the bootstrap not the SEs from ML or some other estimator
  N <- nrow(fit@boot$coef)

  # we multiply the var by (n-1)/n because lavaan actually uses n for the variance instead of n-1
  if (!standard) {
    # for unstandardized
    fit@ParTable$se[fit@ParTable$free != 0] <- apply(fit@boot$coef, 2, sd) * sqrt((N-1)/N)
  } else {
    fit@ParTable$se <- apply(fit@boot$coef, 2, sd) * sqrt((N-1)/N)
    # the standardized solution gives all estimates not only the unconstrained, so we need to change
    # the free prameters in the partable and also change the estimate
    fit@ParTable$free <- seq_len(ncol(fit@boot$coef))
    std <- lavaan::standardizedSolution(fit, type = typeStd)
    fit@ParTable$est <- std$est.std


# Function to create a misfit plot
.resCorToMisFitPlot <- function(rescor) {
  ggmisfit <- reshape2::melt(abs(t(rescor)))
  ggmisfit$labels <- substr(round(ggmisfit$value, 2), 2, 4)
  ggmisfit$labels[ggmisfit$labels == ""] <- "0"

  levels(ggmisfit$Var1) <- levels(ggmisfit$Var1)
  levels(ggmisfit$Var2) <- levels(ggmisfit$Var2)

  misfitplot <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(ggmisfit, ggplot2::aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value,
                                           label = labels)) +
    ggplot2::geom_tile(na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(color = ifelse(ggmisfit$value > .5, "white", "black"),
                       na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(levels(ggmisfit$Var1))) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(position = "top") +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(low = "#FFFFFF", high = "#000000",
                                   na.value = "transparent",
                                   limits = c(0, 1)) +
    ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "", y = "") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90,
                                                       hjust = 0)) +


.withWarnings <- function(expr) {
  myWarnings <- NULL
  wHandler <- function(w) {
    myWarnings <<- c(myWarnings, list(w))
  val <- withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = wHandler)
  list(value = val, warnings = myWarnings)

.decodeVarsInMessage <- function(encodedVars, message) {
  if (length(encodedVars) == 0 || !is.character(encodedVars) || !is.character(message))

  decodedVars <- encodedVars
  names(decodedVars) <- encodedVars
  stringr::str_replace_all(message, decodedVars)

# plotting stuff
.lavToPlotObj <- function(lavResult) {
  # Create semplot model and decode the names of the manifest variables
  # Sorry, this code is really ugly but all it does is replace names for plot.
  semPlotMod <- semPlot::semPlotModel(list(lavResult), list(mplusStd = "std"))[[1]]

  manifests <- semPlotMod@Vars$name[semPlotMod@Vars$manifest]
  semPlotMod@Vars$name[semPlotMod@Vars$manifest] <- decodeColNames(manifests)

  lhsAreManifest <- semPlotMod@Pars$lhs %in% manifests
  if (any(lhsAreManifest))
    semPlotMod@Pars$lhs[lhsAreManifest] <- decodeColNames(semPlotMod@Pars$lhs[lhsAreManifest])

  rhsAreManifest <- semPlotMod@Pars$rhs %in% manifests
  if (any(rhsAreManifest))
    semPlotMod@Pars$rhs[rhsAreManifest] <- decodeColNames(semPlotMod@Pars$rhs[rhsAreManifest])

  if(.hasSlot(semPlotMod, "Thresholds"))
    semPlotMod@Thresholds$lhs <- ifelse(nchar(semPlotMod@Thresholds$lhs) > 0, decodeColNames(semPlotMod@Thresholds$lhs), "")


.sa.aco <- function (data = NULL, sample.cov, sample.nobs, model, sens.model,
                     opt.fun, d = NULL, paths = NULL, verbose = TRUE, max.value = Inf,
                     max.iter = 1000, e = 1e-10, n.of.ants = 10, k = 100, q = 1e-04,
                     sig.level = 0.05, rate.of.conv = 0.1, measurement = FALSE,
                     xi = 0.5, seed = NULL, ...) {
  for.n.of.sens.pars <- lavaan::lavaanify(sens.model, fixed.x = TRUE)
  n.of.sens.pars <- length(for.n.of.sens.pars[which(for.n.of.sens.pars$lhs !=
                                                      "phantom" & for.n.of.sens.pars$rhs == "phantom"), ]$lhs)
  if (n.of.sens.pars < 2)
    stop("Sensitivity model must have at least two sensitivity parameters or phantom coefficients.")
  if (is.null(data)) {
    old.out = lavaan::sem(model = model, sample.cov = sample.cov,
                          sample.nobs = sample.nobs, ...)
  else {
    old.out = lavaan::sem(model = model, data = data, ...)
  old.par = lavaan::standardizedSolution(old.out, type = "std.all")
  old.fit <- lavaan::fitMeasures(old.out)
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
  if (is.null(paths)) {
    paths <- old.par
  if (is.character(paths)) {
    paths <- lavaan::lavaanify(paths, fixed.x = TRUE)
  e.abs <- e
  e.rel <- e
  eval <- 0
  iter <- 0
  last.impr <- max.iter
  nl <- matrix(NA, k, k - 1)
  sens.pars <- data.frame()
  outcome <- vector()
  model.results <- data.frame()
  max.X <- rep(NA, n.of.sens.pars)
  max.y <- -Inf
  p.X <- vector()
  sens.fit <- vector()
  p <- data.frame(v = numeric(), sd = numeric(), gr = numeric())
  if (is.null(d)) {
    d <- list(rep(c(-1, 1), n.of.sens.pars))
  else {
    if (!is.list(d))
      stop("d (domain) must be in a list format; e.g.,\n    d = list(-1, 1,\n             -1, 1,\n             -1, 1,\n             -1, 1)")
  if (rate.of.conv <= 0 | rate.of.conv > 1)
    stop("Convergence rate (rate.of.conv) must be in (0, 1]")
  for (i in 1:(round(1/rate.of.conv * k, 0))) {
    X <- vector()
    for (j in 1:n.of.sens.pars) {
      X <- c(X, stats::runif(1, d[[1]][2 * j - 1], d[[1]][2 *
    X <- t(X)
    new.model = sens.model
    for (l in 1:n.of.sens.pars) {
      new.model = gsub(paste("phantom", l, sep = ""), paste(X[l]),
                       new.model, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE,
                       fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
    iter <- iter + 1
    if((2 * k) < max.iter)

    warnings <- options(warn = 2)
    if (is.null(data)) {
      new.out = try(lavaan::sem(model = new.model, sample.cov = sample.cov,
                                sample.nobs = sample.nobs, ...), silent = TRUE)
    else {
      new.out = try(lavaan::sem(model = new.model, data = data,
                                ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(class(new.out) == "try-error")) {
    new.par = lavaan::standardizedSolution(new.out, type = "std.all")
    eval <- eval + 1
    if((2 * k) >= max.iter)

    new.par$lines <- 1:length(new.par[, 1])
    new.par$evals <- eval
    model.results <- rbind(model.results, new.par)
    if (eval == 1) {
      sens.out <- new.out
      model.1 <- model.results
      model.1$path <- paste(model.1$lhs, model.1$op, model.1$rhs,
                            sep = "")
      phan.names <- model.1[which(model.1$evals == 1 &
                                    model.1$op == "~" & model.1$rhs == "phantom"),
      if (is.data.frame(paths)) {
        if (measurement) {
          paths <- which(model.1$lhs %in% paths$lhs &
                           model.1$rhs %in% paths$rhs)
        else {
          paths <- which(model.1$lhs %in% paths$lhs &
                           model.1$op == "~" & model.1$rhs %in% paths$rhs)
    sens.par <- c(X, eval = eval)
    sens.pars <- rbind(sens.pars, sens.par)
    fit <- c(lavaan::fitMeasures(new.out), eval = eval)
    sens.fit <- rbind(sens.fit, fit)
    if (!is.numeric(opt.fun)) {
      y <- eval(opt.fun)
    else if (opt.fun == 1) {
      y <- mean(abs(old.par$est[paths]), na.rm = TRUE)/mean(abs(new.par$est[paths]),
                                                            na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 2) {
      y <- stats::sd(new.par$est[paths] - old.par$est[paths],
                     na.rm = TRUE)/mean(abs(old.par$est[paths]), na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 3) {
      y <- mean(abs(new.par$pvalue[paths] - old.par$pvalue[paths]),
                na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 4) {
      y <- 1/mean(abs(new.par$pvalue[paths] - rep(sig.level,
                                                  length(paths))), na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 5) {
      y <- abs(unname(lavaan::fitmeasures(new.out)["rmsea"]) -
    else if (opt.fun == 6) {
      y <- 1/abs(unname(lavaan::fitmeasures(new.out)["rmsea"]) -
    outcome <- c(outcome, y)
    p.X <- rbind(p.X, X)
    p <- rbind(p, data.frame(v = y, sd = 0, gr = 0))
    if (eval == k) {
  if (length(p.X) == 0 | length(p$v) < k)
    .quitAnalysis("Sensitivity analysis models do not reach the specified convergence rate.\n   Please set a lower convergence rate threshhold or reduce model complexicity")
  p$gr <- rank(-p$v, ties.method = "random")
  for (i in 1:k) {
    nl[i, ] <- (1:k)[1:k != i]
  while (TRUE) {
    dist.mean <- p.X
    if (sum(apply(dist.mean, 2, stats::sd)) == 0) {
      colnames(sens.pars) <- c(phan.names, "eval")
      return(list(n.eval = eval, n.iter = iter, max.y = max.y,
                  phantom.coef = max.X, old.model.par = old.par,
                  old.model.fit = old.fit, model = model, sens.model = sens.model,
                  sens.fit = sens.fit, outcome = outcome, sens.pars = sens.pars,
                  model.results = model.results, old.out = old.out,
                  sens.out = sens.out))
    dist.rank <- p$gr
    dim(dist.mean) <- c(length(p$v), n.of.sens.pars)
    o.X <- vector()
    o.X <- SEMsens::gen.sens.pars(dist.mean, dist.rank, n.of.ants,
                         nl, q, k, xi)
    if (length(o.X) == 0) {
      colnames(sens.pars) <- c(phan.names, "eval")
      return(list(n.eval = eval, n.iter = iter, max.y = max.y,
                  phantom.coef = max.X, old.model.par = old.par,
                  old.model.fit = old.fit, model = model, sens.model = sens.model,
                  sens.fit = sens.fit, outcome = outcome, sens.pars = sens.pars,
                  model.results = model.results, old.out = old.out,
                  sens.out = sens.out))
    X <- o.X
    dim(X) <- c(length(X)/n.of.sens.pars, n.of.sens.pars)
    for (j in 1:dim(X)[1]) {
      X.sens <- X[j, ]
      X.model <- as.vector(X.sens)
      new.model = sens.model
      for (i in 1:dim(X)[2]) {
        new.model = gsub(paste("phantom", i, sep = ""),
                         paste(X.model[i]), new.model, ignore.case = FALSE,
                         perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
      iter <- iter + 1
      if((2 * k) < max.iter)

      warnings <- options(warn = 2)
      if (is.null(data)) {
        new.out = try(lavaan::sem(model = new.model,
                                  sample.cov = sample.cov, sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
                                  ...), TRUE)
      else {
        new.out = try(lavaan::sem(model = new.model,
                                  data = data, ...), TRUE)
      if (isTRUE(class(new.out) != "try-error")) {
        new.par <- lavaan::standardizedSolution(new.out,
                                                type = "std.all")
        eval <- eval + 1
        if((2 * k) >= max.iter)

        p.X <- rbind(p.X, X.sens)
        new.par$lines <- 1:length(new.par[, 1])
        new.par$evals <- eval
        model.results <- rbind(model.results, new.par)
        fit <- c(lavaan::fitMeasures(new.out), eval = eval)
        sens.fit <- rbind(sens.fit, fit)
        sens.par <- c(X.sens, eval = eval)
        sens.pars <- rbind(sens.pars, sens.par)
        if (!is.numeric(opt.fun)) {
          y <- eval(opt.fun)
        else if (opt.fun == 1) {
          y <- mean(abs(old.par$est[paths]), na.rm = TRUE)/mean(abs(new.par$est[paths]),
                                                                na.rm = TRUE)
        else if (opt.fun == 2) {
          y <- stats::sd(new.par$est[paths] - old.par$est[paths],
                         na.rm = TRUE)/mean(abs(old.par$est[paths]),
                                            na.rm = TRUE)
        else if (opt.fun == 3) {
          y <- mean(abs(new.par$pvalue[paths] - old.par$pvalue[paths]),
                    na.rm = TRUE)
        else if (opt.fun == 4) {
          y <- 1/mean(abs(new.par$pvalue[paths] - rep(sig.level,
                                                      length(paths))), na.rm = TRUE)
        else if (opt.fun == 5) {
          y <- abs(unname(lavaan::fitmeasures(new.out)["rmsea"]) -
        else if (opt.fun == 6) {
          y <- abs(unname(lavaan::fitmeasures(new.out)["rmsea"]) -
        outcome <- c(outcome, y)
        p <- rbind(p, data.frame(v = y, sd = 0, gr = 0))
        p$gr <- rank(-p$v, ties.method = "random")
        idx.final <- p$gr <= k
        p <- p[idx.final, ]
        p.X <- p.X[idx.final, ]
        dim(p.X) <- c(length(p.X)/n.of.sens.pars, n.of.sens.pars)
    p$gr <- rank(-p$v, ties.method = "random")
    for (i in 1:k) {
      nl[i, ] <- (1:k)[1:k != i]
    if (max(outcome, na.rm = TRUE) > max.y) {
      max.y <- max(outcome, na.rm = TRUE)
      max.X <- sens.pars[which.max(outcome), ]
      colnames(max.X) <- c(phan.names, "eval")
      last.impr <- eval
    if ((abs(max.y - max.value) < abs(e.rel * max.value +
                                      e.abs)) | (max.y > max.value)) {
      colnames(sens.pars) <- c(phan.names, "eval")
      return(list(n.eval = eval, n.iter = iter, max.y = max.y,
                  phantom.coef = max.X, old.model.par = old.par,
                  old.model.fit = old.fit, model = model, sens.model = sens.model,
                  sens.fit = sens.fit, outcome = outcome, sens.pars = sens.pars,
                  model.results = model.results, old.out = old.out,
                  sens.out = sens.out))
    if (max.iter > 0 & iter >= max.iter) {
      colnames(sens.pars) <- c(phan.names, "eval")
      return(list(n.eval = eval, n.iter = iter, max.y = max.y,
                  phantom.coef = max.X, old.model.par = old.par,
                  old.model.fit = old.fit, model = model, sens.model = sens.model,
                  sens.fit = sens.fit, outcome = outcome, sens.pars = sens.pars,
                  model.results = model.results, old.out = old.out,
                  sens.out = sens.out))

.sa.tabu <- function (model, sens.model, data = NULL, sample.cov = NULL,
                      sample.nobs = NULL, opt.fun = 1, sig.level = 0.05, ...) {
  init.model <- model
  init.model.par.table <- lavaan::lavaanify(init.model, auto = T,
                                            model.type = "sem", fixed.x = TRUE)
  non.phan.path.ids <- which(init.model.par.table$op == "~")
  non.phan.path.names <- character(length(non.phan.path.ids))
  for (i in seq_along(non.phan.path.ids)) {
    j <- non.phan.path.ids[i]
    non.phan.path.names[i] <- paste(init.model.par.table$lhs[j],
                                    init.model.par.table$op[j], init.model.par.table$rhs[j])
  sens.model.par.table <- lavaan::lavaanify(sens.model, auto = T,
                                            model.type = "sem", fixed.x = TRUE)
  phan.path.ids <- which(sens.model.par.table$label != "")
  phan.path.names <- character(length(phan.path.ids))
  for (i in seq_along(phan.path.ids)) {
    j <- phan.path.ids[i]
    phan.path.names[i] <- paste(sens.model.par.table$lhs[j],
                                sens.model.par.table$op[j], sens.model.par.table$rhs[j])
  init.model.sem <- lavaan::sem(model = init.model.par.table,
                                data = data, sample.cov = sample.cov, sample.nobs = sample.nobs)
  init.model.params <- lavaan::standardizedSolution(init.model.sem,
                                                    type = "std.all")
  sens.model.template <- sens.model
  f <- function(phantom.coef) {
    for (j in 1:length(phantom.coef)) {
      sens.model.template <- gsub(paste0("phantom", j),
                                  paste(phantom.coef[j]), sens.model.template)
    sens.model.template.par.table <- lavaan::lavaanify(sens.model.template,
                                                       auto = T, model.type = "sem", fixed.x = TRUE)
    sens.model.sem <- try(lavaan::sem(model = sens.model.template.par.table,
                                      data = data, sample.cov = sample.cov, sample.nobs = sample.nobs),
                          silent = TRUE)
    sens.model.params <- lavaan::standardizedSolution(sens.model.sem,
                                                      type = "std.all")
    if (opt.fun == 1) {
      y <- mean(abs(sens.model.params$est[non.phan.path.ids] -
                      init.model.params$est[non.phan.path.ids]), na.rm = TRUE)/mean(abs(init.model.params$est[non.phan.path.ids]),
                                                                                    na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 2) {
      y <- stats::sd(sens.model.params$est[non.phan.path.ids] -
                       init.model.params$est[non.phan.path.ids], na.rm = TRUE)/mean(abs(init.model.params$est[non.phan.path.ids]),
                                                                                    na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 3) {
      y <- mean(abs(sens.model.params$pvalue[non.phan.path.ids] -
                na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 4) {
      y <- mean(abs(sens.model.params$pvalue[non.phan.path.ids] -
                      rep(sig.level, length(non.phan.path.ids))), na.rm = TRUE)
    else if (opt.fun == 5) {
      y <- abs(unname(lavaan::fitmeasures(sens.model.sem)["rmsea"]) -
    else if (opt.fun == 6) {
      y <- abs(unname(lavaan::fitmeasures(sens.model.sem)["rmsea"]) -
    return(list(y = y, model = sens.model.params))
  res <- .sa.tabu.helper(length(phan.path.ids), f, maximum = TRUE,
  colnames(res$best.param) <- phan.path.names
  out <- list(model = model, old.model.par = init.model.params,
              model.results = res$model.history, best.param = res$best.param[1,
              ], best.obj = res$best.obj, sens.par = NULL, outcome = NULL)

.sa.tabu.helper <- function (n.var, f, maximum = FALSE, max.len = 1, max.tabu.size = 5,
                             neigh.size = NULL, max.iter = NULL, max.iter.obj = NULL,
                             range = c(-1, 1), r = 1e-05, verbose = TRUE, seed = NULL)
  if (is.null(neigh.size)) {
    neigh.size <- min(n.var * 2, 10)
  if (is.null(max.iter)) {
    max.iter <- n.var * 50
  if (is.null(max.iter.obj)) {
    max.iter.obj <- n.var * 5
  options(warn = 2)
  tabu.list <- list()
  n.iter <- 1
  n.iter.obj <- 1
  model.history <- list()
  max.attempts <- 50
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
  for (i in 1:max.attempts) {
    best.param <- current.param <- t(stats::runif(n.var,
                                                  -1, 1))
    best.obj <- try(f(best.param), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(best.obj)[1] != "try-error") {
  if (class(best.obj)[1] == "try-error") {
    .quitAnalysis("Can't find a valid set of initial parameters for the sensitivity analysis! Maybe try a different seed?")
  best.obj <- best.obj$y
  tabu.list[[1]] <- current.param
  if (verbose) {
    cat("  n   curr_obj   best_obj\n")
  while ((n.iter <= max.iter) & (n.iter.obj <= max.iter.obj)) {
    best.neighbor <- SEMsens::gen.neighbors.tabu(current.param, maximum,
                                        neigh.size, tabu.list, max.len, range, r, f)
    current.param <- best.neighbor$best.param
    current.obj <- best.neighbor$best.obj
    best.neighbor$best.model$evals <- n.iter
    model.history[[n.iter]] <- best.neighbor$best.model
    if ((maximum & current.obj > best.obj) || (!maximum &
                                               current.obj < best.obj)) {
      best.obj <- current.obj
      best.param <- current.param
      n.iter.obj <- 1
    else {
      n.iter.obj <- n.iter.obj + 1
    tabu.list <- append(tabu.list, list(current.param))
    if (length(tabu.list) > max.tabu.size) {
      tabu.list <- tabu.list[-1]
    if (verbose) {
      cat(sprintf("%3d %10f %10f\n", n.iter, current.obj,
    n.iter <- n.iter + 1
  return(list(best.param = best.param, best.obj = best.obj,
              model.history = do.call(rbind, model.history)))

.additionalFitTables <- function(modelContainer, dataset, options, ready) {

  fitinds <- createJaspTable(gettext("Fit indices"))

  fitinds$addColumnInfo(name = "index", title = gettext("Index"), type = "string")
  fitinds$addColumnInfo(name = "value", title = gettext("Value"), type = "number")

  if (!ready || modelContainer$getError()) return(fitinds)

  # actually compute the fit measures
  fit <- modelContainer[["model"]][["object"]]
  fm <- lavaan::fitmeasures(fit)
  indexStrings <- c(gettext("Comparative Fit Index (CFI)"),
                    gettext("Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)"),
                    gettext("Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Fit Index (NNFI)"),
                    gettext("Bentler-Bonett Normed Fit Index (NFI)"),
                    gettext("Parsimony Normed Fit Index (PNFI)"),
                    gettext("Bollen's Relative Fit Index (RFI)"),
                    gettext("Bollen's Incremental Fit Index (IFI)"),
                    gettext("Relative Noncentrality Index (RNI)"),
                    gettext("Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)"),
                    gettextf("RMSEA 90%% CI lower bound"),
                    gettextf("RMSEA 90%% CI upper bound"),
                    gettext("RMSEA p-value"),
                    gettext("Standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)"),
                    gettextf("Hoelter's critical N (%s = .05)","\u03B1"),
                    gettextf("Hoelter's critical N (%s = .01)","\u03B1"),
                    gettext("Goodness of fit index (GFI)"),
                    gettext("McDonald fit index (MFI)"),
                    gettext("Expected cross validation index (ECVI)"))

  # information criteria
  estimatorName <- fit@Options$estimator
  if (grepl("ML", estimatorName)) {
    indexStrings <- c(indexStrings,
                      gettext("Number of free parameters"),
                      gettext("Akaike (AIC)"),
                      gettext("Bayesian (BIC)"),
                      gettext("Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SSABIC)"))

  fitinds[["index"]] <- indexStrings

  estimateNames <- c("cfi", "tli", "nnfi", "nfi", "pnfi", "rfi", "ifi", "rni",
                     "rmsea", "rmsea.ci.lower", "rmsea.ci.upper", "rmsea.pvalue",
                     "srmr", "cn_05", "cn_01", "gfi", "mfi", "ecvi")
  if (grepl("ML", estimatorName)) {
    estimateNames <- c(estimateNames, "logl", "npar", "aic", "bic", "bic2")

  estimates <- fm[estimateNames]

  fitinds[["value"]] <- estimates

jasp-stats/jaspSem documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 2:22 a.m.