#' Generate a single-case design matrix
#' Generates a parameter list used for generating multiple random single-cases.
#' This is used within the `random_scdf` function and the `power_test` function
#' and for other Monte-Carlo tasks.
#' @param n Number of cases to be designed (Default is `n = 1`).
#' @param phase_design,phase.design A list defining the length and label of each
#' phase. E.g., `phase.length = list(A1 = 10, B1 = 10, A2 = 10, B2 = 10)`. Use
#' vectors if you want to define different values for each case `phase.length
#' = list(A = c(10, 15), B = c(10, 15)`.
#' @param mt,MT Number of measurements (in each study). Default is `mt = 20`.
#' @param B_start,B.start Phase B starting point. The default setting `B_start =
#' 6` would assign the first five scores (of each case) to phase A, and all
#' following scores to phase B. To assign different starting points for a set
#' of multiple single-cases, use a vector of starting values (e.g., `B_start =
#' c(6, 7, 8)`). If the number of cases exceeds the length of the vector,
#' values will be recycled.
#' @param start_value,m Starting value at the first measurement. Default is
#' `50`. When `distribution = "poission"` the start_value represents
#' frequency. When `distribution = "binomial"` start_value must range between
#' 0 and 1 and they represent the probability of on event. To assign different
#' start values to several single-cases, use a vector of values (e.g. `c(50,
#' 42, 56)`). If the number of cases exceeds the length of the vector, values
#' are recycled. The `m` argument is deprecated.
#' @param s Standard deviation used to calculate absolute values from level,
#' slope, trend effects and to calculate and error distribution from the `rtt`
#' values. Set to `10` by default. To assign different variances to several
#' single-cases, use a vector of values (e.g. `s = c(5, 10, 15)`). If the
#' number of cases exceeds the length of the vector, values are recycled. if
#' the distribution is 'poisson' or 'binomial' s is not applied.
#' @param n_trials If `distribution` (see below) is `"binomial"`, `n_trials` is
#' the number of trials/observations/items.
#' @param trend Defines the effect size of a trend added incrementally to each
#' measurement across the whole data-set. To assign different trends to
#' several single-cases, use a vector of values (e.g. `trend = c(.1, .3,
#' .5)`). If the number of cases exceeds the length of the vector, values are
#' recycled. When using a 'gaussian' distribution, the `trend` parameters
#' indicate effect size
#' *d* changes. When using a binomial or poisson distribution, `trend`
#' indicates an increase in points / counts per measurement.
#' @param level A list that defines the level increase (effect size *d*) at the
#' beginning of each phase relative to the previous phase (e.g. `list(A = 0, B
#' = 1)`). The first element must be zero as the first phase of a single-case
#' has no level effect (if you have one less list element than the number of
#' phases, scan will add a leading element with 0 values). Use vectors to
#' define variable level effects for each case (e.g. `list(A = c(0, 0), B =
#' c(1, 2))`). When using a 'gaussian' distribution, the `level` parameters
#' indicate effect size *d* changes. When using a binomial or poisson
#' distribution, `level` indicates an increase in points / counts with the
#' onset of each phase.
#' @param slope A list that defines the increase per measurement for each phase
#' compared to the previous phase. `slope = list(A = 0, B = .1)` generates an
#' incremental increase of 0.1 per measurement starting at the B phase. The
#' first list element must be zero as the first phase of a single-case has no
#' slope effect (if you have one less list element than the number of phases,
#' scan will add a leading element with 0 values). Use vectors to define
#' variable slope effects for each case (e.g. `list(A = c(0, 0), B = c(0.1,
#' 0.2))`). If the number of cases exceeds the length of the vector, values
#' are recycled. When using a 'gaussian' distribution, the `slope` parameters
#' indicate effect size *d* changes per measurement. When using a binomial or
#' poisson distribution, `slope` indicates an increase in points / counts per
#' measurement.
#' @param rtt Reliability of the underlying simulated measurements. Set `rtt =
#' .8` by default. To assign different reliabilities to several single-cases,
#' use a vector of values (e.g. `rtt = c(.6, .7, .8)`). If the number of cases
#' exceeds the length of the vector, values are repeated. `rtt` has no effect
#' when you're using binomial or poisson distributions.
#' @param extreme_prop,extreme.p Probability of extreme values. `extreme.p =
#' .05` gives a five percent probability of an extreme value. A vector of
#' values assigns different probabilities to multiple cases. If the number of
#' cases exceeds the length of the vector, values are recycled.
#' @param extreme_range,extreme.d Range for extreme values. `extreme_range =
#' c(-7,-6)` uses extreme values within a range of -7 and -6 . In case of a
#' binomial or poisson distribution, `extreme_range` indicates frequencies. In
#' case of a gaussian (or normal) distribution it indicates effect size d.
#' Caution: the first value must be smaller than the second, otherwise the
#' procedure will fail.
#' @param missing_prop,missing.p Portion of missing values. `missing_prop = 0.1`
#' creates 10\% of all values as missing). A vector of values assigns
#' different probabilities to multiple cases. If the number of cases exceeds
#' the length of the vector, values are repeated.
#' @param distribution Distribution of the criteria varible. Default is
#' `"normal"`. Possible values are `"normal"`, `"binomial"`, and `"poisson"`.
#' @param random_start_value If TRUE, the start_values are randomized based on
#' the distribution.
#' @return An object of class sc_design.
#' @family mc functions
#' @author Juergen Wibert
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' ## Create random single-case data and inspect it
#' design <- design(
#' n = 3, rtt = 0.75, slope = 0.1, extreme_prop = 0.1,
#' missing_prop = 0.1
#' )
#' dat <- random_scdf(design, round = 1, random.names = TRUE, seed = 123)
#' describe(dat)
#' ## And now have a look at poisson-distributed data
#' design <- design(
#' n = 3, B_start = c(6, 10, 14), mt = c(12, 20, 22), start_value = 10,
#' distribution = "poisson", level = -5, missing_prop = 0.1
#' )
#' dat <- random_scdf(design, seed = 1234)
#' pand(dat, decreasing = TRUE)
#' @export
design <- function(n = 1,
phase_design = list(A = 5, B = 15),
trend = 0,
level = list(0),
slope = list(0),
start_value = 50,
s = 10,
rtt = 0.80,
extreme_prop = list(0),
extreme_range = c(-4, -3),
missing_prop = 0,
distribution = c("normal", "gaussian", "poisson",
random_start_value = FALSE,
n_trials = NULL,
mt = NULL,
B_start = NULL,
missing.p) {
distribution <- match.arg(distribution)
if (!missing(m)) start_value <- m
if (!missing(phase.design)) phase_design <- phase.design
if (!missing(MT)) mt <- MT
if (!missing(extreme.p)) extreme_prop <- extreme.p
if (!missing(extreme.d)) extreme_range <- extreme.d
if (!missing(missing.p)) missing_prop <- missing.p
if (!missing(B.start)) B_start <- B.start
out <- list()
attr(out, "call") <- mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
if (is.list(start_value)) start_value <- unlist(start_value)
if (is.list(trend)) trend <- unlist(trend)
if (is.list(s)) s <- unlist(s)
if (is.list(rtt)) rtt <- unlist(rtt)
one_of(distribution, c("normal", "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial")),
not(distribution == "binomial" && is.null(n_trials),
"Binomial distributions but n_trials not defined."),
not(distribution=="binomial" && (any(start_value>1) || any(start_value<0)),
"Binomial distributions but start_values outside [0,1]."),
not(any(B_start < 1) && any(B_start >= 1),
"B_start with values below and above 1."),
not(random_start_value && length(start_value) > 1,
"Multiple start_values are given when random_start_value ",
"is set to TRUE."),
within(extreme_prop, 0, 1),
within(missing_prop, 0, 1)
if (!is.null(B_start)) {
mt <- rep(mt, length.out = n)
if (B_start[1] == "rand") {
tmp_start <- round(as.numeric(B_start[2]) * mt)
tmp_end <- round(as.numeric(B_start[3]) * mt)
B_start <- round(runif(n, tmp_start, tmp_end))
if (B_start[1] < 1 && B_start[1] > 0) B_start <- round(B_start * mt) + 1
B_start <- rep(B_start, length.out = n)
phase_design <- rep(list(A = rep(NA, n), B = rep(NA, n)))
for (i in 1:length(B_start)) {
phase_design$A[i] <- B_start[i] - 1
phase_design$B[i] <- 1 + mt[i] - B_start[i]
if (random_start_value) {
if (distribution %in% c("normal", "gaussian")) {
start_value <- rnorm(n, start_value[1], s[1])
if (distribution == "poisson") {
start_value <- rpois(n, start_value[1])
if (distribution == "binomial") {
start_value <- rbinom(n, n_trials, start_value[1])
if (length(start_value) != n) start_value <- rep(start_value, length = n)
if (length(s) != n) s <- rep(s, length = n)
if (length(rtt) != n) rtt <- rep(rtt, length = n)
if (is.list(trend)) trend <- unlist(trend)
trend <- .check_design(trend, n)
level <- .check_design(level, n)
slope <- .check_design(slope, n)
phase_design <- .check_design(phase_design, n)
if (length(extreme_prop) != n) {
extreme_prop <- lapply(numeric(n), function(y) unlist(extreme_prop))
if (length(extreme_range) != n) {
extreme_range <- lapply(numeric(n), function(y) unlist(extreme_range))
if (length(missing_prop) != n) {
missing_prop <- lapply(numeric(n), function(y) unlist(missing_prop))
out$cases <- vector("list", n)
out$distribution <- distribution
out$n_trials <- n_trials
for (case in 1:n) {
design <- list()
design$phase <- names(phase_design)
design$length <- unlist(lapply(phase_design, function(x) x[case]))
design$rtt <- rtt[[case]]
design$missing_prop <- missing_prop[[case]]
design$extreme_prop <- extreme_prop[[case]]
design$extreme_low <- extreme_range[[case]][1]
design$extreme_high <- extreme_range[[case]][2]
design$trend <- trend[[1]][case]
design$level <- .design_effect(level, case, length(phase_design))
design$slope <- .design_effect(slope, case, length(phase_design))
design$start_value <- start_value[[case]]
design$s <- s[[case]]
design$start <- c(1, cumsum(design$length) + 1)[1:length(design$length)]
design$stop <- cumsum(design$length)
out$cases[[case]] <- design
class(out) <- c("sc_design")
.design_effect <- function(effects, case, phase_length) {
case_effects <- unlist(lapply(effects, function(x) x[case]))
if (identical(case_effects, 0)) case_effects <- rep(0, phase_length)
if (length(case_effects) == phase_length && case_effects[1] != 0) {
warning("Effect for first phase is not 0. Looks like a missspecification")
if (length(case_effects) == phase_length - 1)
case_effects <- c(0, case_effects)
if (length(case_effects) != phase_length) {
warning("The wrong number of phase effects defined. Looks like a ",
.check_design <- function(data, n) {
if (is.numeric(data)) data <- list(data)
for (phase in 1:length(data)) {
if (length(data[[phase]]) != n) {
data[[phase]] <- rep(data[[phase]], length = n)
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