server <- function(input, output, session) {
# scdf ----
## startup message ----
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat(res$msg$startup))
## Render ----
my_scdf <- reactiveVal()
scdf_render <- reactive({
if (input$scdf_output_format == "Summary"){
output$scdf_output <- renderPrint({
if (!inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf")) validate(res$msg$no_case)
if (identical(length(my_scdf()), 0)) validate(res$msg$no_case)"summary", list(my_scdf()))
} else if (input$scdf_output_format == "Syntax") {
output$scdf_output <- renderPrint({
if (!inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf")) validate(res$msg$no_case)
if (identical(length(my_scdf()), 0)) validate(res$msg$no_case)"convert", list(
my_scdf(), inline = as.logical(input$scdf_syntax_phase_structure)
observeEvent(input$scdf_output_format, scdf_render())
## input example ----
observeEvent(input$scdf_example, {
if (input$scdf_example != "(none)") {
my_scdf(paste0("scan::", input$scdf_example) |> str2lang() |> eval())
output$load_messages <- renderPrint(
cat(paste0("loaded example ", input$scdf_example))
output$load_output <- renderPrint({"summary", list(my_scdf()))
#output$load_html_output <- renderUI({
# x <-"summary", list(my_scdf()))
# export(x) |> HTML()
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat(""))
} else {
## upload (load) ------
observeEvent(input$upload, {
ext <- tools::file_ext(input$upload$datapath)
if (ext == "rds") {
new <- readRDS(input$upload$datapath)
} else if (ext %in% c("r", "R")) {
new <- readLines(input$upload$datapath)
new <- paste0(new, collapse = "\n")
.tmp <- new.env()
eval(parse(text = new), envir = .tmp)
new <- .tmp$study
} else {
na <- eval(str2lang(paste0("c(", input$scdf_load_na, ")")))
new <- read_scdf(input$upload$datapath, na = na)
if (!inherits(new, "scdf")) {
output$load_messages <- renderText(
"Sorry,\n the file you tried to load is not a valid scdf file.")
} else {
output$load_messages <- renderPrint(cat(paste0("loaded file successfully")))
output$load_output <- renderPrint({"summary", list(my_scdf()))
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat(""))
## download (save) ----
output$scdf_save <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
scdf <- my_scdf()
out <- paste(
sprintf("%02d", length(scdf)),
paste0(unique(scdf[[1]]$phase), collapse = ""),
format(Sys.time(), format = "%y%m%d-%H%M%S"),
sep = "-"
paste0(out, input$scdf_save_format)
content = function(file) {
scdf <- my_scdf()
if (!inherits(scdf, "scdf")) {
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat(res$error_msg$scdf_save))
} else {
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat("Saved file"))
if (input$scdf_save_format == ".rds")
saveRDS(scdf, file)
if (input$scdf_save_format == ".R")
convert(scdf, file = file)
if (input$scdf_save_format == ".csv")
write_scdf(scdf, filename = file)
## new cases --------
observeEvent(input$add_case, {
values <- paste0("c(", trim(input$values), ")")
dvar <- "values"
if (inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf")) {
dvar <- scdf_attr(my_scdf(), "var.values")
call <- paste0(dvar, " = ", values)
call <- c(call, paste0("dvar = ", deparse(dvar)))
if (input$mt != "") call <- c(call, paste0("mt = c(", input$mt, ")"))
if (input$variables != "") {
variables <- input$variables |>
strsplit("\n") |>
unlist() |>
lapply(function(y) strsplit(y, "=")) |>
unlist(recursive = FALSE) |>
lapply(function(y) paste0(y[1], " =c(", y[2], ")")) |>
call <- c(call, variables)
if (input$casename != "") {
call <- c(call, paste0("name = ", deparse(input$casename)))
} else {
call <- c(call, paste0("name = \"case\""))
call <- paste0(call, collapse = ",")
call <- paste0("scdf(", call, ")")
new <- call |> str2lang() |> eval()
if (input$remove_which == "last") {
if (length(my_scdf()) > 0) new <- c(my_scdf(), new)
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat("Appended case"))
if (input$remove_which == "at") {
at <- input$remove_at
if (length(my_scdf()) >= at - 1) {
if (at == 1) {
new <- c(new, my_scdf())
} else if (at == length(my_scdf()) + 1) {
new <- c(my_scdf(), new)
} else {
new <- c(my_scdf()[1:(at-1)], new, my_scdf()[at:(length(my_scdf()))])
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat("Added case at position", input$remove_at))
error = function(e)
output$scdf_messages <- renderText(
paste0(res$error_msg$invalid_case, "\n\n", e)
## remove cases --------
observeEvent(input$remove_case, {
if (input$remove_which == "last") {
if (length(my_scdf()) > 1) {
} else (my_scdf(NULL))
if (input$remove_which == "at") {
at <- input$remove_at
if (length(my_scdf()) >= at)
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat("removed case"))
## clear cases --------
observeEvent(input$clear_cases, {
output$scdf_messages <- renderPrint(cat("Cleared cases"))
# Transform ----
## render ----
transformed <- reactive({
out <- my_scdf()
syntax = "scdf"
if (input$select_cases != "") {
call <- str2lang(paste0("select_cases(out, ", input$select_cases,")"))
out <- eval(call)
syntax <- c(syntax, paste0("select_cases(",input$select_cases,")"))
if (input$select_phasesA != "" || input$select_phasesB != "") {
out <- paste0(
"select_phases(out, A = c(", input$select_phasesA, "), B = c(",
input$select_phasesB, "))"
) |>
str2lang() |>
syntax <- c(
"select_phases(A = c(", input$select_phasesA, "), B = c(",
input$select_phasesB, "))"
if (input$subset != "") {
args <- list(str2lang(input$subset))
out <-"subset", c(list(out),args))
syntax <- c(syntax, paste0("subset(", input$subset, ")"))
if (input$transform != "") {
arg <- paste0("transform(out,", trim(input$transform),")")
out <- str2lang(arg) |> eval()
syntax <- c(
syntax, paste0("transform(", gsub("\n", ", ", trim(input$transform)),")")
if (input$setdvar != "") {
args <- list(input$setdvar)
out <-"set_dvar", c(list(out),args))
syntax <- c(syntax, paste0("set_dvar(", deparse(input$setdvar), ")"))
if (length(syntax)>1) {
syntax <- syntax[-1]
syntax <- paste0(
"scdf", res$pipe_br, " ",
paste0(syntax, collapse = paste0(res$pipe_br, " "))
output$transform_syntax <- renderPrint(cat(syntax))
## save ----
output$transformed_save <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
scdf <- transformed()
out <- paste(
sprintf("%02d", length(scdf)),
paste0(unique(scdf[[1]]$phase), collapse = ""),
format(Sys.time(), format = "%y%m%d-%H%M%S"),
sep = "-"
paste0(out, input$transform_save_format)
content = function(file) {
if (input$transform_save_format == ".rds")
saveRDS(transformed(), file)
if (input$transform_save_format == ".R")
convert(transformed(), file = file)
if (input$transform_save_format == ".csv")
write_scdf(transformed(), filename = file)
## output ------
output$transform_scdf <- renderPrint({
if(!inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf")) validate(res$msg$no_case)
print(transformed(), rows = 100)
output$transform_html <- renderUI({
if(!inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf")) validate(res$msg$no_case)
options(scan.export.engine = input$scan_export_engine)
if (getOption("scan.export.engine") == "gt")
export(transformed(), caption = "") |> gt::as_raw_html() |> HTML()
export(transformed(), caption = "") |> HTML()
# Stats -----
## Calculate ----
calculate_stats <- reactive({
if (!inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf")) validate(res$msg$no_case)
scdf <- transformed()
call <- paste0("scan::", get_stats_call())
str2lang(call) |> eval(),
error = function(e)
validate(paste0("Sorry, could not proceed calculation:\n\n", e))
## Output ----
output$stats_html <- renderUI({
results <- calculate_stats()
print_args <- input$stats_print_arguments
flip <- paste0("flip = ", input$stats_export_flip)
options(scan.export.engine = input$scan_export_engine)
if (print_args != "") {
print_args <- paste0(", ", print_args)
call<- paste0("export(results, ", flip, ", ", print_args, ")")
} else call <- paste0("export(results,", flip ,")")
if (getOption("scan.export.engine") == "gt")
str2lang(call) |> eval() |> gt::as_raw_html() |> HTML()
str2lang(call) |> eval() |> print() |> as.character() |> HTML(),
error = function(e)
validate(paste0("Sorry, no html export for this function available yet.", "\n",e))
output$stats_text <- renderPrint({
results <- calculate_stats()
print_args <- input$stats_print_arguments
if (print_args != "") {
print_args <- paste0(", ", print_args)
call<- paste0("print(results, ", print_args, ")")
} else call <- "print(results)"
str2lang(call) |> eval()
output$stats_syntax <- renderPrint({
## Arguments ------
stat_arg_names <- reactive({
.formals <- formals(eval(str2lang(paste0("scan::", input$func))))
args <- names(.formals)
values <- .formals
id <- which(!args %in% c(
"dvar", "pvar", "mvar", "phases",
"data", "scdf", "data.l2", "offset", "lag.max",
"graph", "output", "...")
if (input$func == "mplm") {
id <- c(which(args == "dvar") , id)
values[which(args == "dvar")] <- scan:::dv(transformed())
list(names = args[id], values = values[id])
output$stats_arguments <- renderUI({
args <- stat_arg_names()
out <- vector("list", length(args$names))
if (length(out) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(out)) {
value <- args$values[[i]]
if (is.character(value)) value <- deparse(value)
if (isTRUE( value <- substitute(value) |> deparse()
if (is.null(value)) value <- substitute(value) |> deparse()
if (!is.numeric(value) && !is.logical(value) && !is.character(value) &&
! {
value <- substitute(value) |> deparse()
if ( {
if (is.character(eval(value))) {
value <- eval(value)
} else {
value <- substitute(value) |> deparse()
#if (input$stats_default == "Yes") outvalue <- value else outvalue = NULL
outvalue <- value
if (length(value) > 1) {
choices <- setNames(quoted(value), value)
#if (input$stats_default == "No")
# choices <- c("(default)" = "", choices)
selected <- names(choices)[1]
out[[i]] <- selectInput(
args$names[i], args$names[i],
choices = choices,
selected = selected
} else if (is.numeric(value)) {
out[[i]] <- numericInput(
args$names[i], args$names[i], value = outvalue
} else if (is.logical(value)) {
choices <- c("FALSE", "TRUE")
#if (input$stats_default == "No")
# choices <- c("(default)" = "", choices)
out[[i]] <- radioButtons(
args$names[i], args$names[i],
choices = choices,
inline = TRUE, selected = outvalue
} else {
out[[i]] <- textInput(args$names[i], args$names[i], value = outvalue)
get_stats_call <- reactive({
full_args <- stat_arg_names()
args <- full_args
values <- sapply(args$names, function(name) input[[name]])
args <- args$names
if (input$stats_default == "No") {
id_default <- mapply(
function(origin, new) {
if (typeof(origin) == "language") origin <- eval(origin)
if (typeof(origin) == "symbol") origin <- deparse(origin)
if (identical(new, origin)) return(TRUE)
if (identical(new, as.character(origin[1]))) return(TRUE)
if (identical(new, deparse(origin))) return(TRUE)
if (substr(deparse(origin[1]), 1,3) == "NA_") origin <- NA
if (identical(new, deparse(origin[1]))) return(TRUE)
origin = full_args$values,
new = values
) |> unlist()
values[id_default] <- ""
id <- which(values != "")
args <- args[id]
values <- values[id]
call <- paste0(
input$func, "(scdf",
if (length(args > 0)) {
paste0(", ",paste0(args, " = ", values, collapse = ", "))
} else {
## Save ------
output$stats_save <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
scdf <- transformed()
out <- paste(
input$prefix_output_stats, input$func,
sprintf("%02d", length(scdf)),
paste0(unique(scdf[[1]]$phase), collapse = ""),
format(Sys.time(), format = "%y%m%d-%H%M%S"),
sep = "-"
out <- paste0(out, ".", input$format_output_stats)
content = function(file) {
if (input$format_output_stats == "text") {
results <- calculate_stats()
print_args <- input$stats_print_arguments
if (print_args != "") {
print_args <- paste0(", ", print_args)
call<- paste0("print(results, ", print_args, ")")
} else call <- "print(results)"
call <- paste0("capture.output(", call, ")")
writeLines(str2lang(call) |> eval(), con = file)
} else {
results <- calculate_stats()
print_args <- input$stats_print_arguments
if (print_args != "") {
print_args <- paste0(", ", print_args)
call<- paste0(
"export(results, flip = ", input$stats_export_flip, ",",
", filename = '", file, "')"
} else {
call <- paste0(
"export(results, flip = ", input$stats_export_flip,
", filename = '", file, "')"
out <- if (getOption("scan.export.engine") == "gt")
str2lang(call) |> eval() |> gt::as_raw_html()
str2lang(call) |> eval()
#if (input$stats_out == "Html") {
# results <- calculate_stats()
# print_args <- input$stats_print_arguments
# if (print_args != "") {
# print_args <- paste0(", ", print_args)
# call<- paste0("export(results, ", print_args, ")")
# } else {
# call <- "export(results)"
# }
# out <- str2lang(call) |> eval()
# kableExtra::save_kable(out, file)
# Plot -----
## Render ----
render_plot <- reactive({
req(inherits(my_scdf(), "scdf"))
call <- paste0("scplot(transformed())")
if (trimws(input$plot_arguments) != "") {
plot_args <- trimws(input$plot_arguments)
plot_args <- gsub("\n+", "\n", plot_args)
call <- paste0(
call, res$pipe, gsub("\n", res$pipe, plot_args)
call <- paste0("print(",call,")")
str2lang(call) |> eval(),
error = function(x)
output$plot_syntax <- renderText(paste0(res$error_msg$plot, "\n\n", x))
observeEvent(input$scplot_templates_design, {
new_value <- unname(
old_value <- input$plot_arguments
if (old_value == "") {
value <- new_value
} else {
value <- paste0(input$plot_arguments, "\n", new_value)
updateTextAreaInput(inputId = "plot_arguments", value = value)
observeEvent(input$scplot_templates_annotate, {
new_value <- unname(
old_value <- input$plot_arguments
if (old_value == "") {
value <- new_value
} else {
value <- paste0(input$plot_arguments, "\n", new_value)
updateTextAreaInput(inputId = "plot_arguments", value = value)
observeEvent(input$scplot_examples, {
if ("(empty selection)" == input$scplot_examples) {
value <- ""
} else {
new_value <- unname(res$choices$scplot_examples[input$scplot_examples])
old_value <- input$plot_arguments
if (old_value == "") {
value <- new_value
} else {
value <- paste0(input$plot_arguments, "\n", new_value)
updateTextAreaInput(inputId = "plot_arguments", value = value)
observeEvent(input$plot_arguments, render_plot_syntax())
## Output ----
render_plot_syntax <- reactive({
call <- paste0("scplot(scdf)")
if (trimws(input$plot_arguments) != "") {
call <- paste0(
call, res$pipe_br, " ", gsub("\n", paste0(res$pipe_br, " "), trimws(input$plot_arguments))
output$plot_syntax <- renderPrint({
output$plot_scdf <- renderPlot(res = 120,{
## Save ----
output$saveplot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
scdf <- transformed()
out <- paste(
sprintf("%02d", length(scdf)),
paste0(unique(scdf[[1]]$phase), collapse = ""),
format(Sys.time(), format = "%y%m%d-%H%M%S"),
sep = "-"
paste0(out, ".png")
content = function(file) {
file, render_plot(), width = input$width, height = input$height,
dpi = input$dpi, units = "px", device = "png"
# Power test -----
output$pt_results <- renderPrint(cat(res$placeholder$pt))
## Render -----
render_power_test <- reactive({
syntax <- paste0(
"design(\n n = ", input$design_n, ", ",
"phase_design = list(", input$design_phase, "), \n ",
"trend = ", input$design_trend, ", ",
"level = list(", input$design_level, "), ",
"slope = list(", input$design_slope, "), \n ",
"start_value = ", input$design_start, ", ",
#"s = ", input$design_s, ", ",
"rtt = ", input$design_rtt, ", ",
"distribution = ", deparse(input$design_distribution),
ci <- input$pt_ci
pt_method <- deparse(as.list(input$pt_method))
if (input$pt_method_user != "") {
if (length(input$pt_method) >0) {
pt_method <- paste0("\"", input$pt_method, "\"",collapse = ",")
pt_method <- paste0(
"list(user = function(scdf) {", input$pt_method_user,"}, ",
pt_method, ")"
} else {
pt_method <- paste0("list(user = function(scdf) {", input$pt_method_user,"})")
syntax <- paste0(
syntax, res$pipe,
" power_test(method = ", pt_method, ", ",
"effect = ", deparse(input$pt_effect), ", ",
"n_sim = ", input$pt_n,
if (!identical(ci, "")) paste0(", ci = ", ci),
## Output ----
output$pt_syntax <- renderPrint({
## Plot ----
observeEvent(input$desigh_plot_button, {
call <- paste0(
"design(\n n = ", input$design_n, ", ",
"phase_design = list(", input$design_phase, "), \n ",
"trend = ", input$design_trend, ", ",
"level = list(", input$design_level, "), ",
"slope = list(", input$design_slope, "), \n ",
"start_value = ", input$design_start, ", ",
#"s = ", input$design_s, ", ",
"rtt = ", input$design_rtt, ", ",
"distribution = ", deparse(input$design_distribution),
"\n)", res$pipe,
"random_scdf()", res$pipe,
output$plot_design <- renderPlot(res = 100, {
str2lang(call) |> eval()
# str2lang(call) |> eval(),
# error = function(x)
# output <- renderText(paste0(res$error_msg$plot, "\n\n", x))
## Analyse ----
observeEvent(input$pt_compute, {
phase_structure <- eval(str2lang(
paste0("list(", input$design_phase, ")")
if (length(phase_structure) > 2) {
output$pt_results <- renderPrint({
cat("Sorry, power-tests are only possible for designs with two phases.")
} else {
call <- render_power_test()
output$pt_results <- renderPrint({cat("Calculating ...")})
res <- tryCatch(
str2lang(call) |> eval(),
error = function(e)
paste0("Sorry, could not proceed calculation:\n\n", e)
output$pt_results <- renderPrint({
if (inherits(res, "character")) cat(res) else res
# quit app -----
observeEvent(input$navpage, {
if (input$navpage == "Quit") {
type = "closeWindow",
list(message = "window.close();")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.