
Defines functions getData

#' @import xcms
#' @import MSnbase
#' @importClassesFrom Rcpp "C++Object"
NULL # This is required so that roxygen knows where the first manpage starts

#' Detect Putative Incorporation features
#' Use Welch's T-test to detect features upregulated in labelled samples
#' @param XCMSet \emph{xcmsSet} or \emph{XCMSnExp} object of samples processed by xcms workflow
#' @param XCMSmode Type of quantification value for the features, as in \code{xcms::groupval(XCMSet)}
#' @param ULtag Unlabelled sample name tag, for example "C12"
#' @param Ltag Labelled sample name tag, for example "C13"
#' @param separator Character used as separator in sample names, as in \code{xcms::sampclass(XCMSet)}
#' @param sep.pos.front \code{TRUE} if position of \code{ULtag} and \code{Ltag} is found \emph{previous} to the condition names. Check \code{xcms::sampclass(XCMSet)}
#' @param fc.threshold Fold-change threshold for detection of upregulated features associated to Putative incorporation 
#' @param p.value.threshold p-Value threshhold between for detection of upregulated features associated to Putative incorporation
#' @param PuInc.int.lim Intensity limit in UNlabelled sample for the selection of features to be tested as possible Putative incorporation 
#' @return A list containing: \describe{
#'   \item{PuInc}{Putative Incorporation Features matrix}
#'   \item{PuInc_conditions}{Experimetal conditions (as in \code{xcms::sampclass(XCMSet)}) in which PuInc were detected}
#'   \item{pvalue}{Matrix of p-values from the tested features}
#'   \item{foldchange}{Matrix of fold-changes from the tested features}  
#'   \item{params}{Inputed arguments to be inherited by \code{\link{basepeak_finder}}} }
#' @examples
#' data(mtbls213)
#' xcms::sampclass(mtbls213)
#' PuInc_seeker(XCMSet=mtbls213,ULtag="CELL_Glc12",Ltag="CELL_Glc13",
#' sep.pos.front=TRUE ,fc.threshold=1.5,p.value.threshold=.05,PuInc.int.lim = 4000)
#' @export
PuInc_seeker <-
    function (XCMSet=NULL, XCMSmode="maxo", ULtag=NULL, Ltag=NULL, separator="_", sep.pos.front=TRUE, fc.threshold=1.2, 
              p.value.threshold=0.05, PuInc.int.lim=NULL){
        xdata <- getData(XCMSet,XCMSmode)
        D1 <- xdata$D1
        classv <- xdata$classv
        featdef <- xdata$featdef
        # This is a way to extract the condition classes automatically from the phenoData vector
        # At the moment it requires that the sample classes have a structure like this:
        # Unlabelled/Labelled tag (For example: "Glc12" / "Glc13") +
        # a separator (For example: "_") +
        # sample condition (For example: "WT" / "KO")
        # This part could be improved forcing the user to use factor vectors. 
        # Any suggestions are welcome. 
        conditions <- levels(classv)
            conditions <- gsub(paste(ULtag,separator,sep=""),"",conditions)[-grep(paste(Ltag,separator,sep=""),conditions)]
            conditions <- gsub(paste(separator,ULtag,sep=""),"",conditions)[-grep(paste(separator,Ltag,sep=""),conditions)]
        message(paste(c("Conditions vector used:",conditions),collapse=" "))
        meanintensities <- t(apply(D1, 1, function(x) tapply(x, classv, mean)))
        meanintensities <- meanintensities[,grep(ULtag, colnames(meanintensities)),drop=F]
            filtsamps <- 1:nrow(D1)
            filtsamps <- which(apply(meanintensities,1, function(x) all(x < PuInc.int.lim)))
        # First step: Compare Labelled vs Unlabelled #
        # Welch's test
        pvalues <- sapply(conditions, function(y) {
            apply(D1[filtsamps,,drop=F], 1, function(x) {
                a <- try(t.test(x[intersect(grep(Ltag, classv), 
                                            grep(y, classv))], 
                                x[intersect(grep(ULtag, classv), 
                                            grep(y, classv))],
                                var.equal = F)$p.value, silent = T)
                if (is(a, "try-error") | is.na(a)) {
                    a <- 1
        pvalues <- data.frame(pvalues)
        colnames(pvalues) <- conditions
        # Fold change (This fold-change calculation is not commonly used*)
        fc.test <- sapply(conditions, function(y) {
            apply(D1[filtsamps,,drop=F], 1, function(x) {
                ulm <- mean(x[intersect(grep(ULtag, classv), grep(y, classv))])
                labm <- mean(x[intersect(grep(Ltag, classv), grep(y, classv))])
                FC <- labm/ulm
                FC2 <- (-(ulm/labm))
                FC[FC < 1] <- FC2[FC < 1]
        fc.test <- data.frame(fc.test)
        colnames(fc.test) <- conditions
        ## Ratio between Labelled and Unlabelled samples for a feature to be an incorporation candidate.
        #This value depends on how strict you want to be
        ## The higher the threshold, the less incorporations you may find
        # Returns the features that are putative incorporations and the conditions where
        # the incorporation was detected
        compinc <- sapply(1:nrow(pvalues), function(x) {
            t <- which(pvalues[x, ] < p.value.threshold)
            t2 <- which(fc.test[x, ] > fc.threshold)
            if (length(t) == 0 | length(t2) == 0) {
            }else {
                t <- t[is.element(t, t2)]
                if (ncol(pvalues) == 1) {
                    if (length(t) > 0) {
                    } else {
                } else {
        compinc <- lapply(1:length(compinc), function(x) paste(compinc[[x]], collapse = ";"))
        compinc <- unlist(compinc)
        names(compinc) <- rownames(D1)[filtsamps]
        compinc <- compinc[which(compinc != "")]
        res_inc <- featdef[as.numeric(names(compinc)), c("mzmed", "rtmed", "rtmin", "rtmax")]
        rownames(res_inc) <- as.numeric(names(compinc))
            list("PuInc"=res_inc, "PuInc_conditions"=compinc, "pvalue"=pvalues, "foldchange"=fc.test,
                 "params" = list("XCMSmode"=XCMSmode, "ULtag"=ULtag, "Ltag"=Ltag, "separator"=separator,

#' @export
getData <- function(XCMSet, XCMSmode){
    if(class(XCMSet)== "xcmsSet"){ # old version
        X1 <- xcms::groupval(XCMSet, value = XCMSmode)
        D1 <- data.frame(X1)
        rownames(D1) <- as.character(1:nrow(X1))
        classv <- as.factor(xcms::sampclass(XCMSet))
        featdef <- XCMSet@groups
        D1 <- as.data.frame(xcms:::featureValues(XCMSet,value=XCMSmode))
        rownames(D1) <- as.character(1:nrow(D1))
        classv <- as.factor(MSnbase::phenoData(XCMSet)[[2]])
        featdef <- as.data.frame(xcms:::featureDefinitions(XCMSet))
        rownames(featdef) <- NULL
    return(list(D1 = D1, classv = classv, featdef = featdef))
jcapelladesto/geoRge documentation built on Sept. 18, 2021, 2:05 p.m.