
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
##  CLASS PLNfit #######################################
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general framework
#' @description The function [PLN()] fit a model which is an instance of a object with class [`PLNfit`].
#' Objects produced by the functions [PLNnetwork()], [PLNPCA()], [PLNmixture()] and [PLNLDA()] also enjoy the methods of [PLNfit()] by inheritance.
#' This class comes with a set of R6 methods, some of them being useful for the user and exported as S3 methods.
#' See the documentation for [coef()], [sigma()], [predict()], [vcov()] and [standard_error()].
#' Fields are accessed via active binding and cannot be changed by the user.
## Parameters common to all PLN-xx-fit methods (shared with PLNfit but inheritance does not work)
#' @param responses the matrix of responses (called Y in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param covariates design matrix (called X in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param offsets offset matrix (called O in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param weights an optional vector of observation weights to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which PLN is called.
#' @param formula model formula used for fitting, extracted from the formula in the upper-level call
#' @param control a list-like structure for controlling the fit, see [PLN_param()].
#' @param config part of the \code{control} argument which configures the optimizer
#' @param nullModel null model used for approximate R2 computations. Defaults to a GLM model with same design matrix but not latent variable.
#' @param B matrix of regression matrix
#' @param Sigma variance-covariance matrix of the latent variables
#' @param Omega precision matrix of the latent variables. Inverse of Sigma.
#' @inherit PLN details
#' @rdname PLNfit
#' @include PLNfit-class.R
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @import torch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
#' class(myPLN)
#' print(myPLN)
#' }
PLNfit <- R6Class(
  classname = "PLNfit",
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  private = list(
    formula    = NA    , # the formula call for the model as specified by the user
    B          = NA    , # regression parameters of the latent layer
    Sigma      = NA    , # covariance matrix of the latent layer
    Omega      = NA    , # precision matrix of the latent layer. Inverse of Sigma
    S          = NA    , # variational parameters for the variances
    M          = NA    , # variational parameters for the means
    Z          = NA    , # matrix of latent variable
    A          = NA    , # matrix of expected counts (under variational approximation)
    Ji         = NA    , # element-wise approximated loglikelihood
    R2         = NA    , # approximated goodness of fit criterion
    optimizer  = list(), # list of links to the functions doing the optimization
    monitoring = list(), # list with optimization monitoring quantities

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    torch_elbo = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      S2 <- torch_square(params$S[index])
      Z  <- data$O[index] + params$M[index] + torch_mm(data$X[index], params$B)
      A <- torch_exp(Z + .5 * S2)
      res <- .5 * sum(data$w[index]) * torch_logdet(private$torch_Sigma(data, params, index)) +
        sum(data$w[index,NULL] * (A - data$Y[index] * Z - .5 * torch_log(S2)))

    torch_Sigma = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      ws     <- torch_sqrt(data$w[index, NULL])
      S2_bar <- torch_sum(torch_square(ws * params$S[index]), 1)
      MtM    <- torch_mm(torch_t(ws * params$M[index]), ws * params$M[index])
      (MtM + torch_diag(S2_bar)) / sum(ws*ws)

    torch_Omega = function(data, params) {

    torch_vloglik = function(data, params) {
      S2    <- torch_square(params$S)

      Ji_tmp = .5 * torch_logdet(params$Omega) +
        torch_sum(data$Y * params$Z - params$A + .5 * torch_log(S2), dim = 2) -
        .5 * torch_sum(torch_mm(params$M, params$Omega) * params$M + S2 * torch_diag(params$Omega), dim = 2)
      Ji <- - torch_sum(.logfactorial_torch(data$Y), dim = 2) + Ji_tmp
      Ji <- .5 * self$p + as.numeric(Ji$cpu())

      attr(Ji, "weights") <- as.numeric(data$w$cpu())

    torch_optimize = function(data, params, config) {

      #config$device = "mps"
      if (config$trace >  1)
        message (paste("optimizing with device: ", config$device))
      ## Conversion of data and parameters to torch tensors (pointers)
      data   <- lapply(data, torch_tensor, dtype = torch_float32(), device = config$device)                         # list with Y, X, O, w
      params <- lapply(params, torch_tensor, dtype = torch_float32(), requires_grad = TRUE, device = config$device) # list with B, M, S

      ## Initialize optimizer
      optimizer <- switch(config$algorithm,
          "RPROP"   = optim_rprop(params  , lr = config$lr, etas = config$etas, step_sizes = config$step_sizes),
          "RMSPROP" = optim_rmsprop(params, lr = config$lr, weight_decay = config$weight_decay, momentum = config$momentum, centered = config$centered),
          "ADAM"    = optim_adam(params   , lr = config$lr, weight_decay = config$weight_decay),
          "ADAGRAD" = optim_adagrad(params, lr = config$lr, weight_decay = config$weight_decay)

      ## Optimization loop
      status <- 5
      num_epoch  <- config$num_epoch
      num_batch  <- config$num_batch
      batch_size <- floor(self$n/num_batch)

      objective <- double(length = config$num_epoch + 1)
      #B_old = optimizer$param_groups[[1]]$params$B$clone()
      for (iterate in 1:num_epoch) {
        #B_old <- as.numeric(optimizer$param_groups[[1]]$params$B)
        # rearrange the data each epoch
        #permute <- torch::torch_randperm(self$n, device = "cpu") + 1L
        permute = torch::torch_tensor(sample.int(self$n), dtype = torch_long(), device=config$device)

        #print (paste("num batches", num_batch))
        for (batch_idx in 1:num_batch) {
          # here index is a vector of the indices in the batch
          index <- permute[(batch_size*(batch_idx - 1) + 1):(batch_idx*batch_size)]

          ## Optimization
          optimizer$zero_grad() # reinitialize gradients
          loss <- private$torch_elbo(data, params, index) # compute current ELBO
          loss$backward()                   # backward propagation
          optimizer$step()                  # optimization

        ## assess convergence
        objective[iterate + 1] <- loss$item()
        delta_f   <- abs(objective[iterate] - objective[iterate + 1]) / abs(objective[iterate + 1])

        ## Error message if objective diverges
        if (!is.finite(loss$item())) {
          stop(sprintf("The ELBO diverged during the optimization procedure.\nConsider using:\n* a different optimizer (current optimizer: %s)\n* a smaller learning rate (current rate: %.3f)\nwith `control = PLN_param(config_optim = list(algorithm = ..., lr = ...))`",
                       config$algorithm, config$lr))

        ## display progress
        if (config$trace >  1 && (iterate %% 50 == 1))
          cat('\niteration: ', iterate, 'objective', objective[iterate + 1],
              'delta_f'  , round(delta_f, 6))

        ## Check for convergence
        #print (delta_f)
        if (delta_f < config$ftol_rel) status <- 3
        #if (delta_x < config$xtol_rel) status <- 4
        if (status %in% c(3,4)) {
          objective <- objective[1:iterate + 1]

      params$Sigma <- private$torch_Sigma(data, params)
      params$Omega <- private$torch_Omega(data, params)
      params$Z     <- data$O + params$M + torch_matmul(data$X, params$B)
      params$A     <- torch_exp(params$Z + torch_pow(params$S, 2)/2)

      out <- lapply(params, function(x) {
        x = x$cpu()
      out$Ji <- private$torch_vloglik(data, params)
      out$monitoring <- list(
          objective  = objective,
          iterations = iterate,
          status     = status,
          backend = "torch"

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    variance_variational = function(X, config = config_default_nlopt) {
    ## Variance of B for n data points
      fisher <- Matrix::bdiag(lapply(1:self$p, function(j) {
        crossprod(X, private$A[, j] * X) # t(X) %*% diag(A[, i]) %*% X
      vcov_B <- tryCatch(Matrix::solve(fisher), error = function(e) {e})
      if (is(vcov_B, "error")) {
        warning(paste("Inversion of the Fisher information matrix failed with following error message:",
                      vcov_B$message, "Returning NA", sep = "\n"))
        vcov_B <- matrix(NA, nrow = self$d, ncol = self$p)
        var_B  <- matrix(NA, nrow = self$d, ncol = self$p)
      } else {
        var_B <- vcov_B %>% diag() %>% matrix(nrow = self$d)
      rownames(vcov_B) <- colnames(vcov_B) <-
        expand.grid(covariates = rownames(private$B),
                    responses  = colnames(private$B)) %>% rev() %>%
        ## Hack to make sure that species is first and varies slowest
        apply(1, paste0, collapse = "_")
      attr(private$B, "vcov_variational") <- vcov_B
      dimnames(var_B) <- dimnames(private$B)
      attr(private$B, "variance_variational") <- var_B

      ## Variance of Omega
      var_Omega <- 2 * outer(diag(private$Omega), diag(private$Omega)) / self$n
      dimnames(var_Omega) <- dimnames(private$Omega)
      attr(private$Omega, "variance_variational") <- var_Omega
      invisible(list(var_B = var_B, var_Omega = var_Omega))

    compute_vcov_from_resamples = function(resamples){
      B_list = resamples %>% map("B")
      #print (B_list)
      vcov_B = lapply(seq(1, ncol(private$B)), function(B_col){
        param_ests_for_col = B_list %>% map(~.x[, B_col])
        param_ests_for_col = do.call(rbind, param_ests_for_col)
        #print (param_ests_for_col)
        row_vcov = cov(param_ests_for_col)
      #print ("vcov blocks")
      #print (vcov_B)

      #B_vcov <- resamples %>% map("B") %>% map(~( . )) %>% reduce(cov)

      #var_jack   <- jacks %>% map("B") %>% map(~( (. - B_jack)^2)) %>% reduce(`+`) %>%
      #  `dimnames<-`(dimnames(private$B))
      #B_hat  <- private$B[,] ## strips attributes while preserving names

      vcov_B = Matrix::bdiag(vcov_B) %>% as.matrix()

      rownames(vcov_B) <- colnames(vcov_B) <-
        expand.grid(covariates = rownames(private$B),
                    responses  = colnames(private$B)) %>% rev() %>%
        ## Hack to make sure that species is first and varies slowest
        apply(1, paste0, collapse = "_")

      #print (pheatmap::pheatmap(vcov_B, cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE))

      #names = lapply(bootstrapped_df$cov_mat, function(m){ colnames(m)}) %>% unlist()
      #rownames(bootstrapped_vhat) = names
      #colnames(bootstrapped_vhat) = names

      vcov_B = methods::as(vcov_B, "dgCMatrix")


    variance_jackknife = function(Y, X, O, w, config = config_default_nlopt) {
      jacks <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_len(self$n), function(i) {
        data <- list(Y = Y[-i, , drop = FALSE],
                     X = X[-i, , drop = FALSE],
                     O = O[-i, , drop = FALSE],
                     w = w[-i])
        args <- list(data = data,
                     # params = list(B = private$B,
                     #               M = matrix(0, self$n-1, self$p),
                     #               S = private$S[-i, , drop = FALSE]),
                     params = do.call(compute_PLN_starting_point, data),
                     config = config)
        optim_out <- do.call(private$optimizer$main, args)
        optim_out[c("B", "Omega")]

      B_jack <- jacks %>% map("B") %>% reduce(`+`) / self$n
      var_jack   <- jacks %>% map("B") %>% map(~( (. - B_jack)^2)) %>% reduce(`+`) %>%
      B_hat  <- private$B[,] ## strips attributes while preserving names
      attr(private$B, "bias") <- (self$n - 1) * (B_jack - B_hat)
      attr(private$B, "variance_jackknife") <- (self$n - 1) / self$n * var_jack

      vcov_jacks = private$compute_vcov_from_resamples(jacks)
      attr(private$B, "vcov_jackknife") <- vcov_jacks

      Omega_jack <- jacks %>% map("Omega") %>% reduce(`+`) / self$n
      var_jack   <- jacks %>% map("Omega") %>% map(~( (. - Omega_jack)^2)) %>% reduce(`+`) %>%
      Omega_hat  <- private$Omega[,] ## strips attributes while preserving names
      attr(private$Omega, "bias") <- (self$n - 1) * (Omega_jack - Omega_hat)
      attr(private$Omega, "variance_jackknife") <- (self$n - 1) / self$n * var_jack

    variance_bootstrap = function(Y, X, O, w, n_resamples = 100, config = config_default_nlopt) {
      resamples <- replicate(n_resamples, sample.int(self$n, replace = TRUE), simplify = FALSE)
      boots <- future.apply::future_lapply(resamples, function(resample) {
        data <- list(Y = Y[resample, , drop = FALSE],
                     X = X[resample, , drop = FALSE],
                     O = O[resample, , drop = FALSE],
                     w = w[resample])
        if (config$backend == "torch") # Convert data to torch tensors
          data   <- lapply(data, torch_tensor, device = config$device)                         # list with Y, X, O, w

        #print (data$Y$device)

        args <- list(data = data,
                     # params = list(B = private$B, M = matrix(0,self$n,self$p), S = private$S[resample, ]),
                     params = do.call(compute_PLN_starting_point, data),
                     config = config)
        if (config$backend == "torch") # Convert data to torch tensors
          args$params <- lapply(args$params, torch_tensor, requires_grad = TRUE, device = config$device) # list with B, M, S

        optim_out <- do.call(private$optimizer$main, args)
        #print (optim_out)
        optim_out[c("B", "Omega", "monitoring")]

      B_boots <- boots %>% map("B") %>% reduce(`+`) / n_resamples
      attr(private$B, "variance_bootstrap") <-
        boots %>% map("B") %>% map(~( (. - B_boots)^2)) %>% reduce(`+`)  %>%
          `dimnames<-`(dimnames(private$B)) / n_resamples

      vcov_boots = private$compute_vcov_from_resamples(boots)
      attr(private$B, "vcov_bootstrap") <- vcov_boots

      Omega_boots <- boots %>% map("Omega") %>% reduce(`+`) / n_resamples
      attr(private$Omega, "variance_bootstrap") <-
        boots %>% map("Omega") %>% map(~( (. - Omega_boots)^2)) %>% reduce(`+`)  %>%
        `dimnames<-`(dimnames(private$Omega)) / n_resamples

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    approx_r2 = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, nullModel = NULL) {
      if (is.null(nullModel)) nullModel <- nullModelPoisson(responses, covariates, offsets, weights)
      loglik <- logLikPoisson(responses, self$latent, weights)
      lmin   <- logLikPoisson(responses, nullModel, weights)
      lmax   <- logLikPoisson(responses, log(responses), weights)
      private$R2 <- (loglik - lmin) / (lmax - lmin)

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  public = list(

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    #' @description Initialize a [`PLNfit`] model
    #' @importFrom stats lm.wfit lm.fit poisson residuals coefficients runif
    initialize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control) {
      ## problem dimensions
      n <- nrow(responses); p <- ncol(responses); d <- ncol(covariates)
      ## set up various quantities
      private$formula <- formula # user formula call
      ## initialize the variational parameters
      if (isPLNfit(control$inception)) {
        if (control$trace > 1) cat("\n User defined inceptive PLN model")
        stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(dim(control$inception$model_par$B), c(d,p))))
        private$Sigma <- control$inception$model_par$Sigma
        private$B     <- control$inception$model_par$B
        private$M     <- control$inception$var_par$M
        private$S     <- control$inception$var_par$S
      } else {
        if (control$trace > 1) cat("\n Use LM after log transformation to define the inceptive model")
        start_point <- compute_PLN_starting_point(Y = responses, X = covariates, O = offsets, w = weights)
        private$B <- start_point$B
        private$M <- start_point$M
        private$S <- start_point$S
      private$optimizer$main   <- ifelse(control$backend == "nlopt", nlopt_optimize, private$torch_optimize)
      private$optimizer$vestep <- nlopt_optimize_vestep

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    #' @description
    #' Update a [`PLNfit`] object
    #' @param M     matrix of variational parameters for the mean
    #' @param S     matrix of variational parameters for the variance
    #' @param Ji    vector of variational lower bounds of the log-likelihoods (one value per sample)
    #' @param R2    approximate R^2 goodness-of-fit criterion
    #' @param Z     matrix of latent vectors (includes covariates and offset effects)
    #' @param A     matrix of fitted values
    #' @param monitoring a list with optimization monitoring quantities
    #' @return Update the current [`PLNfit`] object
    update = function(B=NA, Sigma=NA, Omega=NA, M=NA, S=NA, Ji=NA, R2=NA, Z=NA, A=NA, monitoring=NA) {
      if (!anyNA(B))      private$B  <- B
      if (!anyNA(Sigma))      private$Sigma  <- Sigma
      if (!anyNA(Omega))      private$Omega  <- Omega
      if (!anyNA(M))          private$M      <- M
      if (!anyNA(S))          private$S      <- S
      if (!anyNA(Z))          private$Z      <- Z
      if (!anyNA(A))          private$A      <- A
      if (!anyNA(Ji))         private$Ji     <- Ji
      if (!anyNA(R2))         private$R2     <- R2
      if (!anyNA(monitoring)) private$monitoring <- monitoring

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    #' @description Call to the NLopt or TORCH optimizer and update of the relevant fields
    optimize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, config) {
      args <- list(data   = list(Y = responses, X = covariates, O = offsets, w = weights),
                   params = list(B = private$B, M = private$M, S = private$S),
                   config = config)
      optim_out <- do.call(private$optimizer$main, args)
      do.call(self$update, optim_out)

    #' @description Result of one call to the VE step of the optimization procedure: optimal variational parameters (M, S) and corresponding log likelihood values for fixed model parameters (Sigma, B). Intended to position new data in the latent space.
    #' @param B Optional fixed value of the regression parameters
    #' @param Sigma variance-covariance matrix of the latent variables
    #' @return A list with three components:
    #'  * the matrix `M` of variational means,
    #'  * the matrix `S2` of variational variances
    #'  * the vector `log.lik` of (variational) log-likelihood of each new observation
    optimize_vestep = function(covariates, offsets, responses, weights,
                      B = self$model_par$B,
                      Omega = self$model_par$Omega,
                      control = PLN_param(backend = "nlopt")) {
      n <- nrow(responses); p <- ncol(responses)
      ## initialize variational parameters with current value if dimension is the same
      if ((p != self$p) || (n != self$n)) {
        params0 <- list(M = matrix(0, n, p), S = matrix(.1, n, p))
      } else {
        params0 <- list(M = self$var_par$M, S = self$var_par$S)
      args <- list(data = list(Y = responses, X = covariates, O = offsets, w = weights),
                   ## Initialize the variational parameters with the new dimension of the data
                   params = params0,
                   B = as.matrix(B),
                   Omega = as.matrix(Omega),
                   config = control$config_optim)
      optim_out <- do.call(private$optimizer$vestep, args)

    #' @description Update R2, fisher and std_err fields after optimization
    #' @param config_post a list for controlling the post-treatments (optional bootstrap, jackknife, R2, etc.). See details
    #' @param config_optim a list for controlling the optimization (optional bootstrap, jackknife, R2, etc.). See details
    #' @details The list of parameters `config` controls the post-treatment processing, with the following entries:
    #' * jackknife boolean indicating whether jackknife should be performed to evaluate bias and variance of the model parameters. Default is FALSE.
    #' * bootstrap integer indicating the number of bootstrap resamples generated to evaluate the variance of the model parameters. Default is 0 (inactivated).
    #' * variational_var boolean indicating whether variational Fisher information matrix should be computed to estimate the variance of the model parameters (highly underestimated). Default is FALSE.
    #' * rsquared boolean indicating whether approximation of R2 based on deviance should be computed. Default is TRUE
    #' * trace integer for verbosity. should be > 1 to see output in post-treatments
    postTreatment = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights = rep(1, nrow(responses)), config_post, config_optim, nullModel = NULL) {
      ## Set names according to those of the data matrices. If missing, use sensible defaults
      if (is.null(colnames(responses)))
        colnames(responses) <- paste0("Y", 1:self$p)
      if (self$d > 0) {
        if (is.null(colnames(covariates))) colnames(covariates) <- paste0("X", 1:self$d)
        colnames(private$B) <- colnames(responses)
        rownames(private$B) <- colnames(covariates)
      rownames(private$Sigma) <- colnames(private$Sigma) <- colnames(responses)
      rownames(private$Omega) <- colnames(private$Omega) <- colnames(responses)
      rownames(private$M) <- rownames(private$S) <- rownames(responses)
      colnames(private$S) <- 1:self$q

      ## OPTIONAL POST-TREATMENT (potentially costly)
      ## 1. compute and store approximated R2 with Poisson-based deviance
      if (config_post$rsquared) {
        if(config_post$trace > 1) cat("\n\tComputing approximate R^2...")
        private$approx_r2(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, nullModel)
      ## 2. compute and store matrix of standard variances for B and Omega with rough variational approximation
      if (config_post$variational_var) {
        if(config_post$trace > 1) cat("\n\tComputing variational estimator of the variance...")
        private$variance_variational(covariates, config = config_optim)
      ## 3. Jackknife estimation of bias and variance
      if (config_post$jackknife) {
        if(config_post$trace > 1) cat("\n\tComputing jackknife estimator of the variance...")
        private$variance_jackknife(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, config = config_optim)
      ## 4. Bootstrap estimation of variance
      if (config_post$bootstrap > 0) {
        if(config_post$trace > 1) {
          cat("\n\tComputing bootstrap estimator of the variance...")
          #print (str(config_optim))
        private$variance_bootstrap(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, n_resamples=config_post$bootstrap, config = config_optim)

    #' @description Predict position, scores or observations of new data.
    #' @param newdata A data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are used.
    #' @param responses Optional data frame containing the count of the observed variables (matching the names of the provided as data in the PLN function), assuming the interest in in testing the model.
    #' @param type Scale used for the prediction. Either `link` (default, predicted positions in the latent space) or `response` (predicted counts).
    #' @param level Optional integer value the level to be used in obtaining the predictions. Level zero corresponds to the population predictions (default if `responses` is not provided) while level one (default) corresponds to predictions after evaluating the variational parameters for the new data.
    #' @param envir Environment in which the prediction is evaluated
    #' @details
    #' Note that `level = 1` can only be used if responses are provided,
    #' as the variational parameters can't be estimated otherwise. In the absence of responses, `level` is ignored and the fitted values are returned
    #' @return A matrix with predictions scores or counts.
    predict = function(newdata, responses = NULL, type = c("link", "response"), level = 1, envir = parent.frame()) {

      ## Ignore everything if newdata is not provided
      if (missing(newdata)) {

      n_new <- nrow(newdata)
      ## Set level to 0 (to bypass VE step) if responses are not provided
      if (is.null(responses)) {
        level <- 0

      ## Extract the model matrices from the new data set with initial formula
      X <- model.matrix(formula(private$formula)[-2], newdata, xlev = attr(private$formula, "xlevels"))
      O <- model.offset(model.frame(formula(private$formula)[-2], newdata))
      if (is.null(O)) O <- matrix(0, n_new, self$p)

      ## mean latent positions in the parameter space (covariates/offset only)
      EZ <- X %*% private$B + O
      rownames(EZ) <- rownames(newdata)
      colnames(EZ) <- colnames(private$Sigma)

      ## Optimize M and S if responses are provided,
      if (level == 1) {
        VE <- self$optimize_vestep(
          covariates = X,
          offsets    = O,
          responses  = as.matrix(responses),
          weights    = rep(1, n_new),
          B          = private$B,
          Omega      = private$Omega
        M <- VE$M
        S <- VE$S
      } else {
        # otherwise set M = 0 and S = diag(Sigma)
        M <- matrix(0, nrow = n_new, ncol = self$p)
        S <- matrix(diag(private$Sigma), nrow = n_new, ncol = self$p, byrow = TRUE)

      type <- match.arg(type)
      results <- switch(
        link = EZ + M,
        response = exp(EZ + M + 0.5 * S)
      attr(results, "type") <- type

    #' @description Predict position, scores or observations of new data, conditionally on the observation of a (set of) variables
    #' @param cond_responses a data frame containing the count of the observed variables (matching the names of the provided as data in the PLN function)
    #' @param newdata a data frame containing the covariates of the sites where to predict
    #' @param type Scale used for the prediction. Either `link` (default, predicted positions in the latent space) or `response` (predicted counts).
    #' @param var_par Boolean. Should new estimations of the variational parameters of mean and variance be sent back, as attributes of the matrix of predictions. Default to \code{FALSE}.
    #' @param envir Environment in which the prediction is evaluated
    #' @return A matrix with predictions scores or counts.
    predict_cond = function(newdata, cond_responses, type = c("link", "response"), var_par = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()){
      type <- match.arg(type)

      # Checks
      Yc <- as.matrix(cond_responses)
      sp_names <- colnames(self$model_par$B)
      if (!any(colnames(cond_responses) %in% sp_names))
        stop("Yc must be a subset of the species in responses")
      if (!nrow(Yc) == nrow(newdata))
        stop("The number of rows of Yc must match the number of rows in newdata")

      # Dimensions and subsets
      n_new <- nrow(Yc)
      cond <- sp_names %in% colnames(Yc)

      ## Extract the model matrices from the new data set with initial formula
      X <- model.matrix(formula(private$formula)[-2], newdata, xlev = attr(private$formula, "xlevels"))
      O <- model.offset(model.frame(formula(private$formula)[-2], newdata))
      if (is.null(O)) O <- matrix(0, n_new, self$p)

      # Compute parameters of the law
      vcov11 <- private$Sigma[cond ,  cond, drop = FALSE]
      vcov22 <- private$Sigma[!cond, !cond, drop = FALSE]
      vcov12 <- private$Sigma[cond , !cond, drop = FALSE]
      prec11 <- solve(vcov11)
      A <- crossprod(vcov12, prec11)
      Sigma21 <- vcov22 - A %*% vcov12

      # Call to VEstep to obtain M1, S1
      VE <- self$optimize_vestep(
              covariates = X,
              offsets    = O[, cond, drop = FALSE],
              responses  = Yc,
              weights    = rep(1, n_new),
              B          = self$model_par$B[, cond, drop = FALSE],
              Omega      = prec11

      M <- tcrossprod(VE$M, A)
      # S <- map(1:n_new, ~crossprod(sqrt(VE$S[., ]) * t(A)) + Sigma21) %>%
      #   simplify2array()
      S <- map(1:n_new, ~crossprod(VE$S[., ] * t(A)) + Sigma21) %>% simplify2array()

      ## mean latent positions in the parameter space
      EZ <- X %*% private$B[, !cond, drop = FALSE] + M + O[, !cond, drop = FALSE]
      colnames(EZ) <- setdiff(sp_names, colnames(Yc))

      # ! We should only add the .5*diag(S2) term only if we want the type="response"
      if (type == "response") {
        if (ncol(EZ) == 1) {
          EZ <- EZ + .5 * S
        } else {
          EZ <- EZ + .5 * t(apply(S, 3, diag))
      results <- switch(type, link = EZ, response = exp(EZ))
      attr(results, "type") <- type
      if (var_par) {
        attr(results, "M") <- M
        attr(results, "S") <- S

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Print functions -----------------------
    #' @description User friendly print method
    #' @param model First line of the print output
    show = function(model = paste("A multivariate Poisson Lognormal fit with", self$vcov_model, "covariance model.\n")) {
      print(as.data.frame(round(self$criteria, digits = 3), row.names = ""))
      cat("* Useful fields\n")
      cat("    $model_par, $latent, $latent_pos, $var_par, $optim_par\n")
      cat("    $loglik, $BIC, $ICL, $loglik_vec, $nb_param, $criteria\n")
      cat("* Useful S3 methods\n")
      cat("    print(), coef(), sigma(), vcov(), fitted()\n")
      cat("    predict(), predict_cond(), standard_error()\n")

    #' @description User friendly print method
    print = function() { self$show() }

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Other functions ----------------

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  active = list(
    #' @field n number of samples
    n = function() {nrow(private$M)},
    #' @field q number of dimensions of the latent space
    q = function() {ncol(private$M)},
    #' @field p number of species
    p = function() {ncol(private$B)},
    #' @field d number of covariates
    d = function() {nrow(private$B)},
    #' @field nb_param number of parameters in the current PLN model
    nb_param   = function() {as.integer(self$p * self$d + self$p * (self$p + 1)/2)},
    #' @field model_par a list with the matrices of the model parameters: B (covariates), Sigma (covariance), Omega (precision matrix), plus some others depending on the variant)
    model_par  = function() {list(B = private$B, Sigma = private$Sigma, Omega = private$Omega, Theta = t(private$B))},
    #' @field var_par a list with the matrices of the variational parameters: M (means) and S2 (variances)
    var_par    = function() {list(M = private$M, S2 = private$S**2, S = private$S)},
    #' @field optim_par a list with parameters useful for monitoring the optimization
    optim_par  = function() {c(private$monitoring, backend = private$backend)},
    #' @field latent a matrix: values of the latent vector (Z in the model)
    latent     = function() {private$Z},
    #' @field latent_pos a matrix: values of the latent position vector (Z) without covariates effects or offset
    latent_pos = function() {private$M},
    #' @field fitted a matrix: fitted values of the observations (A in the model)
    fitted     = function() {private$A},
    #' @field vcov_coef matrix of sandwich estimator of the variance-covariance of B (need fixed -ie known- covariance at the moment)
    vcov_coef = function() {attr(private$B, "vcov_variational")},
    #' @field vcov_model character: the model used for the residual covariance
    vcov_model = function() {"full"},
    #' @field weights observational weights
    weights     = function() {as.numeric(attr(private$Ji, "weights"))},
    #' @field loglik (weighted) variational lower bound of the loglikelihood
    loglik     = function() {sum(self$weights[self$weights > .Machine$double.eps] * private$Ji[self$weights > .Machine$double.eps]) },
    #' @field loglik_vec element-wise variational lower bound of the loglikelihood
    loglik_vec = function() {private$Ji},
    #' @field BIC variational lower bound of the BIC
    BIC        = function() {self$loglik - .5 * log(self$n) * self$nb_param},
    #' @field entropy Entropy of the variational distribution
    entropy    = function() {.5 * (self$n * self$q * log(2*pi*exp(1)) + sum(log(self$var_par$S2)))},
    #' @field ICL variational lower bound of the ICL
    ICL        = function() {self$BIC - self$entropy},
    #' @field R_squared approximated goodness-of-fit criterion
    R_squared  = function() {private$R2},
    #' @field criteria a vector with loglik, BIC, ICL and number of parameters
    criteria   = function() {data.frame(nb_param = self$nb_param, loglik = self$loglik, BIC = self$BIC, ICL = self$ICL)}
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
##  CLASS PLNfit_diagonal ##############################
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general framework, with diagonal residual covariance
#' @param responses the matrix of responses (called Y in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param covariates design matrix (called X in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param offsets offset matrix (called O in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param weights an optional vector of observation weights to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param formula model formula used for fitting, extracted from the formula in the upper-level call
#' @param control a list for controlling the optimization. See details.
#' @rdname PLNfit_diagonal
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
#' class(myPLN)
#' print(myPLN)
#' }
PLNfit_diagonal <- R6Class(
  classname = "PLNfit_diagonal",
  inherit = PLNfit,
  public  = list(
    #' @description Initialize a [`PLNfit`] model
    initialize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control) {
      super$initialize(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control)
      private$optimizer$main   <- ifelse(control$backend == "nlopt", nlopt_optimize_diagonal, private$torch_optimize)
      private$optimizer$vestep <- nlopt_optimize_vestep_diagonal
  private = list(
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    torch_elbo = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      S2 <- torch_square(params$S[index])
      Z <- data$O[index] + params$M[index] + torch_matmul(data$X[index], params$B)
      res <- .5 * sum(data$w[index]) * sum(torch_log(private$torch_sigma_diag(data, params, index))) +
        sum(data$w[index,NULL] * (torch_exp(Z + .5 * S2) - data$Y[index] * Z -  .5 * torch_log(S2)))

    torch_sigma_diag = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      torch_sum(data$w[index,NULL] * (torch_square(params$M[index]) + torch_square(params$S[index])), 1) / sum(data$w[index])

    torch_Sigma = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      torch_diag(private$torch_sigma_diag(data, params, index))

    torch_vloglik = function(data, params) {
      S2 <- torch_square(params$S)
      omega_diag <- torch_pow(private$torch_sigma_diag(data, params), -1)
      Ji <- .5 * self$p - rowSums(.logfactorial(as.matrix(data$Y))) + as.numeric(
        .5 * sum(torch_log(omega_diag)) +
          torch_sum(data$Y * params$Z - params$A + .5 * torch_log(S2) -
                      .5 * (torch_square(params$M) + S2) * omega_diag[NULL,], dim = 2)
      attr(Ji, "weights") <- as.numeric(data$w)

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  active = list(
    #' @field nb_param number of parameters in the current PLN model
    nb_param   = function() {as.integer(self$p * self$d + self$p)},
    #' @field vcov_model character: the model used for the residual covariance
    vcov_model = function() {"diagonal"}
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ##  END OF THE CLASS PLNfit_diagonal
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
##  CLASS PLNfit_spherical  ############################
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general framework, with spherical residual covariance
#' @param responses the matrix of responses (called Y in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param covariates design matrix (called X in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param offsets offset matrix (called O in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param weights an optional vector of observation weights to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param formula model formula used for fitting, extracted from the formula in the upper-level call
#' @param control a list for controlling the optimization. See details.
#' @rdname PLNfit_spherical
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
#' class(myPLN)
#' print(myPLN)
#' }
PLNfit_spherical <- R6Class(
  classname = "PLNfit_spherical",
  inherit = PLNfit,
  public  = list(
    #' @description Initialize a [`PLNfit`] model
    initialize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control) {
      super$initialize(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control)
      private$optimizer$main   <- ifelse(control$backend == "nlopt", nlopt_optimize_spherical, private$torch_optimize)
      private$optimizer$vestep <- nlopt_optimize_vestep_spherical
  private = list(

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    torch_elbo = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      S2 <- torch_square(params$S[index])
      Z <- data$O[index] + params$M[index] + torch_mm(data$X[index], params$B)
      res <- .5 * sum(data$w[index]) * self$p * torch_log(private$torch_sigma2(data, params, index)) -
        sum(data$w[index,NULL] * (data$Y[index] * Z - torch_exp(Z + .5 * S2) + .5 * torch_log(S2)))

    torch_sigma2 = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      sum(data$w[index, NULL] * (torch_square(params$M) + torch_square(params$S))) / (sum(data$w) * self$p)

    torch_Sigma = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      torch_eye(self$p) * private$torch_sigma2(data, params, index)

    torch_vloglik = function(data, params) {
      S2 <- torch_pow(params$S, 2)
      sigma2 <- private$torch_sigma2(data, params)
      Ji <- .5 * self$p - rowSums(.logfactorial(as.matrix(data$Y))) + as.numeric(
        torch_sum(data$Y * params$Z - params$A + .5 * torch_log(S2/sigma2) - .5 * (torch_pow(params$M, 2) + S2)/sigma2, dim = 2)
      attr(Ji, "weights") <- as.numeric(data$w)

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  active = list(
    #' @field nb_param number of parameters in the current PLN model
    nb_param   = function() {as.integer(self$p * self$d + 1)},
    #' @field vcov_model character: the model used for the residual covariance
    vcov_model = function() {"spherical"}
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ##  END OF THE CLASS PLNfit_spherical
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
##  CLASS PLNfit_fixedcov  #############################
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general framework, with fixed (inverse) residual covariance
#' @param responses the matrix of responses (called Y in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param covariates design matrix (called X in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param offsets offset matrix (called O in the model). Will usually be extracted from the corresponding field in PLNfamily-class
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which PLN is called.
#' @param weights an optional vector of observation weights to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param nullModel null model used for approximate R2 computations. Defaults to a GLM model with same design matrix but not latent variable.
#' @param formula model formula used for fitting, extracted from the formula in the upper-level call
#' @param control a list for controlling the optimization. See details.
#' @param config part of the \code{control} argument which configures the optimizer
#' @rdname PLNfit_fixedcov
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
#' class(myPLN)
#' print(myPLN)
#' }
PLNfit_fixedcov <- R6Class(
  classname = "PLNfit_fixedcov",
  inherit = PLNfit,
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  public  = list(
    #' @description Initialize a [`PLNfit`] model
    initialize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control) {
      super$initialize(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, formula, control)
      private$optimizer$main <- ifelse(control$backend == "nlopt", nlopt_optimize_fixed, private$torch_optimize)
      ## ve step is the same as in the fully parameterized covariance
      private$Omega <- control$Omega
    #' @description Call to the NLopt or TORCH optimizer and update of the relevant fields
    optimize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, config) {
      args <- list(data   = list(Y = responses, X = covariates, O = offsets, w = weights),
                   params = list(B = private$B, M = private$M, S = private$S, Omega = private$Omega),
                   config = config)
      optim_out <- do.call(private$optimizer$main, args)
      do.call(self$update, optim_out)
      private$Sigma <- solve(optim_out$Omega)

    #' @description Update R2, fisher and std_err fields after optimization
    #' @param config_post a list for controlling the post-treatments (optional bootstrap, jackknife, R2, etc.). See details
    #' @param config_optim a list for controlling the optimization parameter. See details
    #' @details The list of parameters `config` controls the post-treatment processing, with the following entries:
    #' * trace integer for verbosity. should be > 1 to see output in post-treatments
    #' * jackknife boolean indicating whether jackknife should be performed to evaluate bias and variance of the model parameters. Default is FALSE.
    #' * bootstrap integer indicating the number of bootstrap resamples generated to evaluate the variance of the model parameters. Default is 0 (inactivated).
    #' * variational_var boolean indicating whether variational Fisher information matrix should be computed to estimate the variance of the model parameters (highly underestimated). Default is FALSE.
    #' * rsquared boolean indicating whether approximation of R2 based on deviance should be computed. Default is TRUE
    postTreatment = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights = rep(1, nrow(responses)), config_post, config_optim, nullModel = NULL) {
      super$postTreatment(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, config_post, config_optim, nullModel)
      ## 6. compute and store matrix of standard variances for B with sandwich correction approximation
      if (config_post$sandwich_var) {
        if(config_post$trace > 1) cat("\n\tComputing sandwich estimator of the variance...")
        private$vcov_sandwich_B(responses, covariates)
  private = list(
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    torch_elbo = function(data, params, index=torch_tensor(1:self$n)) {
      S2 <- torch_square(params$S[index])
      Z <- data$O[index] + params$M[index] + torch_mm(data$X[index], params$B)
      res <- sum(data$w) * torch_trace(torch_mm(private$torch_Sigma(data, params, index), private$torch_Omega(data, params))) +
        sum(data$w[index,NULL] * (torch_exp(Z + .5 * S2) - data$Y[index] * Z - .5 * torch_log(S2)))

    torch_Omega = function(data, params) {
      params$Omega <- torch_tensor(private$Omega)

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    variance_jackknife = function(Y, X, O, w, config = config_default_nlopt) {
      jacks <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_len(self$n), function(i) {
        data <- list(Y = Y[-i, , drop = FALSE],
                     X = X[-i, , drop = FALSE],
                     O = O[-i, , drop = FALSE],
                     w = w[-i])
        args <- list(data = data,
                     # params = list(B = private$B, Omega = private$Omega, M = private$M[-i, ], S = private$S[-i, ]),
                     params = do.call(compute_PLN_starting_point, data),
                     config = config)
        optim_out <- do.call(private$optimizer$main, args)
        optim_out[c("B", "Omega")]
      }, future.seed = TRUE)

      B_jack <- jacks %>% map("B") %>% reduce(`+`) / self$n
      var_jack   <- jacks %>% map("B") %>% map(~( (. - B_jack)^2)) %>% reduce(`+`) %>%
      B_hat  <- private$B[,] ## strips attributes while preserving names
      attr(private$B, "bias") <- (self$n - 1) * (B_jack - B_hat)
      attr(private$B, "variance_jackknife") <- (self$n - 1) / self$n * var_jack

    vcov_sandwich_B = function(Y, X) {
      getMat_iCnB <- function(i) {
        a_i   <- as.numeric(private$A[i, ])
        s2_i  <- as.numeric(private$S[i, ]**2)
        # omega <- as.numeric(1/diag(private$Sigma))
        # diag_mat_i <- diag(1/a_i + s2_i^2 / (1 + s2_i * (a_i + omega)))
        diag_mat_i <- diag(1/a_i + .5 * s2_i^2)
        solve(private$Sigma + diag_mat_i)
      YmA <- Y - private$A
      Dn <- matrix(0, self$d*self$p, self$d*self$p)
      Cn <- matrix(0, self$d*self$p, self$d*self$p)
      for (i in 1:self$n) {
        xxt_i <- tcrossprod(X[i, ])
        Cn <- Cn - kronecker(getMat_iCnB(i) , xxt_i) / (self$n)
        Dn <- Dn + kronecker(tcrossprod(YmA[i,]), xxt_i) / (self$n)
      Cn_inv <- solve(Cn)
      dim_names <- dimnames(attr(private$B, "vcov_variational"))
      vcov_sand <- ((Cn_inv %*% Dn %*% Cn_inv) / self$n) %>% `dimnames<-`(dim_names)
      attr(private$B, "vcov_sandwich") <- vcov_sand
      attr(private$B, "variance_sandwich") <- matrix(diag(vcov_sand), nrow = self$d, ncol = self$p,
                                                         dimnames = dimnames(private$B))
  active = list(
    #' @field nb_param number of parameters in the current PLN model
    nb_param   = function() {as.integer(self$p * self$d)},
    #' @field vcov_model character: the model used for the residual covariance
    vcov_model = function() {"fixed"},
    #' @field vcov_coef matrix of sandwich estimator of the variance-covariance of B (needs known covariance at the moment)
    vcov_coef = function() {attr(private$B, "vcov_sandwich")}
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ##  END OF THE CLASS PLNfit_fixedcov
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
##  CLASS PLNfit_genetprior ############################
# ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# #' An R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general framework, with residual covariance modelling
# #' motivatived by population genetics
# #'
# #' @inherit PLNfit
# #' @rdname PLNfit_genetprior
# #' @importFrom R6 R6Class
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' data(trichoptera)
# #' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
# #' myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
# #' class(myPLN)
# #' print(myPLN)
# #' }
# PLNfit_genetprior <- R6Class(
#   classname = "PLNfit_genetprior",
#   inherit = PLNfit,
#   ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#   ## PUBLIC MEMBERS ----
#   ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#   public  = list(
# #' @description Call to the NLopt or TORCH optimizer and update of the relevant fields
# optimize = function(responses, covariates, offsets, weights, control) {
#   args <- list(Y = responses,
#                X = covariates,
#                O = offsets,
#                w = weights,
#                params = list(B = private$B, M = private$M, S = private$S))
#   if (self$vcov_model == "genetic") {
#     args$params$rho = 0.25
#     args$C <- control$corr_matrix
#   }
#   if (self$vcov_model == "fixed") {
#     args$Omega <- private$Omega
#   }
#   if (control$backend == "nlopt")
#     optim_out <- do.call(nlopt_optimizexxx, c(args, list(config = control$options_nlopt)))
#   else {
#     ## initialize torch with nlopt
#     optim_out <- self$optimize_nlopt(c(args, list(config = control$options_nlopt)))
#     args$params = list(B = optim_out$B, M = optim_out$M, S = optim_out$S)
#     optim_out <- self$optimize_torch(c(args, list(config = control$options_torch)))
#   }
#   private$B <- optim_out$B
#   private$M     <- optim_out$M
#   private$S     <- optim_out$S
#   private$Z     <- optim_out$Z
#   private$A     <- optim_out$A
#   private$monitoring <- list(iterations = optim_out$iterations, message = status_to_message(optim_out$status))
#   self$update_Sigma(args$w)
#   self$update_loglik(args$w, args$Y)
# },
#     update_Sigma = function(weights) {
#       w_bar <- sum(weights)
#       private$Sigma <- switch(self$vcov_model,
#                               "spherical" = Matrix::Diagonal(self$p, sum(crossprod(weights, private$M^2 + private$S^2)) / (self$p * w_bar)),
#                               "diagonal"  = Matrix::Diagonal(self$p, crossprod(weights, private$M^2 + private$S^2)/ w_bar),
#                               "full"      = (crossprod(private$M, weights * private$M) + diag(as.numeric(crossprod(weights, private$S^2)))) / w_bar,
#                               "fixed"     = solve(private$Omega)
#       )
#       private$Omega <- switch(self$vcov_model,
#                               "fixed"     = private$Omega, solve(private$Sigma)
#                               # "genetic    = private$Omega, solve(private$Sigma)
#       )
#       # if (self$vcov_model == "genetic")
#       #   private$psi <- list(sigma2 = optim_out$sigma2, rho = optim_out$rho)
#     },
#     update_loglik = function(weights, Y) {
#       KY  <- .5 * self$p - rowSums(.logfactorial(Y))
#       S2 <- private$S**2
#       Ji <- as.numeric(
#         .5 * determinant(private$Omega, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus + KY +
#           rowSums(Y * private$Z - private$A + .5 * log(private$S^2) -
#                     .5 * ( (private$M %*% private$Omega) * private$M + sweep(private$S^2, 2, diag(private$Omega), '*')))
#       )
#       attr(Ji, "weights") <- weights
#       private$Ji <- Ji
#     },
#   ),
# active = list(
#   #' @field nb_param number of parameters in the current PLN model
#   nb_param   = function() {as.integer(self$p * self$d + 2)},
#   #' @field vcov_model character: the model used for the residual covariance
#   vcov_model = function() {"genetic"},
# #' @field gen_par a list with two parameters, sigma2 and rho, only used with the genetic covariance model
# gen_par    = function() {private$psi},
# ),
# private = list(
#   psi        = NA, # parameters for genetic model of covariance
# )
#   ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#   ##  END OF THE CLASS PLNfit_genetprior
#   ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# )
jchiquet/PLNmodels documentation built on April 14, 2024, 12:09 a.m.