
#' Build the site
#' \code{wflow_build} builds the website from the files in the analysis
#' directory. This is intended to be used when developing your code to preview
#' the changes. When you are ready to commit the files, use
#' \code{\link{wflow_publish}}.
#' \code{wflow_build} has multiple, non-mutually exclusive options for deciding
#' which files to build. In other words, if multiple options are set to
#' \code{TRUE}, the union of all files will be built:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Files specified via the argument \code{files} are always built.
#' \item If \code{make = TRUE}, all files which have been modified more recently
#' than their corresponding HTML files will be built.
#' \item If \code{update = TRUE}, all files which have been committed more
#' recently than their corresponding HTML files will be built. However, files
#' which currently have staged or unstaged changes will be ignored.
#' \item If \code{republish = TRUE}, all published files will be rebuilt.
#' }
#' Under the hood, \code{wflow_build} is a wrapper for
#' \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render_site}} from the package \link{rmarkdown}.
#' @param files character (default: NULL). Files to build. Only allows files in
#'   the analysis directory with the extension Rmd or rmd. If \code{files} is
#'   \code{NULL}, the default behavior is to build all outdated files (see
#'   argument \code{make} below). Supports file
#'   \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)}{globbing}.
#' @param make logical (default: \code{is.null(files)}). When \code{make =
#'   TRUE}, build any files that have been modified more recently than their
#'   corresponding HTML files (inspired by
#'   \href{https://www.gnu.org/software/make/}{GNU Make}). This is the default
#'   action if no files are specified.
#' @param update logical (default: FALSE). Build any files that have been
#'   committed more recently than their corresponding HTML files (and do not
#'   have any unstaged or staged changes). This ensures that the commit version
#'   ID inserted into the HTML corresponds to the exact version of the source
#'   file that was used to produce it.
#' @param republish logical (default: FALSE). Build all published R Markdown
#'   files. Useful for site-wide changes like updating the theme, navigation
#'   bar, or any other setting in \code{_site.yml}.
#' @param view logical (default: \code{\link{interactive}}). View the website
#'   with \code{\link{wflow_view}} after building files. If only one file is
#'   built, it is opened. If more than one file is built, the main index page is
#'   opened. Not applicable if no files are built or if \code{dry_run = TRUE}.
#' @param seed numeric (default: 12345). The seed to set before building each
#'   file. Passed to \code{\link{set.seed}}.
#' @param log_dir character (default: NULL). The directory to save log files
#'   from building files. It will be created if necessary and ignored if
#'   \code{local = TRUE}. The default is to use a directory named
#'   \code{workflowr} in \code{\link{tempdir}}.
#' @param local logical (default: FALSE). Build files locally in the R console.
#'   This should only be used for debugging purposes. The default is to build
#'   each file in its own separate fresh R process to ensure each file is
#'   reproducible in isolation.
#' @param dry_run logical (default: FALSE). List the files to be built, without
#'   building them.
#' @inheritParams wflow_commit
#' @return An object of class \code{wflow_build}, which is a list with the
#'   following elements:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item \bold{files}: The input argument \code{files}
#'    \item \bold{make}: The input argument \code{make}
#'    \item \bold{update}: The input argument \code{update}
#'    \item \bold{republish}: The input argument \code{republish}
#'    \item \bold{view}: The input argument \code{view}
#'    \item \bold{seed}: The input argument \code{seed}
#'    \item \bold{log_dir}: The directory where the log files were saved
#'    \item \bold{local}: The input argument \code{local}
#'    \item \bold{dry_run}: The input argument \code{dry_run}
#'    \item \bold{built}: The relative paths to the built R Markdown files
#'    \item \bold{html}: The relative paths to the corresponding HTML files
#'  }
#' @seealso \code{\link{wflow_publish}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Build any files which have modified
#' wflow_build() # equivalent to wflow_build(make = TRUE)
#' # Build a single file
#' wflow_build("file.Rmd")
#' # Build multiple files
#' wflow_build(c("file1.Rmd", "file2.Rmd"))
#' # Build multiple files using a file glob
#' wflow_build("file*.Rmd")
#' # Build every published file
#' wflow_build(republish = TRUE)
#' # Build file.Rmd and any files which have been modified
#' wflow_build("file.Rmd", make = TRUE)
#' }
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @export
wflow_build <- function(files = NULL, make = is.null(files),
                        update = FALSE, republish = FALSE, view = interactive(),
                        seed = 12345, log_dir = NULL,
                        local = FALSE, dry_run = FALSE, project = ".") {

  # Check input arguments ------------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(files)) {
    if (!(is.character(files) && length(files) > 0))
      stop("files must be NULL or a character vector of filenames")
    if (any(dir.exists(files)))
      stop("files cannot include a path to a directory")
    files <- glob(files)
    if (!all(file.exists(files)))
      stop("Not all files exist. Check the paths to the files")
    # Change filepaths to relative paths
    files <- relative(files)
    # Check for valid file extensions
    ext <- tools::file_ext(files)
    ext_wrong <- !(ext %in% c("Rmd", "rmd"))
    if (any(ext_wrong))
      stop(wrap("File extensions must be either Rmd or rmd."))

  if (!(is.logical(make) && length(make) == 1))
    stop("make must be a one-element logical vector")

  if (!(is.logical(update) && length(update) == 1))
    stop("update must be a one-element logical vector")

  if (!(is.logical(republish) && length(republish) == 1))
    stop("republish must be a one-element logical vector")

  if (!(is.logical(view) && length(view) == 1))
    stop("view must be a one-element logical vector")

  if (!(is.numeric(seed) && length(seed) == 1))
    stop("seed must be a one element numeric vector")

  if (is.null(log_dir)) {
    log_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "workflowr")
  } else if (!(is.character(log_dir) && length(log_dir) == 1)) {
    stop("log_dir must be NULL or a one element character vector")
  log_dir <- absolute(log_dir)
  dir.create(log_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  if (!(is.logical(local) && length(local) == 1))
    stop("local must be a one-element logical vector")

  if (!(is.logical(dry_run) && length(dry_run) == 1))
    stop("dry_run must be a one-element logical vector")

  if (!(is.character(project) && length(project) == 1))
    stop("project must be a one-element character vector")

  if (!dir.exists(project)) {
    stop("project directory does not exist.")

  project <- absolute(project)

  # Obtain files to consider ---------------------------------------------------

  p <- wflow_paths(project = project)
  # All files to consider (ignore files that start with an underscore)
  files_all <- list.files(path = p$analysis, pattern = "^[^_].*\\.[Rr]md$",
                          full.names = TRUE)
  files_all <- relative(files_all)

  # All files must be in the analysis subdirectory. Since it's possible to
  # directly pass a file that starts with an underscore, the file may not be in
  # files_all.
  if (!is.null(files)) {
    if (!all(dirname(files) == p$analysis)) {
      "Only files in the analysis directory can be built with wflow_build. Use
      `rmarkdown::render` to build non-workflowr files."))

  # Determine which files to build ---------------------------------------------

  files_to_build <- files
  if (make) {
    files_make <- return_modified_rmd(files_all, p$docs)
    files_to_build <- union(files_to_build, files_make)

  if (update || republish) {
    s <- wflow_status(project = project)
    if (update) {
      files_update <- rownames(s$status)[s$status$mod_committed &
                                        !s$status$mod_unstaged &
      files_to_build <- union(files_to_build, files_update)
    if (republish) {
      files_republish <- rownames(s$status)[s$status$published]
      files_to_build <- union(files_to_build, files_republish)

  # Build files ----------------------------------------------------------------

  if (!dry_run) {
    for (f in files_to_build) {
      message("Building ", f)
      # Remove figure files to prevent accumulating outdated files
      figs_analysis <- file.path(p$analysis, "figure", basename(f))
      unlink(figs_analysis, recursive = TRUE)
      figs_docs <- file.path(p$docs, "figure", basename(f))
      unlink(figs_docs, recursive = TRUE)
      if (local) {
        build_rmd(f, seed = seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)
      } else {
        build_rmd_external(f, seed = seed, log_dir = log_dir, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  # View files -----------------------------------------------------------------

  # When 0 files are built, wflow_build() will do nothing.
  # When 1 file is built, wflow_build() will open that file.
  # When 1+ files are built, wflow_build() will open index.html.
  if (!dry_run && view) {
    n_files_to_build <- length(files_to_build)
    if (n_files_to_build == 1) {
      wflow_view(files_to_build, project = project)
    } else if (n_files_to_build > 1) {
      index <- file.path(p$analysis, "index.Rmd")
      wflow_view(index, project = project)

  # Prepare output -------------------------------------------------------------

  o <- list(files = files, make = make,
            update = update, republish = republish, view = view,
            seed = seed, log_dir = log_dir,
            local = local, dry_run = dry_run,
            built = files_to_build,
            html = to_html(files_to_build, outdir = p$docs))
  class(o) <- "wflow_build"


#' @export
print.wflow_build <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Summary from wflow_build\n\n")
  cat("  seed:", x$seed)
  if (x$make) cat(", make: TRUE")
  if (x$update) cat(", update: TRUE")
  if (x$republish) cat(", republish: TRUE")

  if (length(x$built) == 0) {
    cat(wrap("No files to build"))

  if (x$dry_run & x$local) {
    cat(wrap("The following would be built locally in the current R session:"),
  } else if (!x$dry_run & x$local) {
    cat(wrap("The following were built locally in the current R session:"),
  } else if (x$dry_run & !x$local) {
    cat(wrap("The following would be built externally each in their own fresh R session:"),
  } else if (!x$dry_run & !x$local) {
    cat(wrap("The following were built externally each in their own fresh R session:"),
  cat(x$html, sep = "\n")
  if (!x$dry_run & !x$local) {
    cat(wrap(sprintf("Log files saved in %s", x$log_dir)))


# Return the R Markdown files which have been modified more recently than their
# corresponding HTML files.
# Input: character. path to R Markdown files in analysis directory
return_modified_rmd <- function(rmd_files, docs) {

  # Expected html files
  html_files <- to_html(rmd_files, outdir = docs)

  # Determine which R Markdown files have been updated and need to be rendered
  files_to_update <- character()
  for (i in seq_along(rmd_files)) {
    rmd_timestamp <- file.mtime(rmd_files[i])
    html_timestamp <- file.mtime(html_files[i])
    if (is.na(html_timestamp)) {
      files_to_update <- c(files_to_update, rmd_files[i])
    } else if (rmd_timestamp > html_timestamp) {
      files_to_update <- c(files_to_update, rmd_files[i])


build_rmd_external <- function(rmd, seed, log_dir, ...) {
  if (!(is.character(rmd) && length(rmd) == 1))
    stop("rmd must be a one element character vector")
  if (!file.exists(rmd))
    stop("rmd does not exist: ", rmd)
  if (!(is.numeric(seed) && length(seed) == 1))
    stop("seed must be a one element numeric vector")
  if (!(is.character(log_dir) && length(log_dir) == 1))
    stop("log_dir must be a one element character vector")
  if (!dir.exists(log_dir)) {
    dir.create(log_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    message("log directory created: ", log_dir)

  rmd_base <- basename(rmd)
  date_current <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%Hh-%Mm-%Ss")
  stdout_file <- file.path(log_dir,
                           paste(rmd_base, date_current, "out.txt", sep = "-"))
  stderr_file <- file.path(log_dir,
                           paste(rmd_base, date_current, "err.txt", sep = "-"))
  result <- tryCatch(
                  args = list(rmd, seed, ...),
                  stdout = stdout_file,
                  stderr = stderr_file),
    error = function(e) {
      message(wrap("Build failed. See log files for full details."))
      message("stdout: ", stdout_file)
      message("stderr: ", stderr_file)
      stdout_lines <- readLines(stdout_file)
      n <- length(stdout_lines)
      # Print the final 10 lines of standard out to give context to error
      cat(stdout_lines[pmax(1, n - 10):n], sep = "\n")
      stop(e$message, call. = FALSE)

build_rmd <- function(rmd, seed, ...) {
  if (!(is.character(rmd) && length(rmd) == 1))
    stop("rmd must be a one element character vector")
  if (!(is.numeric(seed) && length(seed) == 1))
    stop("seed must be a one element numeric vector")
  if (!file.exists(rmd))
    stop("rmd must exist")

  rmarkdown::render_site(rmd, ...)
jdblischak/workflowrBeta documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:28 p.m.