
#' Use variance of smoothed  permutation test statistics to define interval endpoints
#' @description Use variance of smoothed  permutation test statistics to define interval endpoints.
#' Intervals are placed so that high variance regions are separated from each other and from low variance
#' regions.
#' @param vv Variance of smoothed permutation test statistics
#' @param pos Position vector. Should be the same length as vv
#' @param min_length Minimum interval length
#' @param q Quantile for upper limit for definition of high variance region.
#' @return 2 by K matrix listing interval endpoints.
find_segments <- function(vv, pos, min_length, q=0.05){
  stopifnot(all(vv >= 0))
  z0 <- quantile(vv, 0.5)
  z <- quantile(vv, 1-q)
  p <- length(pos)
  stopifnot(length(vv)==p )
  ivls <- excursions(vv, z0)
  #Max stat value inside each excurion
  bpoints <- apply(ivls, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(iv){
    m <- max(vv[iv[1]:iv[2]])
    if(m >= z) return(iv)
  bpoints <- unlist(bpoints)
  bp <- matrix(bpoints, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  bp[,1] <- pos[bp[,1]]
  bp[,2] <- pos[bp[,2]]

  strts <- c(pos[1])
  stps <- c()
  i <- 1
  n <- 1
  while(max(stps, warn=FALSE) < pos[p]){
    min.end <- strts[i] + min_length-1
    if(any(strts[i] <= bp[,1] & min.end >= bp[,1])){
      #Interval contains high variance regions
      #Make interval as short as possible
      if(any(bp[,1] <= min.end & bp[,2] >=min.end)){
        ix <- which(bp[,1] <= min.end & bp[,2] >=min.end)
        stps[i] <- bp[ix, 2]+1
        stps[i] <- min.end
      #There are no high variance regions in this interval. Make the interval as long as possible
      if(all(bp[,2] <= strts[i])){
        stps[i] <- pos[p]
        ix <- min(which(bp[,1] >= min.end))
        stps[i] <- bp[ix,2]-1
    i <- i+1
    strts[i] <- stps[i-1]+1
  strts <- strts[-i]
  i <- i-1
  if(strts[i]-stps[i]+1 < min_length){
    strts <- strts[-i]
    stps <- stps[-i]
    i <- i-1
    stps[i] <- pos[p]
  return(data.frame("start"=strts, "stop"=stps))
jean997/fret documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:43 p.m.