
## Prepare fit by EPP regions
#' @param pjnz file path to Spectrum PJNZ file.
#' @param proj.end end year for projection.
#' @param popupdate logical should target population be updated to match
#'   age-specific population size from DP file and %Urban from EPP XML.
prepare_spec_fit <- function(pjnz, proj.end=2016.5, popadjust = TRUE, popupdate=TRUE){

  ## epp
  eppd <- read_epp_data(pjnz)
  epp.subp <- read_epp_subpops(pjnz)
  epp.input <- read_epp_input(pjnz)

  epp.subp.input <- fnCreateEPPSubpops(epp.input, epp.subp, eppd)

  ## spectrum
  demp <- read_specdp_demog_param(pjnz)
  projp <- read_hivproj_param(pjnz)
  epp_t0 <- read_epp_t0(pjnz)

  ## If Urban/Rural fit, read percentage urban from EPP XML file
  if(length(eppd) == 2 && all(sort(substr(names(eppd), 1, 1)) == c("R", "U")))
    perc_urban <- read_epp_perc_urban(pjnz) / 100
    perc_urban <- NULL
  specfp.subp <- create_subpop_specfp(projp, demp, eppd, proj_end=proj.end, epp_t0=epp_t0,
                                      popadjust = popadjust, popupdate = popupdate, perc_urban = perc_urban)

  ## output
  val <- setNames(vector("list", length(eppd)), names(eppd))

  set.list.attr <- function(obj, attrib, value.lst)
    mapply(function(set, value){ attributes(set)[[attrib]] <- value; set}, obj, value.lst)

  val <- set.list.attr(val, "eppd", eppd)
  val <- set.list.attr(val, "eppfp", lapply(epp.subp.input, fnCreateEPPFixPar, proj.end = proj.end))
  val <- set.list.attr(val, "specfp", specfp.subp)
  val <- set.list.attr(val, "country", attr(eppd, "country"))
  val <- set.list.attr(val, "region", names(eppd))


create_subpop_specfp <- function(projp, demp, eppd, epp_t0=setNames(rep(1975, length(eppd)), names(eppd)), ..., popadjust=TRUE, popupdate=TRUE, perc_urban=NULL){

  country <- attr(eppd, "country")
  country_code <- attr(eppd, "country_code")

  ## Update demp for subpopulation 
  demp.subpop <- list()
  for(subpop in names(eppd)){
    ## if(country != "Malawi")
    strsubp <- if(subpop %in% c("Urbain", "Urbaine", "Urban")) "U"
               else if(subpop %in%  c("Rural", "Rurale")) "R"
               else subpop  # bloody French...
    demp.subpop[[subpop]] <- demp
    if (popadjust) {
      demp.subpop[[subpop]]$basepop <- subp[[grep(paste0("^", country_code, "_"), names(subp))]][[strsubp]][,,dimnames(demp$basepop)[[3]]]
      demp.subpop[[subpop]]$netmigr[] <- 0

  ## Compare demp population with subpopulations
  ann_aggr_subpop <- colSums(Reduce("+", lapply(demp.subpop, "[[", "basepop")),,2)
  ann_demp_bp <- colSums(demp$basepop,,2)
  if(any(abs(ann_aggr_subpop[names(ann_demp_bp)] / ann_demp_bp - 1.0) > 0.05))
    warning(paste("National popultion population differs from aggregated subpopulations >5%:", country))

    ## Rake subpopulation size to match DP population by age and sex, and area
    ## population distribution.

    if(!all(sapply(lapply(lapply(demp.subpop, "[[", "basepop"), dim),
                   identical, dim(demp$basepop))))
      stop(paste("Dimensions of basepop do not match subpopulation dimensions:",
                 attr(eppd, "country")))

    subpops <- do.call(abind::abind, c(lapply(demp.subpop, "[[", "basepop"), along=4))
    ## adjusted population sizes
      areapop <- colSums(demp$basepop,,2) * cbind(Urban=perc_urban, Rural=1-perc_urban)
      areapop <- colSums(demp$basepop,,2) * prop.table(colSums(subpops,,2), 1)        
    agesexpop <- demp$basepop

    ## Iteratively rescale population until difference < 0.1%
    while(any(abs(rowSums(subpops,,3) / agesexpop - 1.0) > 0.001)){
      ## Scale supopulation size to match national population by age/sex
      subpops <- subpops <- sweep(subpops, 1:3, agesexpop / rowSums(subpops,,3), "*")
      ## Scale subpopulations to match subpopulation distribution
      subpops <- sweep(subpops, 3:4, areapop / colSums(subpops,,2), "*")

    for(subpop in names(demp.subpop))
      demp.subpop[[subpop]]$basepop <- subpops[,,,subpop]

  ## Apportion ART
  ## If national survey data are available, apportion ART according to relative average HH survey prevalence in each subpopulation,
  ## If no HH survey, apportion based on relative mean ANC prevalence

  get15to49pop <- function(demp, year) sum(demp$basepop[as.character(15:49),,as.character(year)])
  subpop.dist <- prop.table(sapply(demp.subpop, get15to49pop, 2010))
  if(nrow(subset(eppd[[1]]$hhs, used)) != 0){ # HH survey data available
    hhsprev.means <- sapply(lapply(eppd, function(dat) na.omit(dat$hhs$prev[dat$hhs$used])), mean)
    art.dist <- prop.table(subpop.dist * hhsprev.means)
  } else {  ## no HH survey data
    ## Apportion ART according to relative average ANC prevalence in each subpopulation
    ancprev.means <- sapply(lapply(eppd, "[[", "anc.prev"), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    art.dist <- prop.table(subpop.dist * ancprev.means)

  ## Update projp for subpopulation
  projp.subpop <- list()
  for(subpop in names(eppd)){
    projp.subpop[[subpop]] <- projp
    isartnum <- projp$art15plus_numperc == 0
    projp.subpop[[subpop]]$art15plus_num[isartnum] <- projp$art15plus_num[isartnum] * art.dist[subpop]

  specfp.subpop <- list()
  for(subpop in names(eppd))
    specfp.subpop[[subpop]] <- create_spectrum_fixpar(projp.subpop[[subpop]], demp.subpop[[subpop]], ..., popadjust=popadjust, time_epi_start=epp_t0[subpop])


## Prepare national fit. Aggregates ANC data from regional EPP files.
prepare_national_fit <- function(pjnz, upd.path=NULL, proj.end=2013.5, hiv_steps_per_year = 10L){

  ## spectrum
    demp <- read_demog_param(upd.path)
    demp <- read_specdp_demog_param(pjnz)
  projp <- read_hivproj_param(pjnz)
  epp_t0 <- read_epp_t0(pjnz)

  specfp <- create_spectrum_fixpar(projp, demp, proj_end = as.integer(proj.end), time_epi_start = epp_t0[1], hiv_steps_per_year= hiv_steps_per_year)  # Set time_epi_start to match first EPP population

  ## epp
  eppd <- read_epp_data(pjnz)
  epp.subp <- read_epp_subpops(pjnz)
  epp.input <- read_epp_input(pjnz)

  ## output
  val <- setNames(vector("list", length(eppd)), names(eppd))
  val <- list()

  attr(val, "eppd") <- list(anc.used = do.call(c, lapply(eppd, "[[", "anc.used")),
                            anc.prev = do.call(rbind, lapply(eppd, "[[", "anc.prev")),
                            anc.n = do.call(rbind, lapply(eppd, "[[", "anc.n")))
  attr(val, "likdat") <- list(anclik.dat = with(attr(val, "eppd"), anclik::fnPrepareANCLikelihoodData(anc.prev, anc.n, anc.used, projp$yr_start)))
  attr(val, "likdat")$lastdata.idx <- max(unlist(attr(val, "likdat")$anclik.dat$anc.idx.lst),
                                          unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(eppd, "[[", "hhs"), epp:::fnPrepareHHSLikData, projp$yr_start), "[[", "idx")))
  attr(val, "likdat")$firstdata.idx <- min(unlist(attr(val, "likdat")$anclik.dat$anc.idx.lst),
                                           unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(eppd, "[[", "hhs"), epp:::fnPrepareHHSLikData, projp$yr_start), "[[", "idx")))
  attr(val, "specfp") <- specfp
  attr(val, "eppfp") <- fnCreateEPPFixPar(epp.input, proj.end = proj.end)
  attr(val, "country") <- attr(eppd, "country")


fitmod <- function(obj, ..., epp=FALSE, B0 = 1e5, B = 1e4, B.re = 3000, number_k = 500, D=0, opt_iter=0,

  ## ... : updates to fixed parameters (fp) object to specify fitting options

    fp <- update(attr(obj, 'eppfp'), ...)
    fp <- update(attr(obj, 'specfp'), ...)

  ## Prepare likelihood data
  eppd <- attr(obj, "eppd")
  if(exists("ancrt", fp) && fp$ancrt == "none")
    eppd$ancrtcens <- eppd$ancrtsite.prev <- eppd$ancrtsite.n <- NULL
  else if(exists("ancrt", fp) && fp$ancrt == "census")
    eppd$ancrtsite.prev <- eppd$ancrtsite.n <- NULL
  else if(exists("ancrt", fp) && fp$ancrt == "site")
    eppd$ancrtcens <- NULL

  if(is.null(eppd$ancrtcens) && is.null(eppd$ancrtsite.prev)){
    fp$ancrt <- "none"
    fp$ancrtsite.beta <- 0
  } else if(!is.null(eppd$ancrtcens) && is.null(eppd$ancrtsite.prev)){
    fp$ancrt <- "census"
    fp$ancrtsite.beta <- 0
  } else if(!is.null(eppd$ancrtcens) && is.null(eppd$ancrtsite.prev))
    fp$ancrt <- "site"
    fp$ancrt <- "both"

  likdat <- fnCreateLikDat(eppd, floor(fp$proj.steps[1]))

  ## If IMIS fails, start again
  fit <- try(stop(""), TRUE)
  while(inherits(fit, "try-error")){
    start.time <- proc.time()
    fit <- try(IMIS(B0, B, B.re, number_k, D, opt_iter, fp=fp, likdat=likdat,
                    sample.prior=sample.prior, prior=prior, likelihood=likelihood))
    fit.time <- proc.time() - start.time
  fit$fp <- fp
  fit$likdat <- likdat
  fit$time <- fit.time

    class(fit) <- "eppfit"
    class(fit) <- "specfit"


## simulate incidence and prevalence
simfit.specfit <- function(fit, rwproj=fit$fp$eppmod == "rspline", ageprevdat=FALSE, agegr3=FALSE, aidsdeaths=FALSE, pregprev=TRUE, entrantprev=TRUE){
  fit$param <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(fit$resample)), function(ii) fnCreateParam(fit$resample[ii,], fit$fp))

    if(exists("eppmod", where=fit$fp) && fit$fp$eppmod == "rtrend")
      stop("Random-walk projection is only used with r-spline model")

    ## fit$rvec.spline <- sapply(fit$param, "[[", "rvec")
    firstidx <- which(fit$fp$proj.steps == fit$fp$tsEpidemicStart)
    lastidx <- (fit$likdat$lastdata.idx-1)*fit$fp$ss$hiv_steps_per_year+1

    ## replace rvec with random-walk simulated rvec
    fit$param <- lapply(fit$param, function(par){par$rvec <- epp:::sim_rvec_rwproj(par$rvec, firstidx, lastidx, 1/fit$fp$ss$hiv_steps_per_year); par})
  fp.list <- lapply(fit$param, function(par) update(fit$fp, list=par))
  mod.list <- lapply(fp.list, simmod)
  fit$rvec <- sapply(mod.list, attr, "rvec_ts")
  fit$prev <- sapply(mod.list, prev)
  fit$incid <- mapply(incid, mod = mod.list, fp = fp.list)
  fit$popsize <- sapply(mod.list, colSums, dims=3)

    fit$pregprev <- sapply(mod.list, fnPregPrev)

    fit$entrantprev <- sapply(mod.list, attr, "entrantprev")

    fit$ageprevdat <- sapply(mod.list, ageprev, arridx=fit$likdat$hhsage.dat$arridx, agspan=5)

    fit$agegr3prev <- lapply(mod.list, ageprev, aidx=c(15, 25, 35)-fit$fp$ss$AGE_START+1L, sidx=1:2,
                             yidx=(1999-fit$fp$ss$proj_start+1L):fit$fp$ss$PROJ_YEARS, agspan=c(10, 10, 15))
    fit$agegr3prev <- do.call(abind::abind, c(fit$agegr3prev, along=4))

    fit$aidsdeaths <- sapply(lapply(mod.list, attr, "hivdeaths"), colSums, dims=2)

sim_mod_list <- function(fit, rwproj=fit$fp$eppmod == "rspline"){

  fit$param <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(fit$resample)), function(ii) fnCreateParam(fit$resample[ii,], fit$fp))

    if(exists("eppmod", where=fit$fp) && fit$fp$eppmod == "rtrend")
      stop("Random-walk projection is only used with r-spline model")

    dt <- if(inherits(fit$fp, "eppfp")) fit$fp$dt else 1.0/fit$fp$ss$hiv_steps_per_year
    fit$rvec.spline <- sapply(fit$param, "[[", "rvec")
    firstidx <- which(fit$fp$proj.steps == fit$fp$tsEpidemicStart)
    lastidx <- (fit$likdat$lastdata.idx-1)/dt+1

    ## replace rvec with random-walk simulated rvec
    fit$param <- lapply(fit$param, function(par){par$rvec <- epp:::sim_rvec_rwproj(par$rvec, firstidx, lastidx, dt); par})
  fp.list <- lapply(fit$param, function(par) update(fit$fp, list=par))
  mod.list <- lapply(fp.list, simmod)

  ## strip unneeded attributes to preserve memory
  mod.list <- lapply(mod.list, function(mod){ attributes(mod)[!names(attributes(mod)) %in% c("class", "dim", "infections", "hivdeaths", "natdeaths", "rvec", "popadjust")] <- NULL; mod})


## ' aggregate lists of model fits 
aggr_specfit <- function(fitlist, rwproj=sapply(fitlist, function(x) x$fp$eppmod) == "rspline"){
  allmod <- parallel::mcmapply(sim_mod_list, fitlist, rwproj, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

  modaggr <- lapply(do.call(mapply, c(FUN=list, allmod, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)), Reduce, f="+")
  infectionsaggr <- lapply(do.call(mapply, c(FUN=list, lapply(allmod, lapply, attr, "infections"), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)), Reduce, f="+")
  hivdeathsaggr <- lapply(do.call(mapply, c(FUN=list, lapply(allmod, lapply, attr, "hivdeaths"), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)), Reduce, f="+")
  natdeathsaggr <- lapply(do.call(mapply, c(FUN=list, lapply(allmod, lapply, attr, "natdeaths"), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)), Reduce, f="+")
  modaggr <- mapply("attr<-", modaggr, "infections", infectionsaggr, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  modaggr <- mapply("attr<-", modaggr, "hivdeaths", hivdeathsaggr, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  modaggr <- mapply("attr<-", modaggr, "natdeaths", natdeathsaggr, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  modaggr <- mapply("attr<-", modaggr, "prev15to49", lapply(modaggr, calc_prev15to49, fitlist[[1]]$fp), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  modaggr <- mapply("attr<-", modaggr, "incid15to49", lapply(modaggr, calc_incid15to49, fitlist[[1]]$fp), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  modaggr <- lapply(modaggr, "class<-", c("specaggr", "spec"))

calc_prev15to49 <- function(mod, fp){

calc_incid15to49 <- function(mod, fp){
  c(0, colSums(attr(mod, "infections")[fp$ss$p.age15to49.idx,,-1],,2)/colSums(mod[fp$ss$p.age15to49.idx,,1,-fp$ss$PROJ_YEARS],,2))

calc_pregprev <- function(mod, fp){
  warning("not yet implemented")
jeffeaton/eppspectrum documentation built on May 19, 2019, 2:49 a.m.