
Defines functions vfb_neo4j_query vfb_solr_query vfb_parse_json vfb_owl_query

Documented in vfb_neo4j_query vfb_owl_query vfb_solr_query

#' Generic query against VFB OWL API
#' @description This function expects an R list or vector describing a query and
#'   constructs an appropriate query url embedding a JSON query, GETs the server
#'   response and (by default) parses the JSON result.
#' @details Note that the VFB OWL query endpoint by default wraps all results
#'   inside a JSON result object called \code{results}. When
#'   \code{parse.json=TRUE}, the returned results will be unwrapped to remove
#'   this outer layer.
#' @param query A key-value list specifying the query
#' @param path The path on the server containing the query page
#' @param server The base url of the server
#' @param parse.json Whether or no to parse the response (default: TRUE)
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to
#'   \code{jsonlite::\link[jsonlite]{fromJSON}}
#' @export
#' @family query
#' @seealso \code{\link[jsonlite]{fromJSON}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # query for descendant classes of Fan-Shaped Body
#' vfb_owl_query(list(query_type="descendant_class", query="FBbt:00003679"))
#' # query for individual neurons overlapping with Fan-Shaped Body
#' neurondf=vfb_owl_query(list(query_type="individuals", query="FBbt:00003679"))
#' # show the first few rows of the returned data.frame
#' head(neurondf)
#' }
vfb_owl_query<-function(query, path="do/jsonQuery.html?json=",
                            server= getOption("vfbr.server"), parse.json=TRUE, ...) {
  queryj=minify(toJSON(query, auto_unbox=TRUE))
  url=paste0(server, "/", path, queryj)
  if(is.null(server)) stop ("You must specify a server!")

  if(parse.json) {
    res=vfb_parse_json(res, ...)
    if(is.list(res) && length(res)==1 && names(res)=='results')
      res$results else res
  } else {

vfb_parse_json <- function(req, simplifyVector = TRUE, ...) {
  text <- content(req, as = "text")
  if (identical(text, "")) stop("No output to parse", call. = FALSE)
  jsonlite::fromJSON(text, simplifyVector = simplifyVector, ...)

#' Query VFB via solr indexing system
#' @description Solr provides an extremely fast way to query all key content on
#'   VFB and is the backend used for most queries run on the website. It is
#'   pre-populated from the OWL ontology documents describing all the
#'   information on the site and their relationships. More details on Solr and
#'   its query syntax can be found at \url{http://lucene.apache.org/solr/}.
#' @details The \code{query} arguments maps onto the general solr \code{q=}
#'   query while \code{filterqueries} maps onto one or more \code{fl=} terms.
#'   The
#'   \href{https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Common+Query+Parameters}{solr
#'    wiki} says this about the difference:
#'   The fq parameter defines a query that can be used to restrict the superset
#'   of documents that can be returned, without influencing score. It can be
#'   very useful for speeding up complex queries, since the queries specified
#'   with fq are cached independently of the main query. When a later query uses
#'   the same filter, there's a cache hit, and filter results are returned
#'   quickly from the cache.
#' @inheritParams vfb_owl_query
#' @param filterquery A character vector (of length one or more) describing
#'   filter queries for solr (see Details for regular vs filter queries)
#' @param sort Character vector naming one or more fields (+ delimited) to use
#'   for sorting the results.
#' @param defaultfield Character vector naming default field used for filter
#'   queries (defaults to \code{short_form})
#' @param rows Maximum number of rows to return. The special value of Inf
#'   implies all matching rows.
#' @param fields Which fields to return (+delimited). A value of \code{""}
#'   implies all fields.
#' @param ... additional solr query arguments
#' @return When \code{parse.json=TRUE}, a data.frame containing the parsed
#'   response (originally the \code{response$docs} field in the parsed JSON)
#'   along with additional attributes including
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item numFound
#'   \item start
#'   \item responseHeader
#'   }
#'   When \code{parse.json=FALSE} an \code{httr::response} object
#' @export
#' @family query
#' @examples
#' # Find VFB ids matching a given GMR line
#' # note the field synonym_autosuggest will in future be the only one
#' # matching GMR* ids
#' vfb_solr_query(filterquery="VFB_*",query="synonym_autosuggest:GMR_10A07*")
#' # Find VFB ids matching a given VT Gal4 line
#' vfb_solr_query(filterquery="VFB_*",query="label:VT017929*")
#' # how many GMR lines can we find
#' # note use of rows = 0 so we do not fetch results (but still get totals)
#' r=vfb_solr_query(filterquery="VFB_*",query="label:GMR_*", rows=0)
#' attr(r,'numFound')
#' \donttest{
#' #' # VFB id for all GMR lines
#' all_gmr=vfb_solr_query(filterquery="VFB_*",query="label:GMR_*", rows=4000)
#' head(all_gmr)
#' # VFB id for all FlyCircuit neurons
#' # note use of rows=Inf to fetch all rows
#' all_fc=vfb_solr_query(filterquery="VFB_*",
#'   query="source_data_link_annotation:*flycircuit*", rows=Inf)
#' head(all_fc)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[httr]{response}}
vfb_solr_query<-function(query="*:*", filterquery=NULL,
                         fields="label+short_form", sort="score+desc",
                         defaultfield="short_form", rows=30L,
                         server= getOption("vfbr.server.solr"), parse.json=TRUE, ...) {
  if(!is.finite(rows)) {
    # check how many rows there are
    rowr=vfb_solr_query(query=query, filterquery = filterquery, fields = fields,
                        sort=sort, defaultfield = defaultfield, rows=0L, path=path,
                        server = server, parse.json = T)
    # now we will return them all
  params=c(fl=fields, sort=sort, rows=rows, df=defaultfield, q=query)
  # filterquery can be vectorised
  de_vectorise<-function(x, name) {
      names(x)=rep(name, length(x))
  params=c(params, de_vectorise(filterquery, "fq"))

    # interpret as extra SOLR params
    for(n in names(apl))  params=c(params, de_vectorise(apl[[n]], n))

  fullquery=paste(names(params), sep="=", params, collapse = "&")
  url=paste0(server, "/", path, "&", fullquery)
  if(is.null(server)) stop ("You must specify a server!")

  if(parse.json) {
    # get main response data.frame
    # make an empty data.frame if we got no response
    if(!length(res)) res=data.frame()
    # copy over other fields
    for(n in otherfields) attr(res, n)=response[[n]]
    # add response header as attribute as well
    attr(res, 'responseHeader')=rawres[['responseHeader']]

#' Query VFB's Neo4J graph database
#' @details Under the hood, this uses the \code{RNeo4j::cypher} function to call
#'   a Neo4J service running on the specified VFB server.
#' @param x A character query in Neo4J's cypher language
#' @param ... Additional query arguments of the form \code{key=value}
#' @param path The relative path on the server for the Neo4J endpoint
#' @param server The server's root URL
#' @return A data.frame of query results
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{RNeo4j::RNeo4j}, \code{RNeo4j::cypher} and
#'   \url{https://neo4j.com/docs/rest-docs/3.3/}
#' @family query
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # ask for all neuronal classes
#' nclasses=vfb_neo4j_query("MATCH (n:Neuron:Class) RETURN n.label")
#' nrow(nclasses)
#' head(nclasses)
#' # Find all images with an associated neuronal class
#' q=paste0("MATCH (n:Class:VFB { label : 'neuron' })",
#'   "<-[:SUBCLASSOF*]-(p)<-[:INSTANCEOF]-(i:Individual)",
#'   "RETURN distinct i.label, p.label;")
#' nclasses_image=vfb_neo4j_query(q)
#' nrow(nclasses_image)
#' head(nclasses_image)
#' # how many neuronal classes have images?
#' length(unique(nclasses_image$p.label))
#' # look at number of images for each neuronal class
#' table_by_nclass <- table(nclasses_image$p.label)
#' subset(as.data.frame(table_by_nclass), Freq>200)
#' }
#' @references \url{https://neo4j.com/developer/cypher-query-language/}
vfb_neo4j_query <- function(x, ..., path="db/data", server= getOption("vfbr.server.neo4j")){
  url=file.path(server, path)
  if(!requireNamespace("RNeo4j", quietly = TRUE))
    stop('You must install the suggested package RNeo4j to use vfb_neo4j_query!\n',
         '  remotes::install_github("nicolewhite/RNeo4j")')
  g <- try(RNeo4j::startGraph(url), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(g, 'try-error'))
    stop("Unable to connect to VFB neo4j server: ", server)
  RNeo4j::cypher(g, x)
jefferis/vfbr documentation built on Feb. 17, 2021, 4:46 p.m.