
Defines functions download_gmr_stacks regular_download cached_download gmr_stack_urls_for_ids vfb_download_url_from_vfbid gmr_stack_urls

Documented in download_gmr_stacks gmr_stack_urls gmr_stack_urls_for_ids vfb_download_url_from_vfbid

#' Return the urls for GMR-Gal4 stacks
#' @description \code{gmr_stack_urls} returns all URLs. This is expensive but
#'   can be memoised (cached).
#' @details You probably won't want to use this directly
#' @return A character vector of URLs each named by their GMR ID
#' @param gmr_url The URL of the directory containing all registered GMR images
#'   for download.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' u=gmr_stack_urls()
#' length(u)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' gmr_stack_urls_memo=memoise::memoise(gmr_stack_urls)
#' system.time(u2 <- gmr_stack_urls_memo())
#' # and again
#' system.time(u3 <- gmr_stack_urls_memo())
#' stopifnot(all.equal(u2,u3))
#' }
gmr_stack_urls<-function(gmr_url=getOption('vfbr.stack.gmr_url')) {
  urls=rvest::html_attr(rvest::html_nodes(h, css = "a"), 'href')
  nrrds=grep("^JFRC2_.*nrrd$",urls, value = TRUE)
  nrrd_urls=file.path(gmr_url, nrrds)

#' Find generic URL to image stack for download from VFB based on VFB ID
#' @details This function expects the VFB id which has been designated for e.g.
#'   a GAL4 line image. You can find these on the VFB webpages as
#'   \code{VFB_XXXXXXXX}. In contrast to \code{\link{gmr_stack_urls_for_ids}}, this
#'   should work for the image data associated with any VFB id.
#' @param x A VFB id (either numeric or character)
#' @return A character vector containing download URLs
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{gmr_stack_urls_for_ids}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' vfb_download_url_from_vfbid("VFB_00029638")
#' vfb_download_url_from_vfbid(29638)
#' # find ids for a VT line
#' vtids=vfb_solr_query(filterquery="VFB_*",query="label:VT017929*")$short_form
#' # and then get the download URLs
#' vfb_download_url_from_vfbid(vtids)
#' # find ids for a GMR line and then get the download URL
#' vfb_download_url_from_vfbid(gmr_vfbid("13E10"))
#' }
vfb_download_url_from_vfbid <- function(x) {
  if(is.numeric(x)) x=sprintf("VFB_%08d",x)
  # http://www.virtualflybrain.org/data/VFB/i/0004/8539/volume.nrrd
  numid_parts=stringr::str_match(x, 'VFB_(\\d{4})(\\d{4})')[,2:3, drop=FALSE]

  sprintf('http://www.virtualflybrain.org/data/VFB/i/%s/%s/volume.nrrd', numid_parts[,1], numid_parts[,2])

#' @importFrom memoise memoise
gmr_stack_urls_memo=memoise::memoise(function(...) {
  message("Caching all gmr stack urls. This may take a minute ...")

#' Return the urls for specified GMR-Gal4 stacks
#' @description \code{gmr_stack_urls_for_ids} returns URLs for specified GMR
#'   Gal4 lines
#' @rdname gmr_stack_urls
#' @param ids Character vector of GMR ids specified in any way
#' @return Character vector of named URLs
#' @export

#' @importFrom utils download.file
cached_download=function(url, destfile, ...) {
  if(file.exists(destfile)) return(invisible(0L))
  try(download.file(url, destfile, ...))

regular_download=function(...) try(download.file(...))

#' Download the registered GMR stacks for given ids
#' @details Note that the downloading tries to be a little bit clever, by
#'   \enumerate{
#'   \item wrapping the \code{download.file} call in a try expression in case it
#'   fails
#'   \item caching the \code{download.file} call so if the destination file
#'   already exists it will not re-download the file.
#'   }
#'   If caching gives you unexpected behaviour, you can set \code{Force=TRUE}.
#' @inheritParams gmr_stack_urls
#' @param download.dir The download directory
#' @param Force Whether to force the download.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{download.file}}
#' @return Named character vector of paths to downloaded files
#' @seealso \code{\link{gmr_stack_urls_for_ids}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' stacks=download_gmr_stacks(c('9A09', '95H11'))
#' stacks
#' # on Mac and Windows systems, this will open in the default application
#' # e.g. Fiji/ImageJ if you have associated ".nrrd" files
#' open_stack<-function(x) system(paste("open", paste(shQuote(x), collapse = " ")))
#' open_stack(stacks)
#' # open the downloads directory in the Finder/Windows Explorer
#' open_stack(getOption('vfbr.stack.downloads'))
#' # Set the package option to control where files are downloaded
#' # see also ?vfbr
#' option(vfbr.stack.downloads="/path/to/my/stacks/folder")
#' }
download_gmr_stacks<-function(ids, download.dir=getOption('vfbr.stack.downloads'),
                              Force=FALSE, ...){
  if(is.null(download.dir)) stop("You must specify a download directory")
  if(!file.exists(download.dir)) dir.create(download.dir, recursive = TRUE)
    stop("You must specify a valid download directory")
  if(!length(urls)) return(invisible(NULL))
  dests=file.path(download.dir, basename(urls))
  mapply(if(Force) regular_download else cached_download,
         urls, dests, MoreArgs = list(mode='wb', ...))
jefferis/vfbr documentation built on Feb. 17, 2021, 4:46 p.m.