describe( "extractGeneModels()", {
# This is difficult to test. Going with fragile solution of tiny input file
# (testGaf) and expected output file (testGafGeneModels). Testing by exact
# match of output file.
# Maintainance Note:
# If errors are discovered in the selection of records to
# extract, representative records that reporduce the error should be added
# to the input file, and when skipped by mistake, also to the output file
testGaf <- 'data/mock.gaf'
testGafContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( testGaf )
testGafLineCount <- 15
testGafGeneModels <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.geneModels'
testGafGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( testGafGeneModels )
outputGeneModelsFile <- paste0( testGaf, ".geneModels" )
describe( "Behavior with default parameters", {
it( "outputs correctly named file in same directory as the GAF?", {
extractGeneModels( testGaf )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it( "selects all gene records and only genes records from the GAF?", {
extractGeneModels( testGaf )
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
# Need equivalent as md5 value named with filename.
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it("returns the correct stats", {
got <- extractGeneModels( testGaf )
expect_is( got, "list")
expect_equal( length(got), 11)
expect_equal( got$gaf, testGaf )
expect_equal( got$gaf_real, normalizePath( testGaf ))
expect_equal( got$gaf_md5, testGafContentProxy )
expect_equal( got$gaf_lines, testGafLineCount )
expect_equal( got$uniqueGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$skipUnknownGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models, 7 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models_unique, 4 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract, outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract_real, normalizePath( outputGeneModelsFile ))
expect_equivalent( got$gaf_extract_md5, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
describe("Errors with default parameters", {
it( "stops with error if can't find specified input GAF?", {
noSuchFile <- 'noSuchFile.gaf'
noSuchOutputFile <- paste0( testGaf, ".geneModels" )
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Can't find the specified GAF: \"", noSuchFile, "\"" )
expect_error( extractGeneModels( noSuchFile ), wantErrorRE )
expect_false( file.exists( noSuchOutputFile ))
expect_false( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
it( "stops with error if input GAF filename is unsafe/hacking attempt?", {
# Only checks that some attempt to do this is implemented. Impossible
# to test this for completeness. [TODO - implement in pure R to avoid
# system call and need to test this here...]
wantErrorRE <- 'Unsafe character in GAF filename!'
expect_error( extractGeneModels('my.gaf;ls'), wantErrorRE )
expect_false( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
it( "stops with error if output file already exists.", {
extractGeneModels( testGaf )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Output file already exists; ",
"use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"",
outputGeneModelsFile, "\""
expect_error( extractGeneModels( testGaf ), wantErrorRE )
# Test the file wasn't corrupted during failed attempt to overwrite.
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
}) # END: Errors with default parameters
}) # END: Behavior with default parameters
describe( "The optional parameters", {
describe( "The 'outfile=' parameter", {
outFileName <- tempfile(
pattern = "FusionExpressionPlotTestDeleteMe",
tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".geneModels"
it( 'determines output filename when specified', {
extractGeneModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName )
expect_true( file.exists( outFileName ))
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outFileName )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outFileName )) {
unlink( outFileName );
it("returns the correct stats", {
got <- extractGeneModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName )
expect_is( got, "list")
expect_equal( length(got), 11)
expect_equal( got$gaf, testGaf )
expect_equal( got$gaf_real, normalizePath( testGaf ))
expect_equal( got$gaf_md5, testGafContentProxy )
expect_equal( got$gaf_lines, testGafLineCount )
expect_equal( got$uniqueGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$skipUnknownGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models, 7 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models_unique, 4 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract, outFileName )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract_real, normalizePath( outFileName ))
expect_equivalent( got$gaf_extract_md5, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outFileName )) {
unlink( outFileName );
it( 'stops with error if specified output filename exists', {
extractGeneModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName )
expect_true( file.exists( outFileName ))
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Output file already exists; ",
"use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"",
outFileName, "\""
expect_error( extractGeneModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName ), wantErrorRE )
# Test the file wasn't corrupted during failed attempt to overwrite.
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outFileName )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outFileName )) {
unlink( outFileName );
it( "stops with error if output filename is unsafe/hacking attempt?", {
# Only checks that some attempt to do this is implemented. Impossible
# to test this for completeness. [TODO - implement in pure R to avoid
# system call and need to test this here...]
wantErrorRE <- 'Unsafe character in output geneModel filename!'
expect_error( extractGeneModels(testGaf, outFile= 'my.gaf;ls'), wantErrorRE )
expect_false( file.exists( 'my.gaf' ))
}) # END 'outfile='
describe( "The 'force=' parameter", {
it( "overwrites with warning if output file exists and force= TRUE.", {
file.create( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
expect_warning( extractGeneModels( testGaf, force= TRUE ),
"Forcing overwrite of output file: \"data/mock.gaf.geneModels\""
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it("returns the correct stats when force= TRUE", {
got <- extractGeneModels( testGaf, force= TRUE )
expect_is( got, "list")
expect_equal( length(got), 11)
expect_equal( got$gaf, testGaf )
expect_equal( got$gaf_real, normalizePath( testGaf ))
expect_equal( got$gaf_md5, testGafContentProxy )
expect_equal( got$gaf_lines, testGafLineCount )
expect_equal( got$uniqueGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$skipUnknownGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models, 7 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models_unique, 4 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract, outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract_real, normalizePath( outputGeneModelsFile ))
expect_equivalent( got$gaf_extract_md5, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it( "stops with error if output file exists and force= FALSE.", {
extractGeneModels( testGaf )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Output file already exists; ",
"use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"",
outputGeneModelsFile, "\""
expect_error( extractGeneModels( testGaf, force= FALSE ), wantErrorRE )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it( "just output if file doesn't exists for force= TRUE or FALSE.", {
expect_false( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
extractGeneModels( testGaf, force= FALSE )
expect_true( file.exists( testGaf ))
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
expect_false( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
extractGeneModels( testGaf, force= TRUE )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
}) # END: 'force='
describe( "The 'uniqueGene=' and 'skipUnknownGene=' parameters", {
it( "Ignores skipUnknownGene if uniqueGene=TRUE", {
extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= TRUE )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= TRUE )
expect_true( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile ))
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it( "generates warning if ignoring skipUnknownGene= TRUE", {
wantWarnRE <- "uniqueGene=TRUE sets skipUnknownGene=TRUE"
extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE ),
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it( "Includes duplicate genes but not '?' genes when uniqueGene= FALSE and skipUnknownGene= TRUE", {
expectGafGeneModels <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.dupNoUnk.geneModels'
expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( expectGafGeneModels )
extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= TRUE )
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it( "Includes duplicate genes and all '?' genes when uniqueGene= FALSE and skipUnknownGene= FALSE", {
expectGafGeneModels <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.dup.geneModels'
expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( expectGafGeneModels )
extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE )
gotGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotGeneModelsContentProxy, expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it("returns the correct stats when uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE", {
got <- extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE )
expect_is( got, "list")
expect_equal( length(got), 11)
expect_equal( got$gaf, testGaf )
expect_equal( got$gaf_real, normalizePath( testGaf ))
expect_equal( got$gaf_md5, testGafContentProxy )
expect_equal( got$gaf_lines, testGafLineCount )
expect_equal( got$uniqueGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$skipUnknownGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models, 7 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models_unique, 4 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract, outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract_real, normalizePath( outputGeneModelsFile ))
expect_equivalent( got$gaf_extract_md5, testGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it("returns the correct stats when uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= TRUE", {
expectGafGeneModels <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.dupNoUnk.geneModels'
expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( expectGafGeneModels )
got <- extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= TRUE )
expect_is( got, "list")
expect_equal( length(got), 11)
expect_equal( got$gaf, testGaf )
expect_equal( got$gaf_real, normalizePath( testGaf ))
expect_equal( got$gaf_md5, testGafContentProxy )
expect_equal( got$gaf_lines, testGafLineCount )
expect_equal( got$uniqueGene, FALSE )
expect_equal( got$skipUnknownGene, TRUE )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models, 7 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models_unique, NA )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract, outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract_real, normalizePath( outputGeneModelsFile ))
expect_equivalent( got$gaf_extract_md5, expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
it("returns the correct stats when uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE", {
expectGafGeneModels <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.dup.geneModels'
expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( expectGafGeneModels )
got <- extractGeneModels( testGaf, uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE )
expect_is( got, "list")
expect_equal( length(got), 11)
expect_equal( got$gaf, testGaf )
expect_equal( got$gaf_real, normalizePath( testGaf ))
expect_equal( got$gaf_md5, testGafContentProxy )
expect_equal( got$gaf_lines, testGafLineCount )
expect_equal( got$uniqueGene, FALSE )
expect_equal( got$skipUnknownGene, FALSE )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models, 10 )
expect_equal( got$gaf_models_unique, NA )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract, outputGeneModelsFile )
expect_equal( got$gaf_extract_real, normalizePath( outputGeneModelsFile ))
expect_equivalent( got$gaf_extract_md5, expectGafGeneModelsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputGeneModelsFile )) {
unlink( outputGeneModelsFile );
}) # END: 'uniqueGene=' and 'skipUnknownGene='
}) # END: The optional parameters
}) # END: extractGeneModels()
describe( "extractTranscriptModels()", {
testGaf <- 'data/mock.gaf'
testGafTranscripts <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.transcriptModels'
testGafTranscriptsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( testGafTranscripts )
outputTranscriptsFile <- paste0( testGaf, ".transcriptModels" )
describe( "Behavior with default parameters", {
it( "outputs correctly named file in same directory as the GAF?", {
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf )
expect_true( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
it( "selects all gene records and only genes records from the GAF?", {
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf )
gotTranscriptsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputTranscriptsFile )
# Need equivalent as md5 value named with filename.
expect_equivalent( gotTranscriptsContentProxy, testGafTranscriptsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
it("returns the correct value", {
got <- extractTranscriptModels( testGaf )
expect_equal( got, 4)
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
describe("Errors with default parameters", {
it( "stops with error if can't find specified input GAF?", {
noSuchFile <- 'noSuchFile.gaf'
noSuchOutputFile <- paste0( testGaf, ".transcriptModels" )
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Can't find the specified GAF: \"", noSuchFile, "\"" )
expect_error( extractTranscriptModels( noSuchFile ), wantErrorRE )
expect_false( file.exists( noSuchOutputFile ))
expect_false( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
it( "stops with error if input GAF filename is unsafe/hacking attempt?", {
# Only checks that some attempt to do this is implemented. Impossible
# to test this for completeness. [TODO - implement in pure R to avoid
# system call and need to test this here...]
wantErrorRE <- 'Unsafe character in GAF filename!'
expect_error( extractTranscriptModels('my.gaf;ls'), wantErrorRE )
expect_false( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
it( "stops with error if output file already exists.", {
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf )
expect_true( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Output file already exists; ",
"use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"",
outputTranscriptsFile, "\""
expect_error( extractTranscriptModels( testGaf ), wantErrorRE )
# Test the file wasn't corrupted during failed attempt to overwrite.
gotTranscriptsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputTranscriptsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotTranscriptsContentProxy, testGafTranscriptsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
}) # END: Errors with default parameters
}) # END: Behavior with default parameters
describe( "The optional parameters", {
describe( "The 'outfile=' parameter", {
outFileName <- tempfile(
pattern = "FusionExpressionPlotTestDeleteMe",
tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".transcriptModels"
it( 'determines output filename when specified', {
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName )
expect_true( file.exists( outFileName ))
gotTranscriptsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outFileName )
expect_equivalent( gotTranscriptsContentProxy, testGafTranscriptsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outFileName )) {
unlink( outFileName );
it("returns the correct stats", {
got <- extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName )
expect_equal( got, 4)
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outFileName )) {
unlink( outFileName );
it( 'stops with error if specified output filename exists', {
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName )
expect_true( file.exists( outFileName ))
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Output file already exists; ",
"use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"",
outFileName, "\""
expect_error( extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, outFile= outFileName ), wantErrorRE )
# Test the file wasn't corrupted during failed attempt to overwrite.
gotTranscriptsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outFileName )
expect_equivalent( gotTranscriptsContentProxy, testGafTranscriptsContentProxy )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outFileName )) {
unlink( outFileName );
it( "stops with error if output filename is unsafe/hacking attempt?", {
# Only checks that some attempt to do this is implemented. Impossible
# to test this for completeness. [TODO - implement in pure R to avoid
# system call and need to test this here...]
wantErrorRE <- 'Unsafe character in output transcriptModel filename!'
expect_error( extractTranscriptModels(testGaf, outFile= 'my.gaf;ls'), wantErrorRE )
expect_false( file.exists( 'my.gaf' ))
}) # END: The 'outfile=' parameter
describe( "The 'force=' parameter", {
it( "overwrites with warning if output file exists and force= TRUE.", {
file.create( outputTranscriptsFile )
expect_true( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
expect_warning( extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, force= TRUE ),
"Forcing overwrite of output file: \"data/mock.gaf.transcriptModels\""
gotTranscriptsContentProxy <- tools::md5sum( outputTranscriptsFile )
expect_equivalent( gotTranscriptsContentProxy, testGafTranscriptsContentProxy )
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
it("returns the correct stats when force= TRUE", {
got <- extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, force= TRUE )
expect_equal(got, 4)
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
it( "stops with error if output file exists and force= FALSE.", {
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf )
expect_true( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Output file already exists; ",
"use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"",
outputTranscriptsFile, "\""
expect_error( extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, force= FALSE ), wantErrorRE )
# Clean up after ourselves
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
it( "just output if file doesn't exists for force= TRUE or FALSE.", {
expect_false( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, force= FALSE )
expect_true( file.exists( testGaf ))
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
expect_false( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
extractTranscriptModels( testGaf, force= TRUE )
expect_true( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile ))
if ( file.exists( outputTranscriptsFile )) {
unlink( outputTranscriptsFile );
}) # END: The 'force=' parameter
}) # END: The optional parameters
}) # END: extractTranscriptModels()
describe( "loadGafModels()", {
describe( "parameter validation", {
it("errors if file can't be found.", {
modelFile <- "noSuchFile.I.hope"
wantErrorRE <- paste0( "Can't find the specified GAF extract file: \"",
modelFile, "\"")
expect_error( loadGafModels( modelFile ), wantErrorRE)
describe( "Loading a unique gene model file", {
modelFile <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.geneModels'
geneExonCounts <- c(14, 27, 11, 2)
lastExonRows <- c(cumsum(geneExonCounts))
firstExonRows <- c(1,lastExonRows[1:length(geneExonCounts) - 1] + 1)
secondExonRows <- firstExonRows + 1
df <- loadGafModels( modelFile )
it( "is a data frame with correct columns and rows", {
wantClass <- 'data.frame'
expect_is(df, wantClass)
wantRowCount <- sum(geneExonCounts)
expect_equal( nrow(df), wantRowCount )
wantColNames <- c("gene", "chr", "strand", "gstart", "gend",
"exon", "start", "end", "length")
expect_equal( colnames(df), wantColNames)
it( 'has the correct "per model" data', {
# gene, chr, strand, gstart, and gend are the same for all exons
# in each model
wantGene <- rep( c("TP53", "BRCA1", "SLC35E2", "SPANXB2"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gene, wantGene)
wantChr <- rep( c("chr17", "chr17", "chr1", "chrX"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$chr, wantChr)
wantStrand <- rep( c("-", "-", "-", "+"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$strand, wantStrand)
wantGStart <- rep( c(7565097, 41196313, 1590990, 140084756), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gstart, wantGStart)
wantGEnd <- rep( c(7590863, 41322420, 1677431, 140085870), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gend, wantGEnd)
it( 'gets all exon numbers correct', {
# Exon numbers vary per
wantExon <- c( 1:geneExonCounts[1], 1:geneExonCounts[2],
1:geneExonCounts[3], 1:geneExonCounts[4] )
expect_equal( df$exon, wantExon)
it( 'gets first, second, and last values correct for per-exon values', {
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[1], secondExonRows[1], lastExonRows[1])
wantStarts <- c(7565097, 7569421, 7590695)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(7565332, 7569562, 7590863)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[2], secondExonRows[2], lastExonRows[2])
wantStarts <- c(41196313, 41199660, 41322143)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(41197819, 41199720, 41322420)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[3], secondExonRows[3], lastExonRows[3])
wantStarts <- c(1590990, 1592940, 1677163)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(1591572, 1597458, 1677431)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[4], secondExonRows[4], lastExonRows[4])
wantStarts <- c(140084756, 140085596, 140085596)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(140084948, 140085870, 140085870)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
}) # END: Unique gene model
describe( "Loading a gene model file with dups (no unknowns)", {
modelFile <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.dupNoUnk.geneModels'
geneExonCounts <- c(14, 27, 3, 10, 11, 2, 2)
lastExonRows <- c(cumsum(geneExonCounts))
firstExonRows <- c(1,lastExonRows[1:length(geneExonCounts)-1] + 1)
secondExonRows <- firstExonRows + 1
df <- loadGafModels( modelFile )
it( "is a data frame with correct columns and rows", {
wantClass <- 'data.frame'
expect_is(df, wantClass)
wantRowCount <- sum(geneExonCounts)
expect_equal( nrow(df), wantRowCount )
wantColNames <- c("gene", "chr", "strand", "gstart", "gend",
"exon", "start", "end", "length")
expect_equal( colnames(df), wantColNames)
it( 'has the correct "per model" data', {
# gene, chr, strand, gstart, and gend are the same for all exons
# in each model
wantGene <- rep( c("TP53", "BRCA1", "DUX4", "SLC35E2", "SLC35E2", "SPANXB2", "SPANXB2"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gene, wantGene)
wantChr <- rep( c("chr17", "chr17", "GL000228.1", "chr1", "chr1", "chrX", "chrX"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$chr, wantChr)
wantStrand <- rep( c("-", "-", "+", "-", "-", "+", "+"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$strand, wantStrand)
wantGStart <- rep( c(7565097, 41196313, 95774, 1601214, 1590990, 140084756, 140096761), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gstart, wantGStart)
wantGEnd <- rep( c(7590863, 41322420, 97391, 1677431, 1677431, 140085870, 140097875), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gend, wantGEnd)
it( 'gets all exon numbers correct', {
# Exon numbers vary per
wantExon <- c( 1:geneExonCounts[1], 1:geneExonCounts[2],
1:geneExonCounts[3], 1:geneExonCounts[4], 1:geneExonCounts[5],
1:geneExonCounts[6], 1:geneExonCounts[7])
expect_equal( df$exon, wantExon)
it( 'gets first, second, and last values correct for per-exon values', {
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[1], secondExonRows[1], lastExonRows[1])
wantStarts <- c(7565097, 7569421, 7590695)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(7565332, 7569562, 7590863)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[2], secondExonRows[2], lastExonRows[2])
wantStarts <- c(41196313, 41199660, 41322143)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(41197819, 41199720, 41322420)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[3], secondExonRows[3], lastExonRows[3])
wantStarts <- c(95774, 95787, 95937)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(95782, 95932, 97391)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[4], secondExonRows[4], lastExonRows[4])
wantStarts <- c(1601214, 1602948, 1677163)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(1601590, 1603068, 1677431)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[5], secondExonRows[5], lastExonRows[5])
wantStarts <- c(1590990, 1592940, 1677163)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(1591572, 1597458, 1677431)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[6], secondExonRows[6], lastExonRows[6])
wantStarts <- c(140084756, 140085596, 140085596)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(140084948, 140085870, 140085870)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[7], secondExonRows[7], lastExonRows[7])
wantStarts <- c(140096761, 140097601, 140097601)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(140096953, 140097875, 140097875)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
}) # END: Dups gene model (no unk)
describe( "Loading a gene model file with dups (no unknowns)", {
modelFile <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.dup.geneModels'
geneExonCounts <- c(14, 27, 3, 10, 11, 6, 6, 6, 2, 2)
lastExonRows <- c(cumsum(geneExonCounts))
firstExonRows <- c(1,lastExonRows[1:length(geneExonCounts)-1] + 1)
secondExonRows <- firstExonRows + 1
df <- loadGafModels( modelFile )
it( "is a data frame with correct columns and rows", {
wantClass <- 'data.frame'
expect_is(df, wantClass)
wantRowCount <- sum(geneExonCounts)
expect_equal( nrow(df), wantRowCount )
wantColNames <- c("gene", "chr", "strand", "gstart", "gend",
"exon", "start", "end", "length")
expect_equal( colnames(df), wantColNames)
it( 'has the correct "per model" data', {
# gene, chr, strand, gstart, and gend are the same for all exons
# in each model
wantGene <- rep( c("TP53", "BRCA1", "DUX4", "SLC35E2", "SLC35E2",
"?", "?", "?", "SPANXB2", "SPANXB2"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gene, wantGene)
wantChr <- rep( c("chr17", "chr17", "GL000228.1", "chr1", "chr1",
"chr9", "chr15", "chr15", "chrX", "chrX"), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$chr, wantChr)
wantStrand <- rep( c("-", "-", "+", "-", "-", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+"),
geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$strand, wantStrand)
wantGStart <- rep( c(7565097, 41196313, 95774, 1601214, 1590990,
69425668,82647286,83023773,140084756, 140096761), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gstart, wantGStart)
wantGEnd <- rep( c(7590863, 41322420, 97391, 1677431, 1677431,
69448861, 82708202, 83084727, 140085870, 140097875), geneExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gend, wantGEnd)
it( 'gets all exon numbers correct', {
# Exon numbers vary per
wantExon <- c( 1:geneExonCounts[1], 1:geneExonCounts[2],
1:geneExonCounts[3], 1:geneExonCounts[4], 1:geneExonCounts[5],
1:geneExonCounts[6], 1:geneExonCounts[7], 1:geneExonCounts[8],
1:geneExonCounts[9], 1:geneExonCounts[10])
expect_equal( df$exon, wantExon)
it( 'gets first, second, and last values correct for per-exon values', {
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[1], secondExonRows[1], lastExonRows[1])
wantStarts <- c(7565097, 7569421, 7590695)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(7565332, 7569562, 7590863)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[2], secondExonRows[2], lastExonRows[2])
wantStarts <- c(41196313, 41199660, 41322143)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(41197819, 41199720, 41322420)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[3], secondExonRows[3], lastExonRows[3])
wantStarts <- c(95774, 95787, 95937)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(95782, 95932, 97391)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[4], secondExonRows[4], lastExonRows[4])
wantStarts <- c(1601214, 1602948, 1677163)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(1601590, 1603068, 1677431)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[5], secondExonRows[5], lastExonRows[5])
wantStarts <- c(1590990, 1592940, 1677163)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(1591572, 1597458, 1677431)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[6], secondExonRows[6], lastExonRows[6])
wantStarts <- c(69425668, 69432635, 69448743)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(69425817, 69432764, 69448861)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[7], secondExonRows[7], lastExonRows[7])
wantStarts <- c(82647286, 82692871, 82707733)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(82647542, 82692927, 82708202)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[8], secondExonRows[8], lastExonRows[8])
wantStarts <- c(83023773, 83069396, 83084258)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(83024029, 83069452, 83084727)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[9], secondExonRows[9], lastExonRows[9])
wantStarts <- c(140084756, 140085596, 140085596)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(140084948, 140085870, 140085870)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[10], secondExonRows[10], lastExonRows[10])
wantStarts <- c(140096761, 140097601, 140097601)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(140096953, 140097875, 140097875)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
}) # END: Dups gene model (no unk)
describe( "Loading a transcript model file", {
modelFile <- 'data/mock.gaf.extract.transcriptModels'
transcriptExonCounts <- c(2, 5, 7, 11)
lastExonRows <- c(cumsum(transcriptExonCounts))
firstExonRows <- c(1,lastExonRows[1:length(transcriptExonCounts)-1] + 1)
secondExonRows <- firstExonRows + 1
df <- loadGafModels( modelFile )
it( "is a data frame with correct columns and rows", {
wantClass <- 'data.frame'
expect_is(df, wantClass)
wantRowCount <- sum(transcriptExonCounts)
expect_equal( nrow(df), wantRowCount )
wantColNames <- c("gene", "chr", "strand", "gstart", "gend",
"exon", "start", "end", "length")
expect_equal( colnames(df), wantColNames)
it( 'has the correct "per model" data', {
# gene, chr, strand, gstart, and gend are the same for all exons
# in each model
wantTranscript <- rep( c("uc001acb.1", "uc009vjs.1", "uc002gig.1", "uc002gim.2"),
transcriptExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gene, wantTranscript)
wantChr <- rep( c("chr1", "chr1", "chr17", "chr17"), transcriptExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$chr, wantChr)
wantStrand <- rep( c("+", "+", "-", "-"), transcriptExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$strand, wantStrand)
wantGStart <- rep( c(896829, 995083, 7565097, 7571720), transcriptExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gstart, wantGStart)
wantGEnd <- rep( c(897858, 997436, 7579937, 7590863), transcriptExonCounts )
expect_equal( df$gend, wantGEnd)
it( 'gets all exon numbers correct', {
# Exon numbers vary per
wantExon <- c( 1:transcriptExonCounts[1], 1:transcriptExonCounts[2],
1:transcriptExonCounts[3], 1:transcriptExonCounts[4] )
expect_equal( df$exon, wantExon)
it( 'gets first, second, and last values correct for per-exon values', {
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[1], secondExonRows[1], lastExonRows[1])
wantStarts <- c(896829, 897206, 897206)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(897130, 897858, 897858)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[2], secondExonRows[2], lastExonRows[2])
wantStarts <- c(995083, 995657, 997229)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(995162, 995773, 997436)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[3], secondExonRows[3], lastExonRows[3])
wantStarts <- c(7565097, 7577499, 7579839)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(7565332, 7577608, 7579937)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
forRows <- c(firstExonRows[4], secondExonRows[4], lastExonRows[4])
wantStarts <- c(7571720, 7573927, 7590695)
expect_equal( df$start[forRows], wantStarts )
wantEnds <- c(7573008, 7574033, 7590863)
expect_equal( df$end[forRows], wantEnds )
wantLengths <- abs(wantStarts-wantEnds) + 1
expect_equal( df$length[forRows], wantLengths )
}) # END: transcript model
}) # END: loadGafModels()
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