
Defines functions mod_displayTree_server mod_displayTree_ui

Documented in mod_displayTree_server mod_displayTree_ui

#' displayTree Function
#' @title   mod_displayTree_ui and mod_displayTree_server
#' @description  A shiny Module. This module combines the tree with genetic
#' distance as an tidytree object that allows tree plotting and accessing the
#' combined data. This module contains 1 function at the end of the script
#' that is used within (tree_plot). The tree_plot function allows for various
#' parameters to be changed dynaically on the tree image. This module also uses 
#' one function in the golem_utils_server file (combine_g_and_t), which combines
#' the tree and genetic distance matrix that has already been transformed with
#' the meta data file.  
#' @rdname mod_displayTree
#' @param id shiny id
#' @param input internal
#' @param output internal
#' @param session internal
#' @param tree_file_out - from upload/example Data module. class of phylo
#' @param geneObjectOutForSNP - from upload/example Data module. class of
#' "spec_tbl_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", and "data.frame" 
#' #' @param align - from paramsTree module; this is checkbox input (Y or N)
#' @param tree_format - from paramsTree module; checkbox input (multiple choice)
#' @param font - from paramsTree module; checkbox input (multiple choice)
#' @param num_scale - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
#' @param node - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
#' @param lim - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
#' @param boot_pos - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
#' @param mid_p - from paramsTree module; this is checkbox input (Y or N)
#' @param mat_off - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
#' @importFrom phytools midpoint.root
#' @importFrom tidytree as_tibble
#' @importFrom ggplot2 xlim
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree
#' @importFrom ggtree geom_tiplab
#' @importFrom ggtree geom_treescale
#' @importFrom ggtree geom_text2
mod_displayTree_ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

#' displayTree Server Function
#' @rdname mod_displayTree
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

mod_displayTree_server <- function(input, output, session,
                                   tree_file_out, geneObjectOutForSNP, align,
                                   tree_format, font, num_scale, node, lim,
                                   boot_pos, mid_p, mat_off) {
  # tree_file_out - from upload/example Data module. class of phylo
  # geneObjectOutForSNP - from upload/example Data module. class of 
  #spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df"      "tbl"         "data.frame" 
  # align - from paramsTree module; this is checkbox input (Y or N)
  # tree_format - from paramsTree module; checkbox input (multiple choice)
  # font - from paramsTree module; this is checkbox input (multiple choice)
  # num_scale - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
  # node - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
  # lim - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
  # boot_pos - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
  # mid_p - from paramsTree module; this is checkbox input (Y or N)
  # mat_off - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user

  ns <- session$ns

  #midpoint root the tree based on reactive value, if not just display the tree
  mid_tree <- reactive({
    if (mid_p() == TRUE) {
    } else {

  #convert phylogenetic tree (midpoint rooted or not) to tidytree to join tree
  #and genetic distance matrix
  tree_object <- reactive({

  #join the treeobject and updated genetic distance file by label and
  #convert to treedata
  g_and_t_s4 <- reactive({
    combine_g_and_t(tree_object(), geneObjectOutForSNP())

  #major plotting reactive using an treedata object called above (gandTS4) or the
  #base mid_tree reactive using the tree_file_out from the Upload or Example
  #data module
  make_tree <- reactive({

    # this disconnects the need for genetic distance file to be uploaded for
    if (is.null(input$gandTS4)) {
    } else{

  #### displayTree server functions ####

  #this takes in the tree file and allows for various parameters to be adjusted
  #because those parameters are reactive (i.e. tree_format())
  tree_plot <- function(input_file) {
    label <- NULL
    g <- ggtree::ggtree(input_file, layout = tree_format()) +
      ggplot2::xlim(0, lim()) +
      ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),"cm"))+
      ggtree::geom_tiplab(align = align(), fontface = font(),
                          family = "sans", size = 3) +
      ggtree::geom_treescale(width = num_scale(), x = 0.005, y = -3) +
      ggtree::geom_text2(ggplot2::aes(label = label,
                                      subset = !is.na(as.numeric(label)) &
                                        as.numeric(label) > node()),
                         nudge_x = boot_pos())

  #### displayData output ####

  #return display tree reactive to be used in cladeAnnotator module
      make_tree_out = reactive(make_tree())
jennahamlin/Tinsel documentation built on Sept. 15, 2021, 9:46 a.m.