
Defines functions ez.blank2na ez.nan2na ez.age age_calc ez.pprint ez.print ez.join ez.find ez.arrayfun ez.repmat ez.linspace ez.range ez.strcomp ez.strrev ez.str ez.is.date.like ez.is.date ez.time ez.date ez.num ez.is.numeric.like ez.is.empty ez.moment ez.flipflop ez.quoted ez.make.names

Documented in ez.age ez.arrayfun ez.blank2na ez.date ez.find ez.flipflop ez.is.date ez.is.date.like ez.is.empty ez.is.numeric.like ez.join ez.linspace ez.make.names ez.moment ez.nan2na ez.num ez.pprint ez.print ez.quoted ez.range ez.repmat ez.str ez.strcomp ez.strrev ez.time

###*functions for simple data type.
#' not in
#' @description not in
#' @export
#' @name not_in
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5831794/opposite-of-in
`%!in%` <- function (x, table) is.na(match(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_))

#' not
#' @description not
#' @export
not = magrittr::not

#' and
#' @description and
#' @export
and = magrittr::and

#' or
#' @description or
#' @export
or = magrittr::or

#' alias of \code{\link[glue]{glue}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link[glue]{glue}}
#' @export
ez.sprintf = glue::glue

#' make.names, but replace . with _
#' @description make.names, but replace . with _
#' @export
ez.make.names = function(...){
    r = make.names(...)
    r = gsub(pattern = "[[:space:][:punct:]]", replacement = "_", r)

#' wrap each element of a vector around ""
#' @description wrap each element of a vector around ""
#' @return returns a vector
#' @export
ez.quoted = function(v){
    base::strsplit(paste0('"', v, '"',collapse = '/|||/'), split = '/|||/',fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

#' switch the names and values of a named vector, so that names->values, values->names
#' @description switch the names and values of a named vector, so that names->values, values->names
#' @return returns a new named vector, if input is NULL or not named vector, return the inital input vector direclty.
#' @export
ez.flipflop = function(v){
    # is.null(names(NULL)) -> TRUE
    if (is.null(names(v))) return(v)
    theNames = names(v)
    theValues = unname(v)
    names(theNames) = theValues

#' alias of \code{\link{class}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{class}}
#' @export
ez.typeof = class

#' alias of \code{\link{Sys.sleep}}, in seconds
#' @description alias of \code{\link{Sys.sleep}}, in seconds
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.pause}}
#' @export
ez.sleep = Sys.sleep

#' moment
#' @description current date,time in string
#' @param format see example or https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~s133/dates.html
#' @return returns a string
#' @examples
#' # %a  Abbreviated weekday
#' # %A  Full weekday
#' # %b  Abbreviated month
#' # %B  Full month
#' # %c  Locale-specific date and time
#' # %d  Decimal date
#' # %H  Decimal hours (24 hour)
#' # %I  Decimal hours (12 hour)
#' # %j  Decimal day of the year
#' # %m  Decimal month
#' # %M  Decimal minute
#' # %p  Locale-specific AM/PM
#' # %S  Decimal second
#' # %U  Decimal week of the year (starting on Sunday)
#' # %w  Decimal Weekday (0=Sunday)
#' # %W  Decimal week of the year (starting on Monday)
#' # %x  Locale-specific Date
#' # %X  Locale-specific Time
#' # %y  2-digit year
#' # %Y  4-digit year
#' # %z  Offset from GMT
#' # %Z  Time zone (character)
#' @export
ez.moment = function(format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') {
    moment = Sys.time()
    result = format(moment,format)

#' Empty Value
#' Rails-inspired helper that checks if vector values are "empty", i.e. if it's: \code{NULL}, zero-length, \code{NA}, \code{NaN}, \code{FALSE}, an empty string. Note that unlike its native R \code{is.<something>} sibling functions, \code{is.empty} is vectorised (hence the "values").
#' @param x an object to check its emptiness
#' @param trim trim whitespace? (\code{TRUE} by default)
#' @param ... additional arguments for \code{\link{sapply}}
#' @return a logical vector (vectorized).
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' is.empty(NULL)     # [1] TRUE
#' is.empty(c())      # [1] TRUE
#' is.empty(NA)       # [1] TRUE
#' is.empty(NaN)      # [1] TRUE
#' is.empty("")       # [1] TRUE
#' is.empty(0)        # [1] TRUE --> (\code{0} jerry changed to FALSE)
#' is.empty(0.00)     # [1] TRUE --> (\code{0} jerry changed to FALSE)
#' is.empty("    ")   # [1] TRUE
#' is.empty("foobar") # [1] FALSE
#' is.empty("    ", trim = FALSE)    # [1] FALSE
#' # is.empty is vectorised!
#' all(is.empty(rep("", 10)))        # [1] TRUE
#' all(is.empty(matrix(NA, 10, 10))) # [1] TRUE
#' }
#' @export
#' @note copied from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rapportools/index.html
ez.is.empty <- function(x, trim = TRUE, ...) {
    vgsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...){
        for(i in 1:length(pattern))
            x <- gsub(pattern[i], replacement[i], x, ...)

    trim.space <- function(x, what = c('both', 'leading', 'trailing', 'none'), space.regex = '[:space:]', ...){
        if (missing(x))
            stop('nothing to trim spaces to =(')
        re <- switch(match.arg(what),
                     both     = sprintf('^[%s]+|[%s]+$', space.regex, space.regex),
                     leading  = sprintf('^[%s]+', space.regex),
                     trailing = sprintf('[%s]+$', space.regex),
                     none     = {
                         return (x)
        vgsub(re, '', x, ...)

    if (length(x) <= 1) {
        if (is.null(x))
            return (TRUE)
        if (length(x) == 0)
            return (TRUE)
        if (is.na(x) || is.nan(x))
            return (TRUE)
        if (is.character(x) && nchar(ifelse(trim, trim.space(x), x)) == 0)
            return (TRUE)
        if (is.logical(x) && !isTRUE(x))
            return (TRUE)
        # jerry: not use this
        # if (is.numeric(x) && x == 0)
        #     return (TRUE)
        return (FALSE)
    } else
        sapply(x, ez.is.empty, trim = trim, ...)

#' Check numeric
#' @description check if a str obj is actually numeric
#' @param x a str vector, or a factor of str vector, or numeric vector. x will be coerced and trimws.
#' @param na.strings case sensitive strings that will be treated to NA.
#' @param naAsTrue whether NA (including actual NA and na.strings) will be treated as numeric like
#' @return a logical vector (vectorized).
#' @export
#' @note Using regular expression
#' \cr TRUE for any actual numeric c(3,4,5,9.9) or c("-3","+4.4",   "-42","4L","9L",   "1.36e4","1.36E4",    NA, "NA", "","NaN", NaN):
#' \cr positive or negative numbers with no more than one decimal c("-3","+4.4") OR
#' \cr positive or negative integers (e.g., c("-42","4L","39L")) OR
#' \cr positive or negative numbers in scientific notation c("1.36e4","1.36e-4","1.36e+4","1.36E4")
#' \cr NA, or na.strings
ez.is.numeric.like <- function(x,naAsTrue=TRUE,na.strings=c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')){
    x = trimws(x,'both')
    x[x %in% na.strings] = NA_character_
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/21154566/2292993
    result = grepl("^[\\-\\+]?[0-9]+[\\.]?[0-9]*$|^[\\-\\+]?[0-9]+[L]?$|^[\\-\\+]?[0-9]+[\\.]?[0-9]*[eE][\\-\\+]?[0-9]+$",x,perl=TRUE)
    if (naAsTrue) result = result | is.na(x)

#' convert a column (or all columns) in a data frame, or a vector into numeric type, call type.convert or as.numeric
#' @description convert a column (or all columns) in a data frame, or a vector into numeric type, call type.convert or as.numeric
#' @param x a character vector, data frame, list, or a factor
#' @param col internally evaluated by eval('dplyr::select()')()
#' \cr        if x is a data frame, col is specified (e.g., "cond"), convert that col only
#' \cr        if x is a data frame, col is unspecified (i.e., NULL default), convert all cols in x
#' \cr        if x is not a data frame, col is ignored
#' @param force T/F. a string vec/col that only has string of num or na.strings, eg c('1','2')->c(1,2) will always become num.
#' \cr If T, convert everything (factor, etc) to character first then to numeric (no warning for NA coerce). Otherwise factor untouched, factor(1:2)->factor(1:2)
#' \cr See example for more
#' @param na.strings case sensitive strings that will be coverted to NA even if force=F. The function will NOT do a trimws(x,'both') before conversion, supposedly up to this step, spaces have already been trimmed.
#' @details Both value and variable label attributes will be removed when converting variables to characters.
#' @return returns a converted vector, data frame
#' \cr with \code{\link{ez.2value}} if x is a factor with chars, will be converted to 1 2 3 etc, see its example
#' \cr \code{\link{ez.num}} keeps the same char as is
#' @details see \url{http://stackoverflow.com/a/22701462/2292993}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.2value}}
#' @family data transformation functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ez.num(c(1,2,3,NA),force=T)                        # -> c(1,2,3,NA), no change, directly pass through
#' ez.num(c(1,2,3,NA),force=F)                        # -> c(1,2,3,NA), no change, directly pass through
#' ez.num(c('1','2','3',NA),force=F)                  # -> c(1,2,3,NA)
#' ez.num(c('1','2','3',NA),force=T)                  # -> c(1,2,3,NA)
#' ez.num(c('1','','NA',"N/A",NA),force=F)            # -> c(1,NA,NA,NA,NA)  # na.strings treated as NA even if force=F
#' ez.num(c('1','','NA',"N/A",NA),force=T)            # -> c(1,NA,NA,NA,NA)
#' ez.num(c('1','N/A','a',"NA",NA),force=F)           # -> same vector # more than na.strings
#' ez.num(c('1','N/A','a',"NA",NA),force=T)           # -> c(1,NA,NA,NA,NA)
#' ez.num(factor(c(1,2,3,NA)),force=F)                # -> factor [1,2,3,NA]
#' ez.num(factor(c(1,2,3,NA)),force=T)                # -> c(1,2,3,NA)
#' ez.num(factor(c('1','2','3',NA)),force=F)          # -> factor [1,2,3,NA]
#' ez.num(factor(c('1','2','3',NA)),force=T)          # -> c(1,2,3,NA)
#' ez.num(factor(c('1','','NA',"N/A",NA)),force=F)    # -> factor ['1','','NA',"N/A",NA]
#' ez.num(factor(c('1','','NA',"N/A",NA)),force=T)    # -> c(1,NA,NA,NA,NA)

#' ez.num(factor(c('1','N/A','a',"NA",NA)),force=F)   # -> same factor # more than na.strings
#' ez.num(factor(c('1','N/A','a',"NA",NA)),force=T)   # -> c(1,NA,NA,NA,NA)
#' d <- data.frame(char = letters[1:5],
#'                 fake_char = as.character(1:5),
#'                 fac = factor(1:5),
#'                 char_fac = factor(letters[1:5]),
#'                 mixed_char = c(1,2,'N/A','4','f'),
#'                 num = 1:5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' #   char fake_char fac char_fac mixed_char num
#' # 1    a         1   1        a          1   1
#' # 2    b         2   2        b          2   2
#' # 3    c         3   3        c        N/A   3
#' # 4    d         4   4        d          4   4
#' # 5    e         5   5        e          f   5
#' sapply(d, class)
#' #        char   fake_char         fac    char_fac  mixed_char         num
#' # "character" "character"    "factor"    "factor" "character"   "integer"
#' sapply(ez.num(d), class)
#'        char   fake_char         fac    char_fac  mixed_char         num
#' "character"   "integer"    "factor"    "factor" "character"   "integer"
#' ez.num(d,col=NULL,force=F)
#' ez.num(d,col=NULL,force=T)
#' ez.num(d,col=c("char","mixed_char"),force=F)
#' ez.num(d,col=c("char","mixed_char"),force=T)
ez.num = function(x, col=NULL, force=FALSE, print2scr=TRUE, na.strings=c('-','','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan'), ...){
    oldNAs = ez.count(x)

    if (is.factor(x)) {
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/22701462/2292993
        # as.numeric(factor(5:10)) # not what you'd expect
        # f <- factor(1:5)
        # ## what you typically meant and want:
        # as.numeric(as.character(f))
        # ## the same, considerably (for long factors) more efficient:
        # as.numeric(levels(f))[f]
        if (force) {
            # you get warning, if there is a non-numeric string
            result = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levels(x))[x])
        } else {
            # # protect factor, always not convert
            # if (all(ez.is.numeric.like(x,na.strings=na.strings))) {
            #     # numeric like, could still gets warning for na.strings
            #     result = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levels(x))[x])
            # } else {
            #     result=x
            # }

    } else if (is.data.frame(x) && is.null(col)) {
        # check before is.list, because a data frame is a list, but not the other way
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/33050704/2292993
        if (!force) {
            x[] = rapply(x, function(e,as.is,na.strings, ...) {
                if (all(ez.is.numeric.like(e,na.strings=na.strings))){
                    result = utils::type.convert(e, as.is = as.is, na.strings=na.strings, ...)
                } else {
                    result = e
                }, classes = "character", how = "replace", as.is = TRUE, na.strings=na.strings, ...)
        } else {
            # x = dplyr::mutate_all(x, funs(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(.)))))
            x[] = lapply( x, function(e){suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(e)))} )
        result = x
    } else if (is.data.frame(x) && !is.null(col)) {
        # for (col in cols) {
        #     # recursive to is.data.frame(x) && is.null(col)
        #     x[col] = ez.num(x[col],force=force)
        #     result=x
        # }
        x[cols] = lapply(x[cols],function(e,force,na.strings){ez.num(e,force=force,print2scr=F,na.strings=na.strings)},force=force,na.strings=na.strings)
        result = x
    } else if (is.list(x)){
        # maybe to do to improve the codes for list, right now, I do not really care about list
        result = utils::type.convert(as.character(unlist(x)), as.is = TRUE, na.strings=na.strings, ...)
    } else if (is.character(x)){
        # cannot pass factor, numeric, logic to type.convert(), only character

        # utils::type.convert(c(1,'','3',"NA"), as.is = F) -> int c(1,NA,3,NA), because can all be converted to num (default na.strings includes 'NA' and ''), as.is essentially no effect
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,'','3',"NA"), as.is = T)
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,2,'3'), as.is = F) -> int, because can all be converted to num, as.is essentially no effect
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,2,'3'), as.is = T)
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,'','3',"NA",'a'), as.is = F)  --> factor['1','','3',NA,'a']  '' not considered as NA in character vector
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,'','3',"NA",'a'), as.is = T)  --> vector('1','','3',NA,'a')  '' not considered as NA in character vector
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,2,'a'), as.is = F) -> fac  ['1' '2' 'a'], cannot be converted to num, as.is=F gets factor
        # utils::type.convert(c(1,2,'a'), as.is = T) -> vec  ('1' '2' 'a'), cannot be converted to num
        if (!force) {
            if (all(ez.is.numeric.like(x,na.strings=na.strings))){
                result = utils::type.convert(x, as.is = TRUE, na.strings=na.strings, ...)
                if (is.logical(result) && all(is.na(result))){
                    # type.convert convert first to NA, logic if possible
                    # I would like NA numeric
                    result = as.numeric(result)
            } else {
                result = x
        } else {
    } else {

    if (print2scr) {
        newNAs = ez.count(result) - oldNAs
        if (newNAs>0) ez.pprint(sprintf('%d NAs introduced when converting to num', newNAs))

#' convert to date
#' @description convert to date with friendly ori (no need to remember exact origin date)
#' @param x a vector of char or num. 
#' \cr a string factor treated as char (ie, using param format), a num factor cannot be processed
#' @param ori one of 'Excel', 'Matlab', 'R', 'SPSS', 'Javascript'. Ignored when x is character
#' @param format specify in date format. Ignored when x is numeric. See examples (cannot have percentage sign here for documentation)
#' @examples
#' # format one of c("%d/%m/%Y", "%d-%m-%Y", "%Y/%m/%d", "%m/%d/%Y", "%Y-%m-%d"). %y for two year digits
#' @return returns a vector
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date.like}} \code{\link{ez.age}} \code{\link{ez.time}}
#' @export
ez.date = function(x,ori="Excel",format="%m/%d/%Y",...) {
    # from R help as.Date()
    ori = toupper(ori)
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/38472078/2292993
        if (ori=='JAVASCRIPT') {
            # javascript is milliseconds
            return( as.Date(as.POSIXct(x/1000, origin="1970-01-01")) )
        } else if (ori=='EXCEL') {
            # if (ori=='Excel.Mac') origin="1904-01-01"  
            # tested on my mac, seems the same as Excel.Win
            return( as.Date(x,origin="1899-12-30",...) )
        } else if (ori=='MATLAB') {
            return( as.Date(x,origin="1970-01-01",...) - 719529 )
        } else if (ori=='R') {
            return( as.Date(x,origin="1970-01-01",...) )
        } else if (ori=='SPSS') {
            # http://scs.math.yorku.ca/index.php/R:_Importing_dates_from_SPSS
            # 24*60*60=86400
            x = x/86400
            return( as.Date(x,origin = "1582-10-14",...) )
    } else if (is.character(x) | is.factor(x)) {

#' convert to time
#' @description convert from a time (numeric, character/factor, hms/difftime) to class (chron) times (17:48:00--h:m:s military only) or to class numeric (0.7416667--fractions of a day), call \code{\link[chron]{times}}:
#' \cr \cr SPSS military time (civilian time not supported) specified in date format, 17:48 read into R as 64080 (seconds of a day, foreign package), or as hms/difftime (same as SPSS, haven package), or
#' \cr \cr Excel military/civilian time specified in time format, 5:48:00 PM, 17:48:00 read into R as 0.7416667 (fractions of a day), or
#' \cr \cr Pass directly a string "17:48:00" (format specified by param format)
#' @param x a vector of number or character, hms/difftime
#' @param ori one of 'Excel', 'SPSS' (ignored if x is character)
#' @param format input format, see examples (more formats at \code{\link{strptime}}). ignored if x is numeric/hms
#' @param out.type string, 'numeric' (fractions of a day) or 'times'/'time'
#' @return returns a vector of number (class numeric) or time (class times). class times can be passed to as.character(.), or substr(.,1,5), or as.numeric(.), see more at \code{\link[chron]{chron}} chron stores as a fraction of a day, if you do as.numeric
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date.like}} \code{\link{ez.age}} \code{\link{ez.time}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ez.time("5:20:31 am",format="%I:%M:%S %p",out.type="time")  # 5, 05; am AM aM Am OK. %I = 12 hr
#' ez.time("15:32", format="%H:%M",out.type="time")  # 5 05 OK.
#' ez.time("5:2", format="%H:%M",out.type="time")
ez.time = function(x,ori='SPSS',format="%H:%M",out.type='numeric',...) {
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
        if (ori=='SPSS') {
            if (out.type %in% c('time','times')) {
                # https://stackoverflow.com/a/39208186/2292993
                result = chron::times(x/(24*60*60),...)
            if (out.type=='numeric') {
                result = x/(24*60*60)  # SPSS stores as seconds of a day
        if (ori=='Excel') {
            # https://stackoverflow.com/a/28044345/2292993
            if (out.type %in% c('time','times')) result = chron::times(x,...)
            if (out.type=='numeric') result = x  # Excel stores as fractions of a day
    if (is.character(x) | is.factor(x)) {
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/36347366/2292993
        x=format(strptime(x, format = format), "%H:%M:%S")
        result=chron::chron(times.=x,format=c(dates = "m/d/y", times = "h:m:s"),...)
        if (out.type=='numeric') result = as.numeric(result)  # here chron stores as fraction of a day, as.numeric gets you that
    if ( all(class(x) %in% c('hms','difftime')) ) {
        if (out.type %in% c('time','times')) result = chron::times(x,...)  # simply change class type
        if (out.type=='numeric') result = as.numeric(x)/(24*60*60)  # here as.numeric gets you seconds of a day

#' check if a vector is already stored as a date type
#' @description check if a vector is already stored as a date type
#' @param x a vector, no need to specify date formats
#' @return returns a single T/F (not vectorized). If x is a date, is.numeric(x) is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' mydate = c("10/11/2012","10/12/2012")
#' # format one of c("%d/%m/%Y", "%d-%m-%Y", "%Y/%m/%d", "%m/%d/%Y", "%Y-%m-%d"). %y for two year digits
#' mydate = as.Date(mydate,format = "%m/%d/%Y")  # "2012-10-11" "2012-10-12"
#' ez.is.date(mydate)  # T
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date.like}} \code{\link{ez.age}} \code{\link{ez.time}}
ez.is.date = function(x) {
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/37062951/2292993
    return( inherits(x, 'Date') )

#' check if a vector of char, number is convertiable to date type
#' @description check if a vector of char, number is convertiable to date type as.Date(as.character(x), format)
#' @param x a vector of char, number
#' @param format specify date format. see examples
#' @param ... other parameters passed to as.Date(...)
#' @return returns a vector of T/F (vectorized because of is.na() used).
#' @examples
#' mydate = c("10/11/2012","10-12-2012", 345)
#' # format one of c("%d/%m/%Y", "%d-%m-%Y", "%Y/%m/%d", "%m/%d/%Y", "%Y-%m-%d"). %y for two year digits
#' ez.is.date.like(mydate, format = "%m/%d/%Y")  # T F F
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date.like}} \code{\link{ez.age}} \code{\link{ez.time}}
ez.is.date.like = function(x,format="%m/%d/%Y",...) {
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/37062951/2292993
    result = !is.na( as.Date(as.character(x), format = format, ...) )
    return( result )

#' convert a column (or all columns) in a data frame, or a vector into character type, call as.character
#' @description convert a column (or all columns) in a data frame, or a vector into character type, call as.character
#' @param x a data frame or a vector/col
#' @param col internally evaluated by eval('dplyr::select()')()
#' \cr        if x is a data frame, col is specified (e.g., "cond"), convert that col only
#' \cr        if x is a data frame, col is unspecified (i.e., NULL default), convert all cols in x
#' \cr        if x is a data frame, col is NA (a special case), convert all numeric NAs to character NAs, for bind_rows. see https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/2584
#' \cr        if x is not a data frame, col is ignored
#' @details Both value and variable label attributes will be removed when converting variables to characters.
#' @return returns a character vector or a data frame with changed col(s)
#' @family data transformation functions
#' @export
#' @note ez.2char only coverts factor, ez.str coverts all types, both use as.character
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.2char}}
ez.str = function(x, col=NULL){
    if (is.data.frame(x) && is.null(col)){
        # result = dplyr::mutate_all(x, as.character)
        x[] = lapply(x,function(e){as.character(e)})
        result = x
    } else if (is.data.frame(x) && is.na(col)) {
        # convert all numeric NAs to character NAs, for bind_rows
        # https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/2584
        # use ifelse, not if_else because we know we are going to deal with different data types
        # use & not &&, because we are vectorizing
        # result = dplyr::mutate_all(x,funs(ifelse(is.na(.)&is.numeric(.),NA_character_,.)))
        x[] = lapply( x, function(e){ifelse(is.na(e) & is.numeric(e), NA_character_, e)} )
        result = x
    } else if (is.data.frame(x) && !is.null(col)) {
        # for (col in cols) {
        #     x[[col]] = as.character(x[[col]])
        #     result=x
        # }
        x[cols] = lapply(x[cols],function(e){as.character(e)})
        result = x
    } else {
        result = as.character(x)

#' rev a str: 'abc'->'cba'
#' @description rev a str: 'abc'->'cba'
#' @export
ez.strrev <- function(x) {
    nc <- nchar(x)
    paste(substring(x, nc:1, nc:1), collapse = "")

#' compare if s1 exact the same as s2, but ignore case, space, punctuation
#' @description compare if s1 exact the same as s2, but ignore case, space, punctuation
#' @param s string, supports vectorization
#' @param i ignore case, space, punctuation
#' @note internally strip the space, punct, and convert case, then use "==" to compare
#' @return logic
#' @export
ez.strcomp <- function(s1,s2,icase=TRUE,ispace=TRUE,ipunctuation=TRUE) {
    if (ispace) {
        s1 = gsub('[[:space:]]','',s1,perl=TRUE)
        s2 = gsub('[[:space:]]','',s2,perl=TRUE)
    if (ipunctuation){
        s1 = gsub('[[:punct:]]','',s1,perl=TRUE)
        s2 = gsub('[[:punct:]]','',s2,perl=TRUE)
    if (icase){
        s1 = tolower(s1)
        s2 = tolower(s2)

#' alias of \code{\link{ceiling}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{ceiling}}
#' @export
ez.ceil = ceiling

#' alias of \code{\link{floor}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{floor}}
#' @export
ez.floor = floor

#' alias of \code{\link{trunc}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{trunc}}
#' @export
ez.fix = trunc

#' alias of \code{\link{round}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{round}}
#' @export
ez.round = round

#' quotient
#' @description quotient
#' @param m dividend
#' @param n divider
#' @examples
#' 11 is given as the dividend and 5 the divider, (ie, 11 divided by 5, or divide 11 by 5), then 2(quotient) and 1(remainder).
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.remainder}}
ez.quotient = function (m,n) {

#' remainder
#' @description remainder
#' @param m dividend
#' @param n divider
#' @examples
#' 11 is given as the dividend and 5 the divider, (ie, 11 divided by 5, or divide 11 by 5), then 2(quotient) and 1(remainder).
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.quotient}}
ez.remainder = function (m,n){

#' similar to python range (python: left inclusive, right exclusive), wrapper of \code{\link{seq}}, may also consider 1:3
#' @description similar to python range (python: left inclusive, right exclusive), wrapper of \code{\link{seq}}, may also consider 1:3
#' @return returns a vector (both ends inclusive)
#' @examples
#' ez.range(1,3) # 1 2 3, equivalent to 1:3
#' @export
ez.range = function(start, stop, step=1){seq(start, stop, by=step)}

#' linspace
#' @description linspace
#' @param n number of points
#' @export
ez.linspace = function(start, stop, n){
    seq(start, stop, length=n)

#' replicate a matrix, n * n (if m not provided) or n * m
#' @description replicate a matrix, n * n (if m not provided) or n * m
#' @export
ez.repmat = function(a, n, m = n) {
    if (length(a) == 0) return(c())
    if (!is.numeric(a) && !is.complex(a))
        stop("Argument 'a' must be a numeric or complex.")
    if (is.vector(a))
        a <- matrix(a, nrow = 1, ncol = length(a))
    if (!is.numeric(n) || !is.numeric(m) ||
        length(n) != 1 || length(m) != 1)
        stop("Arguments 'n' and 'm' must be single integers.")
    n <- max(floor(n), 0)
    m <- max(floor(m), 0)
    if (n <= 0 || m <= 0)
        return(matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m))

    matrix(1, n, m) %x% a  # Kronecker product

#' find with regular expression (case sensitive)
#' @description find with regular expression (case sensitive)
#' @param s string
#' @param pat regular expression pattern
#' @param once match once or many times
#' @param split split or not (see below)
#' @return  returns a list ($start, $end, $match, $split)
#' \cr $start and $end as numeric vectors indicating the start and end positions of the matches.
#' \cr $match contains each exact match
#' \cr $split contains the character vector of splitted strings (split by the matched pattern, ie, the rest that do not match).
#' \cr If no match is found and split=FALSE, all components will be NULL
#' \cr If no match is found and split=TRUE, all components will be NULL except that split will contain the whole string
#' @export
ez.regexp = function (s, pat, ignorecase = FALSE, once = FALSE, split = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(is.character(pat), is.character(s))
    if (length(pat) > 1) {
        warning("Only the first string in argument 'pat' is taken.")
        pat <- pat[1]
    if (length(s) > 1) {
        warning("Only the first string in argument 's' is taken.")
        s <- s[1]
    if (is.na(pat) || is.na(s))
        stop("In arguments 'pat' and 's' NA values not allowed.")
    if (once) {
        res <- regexpr(pat, s, ignore.case = ignorecase, perl = TRUE)
    else {
        res <- gregexpr(pat, s, ignore.case = ignorecase, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (length(res) == 1 && res < 0)
        if (split)
            return(list(start = NULL, end = NULL, match = NULL,
                        split = s))
    else return(list(start = NULL, end = NULL, match = NULL,
                     split = NULL))
    rstart <- res
    rend <- rstart + attr(res, "match.length") - 1
    attr(rstart, "match.length") <- attr(rend, "match.length") <- NULL
    rmatch <- substring(s, rstart, rend)
    if (split) {
        n <- nchar(s)
        rs <- c(0, rstart, n + 1)
        re <- c(0, rend, n + 1)
        rsplit <- c()
        for (i in 1:(length(rs) - 1)) {
            if (rs[i + 1] - re[i] > 1)
                rsplit <- c(rsplit, substr(s, re[i] + 1, rs[i +
                                                                1] - 1))
    else {
        rsplit <- NULL
    list(start = rstart, end = rend, match = rmatch, split = rsplit)

#' find with regular expression (case insensitive)
#' @description find with regular expression (case insensitive)
#' @param s string
#' @param pat regular expression pattern
#' @param once match once or many times
#' @param split split or not (see below)
#' @return  returns a list ($start, $end, $match, $split)
#' \cr $start and $end as numeric vectors indicating the start and end positions of the matches.
#' \cr $match contains each exact match
#' \cr $split contains the character vector of splitted strings (split by the matched pattern, ie, the rest that do not match).
#' \cr If no match is found and split=FALSE, all components will be NULL
#' \cr If no match is found and split=TRUE, all components will be NULL except that split will contain the whole string
#' @export
ez.regexpi = function (s, pat, ignorecase = TRUE, once = FALSE, split = FALSE) {
    # A list with components start and end as numeric vectors indicating the start and end positions of the matches.
    # match contains each exact match, and split contains the character vector of splitted strings.
    # If no match is found all components will be NULL, except split that will contain the whole string if split = TRUE.
    # $start, $end, $match, $split
    ez.regexp(s, pat, ignorecase, once, split)

#' Merge multiple spaces to single space in the middle, and remove trailing/leading spaces
#' @description underlying function is \code{\link{gsub}} with regular expression
#' @param s a string or a data frame. if data frame, how will be ignored/forced to be 'both'
#' @param how a num 1=left only; 2=right only; 3=left and right; 4 (default)=left and right and merge middle
#' @examples  "Hi        buddy        what's up    Bro"  --> "Hi buddy what's up bro"
#' For portability, whitespace is taken as the character class [ \\t\\r\\n] (space, horizontal tab, line feed, carriage return).
#' @seealso \code{\link{trimws}}
#' @export
ez.trim = function (s, how=4){
    if (is.data.frame(s)) {
        s[]=lapply(s, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) factor(trimws(x,'both')) else x)
        s[]=lapply(s, function(x) if(is.character(x)) trimws(x,'both') else(x))

    if (how==1) {
        s = trimws(s,"left")
    } else if (how==2) {
        s = trimws(s,"right")
    } else if (how==3) {
        s = trimws(s,"both")
    } else if (how==4) {
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/25734388/2292993
        s = gsub("(?<=[\\s])\\s*|^\\s+|\\s+$", "", s, perl=TRUE)

#' replace string or string vectors literally
#' @description support single string, vectors
#' \cr case sensitive! wrapper of sub, gsub
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.recode}}, \code{\link{ez.recode2}}, \code{\link{ez.replace}}, \code{\link{ez.replacewhen}}, \code{\link{ez.2label}}, \code{\link{ez.factorname}}, \code{\link{ez.strreplace}}, \code{\link{ez.strrev}}, \code{\link{ez.regexprep}}, \code{\link{ez.regexprepi}}
#' @export
ez.strreplace = function (s, expr, repstr, once = FALSE){
    if (once) {
        sub(expr, repstr, s, fixed = TRUE)
    else {
        gsub(expr, repstr, s, fixed = TRUE)

#' replace string or string vectors using regular expression (case sensitive)
#' @description replace string or string vectors using regular expression (case sensitive)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.strreplace}}
#' @export
ez.regexprep = function (s, expr, repstr, ignorecase = FALSE, once = FALSE){
    if (!is.character(s))
        stop("Argument 's' must be a character vector.")
    if (!is.character(expr) || !is.character(repstr))
        stop("Arguments 'old' and 'new' must be simple character strings.")
    if (once) {
        sub(expr, repstr, s, ignore.case = ignorecase, perl = TRUE)
    else {
        gsub(expr, repstr, s, ignore.case = ignorecase, perl = TRUE)

#' replace string or string vectors using regular expression (case insensitive)
#' @description replace string or string vectors using regular expression (case insensitive)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.strreplace}}
#' @export
ez.regexprepi = function (s, expr, repstr, ignorecase = TRUE, once = FALSE){
    if (!is.character(s))
        stop("Argument 's' must be a character vector.")
    if (!is.character(expr) || !is.character(repstr))
        stop("Arguments 'old' and 'new' must be simple character strings.")
    if (once) {
        sub(expr, repstr, s, ignore.case = ignorecase, perl = TRUE)
    else {
        gsub(expr, repstr, s, ignore.case = ignorecase, perl = TRUE)

#' reshape matrix
#' @description reshape matrix
#' @return reshape(a, n, m) returns the n-by-m matrix whose elements are taken column-wise from a.
#' \cr An error results if a does not have n*m elements. If m is missing, it will be calculated from n and the size of a.
#' @export
ez.reshape = function (a, n, m){
    if (missing(m))
        m <- length(a)%/%n
    if (length(a) != n * m)
        stop("Matrix 'a' does not have n*m elements")
    dim(a) <- c(n, m)

#' apply array function, wrapper of mapply
#' @description apply array function, wrapper of mapply
#' @seealso consider using \code{\link[dplyr]{mutate}}, eg beta = mutate(beta, Gr=substr(ez.trim(Gr),1,1))
#' @export
ez.arrayfun = function(func, ...){
    dots <- list(...)
    if (length(dots) < 1)
        stop("Empty list of arrays: Rsult cannot be computed.")
    d <- dim(dots[[1]])
    r <- mapply(func, ...)
    dim(r) <- d

#' similar to matlab find, find non-zero in a vector
#' @description similar to matlab find, find non-zero in a vector
#' @param v logical input
#' @return returns index vector
#' @examples
#' ez.find(a>1)
#' @export
ez.find = function(v){
    which( if (is.logical(v)) v else v != 0, arr.ind = TRUE )

#' random number, alias of \code{\link{runif}}
#' @description random number, alias of \code{\link{runif}}
#' @examples
#' runif(n, min = 0, max = 1)
#' runif(n) generates n uniform random numbers between 0 and 1.
#' runif(n, a, b) generates n uniform random numbers between a and b. 
#' Two standard normal variates with a mean of 42 and a standard deviation of 9: rnorm(2, mean=42, sd=9).
#' A binomial variate: rbinom(1, size=6, prob=0.333)
#' Five poisson variate: rpois(5, lambda=8)
#' Nine gamma variates: rgamma(9, shape=4, rate=0.333) 
#' Sample(1:10, 3, replace=T) ->get integers
#' @export
ez.rand = runif

#' mimic python join, supports vectorization, wrapper of \code{\link{paste}}
#' @description mimic python join, supports vectorization, wrapper of \code{\link{paste}}
#' @param sep default is nothing
#' @examples
#' ez.join('','a',' x ','b') # "a x b"
#' @export
ez.join = function(sep='',...){

#' wrapper of \code{\link{cat}}, cat(string, "\\n", sep="")
#' @description wrapper of \code{\link{cat}}, cat(string, "\\n", sep="")
#' @param string a single character vector, other types will be auto converted with as.character() by cat()
#' \cr        ez.print(factor(4:5))        --> 12
#' \cr        ez.print(c(pi,'=',3))        --> 3.14159265358979=3
#' \cr        ez.print(c('var','\\t','p')) --> var\\tp
#' @param file filepath, default ''=print to console only; if provided, save to a file and print to console
#' @param append T/F
#' @param sep default empty. a character vector of strings to append after each element.
#' @param fill a logical or (positive) numeric controlling how the output is
#' broken into successive lines. If FALSE (default), only newlines created
#' explicitly by "\\n" are printed. Otherwise, the output is broken into lines
#' with print width equal to the option width if fill is TRUE, or the value of
#' fill if this is numeric. Non-positive fill values are ignored, with a
#' warning.
#' @param labels character vector of labels for the lines printed. Ignored if fill is FALSE.
#' @examples # cat("hello","world",file="output.txt",sep="\n",append=TRUE)
#' @return each print generates a new line automatically
#' @details do not use R \code{\link{print}}, not actually printing \\n
#' @seealso \code{\link{sprintf}}, \code{\link{ez.log}}, \code{\link{ez.join}}
#' @export
# above \\ used, because of Rd compilation, not because the actual syntax
ez.print = function(string, file = '', append = TRUE, sep='', fill = FALSE, labels = NULL){
    if (file!='') cat(string, "\n", file=file, sep=sep, fill=fill, labels=labels, append=append)
    cat(string, "\n")

#' colorful print
#' @description colorful print
#' @param color string, eg, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, silver, bgWhite, bgGreen, bgCyan etc
#' @export
ez.pprint = function(string,color='green') {
    cmd = sprintf('cat(crayon::%s("%s\n"))', color, string)
    eval(parse(text = cmd))

age_calc <- function(dob, enddate=Sys.Date(), units='years', precise=TRUE) {
    if (!inherits(dob, "Date") | !inherits(enddate, "Date")) {
        stop("Both dob and enddate must be Date class objects")
    if (any(enddate < dob)) {
        stop("End date must be a date after date of birth")
    start <- as.POSIXlt(dob)
    end <- as.POSIXlt(enddate)
    if (precise) {
        start_is_leap <- ifelse(start$year %% 400 == 0, TRUE,
                                                        ifelse(start$year %% 100 == 0, FALSE,
                                                                     ifelse(start$year %% 4 == 0, TRUE, FALSE)))
        end_is_leap <- ifelse(end$year %% 400 == 0, TRUE,
                                                    ifelse(end$year %% 100 == 0, FALSE,
                                                                 ifelse(end$year %% 4 == 0, TRUE, FALSE)))
    if (units == 'days') {
        result <- difftime(end, start, units = 'days')
    } else if (units == 'months') {
        months <- vapply(mapply(seq, as.POSIXct(start), as.POSIXct(end),
                                                        by = 'months', SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
                                         length, FUN.VALUE = length(start)) - 1
        # length(seq(start, end, by='month')) - 1
        if (precise) {
            month_length_end <- ifelse(end$mon == 1 & end_is_leap, 29,
                                                                 ifelse(end$mon == 1, 28,
                                                                                ifelse(end$mon %in% c(3, 5, 8, 10),
                                                                                             30, 31)))
            month_length_prior <- ifelse((end$mon - 1) == 1 & start_is_leap, 29,
                                                                     ifelse((end$mon - 1) == 1, 28,
                                                                                ifelse((end$mon - 1) %in% c(3, 5, 8, 10),
                                                                                                 30, 31)))
            month_frac <- ifelse(end$mday > start$mday,
                                                     (end$mday - start$mday) / month_length_end,
                                                     ifelse(end$mday < start$mday,
                                                                    (month_length_prior - start$mday) /
                                                                        month_length_prior +
                                                                        end$mday/month_length_end, 0.0))
            result <- months + month_frac
            result <- months
    } else if (units == 'years') {
        years <- vapply(mapply(seq, as.POSIXct(start), as.POSIXct(end),
                                                     by = 'years', SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
                                        length, FUN.VALUE = length(start)) - 1
        if (precise) {
            start_length <- ifelse(start_is_leap, 366, 365)
            end_length <- ifelse(end_is_leap, 366, 365)
            start_day <- ifelse(start_is_leap & start$yday >= 60,
                                                    start$yday - 1,
            end_day <- ifelse(end_is_leap & end$yday >= 60,
                                                end$yday - 1,
            year_frac <- ifelse(start_day < end_day,
                                                    (end_day - start_day)/end_length,
                                                    ifelse(start_day > end_day,
                                                                 (start_length - start_day) / start_length +
                                                                     end_day / end_length, 0.0))
            result <- years + year_frac
            result <- years
        stop("Unrecognized units. Please choose years, months, or days.")

#' Function to calculate age from date of birth.
#' @description This function calculates age in days, months, or years from a
#' date of birth to another arbitrary date. This returns a numeric vector in
#' the specified units.
#' @param dob a vector of class \code{Date} representing the date of birth/start date
#' @param enddate a vector of class Date representing the when the observation's
#' age is of interest, defaults to current date.
#' @param units character, which units of age should be calculated? allowed values are
#' days, months, and years
#' @param precise logical indicating whether or not to calculate with leap year
#' and leap second precision. If F, returns an integer.
#' @return A numeric vector of ages the same length as the dob vector (if dob or enddate is NA, return NA as well--I hacked this)
#' @source This function was developed in part from this response on the R-Help mailing list.
#' @seealso See also \code{\link{difftime}} which this function uses and mimics
#' some functionality but at higher unit levels.  \code{\link{ez.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date}} \code{\link{ez.is.date.like}} \code{\link{ez.age}} 
#' may be like the Excel funciton: YEARFRAC
#' @author Jason P. Becker from package eeptools (sligthly modified by Jerry)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- as.Date(c("2011-01-01", "1996-02-29"))
#' age(x[1],x[2], units = "years")  # 3.893151 18.731507
#' floor(age(x[1],x[2], units = "years")) # 3 18
#' a <- as.Date(seq(as.POSIXct('1987-05-29 018:07:00'), len=26, by="21 day"))
#' b <- as.Date(seq(as.POSIXct('2002-05-29 018:07:00'), len=26, by="21 day"))
#' age <- age(a, units='years')
#' age
#' age <- age(a, units='months')
#' age
#' age <- age(a, as.Date('2005-09-01'))
#' age
ez.age <- function(dob, enddate=Sys.Date(), units='years', precise=TRUE){
    # age_calc cannot deal with NA
    # well sapply here is essentially a loop
    result = sapply(1:length(dob),function(i,dob,enddate,units,precise) {
            if (is.na(dob[i]) || is.na(enddate[i])) {
            } else if (dob[i] > enddate[i]){
                ez.pprint(sprintf('dob: %s > %s. NA generated.',dob[i],enddate[i]),'red')
            } else {
        }, dob=dob,enddate=enddate,units=units,precise=precise)

#' Replaces non-finite values (Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) with \code{NA}s in array-like objects.
#' @description Replaces non-finite values (Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) with \code{NA}s in array-like objects.
#' @param x An array-like object, or vector
#' @return Returns \code{x} with non-finite values (Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) replaced with \code{NA}s.
#' @note is.na() returns TRUE for both NA and NaN, however is.nan() return TRUE for NaN (0/0) and FALSE for NA.
#' \cr mean(c(NA,NA),na.rm=T)  ---> NaN, mean(c(NA,NA),na.rm=F) ---> NA  sum(c(NA,NA),na.rm=T)  ---> 0, sum(c(NA,NA),na.rm=F) ---> NA
#' @examples
#' ez.nan2na(Inf)
#' ez.nan2na(rep(c(0, -Inf, Inf, NA, NaN), 3))
#' ez.nan2na(matrix(c(0, Inf, -Inf, 0), 2, 2))
#' ez.nan2na(array(c(0, -Inf, Inf, 1, NaN), dim = c(2, 3, 4)))
#' ez.nan2na(ts(rep(c(0, -Inf, Inf), 2), frequency = 5))
#' ez.nan2na(factor(c('ab','de'))), ez.nan2na(c('ab','de'))  # returns the original
#' @seealso \code{\link{is.finite}}, \code{\link{NA}}
#' @export
ez.nan2na = function(x) {
    if (is.character(x)) return(x)

    # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/cmrutils/index.html
        result <- x
        result[!is.finite(result)] <- NA
    else {
        result <- NULL

#' Replaces blank-ish elements of a factor or character vector to NA
#' @description Replaces blank-ish elements of a factor or character vector to NA
#' @param x a vector of factor or character or any type
#' @param na.strings case sensitive strings that will be coverted to NA. The function will do a trimws(x,'both') before conversion. If NULL, do only trimws, no conversion to NA.
#' @return Returns a vector trimws (always for factor, character) and NA converted (if matching na.strings). Attributes will also be kept ('label','labels', 'value.labels').
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.nan2na}}, \code{\link{ez.is.numeric.like}}, \code{\link{ez.num}}
#' @export
ez.blank2na = function(x,na.strings=c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')) {
    if (is.factor(x)) {
        lab = attr(x, 'label', exact = T)
        labs1 <- attr(x, 'labels', exact = T)
        labs2 <- attr(x, 'value.labels', exact = T)

        # trimws will convert factor to character
        x = trimws(x,'both')
        # trimws(NULL) --> ''
        if (! is.null(lab)) lab = trimws(lab,'both')
        if (! is.null(labs1)) labs1 = trimws(labs1,'both')
        if (! is.null(labs2)) labs2 = trimws(labs2,'both')

        if (!is.null(na.strings)) {
            # convert to NA
            x[x %in% na.strings] = NA
            # also remember to remove na.strings from value labels
            labs1 = labs1[! labs1 %in% na.strings]
            labs2 = labs2[! labs2 %in% na.strings]

        # the levels will be reset here
        x = factor(x)

        # NULL removes the attr, but '' results in empty attr
        attr(x, 'label') <- lab
        attr(x, 'labels') <- labs1
        attr(x, 'value.labels') <- labs2
    } else if (is.character(x)) {
        lab = attr(x, 'label', exact = T)
        labs1 <- attr(x, 'labels', exact = T)
        labs2 <- attr(x, 'value.labels', exact = T)

        # trimws will convert factor to character
        x = trimws(x,'both')
        if (! is.null(lab)) lab = trimws(lab,'both')
        if (! is.null(labs1)) labs1 = trimws(labs1,'both')
        if (! is.null(labs2)) labs2 = trimws(labs2,'both')

        if (!is.null(na.strings)) {
            # convert to NA
            x[x %in% na.strings] = NA
            # also remember to remove na.strings from value labels
            labs1 = labs1[! labs1 %in% na.strings]
            labs2 = labs2[! labs2 %in% na.strings]

        # NULL removes the attr, but '' results in empty attr
        attr(x, 'label') <- lab
        attr(x, 'labels') <- labs1
        attr(x, 'value.labels') <- labs2
    } else {
        x = x
jerryzhujian9/ezmisc documentation built on March 9, 2024, 12:44 a.m.