
Defines functions ez.resavex xlcolconv ez.logoff ez.logon ez.log ez.edit ez.type ez.savem ez.savexlist ez.savex ez.saves ez.reads2 ez.reads ez.readxlist ez.readx ez.readplist ez.savet ez.readt

Documented in ez.edit ez.log ez.logoff ez.logon ez.readplist ez.reads ez.reads2 ez.readt ez.readx ez.readxlist ez.resavex ez.savem ez.saves ez.savet ez.savex ez.savexlist ez.type

# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# import/export data file
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#' read csv table, wrapper of \code{\link{read.csv}}
#' @description read csv table/text, wrapper of \code{\link{read.csv}}
#' @param tolower whether to convert all column names to lower case
#' @param skip.rows rows to skip (1 based) before read in, eg 1:3, if negative,eg, -3:-5, counting from the last line
#' @param makenames if F, keep as is. if T, call make.names(unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE) _ kept, The character "X" is prepended if necessary. All invalid characters are translated to "." .1 .2 etc appended for uniqueness
#' @param ... more useful parameters from \code{\link{read.table}} \code{\link{read.csv}}, eg. strip.white, blank.lines.skip, na.strings, stringsAsFactors
#' @return returns a data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' read.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = "",
#'            dec = ".", numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"),
#'            row.names, col.names, as.is = !stringsAsFactors,
#'            na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
#'            skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = !blank.lines.skip,
#'            strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
#'            comment.char = "#",
#'            allowEscapes = FALSE, flush = FALSE,
#'            stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors(),
#'            fileEncoding = "", encoding = "unknown", text, skipNul = FALSE)
#' read.csv(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
#'          dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)
ez.readt = function(file, ..., skip.rows=NULL, tolower=FALSE, makenames=TRUE){
    if (!is.null(skip.rows)) {
        tmp = suppressWarnings(readLines(file))
        skip.rows = sapply(skip.rows,function(skip, len) ifelse(skip>0,skip,len+skip+1), length(tmp))
        tmp = tmp[-(skip.rows)]
        # solution 1:
        # tmpFile = tempfile()
        # on.exit(unlink(tmpFile))
        # writeLines(tmp,tmpFile)
        # file = tmpFile

        # # solution 2:
        # file = textConnection(tmp)

        # solution 3:
        result = read.csv(text=tmp, ...)
    } else {
        result = read.csv(file, ...)
    if (tolower) names(result) = tolower(names(result))
    if (length( ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T) )>0) {ez.pprint(sprintf('Duplicated col names found: %s. Will be handeled if makenames=T', toString(ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T)) ),color='red')}
    colnames(result) <- make.names(colnames(result),unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE)

#' wrapper of write.csv, but with row.names removed, alias of \code{\link{ez.write}}, wrapper of \code{\link{write.csv}}
#' @description wrapper of write.csv, but with row.names removed, alias of \code{\link{ez.write}}, wrapper of \code{\link{write.csv}}
#' @return returns file path
#' @examples
#' (x, file="RData.csv", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = ",",
#'             na = "NA", dec = ".",
#'             col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
#'             fileEncoding = "")
#' dec: decimal point
#' sep: not applicable when file is csv
#' @export
ez.savet = function(x, file="RData.csv", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, na = "", ...){
    # hack to remove row.names, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12117629/
    x = data.frame(x)
    if (row.names==FALSE) {rownames(x) <- NULL}
    if (col.names==TRUE & tools::file_ext(file)=='csv') {
        write.csv(x=x, file=file, row.names=row.names, na=na, ...)
        # hack to not save col names http://stackoverflow.com/a/19227265/2292993
        # why not write.table for both?
        # because write.table can be slow for data frames with large numbers (hundreds or more) of columns
        write.table(x=x, file=file, row.names=row.names, col.names=col.names, na=na, ...)

#' @rdname ez.savet
#' @export
ez.writet = ez.savet

#' save one (only one) object to a rds file
#' @description save one (only one) object to a rds file
#' @note alias of \code{\link{saveRDS}}
#' \cr x=5; saveRDS(x, "my.rds")
#' \cr
#' \cr usage for save (you have to always explicitly specify file=):
#' \cr      1) save(x, file='my.rda'), save(x, y, file='my.rda'), save('x', y, file='my.rda')
#' \cr      2) save(list='x', file='my.rda'), save(list=c('x', 'y'), file='my.rda')
#' \cr      the variable name will also be the same as when you save
#' \cr      if you want a different name, you have to assign variable to that name first
#' \cr
#' \cr save.image(file='my.rda')
#' \cr
#' \cr load(file)
#' @export
ez.saver = saveRDS

#' @rdname ez.saver
#' @export
ez.writer = ez.saver

#' read a rds file which contains only one obj
#' @description read a rds file which contains only one obj
#' @note alias of \code{\link{readRDS}}
#' \cr obj = ez.readr(file)
#' @export
ez.readr = readRDS

#' read a parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
#' @description read a parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
#' @note alias of \code{\link[arrow]{read_parquet}}
#' @export
ez.readp = arrow::read_parquet

#' read a list of parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
#' @description read a list of parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
#' @note Returns a data.frame. Use \code{\link[data.table]{rbindlist}}. ... passed to \code{\link[arrow]{read_parquet}}
#' @export
ez.readplist = function(plist,...){
    data = lapply(plist,arrow::read_parquet,...)
    data = data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(data))

#' save a df to a parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
#' @description save a df to a parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
#' @note alias of \code{\link[arrow]{write_parquet}}
#' @export
ez.savep = arrow::write_parquet

#' @rdname ez.savep
#' @export
ez.writep = ez.savep

# #' read an xlsx file, wrapper of \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx}} from the xlsx package, internally trim (leading and trailing) string spaces
# #' @description read an xlsx file, wrapper of \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx}} from the xlsx package, internally trim (leading and trailing) string spaces
# #' @param tolower whether to convert all column names to lower case
# #' @param stringsAsFactors T/F
# #' @param blanksAsNA T/F, converts factor or character vector elements to NA if matching na.strings
# #' @param na.strings only applicable if blanksAsNA=T. e.g., c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')
# #' @param makenames if F, keep as is. if T, call make.names(unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE) _ kept, The character "X" is prepended if necessary. All invalid characters are translated to "." .1 .2 etc appended for uniqueness
# #' \cr in fact, makenames is ignored, because xlsx::read.xlsx internally deals with col names. I still keep it for consistency with ez.readx
# #' @param detectDates If TRUE, attempt to recognise dates and perform conversion.
# #' \cr in fact, detectDates is ignored, because xlsx::read.xlsx internally deals with dates. I still keep it for consistency with ez.readx
# #' @return when stringsAsFactors=T, in the returned data frame, string to factor
# #' \cr number stored as text in excel (->string) -> factor
# #' \cr dates and datetimes will be auto converted, duplicate or illegal col names as variables will also be auto dealt with
# #' @examples
# #' read.xlsx(file, sheetIndex, sheetName=NULL, rowIndex=NULL,
# #'           startRow=NULL, endRow=NULL, colIndex=NULL,
# #'           as.data.frame=TRUE, header=TRUE, colClasses=NA,
# #'           keepFormulas=FALSE, encoding="unknown", ...)
# #' colClasses: Only numeric, character, Date, POSIXct, column types are accepted
# #' colClasses=c("Date", "character","integer", rep("numeric", 2),  "POSIXct")
#  @export
# ez.readx2 = function(file, sheetIndex=1, tolower=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, blanksAsNA=TRUE, na.strings=c('','.'), makenames=TRUE, detectDates=TRUE, ...){
#     result = xlsx::read.xlsx(file, sheetIndex, ...)
#     if (tolower) names(result) = tolower(names(result))
#     # char to factor
#     if (stringsAsFactors) result[sapply(result, is.character)] <- lapply(result[sapply(result, is.character)], as.factor)
#     # trim spaces
#     # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) factor(trimws(x,'both')) else x)
#     # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if(is.character(x)) trimws(x,'both') else(x))
#     # the above codes do not trim value labels
#     # ez.blank2na trick, trimws both value and value labels without converting to NA
#     if (!blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=NULL)
#     if (blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=na.strings)
#     # xlsx::read.xlsx internally deals with col names. I still keep makenames for consistency with ez.readx
#     if (length( ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T) )>0) {ez.pprint(sprintf('Duplicated col names found: %s. Will be handeled if makenames=T', toString(ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T)) ),color='red')}
#     colnames(result) <- make.names(colnames(result),unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE)
#     return(result)
# }

#' read an xlsx file, wrapper of \code{\link[openxlsx]{read.xlsx}}
#' @description uses openxlsx package which does not require java and is much faster, but has a slightly different interface/parameters from xlsx package. internally trim (leading and trailing) string spaces
#' @param sheet The name or index of the sheet to read data from.
#' @param tolower whether to convert all column names to lower case
#' @param stringsAsFactors T/F
#' @param blanksAsNA T/F, converts factor or character vector elements to NA if matching na.strings
#' @param na.strings only applicable if blanksAsNA=T. e.g., c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')
#' @param makenames if F, keep as is. if T, call make.names(unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE) _ kept, The character "X" is prepended if necessary. All invalid characters are translated to "." .1 .2 etc appended for uniqueness
#' @param detectDates If TRUE, attempt to recognise dates and perform conversion.
#' @return when stringsAsFactors=T, in the returned data frame, string to factor
#' \cr number stored as text in excel (->string) -> factor
#' @examples
#' read.xlsx(xlsxFile, sheet = 1, startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE,
#'          rowNames = FALSE, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,
#'          rows = NULL, cols = NULL, check.names = FALSE, namedRegion = NULL)
#' @export
ez.readx = function(file, sheet=1, tolower=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, blanksAsNA=TRUE, na.strings=c('','.'), makenames=TRUE, detectDates=TRUE, ...){
    result = openxlsx::read.xlsx(file, sheet, detectDates=detectDates, ...)
    if (tolower) names(result) = tolower(names(result))
    # char to factor
    if (stringsAsFactors) result[sapply(result, is.character)] <- lapply(result[sapply(result, is.character)], as.factor)
    # trim spaces
    # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) factor(trimws(x,'both')) else x)
    # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if(is.character(x)) trimws(x,'both') else(x))
    # the above codes do not trim value labels
    # ez.blank2na trick, trimws both value and value labels without converting to NA
    if (!blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=NULL)
    if (blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=na.strings)
    # openxlsx::read.xlsx supports check.names, but my codes can print out information
    if (length( ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T) )>0) {ez.pprint(sprintf('Duplicated col names found: %s. Will be handeled if makenames=T', toString(ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T)) ),color='red')}
    colnames(result) <- make.names(colnames(result),unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE)

#' read all sheets in an xlsx file, optionally prints sheet names, same syntax as \code{\link{ez.readx}}, wrapper of \code{\link[openxlsx]{getSheetNames}} from the openxlsx package
#' @description read all sheets in an xlsx file, optionally prints sheet names, same syntax as \code{\link{ez.readx}}, wrapper of \code{\link[openxlsx]{getSheetNames}} from the openxlsx package
#' @param print2scr print out sheet indices and names, default TRUE
#' @param tolower whether to convert all column names to lower case
#' @param stringsAsFactors T/F
#' @param blanksAsNA T/F, converts factor or character vector elements to NA if matching na.strings
#' @param na.strings only applicable if blanksAsNA=T. e.g., c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')
#' @param makenames if F, keep as is. if T, call make.names(unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE) _ kept, The character "X" is prepended if necessary. All invalid characters are translated to "." .1 .2 etc appended for uniqueness
#' @return a list of sheet as data frame. To get sheetnames, names(result)
#' \cr when stringsAsFactors=T, in the returned data frame, string to factor
#' \cr number stored as text in excel (->string) -> factor
#' @examples
#' readxlist(file, sheet = 1, startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE,
#'          rowNames = FALSE, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,
#'          rows = NULL, cols = NULL, check.names = FALSE, namedRegion = NULL)
#' @export
ez.readxlist = function(file, print2scr=TRUE, tolower=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, blanksAsNA=TRUE, na.strings=c('','.'), makenames=TRUE, ...){
    result = list()
    sheetnames = openxlsx::getSheetNames(file)
    for (i in 1:length(sheetnames)) {
        result[[sheetnames[i]]] = ez.readx(file, sheet=i, tolower=tolower, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, blanksAsNA=blanksAsNA, na.strings=na.strings, makenames=makenames, ...)
        if (print2scr) {cat(i, '\t', sheetnames[i], '\n')}

#' read spss
#' @description ez.reads:  haven (label,labels), usrna always to NA, col width >255 characters OK, Date, Time -> Date, hms/difftime
#' \cr
#' \cr ez.reads2: foreign (variable.labels, value.labels), perserve initial usrna if necessary, col width >255 characters Bad, Date, Time -> numeric.
#' \cr
#' \cr I hacked to trim (leading and trailing) string spaces (The leading spaces could be previously added by user, the trailing could come from SPSS padding to Width). Also, I hacked to auto replace col names (eg, @->.), see param makenames if one wants keep variable names as is.
#' @param path File path to the data file
#' @param atm2fac c(1,2,3). atomic means logic,numeric/double,integer,character/string etc. Char to factor controlled separately by stringsAsFactors.
#' \cr 1: atomic with a value labels attribute kept as is (eg, gender 1/2 numeric). SPSS value label kept as R attribute (Male/Female).
#' \cr 2: atomic with a value labels attribute converted to factor (eg, gender 1/2 factor). SPSS value label kept as R attribute (Male/Female). Should be desirable most of time.
#' \cr 3: atomic with a value labels attribute converted to factor, also factor values replaced by value labels (eg, gender Male/Female factor). No R attribute. Useful for plotting.
#' @param usrna (unfortunately, no effect as of the underlying HAVEN v0.2.1/v1.1.0) if TRUE, honor/convert user-defined missing values in SPSS to NA after reading into R; if FALSE, keep user-defined missing values in SPSS as their original codes after reading into R.
#' @param tolower whether to convert all column names to lower case
#' @param makenames if F, keep as is. if T, call make.names(unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE) _ kept, The character "X" is prepended if necessary. All invalid characters are translated to "." .1 .2 etc appended for uniqueness
#' @param stringsAsFactors T/F
#' @param blanksAsNA T/F, converts factor or character vector elements to NA if matching na.strings
#' @param na.strings only applicable if blanksAsNA=T. e.g., c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')
#' @note wrapper of \code{\link{sjmisc_read_spss}}, uderlying of which it uses HAVEN v0.2.1/v1.1.0
#' @export
ez.reads = function(path, atm2fac=2, usrna=TRUE, tolower=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, blanksAsNA=TRUE, na.strings=c('','.'), makenames=TRUE, ...){
    # internal notes
    # foreign: variable.labels (as df attributes), value.labels
    # haven: label = variable label, labels = value labels
    # I try to convert foreign attr to haven attr format

    if (atm2fac==1) {
        result = sjmisc_read_spss(path=path, atomic.to.fac=FALSE, keep.na=!usrna, ...)
    } else if (atm2fac==2) {
        # atomic.to.fac=FALSE here, will be hacked below
        result = sjmisc_read_spss(path=path, atomic.to.fac=FALSE, keep.na=!usrna, ...)
    } else if (atm2fac==3) {
        result = sjmisc_read_spss(path=path, atomic.to.fac=TRUE, keep.na=!usrna, ...)
        # result = ez.2label(result) # slow
        result[]=lapply(result, function(x) {ez.2label(x)})
    if (length( ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T) )>0) {ez.pprint(sprintf('Duplicated col names found: %s. Will be handeled if makenames=T', toString(ez.duplicated(names(result),value=T)) ),color='red')}
    colnames(result) <- make.names(colnames(result),unique=TRUE,allow_=TRUE)
    if (tolower) names(result) = tolower(names(result))

    # avoid warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables
    # do this before atm2fac, trim
    result[]=lapply(result, function(x) {attr(x,'format.spss') <- NULL; attr(x,'display_width') <- NULL; return(x)})

    # the atm2fac/atomic.to.fac only works for variable with numbers with labels/attributes (gender 1/2)
    # not string values (group control/patient)
    # here is a hack from http://stackoverflow.com/a/20638742/2292993
    if (stringsAsFactors) result[sapply(result, is.character)] <- lapply(result[sapply(result, is.character)], function(x) {lab <- attr(x, 'label', exact = T); labs <- attr(x, 'labels', exact = T); x=as.factor(x); attr(x, 'labels') <- labs; attr(x, 'label') <- lab; x})
    # another hack to trim both leading and trailing spaces (sjmisc_read_spss only trims trailing)
    # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) {lab <- attr(x, 'label', exact = T); labs <- attr(x, 'labels', exact = T); x=factor(trimws(x,'both')); attr(x, 'labels') <- labs; attr(x, 'label') <- lab; x} else x)
    # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if(is.character(x)) {lab <- attr(x, 'label', exact = T); labs <- attr(x, 'labels', exact = T); x=trimws(x,'both'); attr(x, 'labels') <- labs; attr(x, 'label') <- lab; x} else(x))
    # the above codes do not trim value labels
    # ez.blank2na trick, trimws both value and value labels without converting to NA
    if (!blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=NULL)
    if (blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=na.strings)
    # hack begin: atomic with attributes to factor, do this after trimming spaces, esp for factor
    # because factor(trimws(x,'both')) would remove attributes
    if (atm2fac==2) {
        atomic_w_attr_to_fac_haven = function (data.spss) {
            # haven packag uses 'labels' attr
            if (!is.null(attr.string)) {
                for (i in 1:ncol(data.spss)) {
                    x <- data.spss[[i]]
                    lab <- attr(x, 'label', exact = T)
                    labs <- attr(x, attr.string, exact = T)
                    if (is.atomic(x) && !is.null(labs)) {
                        x <- as.factor(x)
                        attr(x, attr.string) <- labs
                        attr(x, 'label') <- lab
                        data.spss[[i]] <- x

        result = atomic_w_attr_to_fac_haven(result)
    # hack end: atomic with attributes to factor

#' read spss
#' @description ez.reads:  haven, usrna always to NA, col width >255 characters OK, Date, Time -> Date, hms/difftime
#' \cr
#' \cr ez.reads2: foreign, perserve initial usrna if necessary, col width >255 characters Bad, Date, Time -> numeric.
#' \cr
#' \cr internally trim (leading and trailing) string spaces (The leading could be previously added by user, the trailing could come from SPSS padding to Width).
#' \cr SPSS numeric -> R numeric
#' \cr SPSS string (could be string of num) -> R character...then, when stringsAsFactors=T... -> R factor.
#' \cr SPSS Type (numeric, string) matters, but Measure (scale, ordinal, nominal) seems to not matter
#' \cr See param for more other details.
#' \cr Also somehow auto replace irregular chars in the col names (eg, @-->.)
#' @param atm2fac c(1,2,3). atomic means logic,numeric/double,integer,character/string etc. Char to factor controlled separately by stringsAsFactors.
#' \cr 1: atomic with a value labels attribute kept as is (eg, gender 1/2 numeric). SPSS value label kept as R attribute (Male/Female).
#' \cr 2: atomic with a value labels attribute converted to factor (eg, gender 1/2 factor). SPSS value label kept as R attribute (Male/Female). Should be desirable most of time.
#' \cr 3: atomic with a value labels attribute converted to factor, also factor values replaced by value labels (eg, gender Male/Female factor). No R attribute. Useful for plotting.
#' @param usrna if TRUE, honor/convert user-defined missing values in SPSS to NA after reading into R; if FALSE, keep user-defined missing values in SPSS as their original codes after reading into R. Should generally be TRUE, because most R stuff does not auto recognize attr well.
#' @param makenames not effective for this function, kept for compatiablity with other functions
#' @param tolower whether to convert all column names to lower case
#' @param stringsAsFactors T/F
#' @param blanksAsNA T/F, converts factor or character vector elements to NA if matching na.strings
#' @param na.strings only applicable if blanksAsNA=T. e.g., c('','.','NA','na','N/A','n/a','NaN','nan')
#' @note As of Nov, 2017, haven package eariler version is somewhat buggy, less powerful, but has been evolving a lot. I am not going to update haven right now. So stick with foreign. Potentially, one can also use SPSS R plugin to pass data between SPSS and R. see the "extra-variable" bug https://stackoverflow.com/a/7724879/2292993
#' @export
ez.reads2 = function(file, atm2fac=2, usrna=TRUE, tolower=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, blanksAsNA=TRUE, na.strings=c('','.'), makenames=TRUE, ...){
    # internal notes
    # foreign: variable.labels (as df attributes), value.labels
    # haven: label = variable label, labels = value labels
    # I try to convert foreign attr to haven attr format

    if (atm2fac==1) {
    } else if (atm2fac==2) {
    } else if (atm2fac==3) {
        atm2fac=TRUE  # T/F does not matter, essentially 'overwritten' by lbl2val

    # can safely ignore the warnings about type 7 and etc; data is not lost
    # # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3136293/read-spss-file-into-r

    # for variable label, it is possible to hack to make varialbe label->column name
    # because the function stores read-in info in attributes, see
    # http://www.r-bloggers.com/migrating-from-spss-to-r-rstats/
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19914962/
    # but I do not wanna bother, because sometimes the variable label could have unusal strings (eg punctuation)

    # trick to provide an option (set to.data.frame=F to get a list)
    # foreign::read.spss auto string->factor (since 0.8-69 you are allowed to pass stringsAsFactors)
    # internally, foreign::read.spss calls as.data.frame which is udner the influence of stringsAsFactors
    # options() while setting, returns old option if you specify a variable to catch the return
    oldOpts = options(stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors)
    result = suppressWarnings(foreign::read.spss(file, use.value.labels = lbl2val, to.data.frame = TRUE,
                                                 max.value.labels = Inf, trim.factor.names = TRUE,
                                                 trim_values = TRUE, reencode = NA, use.missings = usrna, ...))
    if (tolower) names(result) = tolower(names(result))
    # Important: cannot trim trailing (and leading) string space
    # trim.factor.names, trim_values in \code{\link[foreign]{read.spss}} seems not working???
    # --Where does the trailing spaces come from --String var padded to Width in SPSS
    # hack to remove leading and trailing string spaces
    # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) {labs <- attr(x, 'value.labels', exact = T); x=factor(trimws(x,'both')); attr(x, 'value.labels') <- labs; x} else x)
    # result[]=lapply(result, function(x) if(is.character(x)) {labs <- attr(x, 'value.labels', exact = T); x=trimws(x,'both'); attr(x, 'value.labels') <- labs; x} else(x))
    # the above codes do not trim value labels
    # ez.blank2na trick, trimws both value and value labels without converting to NA
    if (!blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=NULL)
    if (blanksAsNA) result[]=lapply(result,ez.blank2na,na.strings=na.strings)
    # hack begin: atomic with attributes to factor, do this after trimming spaces, esp for factor
    # because factor(trimws(x,'both')) would remove attributes
    if (atm2fac) {
        atomic_w_attr_to_fac_foreign = function (data.spss) {
            # foreign packag uses 'value.labels' attr
            if (!is.null(attr.string)) {
                for (i in 1:ncol(data.spss)) {
                    x <- data.spss[[i]]
                    labs <- attr(x, attr.string, exact = T)
                    if (is.atomic(x) && !is.null(labs)) {
                        x <- as.factor(x)
                        attr(x, attr.string) <- labs
                        data.spss[[i]] <- x

        result = atomic_w_attr_to_fac_foreign(result)
    # hack end: atomic with attributes to factor

    # convert foreign attr to haven attr format
    result = ez.labels.swap(result, mode=2)
    result = ez.label.swap(result, mode=2)


#' alias of \code{\link{sjmisc_write_spss}}, \code{\link{ez.writes}}
#' @description potentially keep variable labels and value labels.
# @param df \code{data.frame} that should be saved as file.
# @param path File path of the output file.
# @param enc.to.utf8 Logical, if \code{TRUE}, character encoding of variable and
#          value labels will be converted to UTF-8.
#' @export
ez.saves = function(df, path, enc.to.utf8=FALSE){
    # http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21476969
    # the spss format using an older version format (likely from pspp)
    # For SPSS Version 12 and below, The maximum numeric width is 16 and the maximum string width is 255
    # The maximum string width on SPSS versions V13 and later is now 32767. 
    # The maximum numeric width on SPSS versions V13 and later is now 40. 

    tmp = apply(df,2,nchar) 
    # max(c(NA,NA),na.rm=T) --> -Inf gives out warning
    tmp = suppressWarnings(apply(tmp,2,max,na.rm=T))
    cols = names(df)[which(tmp>255)]
    for (col in cols) {
        ez.pprint(sprintf('%s: some values in this col truncated to 255 characters',col))
        # works fine if less than 255
        df[[col]] = substr(df[[col]],1,255)
    sjmisc_write_spss(df, path, enc.to.utf8)

#' @rdname ez.saves
#' @export
ez.writes = ez.saves

# #' save an xlsx file, alias of \code{\link{ez.writex2}}, wrapper of \code{\link[xlsx]{write.xlsx}} from the xlsx package
# #' @description save an xlsx file, alias of \code{\link{ez.writex2}}, wrapper of \code{\link[xlsx]{write.xlsx}} from the xlsx package
# #' @return returns file path
# #' @examples
# #' (x, file, sheetName="Sheet1", row.names=FALSE,
# #'   col.names=TRUE, append=FALSE, showNA=TRUE)
#  @export
# ez.savex2 = function(x, file="RData.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1", row.names=FALSE, showNA=FALSE, ...){
#     # hack to remove row.names, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12117629/
#     # require('xlsx')
#     x = data.frame(x)
#     if (row.names==FALSE) {rownames(x) <- NULL}
#     xlsx::write.xlsx(x=x, file=file, sheetName=sheetName, ..., row.names=row.names, showNA=showNA)
#     # detach("package:xlsx", unload=TRUE)
#     return(invisible(file))
# }

# #' @rdname ez.savex2
#  @export
# ez.writex2 = ez.savex2

#' save an xlsx file, alias of \code{\link{ez.writex}}, wrapper of \code{\link[openxlsx]{writeData}} from the openxlsx package
#' @description uses openxlsx package which does not require java and is much faster, but has a slightly different interface/parameters from xlsx package.
#' \cr Other parameters in \code{\link[openxlsx]{writeData}}. Overwrite existing file.
#' @param withFilter T/F auto add excel filter
#' @param sheetName Name of the worksheet
#' @param gridLines A logical. If FALSE, the worksheet grid lines will be hidden.
#' @param startCol A vector specifiying the starting column(s) to write df
#' @param startRow A vector specifiying the starting row(s) to write df
#' @param xy An alternative to specifying startCol and startRow individually. A vector of the form c(startCol, startRow)
#' @param colNames If TRUE, column names of x are written.
#' @param rowNames If TRUE, row names of x are written.
#' @param headerStyle Custom style to apply to column names.
#' @param borders Either "surrounding", "columns" or "rows" or NULL. If "surrounding", a border is drawn around the data. If "rows", a surrounding border is drawn a border around each row. If "columns", a surrounding border is drawn with a border between each column. If "all" all cell borders are drawn.
#' @param borderColour Colour of cell border
#' @param borderStyle Border line style.
#' @return returns file path
#' @examples
#' (x, file, sheetName="Sheet1", rowNames=FALSE,
#'   colNames=TRUE)
#' ## write to working directory
#' options("openxlsx.borderColour" = "#4F80BD") ## set default border colour
#' write.xlsx(iris, file = "writeXLSX1.xlsx", colNames = TRUE, borders = "columns")
#' write.xlsx(iris, file = "writeXLSX2.xlsx", colNames = TRUE, borders = "surrounding")
#' hs <- createStyle(textDecoration = "BOLD", fontColour = "#FFFFFF", fontSize=12,
#'                   fontName="Arial Narrow", fgFill = "#4F80BD")
#' write.xlsx(iris, file = "writeXLSX3.xlsx", colNames = TRUE, borders = "rows", headerStyle = hs)
#' ## Lists elements are written to individual worksheets, using list names as sheet names if available
#' l <- list("IRIS" = iris, "MTCATS" = mtcars, matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 5))
#' write.xlsx(l, "writeList1.xlsx")
#' ## different sheets can be given different parameters
#' write.xlsx(l, "writeList2.xlsx", startCol = c(1,2,3), startRow = 2,
#'            asTable = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), withFilter = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
#' @export
ez.savex = function(x, file="RData.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1", withFilter=TRUE, rowNames=FALSE, colNames=TRUE, ...){
    x = data.frame(x)
    # # openxlsx::write.xlsx does not support (ie, ignore) withFilter, call underlying openxlsx::writeData
    # openxlsx::write.xlsx(x=x, file=file, asTable=FALSE, sheetName=sheetName, ..., rowNames=rowNames, colNames=colNames)
    cmd=sprintf('xlist = list("%s"=x)',sheetName)

#' @rdname ez.savex
#' @export
ez.writex = ez.savex

#' Save multiple data frames to multiple sheets individually
#' @description Save multiple data frames to multiple sheets individually
#' @param xlist a list of data frames. eg, list(sheetA=df1,sheetB=df2) where sheetA/B become sheet names; list(df1,df2) where it auto names Sheet1/2
#' \cr Other parameters in \code{\link[openxlsx]{writeData}}
#' @return returns file path
#' @export
ez.savexlist = function(xlist, file='RData.xlsx', withFilter=TRUE, rowNames = TRUE, colNames = TRUE, ...) {
    # https://github.com/awalker89/openxlsx/issues/111
    if (ez.getos()=='Linux') {Sys.setenv(R_ZIPCMD= "/usr/bin/zip")}

    sheetNames = if (!is.null(names(xlist))) names(xlist) else paste0("Sheet",1:length(xlist))
    wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook(creator = 'openxlsx')

    for (i in 1:length(xlist)) {
        sheet = data.frame(xlist[[i]])

        # openxlsx 3.0 seems to have a bug when saving TRUE/FALSE
        # convert to 1/0
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/30943225/2292993
        cols <- sapply(sheet, is.logical)
        if (length(which(cols))>1) {
            ez.pprint(sprintf('%s: TRUE/FALSE converted to 1/0',toString(names(which(cols)))))
            sheet[,cols] <- lapply(sheet[,cols], as.numeric)
        # the default rowNames=T has no col name for rowNames, and rowNames saved as string of numbers (not ideal for sorting, ie, '1', '10', '11', '2')
        # hack
        if (rowNames) {

        # sheetName too long! Max length is 31 characters., truncate if so
        sheetName = toString(sheetNames[i],width=31)
        openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheetName)
        openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheetName, sheet,
          colNames = colNames, rowNames = FALSE,
          withFilter = withFilter, ...)
    openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = file, overwrite = TRUE)


#' @rdname ez.savexlist
#' @export
ez.writexlist = ez.savexlist

#' Writes .mat files for exporting data to be used with Matlab, more similar to matlab save() syntax
#' @description Writes .mat files for exporting data to be used with Matlab, more similar to matlab save() syntax
#' \cr
#' \cr seems column in a data frame should be atomic if factor does not work well.
#' \cr Writes .mat files to store R session data using the R.matlab package and
#' \cr takes care that logicals and atomic vectors are saved properly: currently,
#' \cr R.matlab does not write logicals and atomic vectors (not 1D arrays/ matrices)
#' \cr in a way that they can be opened properly in Matlab (logicals will not be
#' \cr stored and atomic vectors will be transposed in the Matlab session - but they
#' \cr appear untransposed when read back from the .mat file into R using
#' \cr R.matlab::readMat()). This function is a convenient wrapper for
#' \cr R.matlab::writeMat() that stores logicals as 0 / 1 and that transposes atomic
#' \cr vectors when saving the matfile.
#' @param file file name, a character string, with or without '.mat'
#' @param vars character vector containing a comma separated listing of
#'   variables to be saved in the matfile. The variables have to exist in the
#'   environment where the function was called from. eg. 'var1,var2,   var3' with or without (extra) space
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A       <- matrix(c(2,3,4,2, 1,1,2,6, 8,3,9,7), 3, 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' b       <- c(3, 5, 1, 9, 18, 2) # atomic vector 1x6
#' cc      <- array(b, c(1, length(b))) # array vector 1x6
#' dd      <- t(cc) # array vector 6x1
#' myChar  <- c("from", "R", "to", "Matlab")
#' bool    <- TRUE # logical
#' k       <- FALSE
#' l       <- FALSE
#' file      <- "mytestmat"
#' vars    <- "A, b, cc, dd, myChar, bool, k, l"
#' ez.savem(file, vars)
#' unlink(paste(file, ".mat", sep = ""))
#' @author Christoph Schmidt <christoph.schmidt@@med.uni-jena.de>
# 17.12.15
ez.savem <- function(file, vars){
    if(!stringr::str_detect(fn, "^.*\\.mat$")){
        fn <- paste(fn, ".mat", sep = "")

    str_extractCommaSepArgs <- function(args_str){
        inp       <- list()
        ind_start <- 1
        k         <- 1
        bool      <- TRUE

        args_str     <- stringr::str_sub( args_str, ind_start )
        ind_end    <- stringr::str_locate( args_str, "," )[1,1]

        bool    <- FALSE
        ind_end <- stringr::str_length(args_str) + 1

     this_arg   <- stringr::str_sub( args_str, 1, ind_end-1 )
     inp[[k]]   <- stringr::str_trim(this_arg)
     ind_start  <- ind_end + 1
     k          <- k + 1


    varsList <- str_extractCommaSepArgs(vars)
    saveVars <- ""

    # strange iterator name to circumvent manipulating a global variable that should
    # be saved to .mat, e.g. k, i, ...
    for(kqzuacrlk in 1:length(varsList)){
        tmpStr  <- varsList[[kqzuacrlk]]
        tmpStr_ <- paste(tmpStr, '_', sep = "") # for storing local copy of global variable from parent frame

    if( !exists(tmpStr, envir = parent.frame()) ){
        stop(paste("Input variable name: '", tmpStr,
                    "'\ndoes not correspond to a variable stored in the parent frame.", sep = ""))

    tmpVal  <- get(tmpStr, envir = parent.frame())

    # is.vector(list) = TRUE, is.vector(logical) = TRUE, is.vector(array) = FALSE, is.list(vector) = FALSE
    # does not transpose one-dimensional matrices / arrays (they don't need to be transformed)
    if(is.vector(tmpVal) && !is.list(tmpVal) && !is.logical(tmpVal)){
        assign(tmpStr_, t(tmpVal)) # create new local variable containing the transpose of the corresponding parent.frame atomic vector
    else if(is.logical(tmpVal)){
            assign(tmpStr_, 1) # create new local variable containing the corresponding integer encoding of the corresponding parent.frame logical
        else {
            assign(tmpStr_, 0)
    else {
        assign(tmpStr_, tmpVal)

    saveVars <- paste(saveVars, tmpStr, " = ", tmpStr_, ",", sep = "")
    } # end for

    saveVars <- stringr::str_sub(saveVars, end = -2L) # deleting last comma

    ### saving .mat file ---
    f <- paste("R.matlab::writeMat('", fn, "', ", saveVars, ")", sep = "")

#' @rdname ez.savem
#' @export
ez.writem = ez.savem

#' show the content of a file in read-only mode, wrapper of wrapper of \code{\link{file.show}}
#' @description show the content of a file in read-only mode, wrapper of wrapper of \code{\link{file.show}}
#' @export
ez.type = function(path){
    result = file.show(path,title='File (read-only)')

#' edit a file, wrapper of wrapper of \code{\link{file.edit}}
#' @description edit a file, wrapper of wrapper of \code{\link{file.edit}}
#' @export
ez.edit = function(path){
    result = file.edit(path)

#' Prints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt) globally, wrapper of \code{\link{sink}}
#' @description recommend to use logon(), logoff(), which are convenient shortcuts of log()
#' @param mode a=append; w=overwrite
#' @param timestamp T=insert timestamp at the beginning and end, F=otherwise
#' @param status T=open the redirection/file, F=close the redirection
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' # logging on: log("thelog.txt")
#' # logging off: log(status=False)  # no need to pass in the file parameter
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.print}}
#' @export
ez.log = function(file='log.txt',mode='a',status=TRUE,timestamp=TRUE){
    append = ifelse(mode=='a',TRUE,FALSE)
    if (status) {
        if (timestamp) {cat(sprintf('...log on at %s...\n', date()))}
    else {
        if (timestamp) {cat(sprintf('...log off at %s...\n\n', date()))}

#' Prints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt) globally, wrapper of \code{\link{ez.log}}
#' @description Prints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt) globally, wrapper of \code{\link{ez.log}}
#' @param mode a=append; w=overwrite
#' @param timestamp T=insert timestamp at the beginning and end, F=otherwise
#' @param status T=open the redirection/file, F=close the redirection
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' # logging on: logon()
#' # logging off: logoff()  # does not accept any parameter
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.print}}
#' @export
ez.logon = function(file='log.txt',mode='a',status=TRUE,timestamp=TRUE){

#' Prints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt) globally, wrapper of \code{\link{ez.log}}
#' @description does not accept any parameter
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' # logging on: logon()
#' # logging off: logoff()  # does not accept any parameter
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.print}}
#' @export
ez.logoff = function(){

xlcolconv = function(col){
    # test: 1 = A, 26 = Z, 27 = AA, 703 = AAA
    if (is.character(col)) {
        # codes from https://stackoverflow.com/a/34537691/2292993
        s = col
        # Uppercase
        s_upper <- toupper(s)
        # Convert string to a vector of single letters
        s_split <- unlist(strsplit(s_upper, split=""))
        # Convert each letter to the corresponding number
        s_number <- sapply(s_split, function(x) {which(LETTERS == x)})
        # Derive the numeric value associated with each letter
        numbers <- 26^((length(s_number)-1):0)
        # Calculate the column number
        column_number <- sum(s_number * numbers)
    } else {
        n = col
        letters = ''
        while (n > 0) {
            r = (n - 1) %% 26  # remainder
            letters = paste0(intToUtf8(r + utf8ToInt('A')), letters) # ascii
            n = (n - 1) %/% 26 # quotient

#' Excel-style column name converter: number from or to letters
#' @description Excel-style column name converter: number from or to letters. Vectorized.
#' @param col number or letters, input a number (27), output letters ('AA'), vice versa. Vectorized. 1 = A, 26 = Z, 27 = AA, 703 = AAA
#' @export
# Vectorize in case you want to pass more than one column name in a single call
ez.xlcolconv = Vectorize(xlcolconv)

#' Open xls file in App and resave
#' @description Open xls file in App and resave
#' @param file file path to xls file
#' @export
ez.resavex = function(file){
    # not use, because libre will save as =TRUE() =FALSE()
    # # sometimes, openxlsx are not saved well
    # # let the xlsx file go through libre office to make sure contents are saved OK.
    # LibreOffice = '/Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/soffice'
    # if (file.exists(LibreOffice)) {
    #     tmpdir = tempdir()
    #     cmd = paste0(LibreOffice, ' --headless --convert-to xlsx ', file, ' --outdir ', tmpdir)
    #     system(cmd, ignore.stdout=T)
    #     file.rename(from=file.path(tmpdir,basename(file)),to=file)
    # }

    # hey, why not just call ms office to open and save
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/30858839/2292993
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/24431548/2292993
    # https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/253705
    cmd = sprintf('
osascript <<\'EOF\'        
set file_Name to "%s"

on is_running(appName)
    tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end is_running
set xlsRunning to is_running("Microsoft Excel")

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    open (file_Name as POSIX file)
end tell

do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of file_Name

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    save active workbook in file_Name
    close active workbook
end tell

if xlsRunning then
    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    end tell
end if

-- tell application "RStudio"
--     activate
-- end tell
    ', normalizePath(file))
jerryzhujian9/ezmisc documentation built on March 9, 2024, 12:44 a.m.