#' Load Inspections Data
#' `insp_load_data()` loads the data from an excel workbook into the R
#' session. standardizes column names, and optionally checks that the column
#' names match expected values.
#' If `check = TRUE`, `insp_load_data()` expects at least five columns
#' giving information on the (last?) inspection visit date, the business name,
#' the business address, the number of total violations by the business, and the
#' closure date (if it exists). The expected values of the column names are
#' formulated as generally as possible to allow for human error. The columns are
#' matched as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{inspection visit date} must contain the words \emph{"date"}
#' and \emph{"visit"}
#' \item \strong{business name} must contain the words \emph{"name"} and
#' \emph{"business"}
#' \item \strong{business address} must contain the word \emph{"address"}
#' \item \strong{number of violations} must contain the word
#' \emph{"violations"}
#' \item \strong{closure date} must contain the string \emph{"clos"} and the
#' word \emph{"date"}
#' }
#' @param path The path to the excel workbook containing inspections data
#' @param check Should column names be checked? See \strong{Details} for more
#' information on name checking.
#' @return A `tibble` containing the inspections data
#' @seealso Other functions in the inspections data pipeline (
#' \code{\link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}},
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_create_table]{insp_create_table()}
#' },
#' \code{\link[covidReport:insp_save_table]{insp_save_table()}},
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }) and the wrapper for the full workflow
#' (\code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_table_pipeline]{insp_table_pipeline()}
#' })
#' @export
insp_load_data <- function(
path = coviData::path_create(
"V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/",
"Grand List of Inspections",
ext = "xlsx"
check = TRUE
) {
path <- coviData::path_create(path)
guess_max <- .Machine$integer.max %/% 100L
readxl::read_excel(path, guess_max = guess_max, sheet = "Sheet1") %>%
janitor::clean_names() %T>%
{if (check) insp_cols_exist(.) else .}
#' Prepare Inspections Data for Displaying in HTML Table
#' `insp_prep_data()` prepares data from the inspections team for display
#' as an HTML table. It selects, transforms, orders, and sorts the five columns
#' needed for display and outputs a visualization-ready dataset.
#' `insp_prep_data()` chains together a number of operations on the input
#' data.
#' First, columns are selected as defined in the \strong{Details} of
#' \code{\link[covidReport:insp_cols_exist]{insp_cols_exist()}};
#' if multiple columns match this selection, they are
#' \code{\link[coviData:coalesce_across]{coalesced}}.
#' Second, columns are transformed according to type and assigned a standard
#' name. Visit date and closure date are assigned to `dt_visit` and `dt_closed`,
#' respecively, and converted to the ISO 8601 standard (see
#' \code{\link[janitor:convert_to_date]{convert_to_date()}},
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_cast_chr_date]{insp_cast_chr_date()}
#' }, and
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_replace_year_long]{
#' insp_replace_year_long()
#' }}). Name and address columns are assigned to `nm_business` and
#' `addr_business`, respectively, and converted to character with
#' extra whitespace removed. The number of violations is assigned to
#' `n_violations` and converted to integer.
#' Third, rows missing a business name or number of violations (`nm_business`
#' or `n_violations`) are removed from the dataset. Entries without names are
#' not easily identifiable, and the primary purpose of the table is to display
#' violations.
#' Fourth, columns are reordered for ease of viewing, and unnecessary columns
#' (any not listed above) are dropped. The ordering is `n_violations`,
#' `nm_business`, `addr_business`, `dt_visit`, and `dt_closed`.
#' Last, rows are arranged by column from left to right (first by
#' `n_violations`, then by `nm_business`, and so on). `n_violations`,
#' `dt_visit`, and `dt_closed` are arranged in descending order (most violations
#' and most recent dates first); `nm_business` and `addr_business` are arranged
#' in ascending order (aka alphabetically).
#' @param .data A data frame containing the inspections data
#' @return The processed data frame
#' @seealso Other functions in the inspections data pipeline (
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_create_table]{insp_create_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_save_table]{insp_save_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }) and the wrapper for the full workflow
#' (\code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_table_pipeline]{insp_table_pipeline()}
#' })
#' @export
insp_prep_data <- function(.data) {
.data %>%
dt_visit = coviData::coalesce_across(
dplyr::contains("date") & dplyr::contains("visit")
) %>%
janitor::convert_to_date(character_fun = insp_cast_chr_date),
nm_business = coviData::coalesce_across(
dplyr::contains("name") & dplyr::contains("business")
) %>%
as.character() %>%
addr_business = coviData::coalesce_across(
) %>%
as.character() %>%
n_violations = coviData::coalesce_across(
) %>%
stringr::str_squish() %>%
dt_closed = coviData::coalesce_across(
dplyr::contains("clos") & dplyr::contains("date")
) %>%
coviData::std_dates() %>%
format("%m/%d/%Y") %>%
) %>%
# Entries with no name or number of violations aren't useful to show
) %>%
# Only want to display these columns, in this order
) %>%
# Arrange for viewing
#' Create HTML Table of COVID-19 Business Inspections Results
#' `insp_create_table()` takes prepared inspections data and creates an
#' HTML table for publishing on the web (using the \strong{DT} package). Data
#' should first be prepared using
#' \code{\link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}}.
#' @param .data The prepared inspections data
#' @return A `reactable` object
#' @seealso Other functions in the inspections data pipeline (
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_save_table]{insp_save_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }) and the wrapper for the full workflow
#' (\code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_table_pipeline]{insp_table_pipeline()}
#' })
#' @export
insp_create_table <- function(.data) {
# Create column definitions
def_n_violations <- reactable::colDef(
name = "Violations",
style = violation_style
def_nm_business <- reactable::colDef(name = "Business")
def_addr_business <- reactable::colDef(name = "Address")
def_dt_visit <- reactable::colDef(
name = "Date Visited",
format = reactable::colFormat(date = TRUE)
def_dt_closed <- reactable::colDef(name = "Date Closed")
cols <- list(
n_violations = def_n_violations,
nm_business = def_nm_business,
addr_business = def_addr_business,
dt_visit = def_dt_visit,
dt_closed = def_dt_closed
columns = cols,
resizable = TRUE,
filterable = TRUE,
showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
highlight = TRUE,
striped = TRUE,
showSortable = TRUE,
showPageInfo = FALSE
#' Save an HTML Table Produced by `insp_create_table()`
#' `insp_save_table()` saves a `reactable` object to the specified
#' `path`. The defaults are intended for saving the inspections data table.
#' This function replies on \code{\link[htmlwidgets:saveWidget]{saveWidget()}},
#' but replaces the base64 encoded dependencies in the self-contained file with
#' the human-readable equivalent.
#' @param .table A `datatables` object
#' @param path The location to save the table
#' @param force Should an existing file at `path` be overwritten if a
#' conflict occurs?
#' @return The input `.table` (invisibly)
#' @seealso Other functions in the inspections data pipeline (
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_create_table]{insp_create_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }) and the wrapper for the full workflow
#' (\code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_table_pipeline]{insp_table_pipeline()}
#' })
#' @export
insp_save_table <- function(
path = coviData::path_create(
"V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/",
paste0("insp_table_", Sys.Date()),
ext = "html"
force = FALSE
) {
path <- coviData::path_create(path)
if (fs::file_exists(path) && !force) {
rlang::abort("File already exists. To overwrite, set `force = TRUE`.")
temp_file <- fs::file_temp("insp_table", ext = "html")
on.exit(fs::file_delete(temp_file), add = TRUE)
file = temp_file,
selfcontained = TRUE,
title = "COVID-19 Business Inspections"
readr::read_lines(temp_file) %>%
insp_convert_base64() %>%
#' Create and Manage Inspection Table Archive Files
#' `insp_archive_table()` creates a backup of the file at `table_path`
#' and ensures that only one file matching `table_pattern` is in the directory
#' specified in `table_path`. It also ensures that backups are kept to a
#' reasonable number in `archive_dir` (at least seven at all times, possibly
#' more if multiple backups per day were made in the last seven days).
#' @param table_path The path to the table to archive
#' @param archive_dir The path to the archive directory
#' @param table_pattern The pattern to search for when removing old tables from
#' the directory in `table_path`
#' @param force Should any existing file in `archive_dir` be overwritten if
#' there is a conflict?
#' @return `table_path` (invisibly)
#' @seealso Other functions in the inspections data pipeline (
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_create_table]{insp_create_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_save_table]{insp_save_table()}
#' }) and the wrapper for the full workflow
#' (\code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_table_pipeline]{insp_table_pipeline()}
#' })
#' @export
insp_archive_table <- function(
table_path = coviData::path_create(
"V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/",
paste0("insp_table_", Sys.Date()),
ext = "html"
archive_dir = "V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/Archive/",
table_pattern = "insp_table_.*html",
force = FALSE
) {
# Split and combine paths in various ways to prep for archiving
table_path <- coviData::path_create(table_path)
archive_dir <- coviData::path_create(archive_dir)
table_file <- fs::path_file(table_path)
table_dir <- fs::path_dir(table_path)
archive_path <- coviData::path_create(archive_dir, table_file)
# Create copy of table in archive
fs::file_copy(path = table_path, new_path = archive_path, overwrite = force)
# Make sure only the most recent table is in the "Table" directory
table_dir = table_dir,
table_pattern = table_pattern,
min_tables = 1L
# Clean up backups as well
archive_dir = archive_dir,
min_backups = 7L
# Wrapper Function #############################################################
#' Run the Full Inspections Table Pipeline
#' This is a simplified wrapper for the inspections table pipeline that makes
#' it easier to run. This takes inspections data from load to finished product
#' and cleans up after itself. See the component functions for details on the
#' pipeline.
#' @param data_path The path to the excel workbook containing inspections data
#' @param table_path The location to save the inspections table
#' @param archive_dir The path to the archive directory for inspections tables
#' @param force Should existing files at `table_path` or `archive_dir` be
#' overwritten if a conflict occurs?
#' @return The inspections table as a `datatables` object (invisibly)
#' @seealso The component functions of the inspections table pipeline:
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_create_table]{insp_create_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_save_table]{insp_save_table()}
#' },
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }
#' @export
insp_table_pipeline <- function(
data_path = coviData::path_create(
"V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/",
"Grand List of Inspections",
ext = "xlsx"
table_path = coviData::path_create(
"V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/",
paste0("insp_table_", Sys.Date()),
ext = "html"
archive_dir = "V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/Archive/",
force = FALSE
) {
rlang::inform("Loading inspections data...")
table_data_raw <- insp_load_data(path = data_path)
rlang::inform("Preparing inspections data...")
table_data_prepped <- insp_prep_data(table_data_raw)
rlang::inform("Creating inspections table...")
table <- insp_create_table(table_data_prepped)
rlang::inform("Saving inspections table...")
insp_save_table(table, path = table_path, force = force)
rlang::inform("Managing inspections archive...")
table_path = table_path,
archive_dir = archive_dir,
force = force
# Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Inspections Violations Color Helper
#' Map number of violations to a color (green, orange, or red). Invalid values
#' default to black (`"#000000"`).
#' @param value A scalar or vector numeric. This function *can* accept vectors;
#' however, \code{\link[reactable:colDef]{colDef()}} passes scalars.
#' @return A hex color code
violation_style <- function(value) {
color <- dplyr::case_when(
!is.numeric(value) ~ "#000000",
value < 0L ~ "#000000",
value < 2L ~ "#008000",
value < 4L ~ "#ff8c00",
value < Inf ~ "#e00000",
TRUE ~ "#000000"
list(color = color, fontWeight = "bold")
decode_base64 <- function(string) {
string %>%
jsonlite::base64_dec() %>%
insp_convert_base64 <- function(html) {
is_b64_script <- stringr::str_detect(html, "<script.+base64,")
b64 <- html[is_b64_script] %>%
stringr::str_remove("<script.+base64,") %>%
chr <- purrr::map_chr(b64, decode_base64)
i = is_b64_script,
value = paste0("<script>", chr, "</script>")
) %>% insp_convert_null()
insp_convert_null <- function(html) {
is_data <- stringr::str_detect(
"<script type=\"application/json\" data-for"
data_converted <- stringr::str_replace_all(
replacement = '" "'
vctrs::vec_assign(html, i = is_data, value = data_converted)
#' Replace Malformed Years in Inspections Data
#' `insp_replace_year_long()` replaces numeric years which only have
#' three digits, rather than the expected four (i.e. `202` instead of `2020`).
#' The replacement value is the current year. This function is intended for
#' use inside
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_cast_chr_date]{insp_cast_chr_date()}
#' }.
#' @param x A vector of dates
#' @param quiet Should a warning be issued when malformed dates are detected?
#' @return The corrected date vector
#' @seealso The calling function
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_cast_chr_date]{insp_cast_chr_date()}
#' }, as well as higher-level functions
#' \code{\link[janitor:convert_to_date]{convert_to_date()}} and
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
insp_replace_year_long <- function(x, quiet = FALSE) {
year_malformed <- "[0-9]{3,}"
current_year <- Sys.Date() %>% lubridate::year() %>% as.character()
malformed_values <- x %>%
stringr::str_detect(year_malformed) %>%
magrittr::extract(x = x)
n_malformed <- vctrs::vec_size(malformed_values)
if (n_malformed > 0 & !quiet) {
msg <- paste0(paste0(malformed_values, collapse = ", "), " was malformed")
rlang::warn(message = msg)
pattern = year_malformed,
replacement = current_year
#' Cast Character Dates to a Standard Format
#' `insp_cast_chr_date()` converts dates in a variety of character
#' formats to the ISO 8601 standard. It is intended for use as the
#' `character_fun` in \code{\link[janitor:convert_to_date]{convert_to_date()}}.
#' @param x A vector of dates
#' @return The standardized date vector
#' @seealso The function that this is used in,
#' \code{\link[janitor:convert_to_date]{convert_to_date()}}, as well as the
#' higher-level function
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_prep_data]{insp_prep_data()}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
insp_cast_chr_date <- function(x) {
orders <- c("mdy", "dmy", "ymd", "dmyT", "mdyT", "ymdT")
x %>%
insp_replace_year_long() %>%
lubridate::parse_date_time(orders = orders) %>%
#' Check that the Expected Columns are Present in Inspections Data
#' `insp_cols_exist()` is a wrapper around
#' \code{\link[coviData:cols_exist]{cols_exist()}} that checks for the existence
#' of columns expected in the inspections data. It is intended for use in
#' \code{\link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}}.
#' @param .data A data frame containing the inspections data
#' @return The input data frame
#' @seealso \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_load_data]{insp_load_data()}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
insp_cols_exist <- function(.data) {
dplyr::contains("date") & dplyr::contains("visit"),
dplyr::contains("name") & dplyr::contains("business"),
dplyr::contains("clos") & dplyr::contains("date")
#' Trim Table Directory for Inspections Tables
#' `insp_trim_tables()` ensures that at least `min_tables` tables are
#' in the tables directory at a time, but that at most `min_tables` days worth
#' of tables are kept if there are more than `min_tables` tables. All tables
#' should be archived before removal. This function is for internal use in
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }.
#' @param table_dir The directory containing the most recent inspections
#' table(s)
#' @param table_pattern The inspections table naming pattern, in regex. This
#' prevents deletion of files which aren't inspection tables.
#' @param min_tables The minimum number of tables to keep in `table_dir`
#' @return `table_dir` (invisibly)
#' @seealso \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }, \code{\link[coviData:trim_backups]{trim_backups()}}
#' @keywords internal
insp_trim_tables <- function(
table_dir = "V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/",
table_pattern = "insp_table_.*html",
min_tables = 1L
) {
table_dir <- coviData::path_create(table_dir)
if (!fs::is_dir(table_dir)) {
rlang::abort("`table_dir` must be an existing directory")
pattern = table_pattern,
min_backups = min_tables
#' Trim Archive Directory for Inspections Tables
#' `insp_trim_archive()` ensures that at least `min_backups` backups are
#' always kept of the inspections table, but that at most `min_backups` days
#' worth of backups are kept if there are more than `min_backups` backups. This
#' function is for internal use in
#' \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }.
#' @param archive_dir The directory containing archived inspections tables
#' @param min_backups The minimum number of backups to retain
#' @return `archive_dir` (invisibly)
#' @seealso \code{
#' \link[covidReport:insp_archive_table]{insp_archive_table()}
#' }, \code{\link[coviData:trim_backups]{trim_backups()}}
#' @keywords internal
insp_trim_archive <- function(
archive_dir = "V:/Compliance/Inspection Data for Publishing/Table/Archive/",
min_backups = 7L
) {
archive_dir <- coviData::path_create(archive_dir)
if (!fs::is_dir(archive_dir)) {
rlang::abort("`archive_dir` must be an existing directory")
min_backups = 7L
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