
Defines functions ADMM_grouplasso_weights_groups

# Solving G FLSA with penalty D given and weights w for lasso
# min 1/2 ||y-B||_2^2  + (w'*|B|) + lambda2*(G_1||D_1B||_2 + ... + G_g||D_gB||_2)
# Delta = D'D
ADMM_grouplasso_weights_groups <- function(y, D_list, omega1, omega2, G_penalty_factors,
                                    MAX_ITER = 200, TOL = 10^(-7),
                                    rho = 1, features=NULL,
                                    beta_start = NULL, NODES) {
  n = length(y) 
  G = length(D_list)
    beta = y
    beta = beta_start
  # Check if soft_thresholding(Y,w) == 0, best solution is zero
  soft_beta = soft_thresholding.c(y,omega1)
  q = soft_beta;  
  R = sapply(D_list, function(D) {
    u.aux <- rep(0, length(q))
    u.aux[D] <- q[D]
  counts = count(unlist(D_list))
  Group_counts = rep(0, length(y))
  Group_counts[counts$x] = counts$freq
    return(list(beta = as.vector(soft_beta), q = q, r = R,
                iter = 0, conv_crit = 0,best_beta = soft_beta))
  qk = q;   Rk = R
  u = rep(0,n);  V = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = G)
  iter = 1
  beta2 = beta^2
  phi_beta_k = 0.5*norm_s(y-beta)^2+
    omega1*sum(abs(beta)) + omega2*crossprod(G_penalty_factors, sapply(D_list, function(D) sqrt(sum(beta2[D]))))
  conv_crit = Inf
  sk  = Inf;   resk = Inf
  # MONITOR BEST BETA  ----------------------------------------------------------
  best_beta = beta;  best_phi = phi_beta_k;  is_best_end = T
  #while((conv_crit>1e-04) | (resk > TOL | sk > TOL) & (iter <= MAX_ITER)) {
  while((resk > TOL | sk > TOL) & (iter <= MAX_ITER)) {
    #t0 <- proc.time()[3]
    aux = y-u + rho*q + rho*apply(R,1,sum) - apply(V,1, sum)
    beta = aux/(1+(Group_counts+1)*rho)
    #update q
    q = soft_thresholding.c(beta+u/rho, (omega1/rho))
    #t1 <- proc.time()[3]
    # update r
    #BetaVrho <- sapply(D_list, function(D) as.matrix(D%*%beta))
    Beta <- sapply(D_list, function(D) {
      vec.aux <- rep(0, length(beta))
      vec.aux[D] <- beta[D] 
    #t2 <- proc.time()[3]
    R = l2_groups_softhtresholding(Beta + V/rho, D_list, omega2/rho, G_penalty_factors)
    u = u + rho*(beta-q)#<-----------
    V = V + rho*(Beta-R)#<-----------    
    # Update convergence criterias --------------------------------------
    beta2 = beta^2
    phi_beta_k1 = as.numeric( 1/2 * norm_s(beta-y)^2 + 
                                omega1*sum(abs(beta)) + 
                                omega2*crossprod(G_penalty_factors, sapply(D_list, function(D) {
    sk = rho * (max(abs(q-qk))+max(abs(R- Rk)))#<-----------
    res1k = norm_s(beta-q);   res2k = sum(sapply(1:length(D_list), function(i) norm_s(beta[D_list[[i]]] - R[D_list[[i]], i])))
    resk = res1k + res2k
    qk = q;   Rk = R
    conv_crit = abs(phi_beta_k1 - phi_beta_k)/phi_beta_k
    phi_beta_k = phi_beta_k1
    # MONITOR BEST BETA  ----------------------------------------------------------
    if(phi_beta_k1<best_phi) {best_beta = beta;  best_phi = phi_beta_k;  is_best_end = T}else{is_best_end = F}
    #cat("  iter", iter,"-- FLSA\tConv.crit.",conv_crit,"||Dbeta-r||=",res2k,
    #        "||beta-q||",res1k, "||sk||",sk, "phi",phi_beta_k1,"\n")
    #print(c(t1-t0, t2-t1))
    iter = iter+1
  # ANALYZE FINAL SOLUTION --------------------------------------
  # selects best beta between final beta, best_beta, and q
  beta_q = beta; beta_q[which(q==0)] = 0
  beta_q_2 = beta_q^2
  phi_beta_q = as.numeric(1/2*norm_s(beta_q-y)^2 + omega1*sum(abs(beta_q)) + 
                            omega2*crossprod(G_penalty_factors, sapply(D_list, function(D) sqrt(sum(beta_q_2[D])))))
  whichm = which.min(c(phi_beta_k1,best_phi,phi_beta_q))
  if(whichm==1) {
    best_beta = beta
  }else if(whichm==3){best_beta = beta_q}
  #cat("  iter", iter, "phi",phi_beta_k1,"phibq",phi_beta_q,"spars. ", 
  #    sum(as.vector(best_beta)==0)/(length(beta)),"sparsq.",sum(q==0),"\n")
  return(list(beta = as.vector(beta), q = q, r = R,iter = iter, 
              conv_crit = conv_crit,best_beta = as.vector(best_beta)))
jesusdaniel/graphclass documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 3:10 p.m.