
Defines functions print.summary.layer summary.layer tVaR.layer VaR.layer minus.layer stdev.layer expected.layer print.layer layer

Documented in expected.layer layer minus.layer print.layer print.summary.layer stdev.layer summary.layer tVaR.layer VaR.layer

#' Create a layer object.
#' @param attachment layer per occurrence attachment point.
#' @param limit layer per occurrence limit.
#' @param participation layer participation (proportion ceded).
#' @param loss_set String containing the name of data frame. The dataframe must contain columns trialID, LOB, and Loss.
#' @param lobs list of LOBs the layer applies to.
#' @param agg_attachment layer per occurrence limit.
#' @param agg_limit layer per occurrence limit.
#' @return The layer object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' agg_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"),
#'                    agg_attachment = 4000000, agg_limit=8000000)
layer <-
           participation = 1,
           lobs = NULL,
           agg_attachment = 0,
           agg_limit = UNLIMITED) {
    # The loss set is expected to have columns named LOB, trialID, and Loss
    stopifnot(all(c("LOB", "trialID", "Loss") %in% names(get(loss_set))))
    losses <- get(loss_set)
    trial_count <- attr(losses, "trial_count")
    all_lobs <- attr(losses, "lobs")
    if (is.null(trial_count) |
      stop ("Loss set must have attributes lobs and trial_count")
    valid_lobs <- unique(losses$LOB)
    stopifnot(all(valid_lobs %in% all_lobs))
    stopifnot(all(lobs %in% all_lobs))
    if (is.null(lobs)) lobs <- valid_lobs
    losses <- losses[losses$LOB %in% lobs, c("trialID", "Loss")]
    losses$layered_loss <- pmin(pmax(losses$Loss - attachment, 0), limit)
    # Use aggregate to compute total layered loss and max layered loss
    trial_results <- aggregate(losses["layered_loss"],
                               function(x) c(sum(x), max(x)))
    # The sum and the max are a vector in the last column of the dataframe.
    # Fix it so sum and max are in separate columns
    trial_results <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(trial_results), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Get the right names on the columns
    names(trial_results) <- c("trialID", "ceded_loss", "max_ceded_loss")
    trial_results$ceded_loss <-
      pmin(pmax(trial_results$ceded_loss - agg_attachment, 0),
           agg_limit) * participation
    value <-
        attachment = attachment,
        limit = limit,
        participation = participation,
        loss_set = loss_set,
        lobs = lobs,
        agg_attachment = agg_attachment,
        agg_limit = agg_limit,
        trial_results = trial_results,
        trial_count = trial_count,
        all_lobs = all_lobs
    class(value) <- "layer"
    mn <- min(trial_results$ceded_loss)
    mx <- max(trial_results$ceded_loss)
    if (mn < 0 & mx > 0) stop("Mixed signs in layer losses")

# TODO: Why is the sign of the layer computed in the print method? Would it be better in the constructor?
#' Print function for objects of class layer.
#' @param x The layer to be printed.
#' @param ... Objects to be passed to subsequent methods, if they existed.
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' test_layer
#' print(test_layer)
#' @export
print.layer <- function(x, ...) {
  attachment <- format(x$attachment, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
  if (x$limit == UNLIMITED) limit <- "UNLIMITED"
  else limit <-  format(x$limit, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
  participation <- format(x$participation, nsmall=3, format="f")
  df <- data.frame(
    row.names = c("Limit:", "Attachment:", "Participation:", "Loss set:", "LOBS:"),
    Value = c(limit, attachment, participation, x$loss_set, paste(x$lobs, collapse=" ")),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (x$agg_attachment != 0 | x$agg_limit != UNLIMITED)
    agg_attachment <- format(x$agg_attachment, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
    agg_limit <-  format(x$agg_limit, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
    df2 <-
        row.names = c("Agg Attachment:", "Agg Limit:"),
        Value = c(agg_attachment, agg_limit),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    df <- rbind(df, df2)
  sgn <- min(x$trial_results$ceded_loss)
  if (sgn >= 1) layer_sign <- "+"
  else layer_sign <- "-"
  df3 <-
    data.frame(row.names = "Sign:",
               Value = layer_sign,
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  df <- rbind(df, df3)

#' @rdname expected
#' @export
expected.layer <- function(object)
# TODO what if some of the trials have no losses? then this mean will not work

#' @rdname stdev
#' @export
stdev.layer <- function(object) {
  obs <- object$trial_results$ceded_loss
  mu <- expected(object)
  N <- object$trial_count
  ans <- sqrt(sum((obs - mu)**2)/(N - 1))

#' @rdname minus
#' @export
minus.layer <- function(object){
  object$trial_results$ceded_loss <- (-object$trial_results$ceded_loss)
  object$trial_results$max_ceded_loss <- (-object$trial_results$max_ceded_loss)

#' @rdname VaR
#' @export
VaR.layer <- function(object, rp_years, type = c("AEP", "OEP")) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  n <- round(object$trial_count/rp_years)
  if (type == "AEP") {
    aep_sort <- sort(object$trial_results$ceded_loss, decreasing = TRUE)
    ans <- aep_sort[n]
  else if (type == "OEP") {
    oep_sort <- sort(object$trial_results$max_ceded_loss, decreasing = TRUE)
    ans <- oep_sort[n]

#' @rdname tVaR
#' @export
tVaR.layer <- function(object, rp_years, type = c("AEP", "OEP")) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  v <- VaR(object = object, rp_years = rp_years, type = type)
  if (type == "AEP") {
    aep <- object$trial_results$ceded_loss
    ans <- mean(aep[aep >= v])
  else if (type == "OEP") {
    oep <- object$trial_results$max_ceded_loss
    ans <- mean(oep[oep >= v])

#'  Summarize the layer parameters, and compute some metrics
#'  for the layer.
#' @param object The layer to calculate metrics for.
#' @param ... Objects to be passed to subsequent methods, if they existed.
#' @return An object of class summary.layer containing layer parameters, mean,
#' standard deviation, VaR and tVaR (AEP).
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' summary(test_layer)
#' @export
summary.layer <- function(object, ...) {
  ans <- list(layer = object,
    mean = expected(object),
    sd = stdev(object),
    var25 = VaR(object, 25, "AEP"),
    var100 = VaR(object, 100, "AEP"),
    var250 = VaR(object, 250, "AEP"),
    tvar25 = tVaR(object, 25, "AEP"),
    tvar100 = tVaR(object, 100, "AEP"),
    tvar250 = tVaR(object, 250, "AEP")
  class(ans) <- "summary.layer"

#' Print function for objects of class summary.layer
#' @param x The summary to be printed.
#' @param ... Objects to be passed to subsequent methods, if they existed.
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' summary(test_layer)
#' print(summary(test_layer)) # same thing
#' @export
print.summary.layer <- function(x, ...) {
  z <- sapply(x[-1], function(y) format(round(y), big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE))
  names(z) <- NULL
    row.names = c(
      "VaR 25:",
      "VaR 100:",
      "VaR 250:",
      "tVaR 25:",
      "tVaR 100:",
      "tVaR 250:"
    Value = z,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
jfkingiii/layers documentation built on July 21, 2020, 8:57 p.m.