
Defines functions no.list.func startchain.func mcmc.init.func emission.probs.func transition.probs.func one.list.func rec.func anc.func bed.file.func prep.func get.vcfdata.func make.params run.startmrca

Documented in run.startmrca

#This runs the full sequence of functions below.
run.startmrca = function(vcf.file, rec.file, mut.rate, rec.rate = NULL, nsel = NULL, nanc = NULL, chain.length = 15000, proposal.sd = 20, nanc.post = 100, sample.ids, refsample.ids = NULL, pos, sel.allele = 1, bed.file = NULL, upper.t.limit = 2000, output.file = NULL) {
        params = make.params(vcf.file, rec.file, mut.rate, rec.rate, nsel, nanc, chain.length, proposal.sd, nanc.post, sample.ids, refsample.ids, pos, sel.allele, bed.file, upper.t.limit)
        input.list = get.vcfdata.func(params)
        prep.list = prep.func(input.list,params)
        anc.list = anc.func(prep.list)
        new.recmap = rec.func(params,prep.list)
        mcmc.list = one.list.func(prep.list,anc.list,new.recmap)
        mcmc.list = mcmc.init.func(mcmc.list)
        mcmc.output = startchain.func(mcmc.list,params)
        # Save result on disk
        if (is.null(output.file)) {
            save(mcmc.output, file = paste0(params$file.name,"_mcmc_list.RDATA"))
        } else {
            save(mcmc.output, file = output.file)
        # Return matrix if assigned to object

#This puts the parameter values into a list to pass through the following functions.
make.params = function(vcf.file, rec.file, mut.rate, rec.rate, nsel, nanc, chain.length, proposal.sd, nanc.post, sample.ids, refsample.ids, pos, sel.allele, bed.file, upper.t.limit) {
    file.name = strsplit(vcf.file, ".vcf.gz")
    params = list("vcf.file"      = vcf.file,     "rec.file"      = rec.file,
                  "rec.rate"      = rec.rate,     "mut.rate"      = mut.rate,
                  "nsel"          = nsel,         "nanc"          = nanc,
                  "chain.length"  = chain.length, "proposal.sd"   = proposal.sd,
                  "nanc.post"     = nanc.post,    "sample.ids"    = sample.ids,
                  "refsample.ids" = refsample.ids,"pos"           = pos,
                  "sel.allele"    = sel.allele,   "file.name"     = file.name,
                  "bed.file"      = bed.file,     "upper.t.limit" = upper.t.limit)
    if (chain.length < nanc.post) { stop("nanc.post must be less than chain.length")}

#This puts the genotype data from the the vcf into an R matrix format.
get.vcfdata.func = function(params) {
    print("Getting data from the vcf.")
    vcf.file = params$vcf.file
    file.name = params$file.name
    sel.pos = params$pos

    # Loading VCF
    vcf.data <- read.vcfR(vcf.file, verbose=FALSE)
    # Removing IDs because extract.gt does not handle duplicated IDs
    ## This is addressed by removing duplicated IDs
    vcf.id <- getID(vcf.data)
    if (! all(is.na(vcf.id)) & any(duplicated(vcf.id[ ! is.na(vcf.id)])) ) {
        print("Removing variable sites with duplicated ID in the vcf (only the first sites are kept).")
        vcf.data <- vcf.data[ ! is.na(vcf.id) & ! duplicated(vcf.id), ]

    sample.fields <- colnames(extract.gt(vcf.data))
	ref.fields = "NA"
	if (!is.character(params$sample.ids)) {
	    # If no carriers are specified it uses the full sample.
	    print("No selected allele carrier IDs are specified.")
	    print("Using carriers from the full vcf.")
	    selid = sample.fields
	    sel.fields = c(1:length(selid))
	if (is.character(params$sample.ids)) {
	    # If carriers are specified it identifies which columns to use in the vcf.
		if (!file.exists(params$sample.ids)) {
		    # Checks to see that the sample.id file was specified correctly.
	       print(paste(params$sample.ids,"doesn't exist.",sep=' '))
	    } else {
	       print("Selected allele carrier IDs are specified.")
	       selid = scan(params$sample.ids,what="character")
	       sel.fields = which(sample.fields%in%selid==TRUE)
	       if (length(sel.fields)==0) {
	          # The ids in the sample.id file may not be represented in the vcf.
              print("Selected allele carrier IDs are not in this vcf.")
              print("Using any carriers in the full vcf instead.")
    if (!is.character(params$refsample.ids)) {
        # if no reference individuals are specified, it uses the full sample.
        print("No reference panel IDs are specified.")
	    print("Using non-carriers from the full vcf.")
	    refid = sample.fields
	    ref.fields = which(sample.fields%in%sample.fields[-sel.fields]==TRUE)
	if (is.character(params$refsample.ids)) {
	    if (!file.exists(params$refsample.ids)) {
	       print(paste(params$refsample.ids,"doesn't exist.",sep=' '))
	    } else {
	       print("Reference panel IDs are specified.")
	       # This pulls out the reference individuals from the full sample.
	       if (length(which(params$refsample.ids%in%params$sample.ids==TRUE))==length(params$sample.ids)) {
	          print("Reference panel is the same as the carrier panel.")
	          refid = selid
	          ref.fields = sel.fields
	       } else {
              refid = scan(params$refsample.ids,what="character")
              ref.fields = which(sample.fields%in%refid==TRUE)
           if (length(ref.fields)==0) {
              print("Reference panel IDs are not in this vcf.")
              print("Using any non-carriers in the full vcf instead.")
    # If there's redundancy between the carrier and reference panels it removes duplicates.
	pop.fields = c(sel.fields,ref.fields)
	if (length(which(sel.fields%in%ref.fields==TRUE))==length(sel.fields)) {
        pop.fields = c(sel.fields)
	# This trims the vcf file down to the sample IDs we want using the columns from pop.fields.
    vcf.sample <- vcf.data
    vcf.sample@gt <- vcf.data@gt[,c(1,(pop.fields+1))] # +1 needed because of the FORMAT column in the gt slot
    chrom             = getCHROM(vcf.sample)[1]
	# We want to remove any sites that aren't biallelic.
    alt.allele.number = nchar(getALT(vcf.sample))
    ref.allele.number = nchar(getREF(vcf.sample))
    alt.remove        = which(alt.allele.number!=1)
    ref.remove        = which(ref.allele.number!=1)
    remove.alleles    = sort(unique(c(alt.remove,ref.remove)))
    if (!identical(remove.alleles,integer(0))) {
        vcf.sample    = vcf.sample[-remove.alleles,]
    # This is where we make our matrix of genotypes from the vcf.
    mygt <- extract.gt(vcf.sample)
    mygt <- mygt[,match(sample.fields,colnames(mygt))]

    if ( any(colnames(mygt) != sample.fields)){
      stop("Sample fields don't match genotype matrix")
    genotype.matrix   = matrix(nrow=(ncol(mygt))*2,ncol=nrow(mygt))
    odds              = seq(1,nrow(genotype.matrix),2)
    pb                = txtProgressBar(1,length(odds),1,style=3)
    for (i in 1:length(odds)) {
        index = odds[i]
        genotype.matrix[index,]     = as.numeric(substr(mygt[,][,i],1,1))
        genotype.matrix[(index+1),] = as.numeric(substr(mygt[,][,i],3,3))
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    whole.sample      = genotype.matrix
    # Getting allele frequencies.
    allele.freqs      = c(1:ncol(whole.sample))
    for (i in 1:ncol(whole.sample)) {
        allele.freqs[i] = sum(whole.sample[,i])/nrow(whole.sample)
    # We want to remove any fixed sites in our sample.
    invariant.sites   = c(which(allele.freqs==1),which(allele.freqs==0))
    if (!identical(invariant.sites,integer(0))) {
        vcf.sample    = vcf.sample[-invariant.sites,]
        allele.freqs  = allele.freqs[-invariant.sites]
        whole.sample  = whole.sample[,-invariant.sites]
    positions         = as.numeric(getPOS(vcf.sample))
    fields.list       = list("sel.fields"=sel.fields,"ref.fields"=ref.fields)
    input.list = list("whole.sample" = whole.sample, "positions"  = positions,
                      "allele.freqs" = allele.freqs, "const.mult" = params$const.mult,
                      "fields.list"  = fields.list,  "chr"        = chrom)                      

# This is another data processing function before running the MCMC.
prep.func = function(input.list,params) {
    # Here we define the variables we want from the lists 'input.list' and 'params'.
    psel          = params$pos
    nanc          = params$nanc
    nsel          = params$nsel
    mut.rate      = params$mut.rate
    sel.allele    = params$sel.allele
    chain.length  = params$chain.length
    chr           = input.list$chr
    whole.sample  = input.list$whole.sample
    positions     = input.list$positions
    all.positions = cumsum(c(0,diff(positions)))+1
    allele.freqs  = input.list$allele.freqs
    sel.site      = which(positions==psel)
    bed.file      = params$bed.file
    # Checking to make sure the selected site is in the vcf.
    if (length(sel.site)==0) {
        print("The selected site is not a position in the VCF file.")
    fields.list   = input.list$fields.list
    sel.fields    = fields.list$sel.fields
    ref.fields    = fields.list$ref.fields
    sel.fields    = rbind(sel.fields,sel.fields)[1:(length(sel.fields)*2)]
    sorted.fields = sel.fields
    ref.sample    = "NA"
    # If the reference panel was specified, then we put those haplotypes into their own matrix.
    if (!is.na(ref.fields[1])) {
        # In case the reference panel columns are the same as the carrier panel.
        if (length(which(fields.list$sel.fields%in%ref.fields==TRUE))==length(ref.fields)) {
           ref.cols = which(sorted.fields%in%sel.fields)
           ref.sample    = whole.sample[ref.cols,]
        # Otherwise we put them in ref.sample.
        } else {
           ref.fields    = rbind(ref.fields,ref.fields)[1:(length(ref.fields)*2)]
           sorted.fields = sort(c(sel.fields,ref.fields))
           ref.cols      = which(sorted.fields%in%ref.fields)
           ref.sample    = whole.sample[ref.cols,]
    # Now we put the carrier panel into its own matrix.
    sel.cols      = which(sorted.fields%in%sel.fields)
    sel.sample    = whole.sample[sel.cols,]
    # Here we figure out which individuals have the selected allele in the carrier panel.
    if (nsel=="NA") {
        # If the sample size for the selected panel wasn't specified.
        sel.haps = which(sel.sample[,sel.site]==sel.allele)
        sample   = sel.sample[sel.haps,]
    if (nsel!="NA") {
        # If the sample size for the selected panel was specified, then we randomly select that many.
        sel.haps = which(sel.sample[,sel.site]==sel.allele)
        if (length(sel.haps)>=nsel) {
            sample = sel.sample[sample(sel.haps,nsel),]
        # In case there are fewer haplotypes than specified by nsel.
        if (length(sel.haps)<nsel) {
            sample = sel.sample[sel.haps,]
    # Same deal as above, but for the reference panel.
    if (ref.sample[1]=="NA") {
        if (nanc=="NA") {
            ancestral.haps = which(sel.sample[,sel.site]==abs(sel.allele-1))
            cont.sample    = sel.sample[ancestral.haps,]
        if (nanc!="NA") {
            ancestral.haps = which(sel.sample[,sel.site]==abs(sel.allele-1))
            if (length(ancestral.haps)>=nanc) {
                cont.sample = sel.sample[c(1:nanc),]
            if (length(ancestral.haps)<nanc) {
                cont.sample = sel.sample[ancestral.haps,]
    if (ref.sample[1]!="NA") {
        if (nanc=="NA") {
            ancestral.haps = which(ref.sample[,sel.site]==abs(sel.allele-1))
            cont.sample    = ref.sample[ancestral.haps,]
        if (nanc!="NA") {
            ancestral.haps = which(ref.sample[,sel.site]==abs(sel.allele-1))
            if (length(ancestral.haps)>=nanc) {
                cont.sample = ref.sample[sample(ancestral.haps,nanc),]
            if (length(ancestral.haps)<nanc) {
                cont.sample = ref.sample[ancestral.haps,]
    # Checks to make sure there are individuals in the reference panel without the selected allele.
    if (length(ancestral.haps)==0) {
        print("There are no individuals for the reference panel in this VCF.")
    # Now we divide the data up into halves. The model runs from left to right starting
    # from the selected site, so we have to flip the left side around.
    if (is.vector(cont.sample)) {
        print("You need a minimum of 2 haplotypes in the reference panel")
    if (!is.vector(cont.sample)) { 
        left.cont    = cont.sample[,sel.site:1]
        right.cont   = cont.sample[,sel.site:ncol(cont.sample)] 
    left.sample  = sample[,sel.site:1]  
    right.sample = sample[,sel.site:ncol(sample)]
    left.pos     = abs(positions[sel.site:1]-positions[sel.site])+1  
    right.pos    = (positions[sel.site:ncol(sample)]-positions[sel.site])+1
    # The bedfile can tell us which (if any) positions were not actually sequenced in the vcf.
    # We need to know this because invariant sites may instead just be unobserved (or unsequenced) sites.
    if (typeof(bed.file)=="character") {
        bed.list = bed.file.func(params$bed.file,psel,left.pos,right.pos)
    if (typeof(bed.file)!="character") {
        left.gaps = NULL
        right.gaps = NULL
        bed.list = list("left.gaps"=left.gaps,"right.gaps"=right.gaps)
    # this list gets passed to the next function(s).
    prep.list = list("left.sample"   = left.sample,  "right.sample"  = right.sample,
                     "left.cont"     = left.cont,    "right.cont"    = right.cont,
                     "left.pos"      = left.pos,     "right.pos"     = right.pos,
                     "sample"        = sample,       "cont.sample"   = cont.sample,
                     "all.positions" = all.positions,"positions"     = positions,
                     "sel.site"      = sel.site,     "mut.rate"      = mut.rate,
                     "chr"           = chr,          "chain.length"  = chain.length,
                     "bed.list"      = bed.list,     "upper.t.limit" = params$upper.t.limit)

# This function uses a bed file to correct for any gaps that may be in the sequence data.
bed.file.func = function(bed.file,psel,left.pos,right.pos) {
    new.bed.file = no.list.func(read.table(bed.file),"num")
    chroms = length(unique(new.bed.file[,1]))
    if (chroms!=1) {
       print("The bed file has too many chromosomes")
    print("Bed file is specified.")
    segs = new.bed.file[-1,2]-new.bed.file[-nrow(new.bed.file),3]
    seg.gaps.b = c(0,which(segs!=1))
    seg.gaps.a = seg.gaps.b+1
    seg.gaps.b = c(seg.gaps.b[-1],(length(segs)+1))
    compressed.bed = matrix(nrow=length(seg.gaps.a),ncol=2)
    for (i in 1:length(seg.gaps.a)) {
        compressed.bed[i,] = c(new.bed.file[seg.gaps.a[i],2],new.bed.file[seg.gaps.b[i],3])
    left.segs  = compressed.bed[which(compressed.bed[,1]<psel),]
    left.segs = cbind(rev(psel-left.segs[,2]),rev(psel-left.segs[,1]))
    right.segs = compressed.bed[which(compressed.bed[,2]>psel),]
    right.segs = cbind(right.segs[,1]-psel,right.segs[,2]-psel)
    left.segs[1,1] = 1
    right.segs[1,1] = 1
    left.gaps = cbind(left.segs[-nrow(left.segs),2]+1,left.segs[-1,1]-1)
    right.gaps = cbind(right.segs[-nrow(right.segs),2]+1,right.segs[-1,1]-1)
    bed.list = list("left.gaps"=left.gaps,"right.gaps"=right.gaps)

# This initializes the ancestral haplotype using an algorithm described in the Appendix of the paper.
anc.func = function(prep.list) {
    print("Estimating the ancestral haplotype.")
    # The left and right sides of the selected allele are done seperately.
    for (k in 1:2) {
        # Defines some relevant objects.
        sample               = prep.list[[k]]
        cont.sample          = prep.list[[2+k]]
        anc.table            = sample
        pos                  = prep.list[[4+k]]
        anc.zeros            = which(anc.table==0)
        anc.table[anc.zeros] = 1
        hap.init             = rep(2,ncol(anc.table))
        sample.freqs         = as.numeric(apply(sample,2,function(x) sum(x)/length(x)))
        cont.sample.freqs    = as.numeric(apply(cont.sample,2,function(x) sum(x)/length(x)))
        half.freq.sites      = which(sample.freqs==0.5)
        singletons           = which(sample.freqs==(1/nrow(sample)))
        removed.sites        = c(half.freq.sites,singletons)
        # Removes singletons and sites with frequency 0.5.
        if (length(removed.sites)!=0) {
            temp.sample          = sample[,-removed.sites]
            temp.freqs           = sample.freqs[-removed.sites]
            temp.cont.freqs      = cont.sample.freqs[-removed.sites]
            temp.anc.table       = anc.table[,-removed.sites]
            temp.hap.init        = hap.init[-removed.sites]
            temp.pos             = pos[-removed.sites]
        if (length(removed.sites)==0) {
            temp.sample          = sample
            temp.freqs           = sample.freqs
            temp.cont.freqs      = cont.sample.freqs
            temp.anc.table       = anc.table
            temp.hap.init        = hap.init
            temp.pos             = pos
        # identifies the major and minor allele.
        for (i in 2:ncol(temp.sample)) {
            major.allele = round(mean(temp.sample[which(temp.anc.table[,(i-1)]==1),i]))
            minor.allele = abs(1-major.allele)
            if (length(which(temp.sample[,i]==minor.allele))==0) {
            if (length(which(temp.sample[,i]==minor.allele))!=0) {
               minor.inds = which(temp.sample[,i]==minor.allele)
               temp.anc.table[minor.inds,c(i:ncol(temp.sample))] = 0
        order.anc.table     = rbind(temp.pos,temp.anc.table)
        # Adds the removed sites back in from before
        if (length(removed.sites)!=0) {
            if (length(removed.sites)==1) {
                add.anc.table.sites = c(pos[removed.sites],anc.table[,removed.sites])
                order.anc.table = cbind(order.anc.table,add.anc.table.sites)
            if (length(removed.sites)!=1) {
                add.anc.table.sites = rbind(pos[removed.sites],anc.table[,removed.sites])
                order.anc.table = cbind(order.anc.table,add.anc.table.sites)
            new.anc.table = order.anc.table[-1,order(order.anc.table[1,])]
        if (length(removed.sites)==0) {
            add.anc.table.sites = rbind(pos,anc.table)
            order.anc.table     = cbind(order.anc.table,add.anc.table.sites)
            new.anc.table       = order.anc.table[-1,order(order.anc.table[1,])]
        # identifies the first "non-ancestral" site in each chromosome.     
        for (j in 1:nrow(new.anc.table)) {
            if (length(which(new.anc.table[j,]==0))==0) {
            if (min(which(new.anc.table[j,]==0))>ncol(anc.table)) {
            else {
               anc.table[j,min(which(new.anc.table[j,]==0)):ncol(anc.table)] = 0
        # Uses the major allele among "ancestral" sites to define the ancestral haplotype.
        for (i in 1:ncol(sample)) {
            if (length(which(anc.table[,i]==1))!=0) {
              hap.init[i] = round(mean(sample[which(anc.table[,i]==1),i]))
            } else {
               hap.init[i] = rbinom(1,1,sample.freqs[i])
        # Re-formats for the output.
        if (k==1) {
           left.hap.init  = rev(hap.init)
           left.anc.table = apply(anc.table,1,rev)
        if (k==2) {
           full.hap.init  = c(left.hap.init,hap.init[-1])
           full.anc.table = cbind(t(left.anc.table),anc.table[,-1])
    anc.list = list("full.hap.init"=full.hap.init,"full.anc.table"=full.anc.table)

# Takes a recombination map and calculates recombination rates between each SNP in the VCF.
rec.func = function(params,prep.list) {
    print("Getting the recombination map.")
    # Defines a few objects.
    recmap.file = params$rec.file
    r           = params$rec.rate
    chrom       = prep.list$chr
    positions   = prep.list$positions
    # If no recombination map file is specified, it uses a uniform recombination rate defined by rec.rate.
    if (!is.character(recmap.file)) {
	    windows      = cbind(positions[-length(positions)],positions[-1])
        r.vec        = rep(r,nrow(windows))
    if (is.character(recmap.file)) {
        # Defines the new recombination intervals from the VCF positions.
        rec.map         = no.list.func(read.table(recmap.file),"num")
        recmap.chr      = rec.map[which(rec.map[,1]==as.numeric(chrom)),]
        recmap.windows  = cbind((recmap.chr[-nrow(recmap.chr),2]),(recmap.chr[-1,2]))
	    windows         = cbind(positions[-length(positions)],positions[-1])
        new.recs        = rep(0,nrow(windows))
	    window.size     = recmap.windows[,2]-recmap.windows[,1]
	    pb              = txtProgressBar(1,nrow(windows),1,style=3)
	    # Gets the recombination rate for each SNP window.
	    for (j in 1:nrow(windows)) {
	        left.side  = max(which(recmap.windows[,1]<=windows[j,1]))
	        if (length(which(recmap.windows[,2]>=windows[j,2]))==0) {
	            print("The recombination map is shorter than the VCF.")
	        } else {
	            right.side = min(which(recmap.windows[,2]>=windows[j,2]))
	            if (left.side==right.side) {
	                new.recs[j] = recmap.chr[left.side,3]
	            if (right.side==left.side+1) {
	                left.fraction  = (recmap.windows[left.side,2]-windows[j,1])/as.numeric(window.size[left.side])
		            right.fraction = 1-((recmap.windows[right.side,2]-windows[j,2])/as.numeric(window.size[right.side]))
		            left.recs      = left.fraction*recmap.chr[left.side,3]
		            right.recs     = right.fraction*recmap.chr[right.side,3]
		            new.recs[j]    = left.recs+right.recs
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
	    r.vec = new.recs

# This does some reorganizing. Gets things ready for the MCMC.
one.list.func = function(prep.list,anc.list,r.vec) {
    sample       = prep.list$sample
    cont.sample  = prep.list$cont.sample
    sel.site     = prep.list$sel.site
    chain.length = prep.list$chain.length
    full.anc     = anc.list[[1]]
    full.haps    = anc.list[[2]]
    mut.rate     = prep.list$mut.rate
    r            = mean(r.vec)
    left.r       = r.vec[sel.site:1]
    right.r      = r.vec[sel.site:(ncol(cont.sample))]
    t.chain      = c(0,0,0,0)
    anchap.post  = 0
    mcmc.list    = list("left.sample"  = prep.list[[1]], "right.sample" = prep.list[[2]],
                       "left.cont"     = prep.list[[3]], "right.cont"   = prep.list[[4]],
                       "left.pos"      = prep.list[[5]], "right.pos"    = prep.list[[6]],
                       "full.anc"      = full.anc,       "full.haps"    = full.haps,
                       "sample"        = prep.list[[7]], "cont.sample"  = prep.list[[8]],
                       "all.positions" = prep.list[[9]], "positions"    = prep.list[[10]],
                       "left.r"        = left.r,         "right.r"      = right.r,
                       "t.chain"       = t.chain,        "anchap.post"  = anchap.post,
                       "sel.site"      = sel.site,        "mu"           = mut.rate,
                       "r"             = r,               "bed.list"     = prep.list$bed.list,
                       "tmrca"         = prep.list$tmrca, "chain.length" = chain.length,
                       "upper.t.limit" = prep.list$upper.t.limit)

# Computes the transition probabilities.
transition.probs.func = function(mcmc.list,t) {
    left.sample      = mcmc.list$left.sample
    left.pos         = mcmc.list$left.pos
    left.r           = mcmc.list$left.r
    left.lambda      = left.r*t
    right.sample     = mcmc.list$right.sample
    right.pos        = mcmc.list$right.pos
    right.r          = mcmc.list$right.r
    r.len            = length(right.r)
    right.r[r.len]   = right.r[(r.len-1)]
    right.lambda     = right.r*t
    temp.left.pos    = left.pos
    zl.on            = -left.lambda*(temp.left.pos)
    zl.on[1]         = 0
    zl.off           = log((1-exp(-left.lambda[-1]*(diff(temp.left.pos)))))
    # If there are any zeros in the recombination map, this changes them to the lowest non-zero value.
    if (length(which(zl.off==-Inf))!=0) {
        if (length(which(zl.off==-Inf))!=length(zl.off)) {
            min.value =  min(zl.off[which(zl.off!=-Inf)])-5
            zl.off[which(zl.off==-Inf)] = min.value
    zl               = zl.on+c(zl.off,0)
    temp.right.pos   = right.pos
    zr.on            = -right.lambda*(temp.right.pos)
    zr.on[1]         = 0
    zr.off           = log((1-exp(-right.lambda[-1]*(diff(temp.right.pos)))))
    # Same as above, but for the right side.
    if (length(which(zr.off==-Inf))!=0) {
        if (length(which(zr.off==-Inf))!=length(zr.off)) {
            min.value = min(zr.off[which(zr.off!=-Inf)])-5
            zr.off[which(zr.off==-Inf)] = min.value
    zr = zr.on+c(zr.off,0)
    if (length(which(zl==-Inf))!=0) {
        zl[which(zl==-Inf)] = min(zr)
    if (length(which(zr==-Inf))!=0) {
        zr[which(zr==-Inf)] = min(zl)
    if (length(which(c(zr,zl)==-Inf))!=0) {
        print("The recombination map has zeros - transition probabilities can't be calculated.")
    transition.probs = list("zl"=zl,"zr"=zr)

# Computes the emission probabilities.
emission.probs.func = function(mcmc.list,transition.probs,t.m) {
	mu = mcmc.list$mu
    r  = mcmc.list$r
    Ne = 10000
    const.mult = mcmc.list$const.mult
    bed.list = mcmc.list$bed.list
    sel.site = mcmc.list$sel.site
    # Does each side seperately.
	for (k in 1:2) {
		if (k==1) {
			sample      = mcmc.list$left.sample
			cont.sample = mcmc.list$left.cont
			anc         = mcmc.list$full.anc[sel.site:1]
			pos         = mcmc.list$left.pos
			prior       = transition.probs[[1]]
			gaps        = bed.list$left.gaps
		if (k==2) {
			sample      = mcmc.list$right.sample
			cont.sample = mcmc.list$right.cont
			anc         = mcmc.list$full.anc[sel.site:length(mcmc.list$full.anc)]
			pos         = mcmc.list$right.pos
			prior       = transition.probs[[2]]
			gaps        = bed.list$right.gaps
		hapcounts    = rep(1,nrow(cont.sample))
		prob.matrix  = matrix(nrow=nrow(sample),ncol=(ncol(sample)))
		mismatch.vec = 0
		mismatches   = 0
		# If a bed file was specified, this figures out how many sites to call "invariant".
		if (length(gaps)!=0) {
		    if (length(which(gaps[,1]>pos[length(pos)]))!=0) {
		        gaps = gaps[-which(gaps[,1]>pos[length(pos)]),]		    
            if (length(which(gaps[,1]>pos[length(pos)]))==0) {
                gaps = gaps
	        inv.sites = diff(pos)-1
	        gap.index = c(1:nrow(gaps))
	        new.inv.sites = inv.sites
		    for (i in 1:nrow(gaps)) {  
		        if (length(which(pos>gaps[i,2]))!=0) {
	                new.inv.sites[min(which(pos>gaps[i,2]))-1] = inv.sites[min(which(pos>gaps[i,2]))-1] - length(c(gaps[i,1]:gaps[i,2]))
		        if (length(which(pos>gaps[i,2]))==0) {
	        invariant.matches = c(0,cumsum(new.inv.sites))
	    if (length(gaps)==0) {
	        inv.sites = diff(pos)-1
	        invariant.matches = c(0,cumsum(inv.sites))
	    # For each chromosome in the sample.
		for (i in 1:nrow(sample)) {
			ind                     = sample[i,]
			# Finds differences from the ancestral haplotype.
			differences             = ind-anc
			# Finds matches.
			variant.matches         = c(cumsum(differences==0))
			cumulative.matches      = c(variant.matches+invariant.matches)
			cumulative.mismatches   = cumsum(differences!=0)
			# Uses C code to perform the forwards algorithm on the reference panel.
            a.vec                   = rev(c(ind))
			H.M                     = cont.sample
			for (w in 1:nrow(cont.sample)) {
				H.M[w,] = rev(H.M[w,])
			rho                     = 4*r*Ne
			Lambda.vec              <- rep(1,length(a.vec)-1)
			seqpos.vec              <- pos[length(pos)]-rev(c(pos,pos[length(pos)]))
			seqpos.vec              = seqpos.vec[-1]
			seqpos.vec[1]           = 1
			dummy.prob              <- -9.0
			copiedh.vec             = rep(0,length(a.vec))
			dummy.prob.vec          = rep(0,length(a.vec))
			result                  <- cprobback.func(a.vec, H.M, hapcounts, rho, Lambda.vec, seqpos.vec, dummy.prob, dummy.prob.vec, copiedh.vec, 1222)
			pihat.vec               = rev(result$pihat.vec)
			alpha.matches           = -t.m*mu*cumulative.matches
			alpha.mismatches        = log(1-exp(-t.m*mu))*cumulative.mismatches
			zeros                   = cumulative.mismatches==0
			alpha.mismatches[zeros] = 0
			alpha                   = alpha.matches+alpha.mismatches
			alpha[1]                = 0
			beta                    = pihat.vec
			beta[length(beta)]      = 0
			posterior               = alpha+beta+prior
			prob.matrix[i,]         = posterior
		if (k==1) {
		    l.prob.table  = prob.matrix;
		    l.prob.matrix = prob.matrix;
		    l.prob.vec    = c(1:nrow(prob.matrix))
		if (k==2) {
		    r.prob.table  = prob.matrix;
		    r.prob.matrix = prob.matrix;
		    r.prob.vec    = c(1:nrow(prob.matrix))
	# This takes the product of likelihoods across individuals.
	for (i in 1:nrow(l.prob.table)) {
	    a = max(l.prob.table[i,])
		l.prob.matrix[i,] = exp(l.prob.table[i,] - a)
		l.prob.vec[i] = a + log(sum(l.prob.matrix[i,]))
        a = max(r.prob.table[i,])
		r.prob.matrix[i,] = exp(r.prob.table[i,] - a)
	    r.prob.vec[i] = a + log(sum(r.prob.matrix[i,]))
    ind.prod.l     = sum(l.prob.vec)
    ind.prod.r     = sum(r.prob.vec)
	prob.total     = ind.prod.l+ind.prod.r
	emission.probs = list("l.prob.table" = l.prob.table,
	                      "r.prob.table" = r.prob.table,
	                      "prob.total"   = prob.total)

# Computes the first iteration of the MCMC
mcmc.init.func = function(mcmc.list) {
    print("Initializing the MCMC.")
	hap.init         = mcmc.list$full.anc
	chain.length     = mcmc.list$chain.length
    t.b              = runif(1,100,mcmc.list$upper.t.limit)
	transition.probs = transition.probs.func(mcmc.list,t.b)
	emission.probs.b = emission.probs.func(mcmc.list,transition.probs,t.b)[[3]]
	t.chain          = matrix(nrow=(chain.length+1),ncol=4)
	t.chain[1,]      = c(t.b, emission.probs.b,0,0)
	mcmc.list$t.chain  = t.chain

startchain.func = function(mcmc.list,params) {
    print("Starting the MCMC.")
    chain.length    = params$chain.length
    nanc.post       = params$nanc.post
    proposal.sd     = params$proposal.sd
    t.chain         = mcmc.list$t.chain
    last.prop       = max(which(!is.na(t.chain[,1])))
	q.vec           = rep(0,(chain.length+1))
	evens           = seq(2,(chain.length+1),2)
	q.vec[evens]    = 1
	q.index         = 1
	anchap.post     = matrix(nrow=nanc.post,ncol=length(mcmc.list$full.anc))
	anchap.post[1,] = mcmc.list$full.anc
	anchap.index    = 1
	pb              = txtProgressBar(last.prop+1,chain.length+1,last.prop+1,style=3)
	for (y in (last.prop+1):(chain.length+1)) {
	    t.b              = t.chain[(y-1),1]
	    A.b              = mcmc.list$full.anc
	    emission.probs.b = t.chain[y-1,2]
	    A.a              = A.b
	    # propose new t
        if (q.vec[q.index]==0) {
            t.a = 0
            while(t.a<=0) {
                  t.a = t.b+rnorm(1,0,proposal.sd)
        # propose site to switch
        if (q.vec[q.index]==1) {
           site.to.flip       = sample(length(A.b),1)
		   A.a[site.to.flip]  = abs(A.a[site.to.flip]-1)
	       mcmc.list$full.anc = A.a
	       t.a                = t.b
	    # compute acceptance ratio
		transition.probs = transition.probs.func(mcmc.list,t.a)
		emission.probs.a = emission.probs.func(mcmc.list,transition.probs,t.a)[[3]]
		acceptance.ratio = emission.probs.a - emission.probs.b
		# accept the proposal
		if (acceptance.ratio>=0) {
		   t.b                = t.a
	       A.b                = A.a
           emission.probs.b   = emission.probs.a
           t.chain[y,]        = c(t.b,emission.probs.b,acceptance.ratio,1)
	       mcmc.list$full.anc = A.b
	    # reject the proposal
	    if (acceptance.ratio<0) {
		   accept = rbinom(1,1,exp(acceptance.ratio))
		   if (accept==1) {
		      t.b                = t.a
		      A.b                = A.a
		      emission.probs.b   = emission.probs.a
              t.chain[y,]        = c(t.b,emission.probs.b,acceptance.ratio,1)
	          mcmc.list$full.anc = A.b
	       } else {
              t.chain[y,]        = c(t.b,emission.probs.b,acceptance.ratio,0)
	          mcmc.list$full.anc = A.b
		if (y%in%c(((chain.length-nanc.post)+1):chain.length)) {
		    anchap.post[anchap.index,] = A.b
		    anchap.index               = anchap.index+1
	    q.index = q.index+1
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, y)
    mcmc.output    = list("t.chain"= t.chain,"anchap.post"=anchap.post)

# This switches data from a list into a matrix.
no.list.func = function(data,char.or.num) {
	new.matrix = matrix(nrow=nrow(data),ncol=ncol(data))
	if (char.or.num=="num") {
	    for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
		    new.matrix[,i] = as.numeric(paste(unlist(data[,i])))
	if (char.or.num=="char") {
		for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
		    new.matrix[,i] = as.character(paste(unlist(data[,i])))
jhavsmith/startmrca documentation built on Dec. 14, 2021, 3:24 a.m.